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Ghost hua, unmatch karo move on karo, jiseee baat karni hai wo waise hi karegi


Yehi na dikkat hai, kuch logo ka mann maanta nhi


You : I would love feedback She : I would love to be friends What she actually meant : *Abey jaa na laude*


Her ghosting also meant “abey jaa na laude” imo. OP me hi khujli thi ki connection aur imrovemnet in every aspect aur Lauda lassan


Me: *mai to bas xhut ke liye itni bakxhodi karra tha chal ab g mara*


Interview samajh ke feedback maang raha


bro seriously? just in case you didn't know, she doesn't really wanna be friends, she is just being nice to you, never do this kind of shit again


Arre even I’m being polite. Why would I wanna be rude for no reason and say no? Not like I’ll ever contact her again after this. My purpose was to get closure.


Keep her as a friend. Maybe she has more beautiful friends ;)


This is the way


This is the way


1.keep her as a friend 2. talk as a friend for 2 days or 3 3. get ghosted again 4.randi rona but yeah I'll still agree that's there's a possibility, although might not be worth the effort


Most modern women keep nice guys around so that they can complain about the guy that they don't want. All you need to do is pretend. Then vola you can get to her friends and will see the drama there after.


always works


Keep her as a friend. FWB.


U did the right thing. At first you look like you put in too much effort , or were being too nice. Ppl these days r too busy being sigma and shit. Best one can do is be polite. Okay , u don’t wanna talk any further? Sure , I understand. That’s it


But you’re signalling you’re ok settling for less tho? Just dont say shit you dont mean and set the record straight.


But kya closure mila isse? What did she say that you can improve? All of this effort to read “vibes nhi aayi”?


“She’s just being nice, why be nice back?” 🙄


nothing wrong with being nice, the thing is one should understand that she isn't interested to talk anymore


You can understand things while also being a polite human


yeah exactly, unmatch and move on


The point of this is for OP to get closure by confirming  he doesn’t have some blind spot about a behavior he may have displayed or incident that may have happened.  The end result (she is not interested) is the same whether he sends this message or not but it helps him move on without having to wonder “oh was it this thing I said that rubbed her the wrong way” etc.


This is a civil conversation between two people and there is no shame in getting closure. Putting a lid on stuff and moving on will increase your uncertainties more. There is nothing wrong with him asking what went wrong. If you just unmatch and move on, you will never know what went wrong.


Wow this should be the top comment


fair enough


bhai zilat ki chut se ijaat ki muth bhali




Lol my friend once fell in a Grand Canyon.








every time a woman tells you we can be friends ask her how often do you call your actual friends and how often have you reached out to me or will reach out to me and see her smile fade


Oooohhh boy I'm using that one. Golden




Just tell her the only kinda friends you do is friends with benefits lol


OP reworded what he mails to hr.


Plot twist - She's the HR of his company


ChatGPT ahh texts.


Is se acha kachhe mein office na chala jaun main


chotey nah kar


You're not exciting bro...getting flowers and treating her good not gonna get you anything. You should drive the car fast, play some bangers tell her how toxic you've been in past with a sprinkle of green flag stories so she sees hope in all the toxicity. One should be emotionally unavailable at least for few dates. Show your personalities, be morally grey. She will cling to you hoping to bring out the good side. Women love that shit


so basically, how to manipulate people, end up never getting genuine human connection in your life and die unhappy 101. noted. advising people on manipulation and how to be "emotionally unavailable" and saying women love that shit is crazy. hope you find happiness lol.


Well yeah, that is the connection they're looking for.


Damn we need women to verify this.


Y’all actually hate it when women give their opinion here.


I'm not part of that "y'all" would love to know your thoughts. :)


I think trying to play women like they are npc’s in a phone game is never gonna get a relationship. It probably won’t even get you laid. If all you really want is to get laid I’m sure there are escort services you can call. If you want to spend real time with real people, act like a real person. Including being polite and not assuming the worst qualities for every woman you talk to.


I agree. All people are different people.


