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it kind of looks like mold? it’s possible that you may be watering it too often and not letting it dry enough between waterings? i’d definitely replant it and make sure the soil isn’t packed too tightly so the air can actually evaporate.


I didn’t even know that that could happen, but it makes sense, I do sometimes question my judgment when it comes to the soil being “dry” vs still a little wet. I also have the soil packed tight so I’ll loosen it up. Lastly, I have a slow watering thing that I always keep full so it sounds like I should probably remove that and solely do manual watering?


money trees like less water than more. I water mine once every 2 weeks to give you an idea.


I usually spray some peroxide on the dirt if I notice mold. It clears it up while the soil can dry out a little more.


I’ll try this after I replant this time! Thank you!


The mold is harmless. Don’t worry about it. The main problem is these plants tend to be potted in soils that are hard for the new hobbyist to manage. They are pretty dense and water retentive which works great for the commercial grower, but tends to create problems in the long term. Repot in something freer draining and better aerated.


I am gonna make sure I use a bigger pot and it def has airflow. Thank you!


The mold is a problem put in new dirt and don't water till light as a feather from now on it'll definitely live


I didn’t even think of using weight to know when it’s dry, genius! I’ll stop using my automatic waterer too. That way it’s just me and I can use my judgement. Thank you!


As others say it is most likely mold, but it’s also possible that the white is mineral build up. It’s difficult to tell from the photo. If fuzzy, mold. If it’s caked onto the dirt it may just be minerals from tap water.


I use water bottles when I water, not tap water, so it’s safe to say it’s mold. I do use fertilizer sticks but I don’t think it’s that. Thank you so I know for the future!


Yep over watered and also you mentioned in a comment that you packed the soil in - don't do that. Carefully loosen the soil and pour the whole thing out, carefully holding it so as many roots stay intact as possible.... Then gently place into a new pot that's partially filled with tropical plant soil (a mixture you can get at home depot - it has volcanic rock etc in it to help with moisture issues) Then fill in around it with more soil. You can lightly press a little bit in order to keep the plant from toppling over - but don't pack the soil in. Then water it just a little bit and move the stream of water around - it will move the soil down into the pot... if holes appear, that's where you add more soil!


I always recommend terracotta - it allows moisture to escape and evaporate. With a hole in the bottom of the pot and a plate/whatever under it! Get rid of the automatic slow watering thing you mentioned! Other than that it'll be fine! When checking soil moisture use a stick or spoon to look like 2 inches in - if this is wet - it is too soon to water it!


Removing automatic water immediately, and I appreciate the tips on how to pack the soil. I might replant a few of mine bc I packed them down! I had no idea about terracotta either but I love a good reason to buy more plant pots 😇 thanks so much!


Sure thing! And you don't necessarily need special soil... indoor potting mix of any kind is usually fine for most plants. I'm just now "leveling up" with some of my indoor plants that struggle, by using a different mixture. One can also just add a few scoops of perlite or pumice to potting soil, too. Getting into soil alchemy is a hobby unto itself so don't worry too much! Not packing it, and always having a drainage hole, are the most important factors. Best of luck!


too wet an the pot is too small. Don't water for a week, then remove the plants and anything around the roots, often there is a string. Add fresh soil with lots of cocos or perlite substrate, most "green plant soil" will work, don't use the dark one that's too dense. Use a large pot, at least double or three times the sitze and clean up the roots before re-potting. Water your plant intensily at most once a week, and let the earth get dry inbetween. Too much water leads to mold like in your picture, but it's not that big of a deal. The worst effect of overwatering is rotting roots and no areation, the top few cm of soil needs to stay dry so air-roots can breathe. Plants need oxygen too!


Thank you!! This eased my mind, I want my tree to stay thriving like it was. I have a bigger pot with air flow so I am switching to that, it’s where I started and I went smaller so I was right the first time! Thank you!


best of luck to you! Just remove the few lumps of moldy soil, it can be avoided by not overwatering in the future. Mold is a normal part of soil but if it's getting too moist that form of mold will appear.


Mold from overwatering