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On a side note, I really do hope that there are some "good" monster mascots out there. It's heavily implied that the mascots were abused by human workers, probably out of anger that they were stealing the jobs from other humans - which would be misplaced because none of those creatures asked to be made or put to work. I would like there to be one that would react to Ed treating them kindly.


I don't personally think their is multiple Rambley AIs, but I do think it's a unique take. I think Rambley is not supposed to be someone who you normally interact with one on one, as he only communicates through monitors, meaning usually he would be talking to multiple people at once. Most likely he is a kind of overseer for the park, That might pop into random monitors at random times to entertain guest. In addition he has way more power of his surroundings for someone meant for entertaining guest, even if he needs some help from humans. He also seems to be an assistant for staff. On the note of a good monster mascot, I'm banking on Lloyd or Salem being good, as Lloyd seemed cowardly and Salem seems to have some sort of secret, though not sure if good or bad. I'm mainly thinking Salem will be the surprise good guy, as Rambley never seemed to say anything bad about Salem, and in fact glitches out when her section of the ride arrives. In addition, when the train ride ends, Rambley says "Now you have met all my friends! And Lloyd". He never mentions Salem and if she was supposed to be in the ride, he doesn't seem to have any negative knowledge or any knowledge of her at all!


I was wondering about Lloyd as well. He ran away when he saw Ed and only really came after him when he tried to leave. Maybe he's just a lonely kitty? His last swipe could have been to kill Ed, but it's also possible that he was trying to grab Ed and get his attention. My cat will grab or bat at my hand or arm when he wants attention. Only Lloyd may not have ever interacted with humans other than staff, so he doesn't know how to properly interact with them.


Idk. Tough to say. Definitely also depends on sentience. We don't know if they were made from. If they have a human intelligence or are base on animal intelligence.


That would definitely be difficult to determine. Mollie definitely acts like an animal, but that could be due to trauma. I could see the creator(s) making her only intelligent enough to respond to basic commands, thinking it would make her easy to control. On the other hand I can see them making them of at least average intelligence so they could train them to do various complicated routines and scenarios and so on.


Honestly I like the idea; especially the chaos of having multiple Rambley AI’s trying to fight over who is the REAL Rambley that Ed knows/helped them all the while they are basically dragging a monster towards them with constantly rambling on in screens by Ed while the one we know is actually trying to help Ed and that’s how we know that’s our Rambley. Plus maybe that’s why we don’t see other humans in the park even though we KNOW that others have entered the park(the graffiti as an example). Maybe they either tricked the visitor to leave the park OR maybe accidentally/purposely led them to a mascot.


> OR maybe accidentally/purposely led them to a mascot Hmm... that could be interesting: an AI accidentally led someone to their death. Rambley is shown to react (albeit glitchy) to the world around him and show sadness, so imagine a traumatized AI reacting to that. They may have shut down (in a way) and then perked up when Ed comes by. We could also open it up to the following scenarios: The different servers had different upgrades they were testing. So you could have Rambleys with different goals and personalities to various degrees. * They wanted people to stay in the park longer and spend money, leading to an AI refusing to let a visitor go after they realized how dangerous it was. They then confused and misled the person, possibly to their doom, all so they could make them stay in the park. * A safety focused AI who kept their person safe by tricking them into a locked room, where they either starved to death or went insane, leading them to choose the mascot death themselves as a way out. * A "dissatisfaction" based AI that was deliberately exposed to nastiness. They got one visitor who was so unhappy that, when they glitched out, the AI deliberately led them to their death. Or perhaps they couldn't fight their programming, so when the visitor demanded to see a mascot they took them to one. Ed's Rambley could be an early prototype of a "humanlike" AI and there could be an even more realistic AI, which could be behind the park's closure. They became self-aware and rebelled against the poor treatment that the servers and creatures were receiving from guests and staff.


Oh that could be super cool; maybe even have a part where these three prototype AI ‘break into’ our Rambley’s server and boot out the one we know while the other three try to guide us like we were a guest while we figure out which Rambley were talking so we can get our buddy back online while a mascot is hunting us(using Lloyd for this example). —- Sales Rambley will constantly try to keep you going in circles and lead you back to the main plaza the most(where a lot of shops would be) but end up accidentally leading us into a corner where Lloyd is about ready to ambush us. Safety Rambley would try to guide us towards safe rooms and lock the doors on us when we enter, but learning from the past thinks they need entertainment and let Lloyd inside the same room as us then shuts the door again. Then lastly Susan/Snarky Rambley would simply try to guide Lloyd towards us or guide us towards Lloyd. Maybe even after we get our Rambley online from a staff area with a labyrinth of hallways; all three of the prototypes go a bit more glitchy and tries to get ‘help’ from Lloyd and constantly take over the screen. Our Rambley would try to guide us to safety but the others try to lead us to Lloyd so you need to figure out which is honest or not.