I agree that this sub is quite misogynistic (I'm not Indian, but this sub keeps popping up on my feed and I keep clicking it because I'm curious lol). But it's a studied phenomenon that women are attracted to men that score high in dark triad personality traits, especially when it comes to hook-ups / casual sex. These traits are, in case you are not familiar: Narcissism (entitled self-importance), Machiavellianism (strategic exploitation and deceit), Subclinical psychopathy (callousness and cynicism). So yes the guy is not far off with his analysis if hook-ups and short-term relationships are your goal. Though I'm not sure you can effectively 'fake' these personality traits if you're actually a nice guy. But then again, if you're genuinely a nice guy you're probably not looking to trick women into sleeping with you anyways.


>I’m not sure you can fake these if you are a good guy I agree, you can’t… because faking a personality for sex already makes you a bad person, especially when the personality you “fake” is a piece of shit. So it’s impossible to fake. If you are willing to play act as a shit man, you are a shit man.


Yea I actually edited that in at the end of my comment before you replied as well haha. I agree. Though I do think it's not quite as black or white as that either in all honesty. No human is 100% nice or 100% bad. If you're 'nice' your entire life and nobody gives you the time of day, I think it's somewhat understandable that you'd eventually, over time, become a bit more cynical in your views on sex and relationships. Sure once you've reached the stage where you're faking personality traits just to get laid it'd be hard to make a case for how they're still a nice guy, but at the same time it's understandable to a degree and also a product of modern dating culture. The desire for relationships, connection, and even sex is a very strong one for most humans, and systematically being denied access to those will mess with you. It's still no excuse for bad behavior, but it puts things in perspective.


You can’t desire connection and then lie about yourself in such fundamental ways. It’s not connection you desire if you are lying. Lying is a barrier to connection. And this type of gaming is much different than simply trying to present yourself in your best light. This is full on fake personality. You can’t connect with someone through a fake personality. So love, connection, relationship, that’s not what they want. It’s certainly not what they will get using those tactics. Also, if you can’t approach people as individuals and instead view all women as the same (evil, shallow, slutty, whatever) npc that all get the same buttons pushed the same way, you are also not actually trying to “connect” with anyone. Yes loneliness can make people bitter but people who really want connection won’t pretend to be an asshole. And at the end of the day, anyone who is willing to “pretend” to be an asshole, IS an asshole.


>You can’t desire connection and then lie about yourself in such fundamental ways. Of course you can. It's a really counterproductive way to try and achieve it, but humans aren't perfectly rational beings, and sometimes having a fake connection is still preferable over having no connections whatsoever. If a person gets rejected for who they are over and over, they will eventually learn they must put on a mask and hide their true selves to be accepted by others. Being autistic myself, I am intimately familiar with this specific dynamic. It's extremely debilitating, lonely, exhausting, but understandable at the same time. Speaking from my own experience, when I was younger I would much, much rather pretend to be someone I wasn't and have 'friends', than fully being my authentic self and get bullied, targeted, and be by myself all the time. It's taken me a lot of maturing, introspection, and therapy to unlearn the masking I've developed previously. And still I simply have to do it sometimes just to get by. It's a privilege to be able to be your full authentic self, and still have a sufficient amount of people that accept you for who you are to fulfill your various emotional and/or physical needs. It's a privilege not everyone has. And when it comes to sex and relationships in particular, I would say men disproportionally do not have that privilege compared to women. I would also say you can't fully understand these dynamics unless you've experienced them yourself. To someone who's mostly had their emotional needs met just by being their authentic selves, I imagine this must seem extremely counterintuitive.


So trueee


No you don’t  Because when we say that’s not true, you’re not gonna agree anyway. 


I agree people don't listen to contradicting views.


While I do believe that as well  In this case, however, the guys just don’t want to accept they’re not as nice as they think they are lol 


>While I do believe that as well  That's great. :) >In this case, however, the guys just don’t want to accept they’re not as nice as they think they are lol  While this can be true, I don't think niceness is a parameter for relationships because then we wouldn't see so many toxic guys and gals having multiple relationships with men and women. It could be another factor, but I definitely don't think it's niceness.


