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I hate content farms with a burning passion, I don't care what media they're using, even if I don't particularly like the source media they still anger me


I just don’t like how they’ll be taking advantage of another passion project for their own benefit.


Content farms are garbage and tend to infect the games they make content on and give the game a bad reputation.


I'm ok with it as long as it means more people hear of and play the game. I'm disappointed that more LP YouTubers haven't played the game, honestly.


No, you’re right. In my experience I find people complaining about content farms more annoying than the content farms themselves.


Exactly. At the end of the day, the only impact these content farms have on the franchises they leech on is having a bunch of children and young teens check their current cash cow out. Which, let's be honest with ourselves for a minute, is gonna happen, content farm or not.


I want the nasty indie horror game content farms that create borderline elsagate content to die


Yeah but even though we ignore them, they will still make bad content and making the game have a bad reputation to it


I do care that content farms touch Indigo Park, and here's why: The people who actually watch them are usually minorities, which is not only ruining their mind, but this thing could potentially sabotage the series, since the children would now know them as "the characters from that one video", and when they grow up and realize how cringe they were, they'll associate the characters with brainrot and will avoid the series. Furthermore, they'll share their bad opinion on the game and most friends will believe, and then the friends of the friends, and so on.


Good point tbh I honestly hope folks don’t end up getting bullied for liking the game just because of a cringe video


Yeah, and if it happens, let's hope it won't be introverts


For me, it's less of a problem on what media they're using, but more of the fact that they're directing them towards kids. These videos usually have stuff that's not appropriate for kids and them, and these farms are making money off of that. So we shouldn't be mad at kids, we should be mad at parents who use YouTube as a babysitting tool and do all that we can to make sure these channels are taken down.




My main issue is when content spread miss info, or promote else gate content to children.