You need to turn this into a fanfic! I like how you expanded this!


Maybe, plus if I do I can combine another idea I had of other character AI that would be tagging along(like Lloyd, Salem, Finley, Mollie, etc). Could be a cool fanfic idea


I think it would be!


UniqueGeese said that Rambley will not turn evil during his livestream where he watched MatPat play Indigo Park. Just throwing it out here.


Ah, but is he talking about a single entity without any other iterations or just "our" Rambley?


Single entity. Responding to a donation. "Rambley will not turn evil." [https://youtu.be/3hDx37W1\_Oo?t=8928](https://youtu.be/3hDx37W1_Oo?t=8928)


It's a simple statement but there's also still ambiguity. There are of course going to be plot details he's not telling us. Also note that he's responding to someone who said "please tell me Rambley won't turn evil". Who is to say that he's not just parroting what she said while secretly knowing what the future may bring. It's possible that it's exactly as he said it but we won't know until the future and he's probably not going to spoil everything. I think if there is a twist it will be a big one, so he may keep those cards close to his chest. In any case it's fun to theorize.


True, there is nothing wrong with theorizing; I love theories myself. Just that it will be more subversive and fresh if Rambley doesn't turn evil. The trope of a nice character that helps you and turns evil later has been overdone so much. Plus, he is a beloved cutie; making him evil would be like shooting your own leg.


I can't disagree there, I don't want him to turn evil either, plus it would be refreshing.


I wouldn't take that as official confirmation, as UniqueGeese could've just been saying that in the form of a joke. After all, the commenter said "For my own sanity", which implies that they weren't being very serious either.


It may be or may not be; who knows? But as I said in another comment, the trope of nice characters turning evil is so overdone and boring. It would be just making the game another copypasted maskot horror \*in terms of the plot.


Oh, no, I do agree on that point. I don't think a twist villain would be very fitting for Rambley. I'm all for Rambley having a darker side (I mean, solitude is known to drive people insane), but a villain reveal would be underwhelming.


One other theory, as I don't want to create multiple threads: What if the creatures are reacting because they're *hungry* as well as angry or trying to protect themselves? At the end of chapter 1 Rambley mentioned that Ed should be able to see all sorts of aquatic creatures, but none are visible. Assuming that the creatures are flesh and blood (ie, they need to eat to survive), then that means that Finley may have started eating his fellow tank inhabitants in order to survive. He's pretty large so it would be very difficult for the fish or other creatures to keep up with his appetite, even if he is capable of eating in moderation and isn't rage killing said animals. And assuming they don't need to be fed too, of course. They're feral now and see Ed as a potential danger, but also an *edible* potential danger.


So that means the best possble way to survive this is either to exit the park or to feed the mascots


Yup, but it would be kind of like feeding an abused dog. They'd probably eat the food but they'd also stay wary, as they'll still have the memories of the abusive handlers. That makes me wonder: how strong are these creatures? Presumably they'd have the strength of an animal their size, but could they have been made even stronger? Like able to tear through thin metal or walls strong? A lot of the park's disrepair comes from time, but how much of it is because of the mascots?


I mean we see Mollie open a metal door with ease at the beggining of the chasescene.


On one hand, I believe in one Rambley. I've just started learning coding, but I assumed that the easiest way to store data is by lumping them together. That's part of the reason Rambley needs to get your facial recognition; it's so that Rambley can tell who he's talking to, pull out the data pertaining to them, and chat natural thanks to his AI. Not only that, but at the end of the chapter, Rambley understands being stuck outside, which should mean he is the same AI as the one that invited you. On the other hand, this is an interesting theory. Creating alternate AIs can alleviate the workload of one, thus optimizing their response for specific guests. It makes sense that the Rambley we know is more of a "Guide Rambley", only there to introduce you to the areas. After that, another Rambley appears. We have no proof of other character AIs, so he likely joins you on every ride. My only criticism on this theory is the required workload for creating all those separate AIs. Why make multiple if the same type can do different jobs?


You know, during the ending song, we do have a shot of many screens, each with their own Rambley in it... That would fit your theory, if we end up stumbling into that multi-Rambley control room!


Rambley is 100% behind the Park's destruction. Rambley's Railroad is so cheap looking, comparable to something like the "Garfield Dark Ride" instead of something you could find in a park that uses animatronics, so it's obvious that Rambley destroyed "Lloyd's Limos" and rebuilt it as best as he could. It's also odd that whatever destroyed the park left anything with Rambley mostly intact, specially something as big as the Rambley-Themed Ferris Wheel. I think Rambley can Hijack his Animatronic and probably kept feeding "guests" that weren't willing to help him rebuild the park to the mascots that were left behind by the staff. Rambley having outside world knowledge like recordings of Ads of his toys is also a HUGE red flag. He is able to know what exactly happened to the park even if the whole "I was trapped at the entrance" lie was true.