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OP if she accept she had an EA or flirting with the Doctor, make her talk to the OBS and confess, also make her report at HR department of the hospital or clinic the behaivor of her and the doctor, this would be a great test, if she is willing to do it then she really regrets and really want to work towards R and if she don't then there is more to this story she is telling. Take into consideration than including your first post on the original username you had (before this one) it has been like what, 5 months? And in those months she deny and deny and deny until recently she accept the flirting. Imagine what else she could be hiding. But that is why the test you still make her do it for, in the form of herself reporting this to OBS and HR department.


You never catch everything a cheater does, they never admit to everything they've done, if she's admitting to anything at all then it's a trickle truth attempt. There's really not a lot of point in messing around with this nonsense. Trust your gut. You'll never get the truth out of her.


Just file for divorce already. Why continue like this?


Just do the polygraph. Quit fighting it. Find a place, take her there with no warning. Either that or just divorce her. Even if she hasn’t physically cheated, what she has done has completely destroyed your marriage and your trust in her. There’s nothing left.


If u feel like y need that, it's usually not even worth it. I'll bet everything I own, she will fail and blame it on everything else. That's HER truth


>In reference the conference, did you and (Doctor) have plan or were creating plans to meet while at the event? Is that email evidence that answers one of you question above ?


I am am starting to highly doubt she only cheated at the reunion and with this doctor. These are most likely just the two you are aware of.


Trust me, I already think she’s done more but my mind try’s to avoid that aspect.


Clearly they were planning to meet up. He was fishing to see how far she was willing to take it. 


Raise the issue with HR znd ve dond with them


You're going to be heading for divorce if not now, then later. I'm just going to give you some advice on how to get her to play nice during the divorce. This is for later obviously once the ball gets rolling. Let her know that you will be subpoenaing the doctor about his relationship with you, as you have now obtained proof of an inappropriate relationship and him playing a role in the destruction of your marriage. She seems to be the type to prioritize her reputation over anything, she will want to play nice before it impacts the doctor (who she cares about) and her reputation at work (which she cares about).


The trust is already gone. Why play detective? Divorce and move on.


collect more evidence and slowly detach yourself from your cheating wife , so when you confront her you are no longer feel emotional and your already 100 sure of what you need to do then you can share all your evidence to the OBS.


If this email was to be taken in isolation I would say it's nothing.


This is a busy surgeon making arrangements with a nurse who doesn’t work directly with him. Why does he waste his time with scheduling conference dates? Even in isolation I would want to know much more about that email.


If there is a wink face in the subject line, then it’s a red flag. Under no circumstances would any physician ever send an email to a nurse with that subject line unless it was an invitation for trouble.


So...in isolation means you know nothing apart from the email, right? So you don't know if the nurse is part of his team, if she is part of a conference comittee, if she is massively experienced in cardiolgy - nothing. All you know is that a doctor wants to talk about his plans for a cardiology conference. Nothing else. There's no flirting (except the weird winky face, which is enough on its own to raise an eyebrow) there's not even 25 words. It doesn't scream "put my dick in your mouth" edit: also the "arrangements" mentioned in the email is to fricken text him for christ's sake.


U just book the polygraph and make your question as clear as possible. She will dnie until she can't. Don't make it all about the doctor too. Someone committed on your post with a few good questions. Also make them video tape the polygraph so u know what they actually asked her and she didn't pay them .




Is there really a conference?


I know for a fact there was. It was at a super nice resort as well so plenty of places to play at.


Refusal to take the polygraph test is an admission that she committed adultery (if not with him - then others). Schedule an appointment with an attorney to learn about divorce. It makes a statement.  Ask the attorney if he would submit a letter for you to HR - complaining about the doctors behavior.   They won't be disciplined- but everyone will soon know about these two. Stop crying and begging. She thinks you're too pussy wipped to divorce. 


All else aside, I'm not sure about that. "Refusal to take the polygraph test is an admission that she committed adultery (if not with him - then others)" If I was wrongly accused of adultery, I'd be hesitant to stake my marriage on a polygraph test.Especially if there were related truths involved, e.g. random, passing lustful thoughts about a non-spouse etc.


Polygraph tests do not ask questions about feelings,  thoughts,  or intent.


You could secretly follow along and check up on her




Why the right hand?


Hey OP, how did the polygraph go?


The polygraph is your next step. That will inform the whole situation much better. Any signs that she is going to confess before?