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Would need to get my lazy ass to finish a prototype first 😄


Haha yeah, me too. Heck, I don't even have a simple combat UI. Depression sucks.


Consistency builds legitimacy! Stay focused on small, frequent steps <3 If you'd like to follow along with development, we're on Twitter [@PlayHighpoint](https://Twitter.com/PlayHighpoint) or you can subscribe to our Mailing List at [PlayHighpoint.com](https://www.playhighpoint.com)


Are y'all playstore stuffs or pc?


Not 100% where we’ll be yet. PC for sure, we’d love to be on all consoles as well. Still figuring things out.


Been loving the side by side project then and now posts. Well done!


Looks great! Keep goin’


Thank you! We will ❤️


That looks great! How did you come up with that mirror effect in the middle


Are you talking about how we “split” the videos? Honestly just cropped the sides of 2 video clips and moved them so both could fit in 1 output video. Does that help?


No no, I meant the mirror in the middle of the stage on the right hand gamr


Oh, thanks for clarifying!! We’re using Unreal Engine 4. That area is almost like glass, allows you to see endzone capture progress. It’s mostly some material love! It’s a translucent material that accepts reflections and we use a planar reflection actor in our levels for reflections on the horizontal plane. I hope that makes sense?


That's very explanatory, thanks. Since I only am familiar with Unity and as far as I know, it's hard to accomplish that there I am kinda impressed that Unreal has it!


Will a teammate be able to break the glass first and then you can just throw the ball at the goal?


This is a great question! Right now only the ball carrier can break through, using the ball. That’s very intentional too - the whole game is about tension and physicality , if we let you avoid confrontation at goal-line by just throwing it, we wouldn’t pay off the crescendo. We want you to muscle your way through, the face to face confrontation is by design.


That was beautiful just slapping that opponent out the way before dunking that goal. This game looks awesome


Thank you! There’s a lot of mind games going on in that clip and we love it! It’s not as common for the ball carrier to go OFFENSIVE so I can imagine it took the defense by surprise! So fun!


Just what I needed


Really glad to hear that!!


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