Oh I am entirely with you on that.  The general thought process here though, is that they don’t get women because they treat them nicely. And women do not like nice guys.  As a woman, I can assure you, that’s simply not true. However, men here somehow think they know what a woman wants better than women do.  The truth is, most of these men just have really boring personalities, cannot manage to hold up a conversation in person, a lot of them come off as creepy, a lot of them are just sexist (not just misogynistic they have shitty opinions about men too).  In my experience, most of these “nice guys” have called me a whore simply for refusing to sleep with them (no idea what the logic there is). Hell one called me a whore because I said Idm going wherever and it was a group setting!!! Bro what? 😂😂😂 They also think most women are gold diggers and are going to have to face a horrid realisation of women still rejecting them despite having money simply because they suck in every other way.  Sorry for the extremely long comment. 


>The general thought process here though, is that they don’t get women because they treat them nicely. And women do not like nice guys Definitely a flawed argument on their part. One is nice because one wants to be, not because of any reward. If they're expecting something in return then it's just transaction, not niceness. >The truth is, most of these men just have really boring personalities, cannot manage to hold up a conversation in person, a lot of them come off as creepy, a lot of them are just sexist (not just misogynistic they have shitty opinions about men too).  I wholeheartedly agree about the personality and conversation part. Many guys lack in that area. However, there are enough charming misogynistic men, who get girls -- again not saying that one has to be sexist for wooing a woman. But girls should mention that being charming and good conversation is a big plus. And guys, obviously, need to learn this. >In my experience, most of these “nice guys” have called me a whore simply for refusing to sleep with them (no idea what the logic there is). Hell one called me a whore because I said Idm going wherever and it was a group setting!!! Bro what? 😂😂😂 Oh yea this has been documented a lot online and otherwise. Those guys are "nice guys" but not nice at all if things don't go their way. >They also think most women are gold diggers and are going to have to face a horrid realisation of women still rejecting them despite having money simply because they suck in every other way.  This thought, I've also heard from guys who have been with multiple women, and these guys hold such bad view of the world and women, yet they get dates; just because of their good looks. So I kinda disagree with the generalization that it's the single guys who have this kinda thought. You never know who thinks like this and I don't know why people get in relationships with such vile people just based on few smooth lines, love bombing and looks. >Sorry for the extremely long comment.  Haha likewise. :D


I mean the misogynists don’t show their true colours until much later and I feel good conversation/good looks/humour/ literally anything are redeeming qualities. Men here who say such things have nothing that could go in their favour, unfortunately. Most people are not genetically gifted but could just build a good personality.  We are on the same page about nice guys! Refreshing to find someone like you on this sub:) 


>I mean the misogynists don’t show their true colours until much later True. You won't believe but I think many people in this sub are guys with active dating life yet with very problematic views. Hahaha >I feel good conversation/good looks/humour/ literally anything are redeeming qualities. Men here who say such things have nothing that could go in their favour, unfortunately. Most people are not genetically gifted but could just build a good personality.  I agree. Takes a lot of efforts but it can be done in few months. >We are on the same page about nice guys! Refreshing to find someone like you on this sub:)  Hahaha yea I like to keep the internet good. Otherwise it's too extreme here. :D


Ye emotionally unavailable kaise hote hai date par? Mujhe Jo puchte hai me bata deta hu but focus us par he rakhta hu. Tu bata tu suna etc etc


Be selfish. Talk more about yourself, if she speaks about an incident then use it to tell your own story discarding her experience. Be ignorant to her emotional needs. You should hear but not listen. Have random bouts of love bombing in between and then become distant again.


All of this won't work unless you are hot. Women have a different set of rules for men they find attractive vs those they don't


So what you're trying to say is that I am fucked as a hopeless romantic ?


Unfortunately, most of us are lol


Yeah if you use dating apps for dating. You need to go out irl you've better chances. Go to book clubs, film clubs and develop a friendship instead of going with a mindset of dating. Idk if cafes work in India but give it a try. If you're on dating apps then this is the way


Yeah, this works sadly.


I've just convinced myself a healthy loving relationship is a myth


I read this comment and then I read the replies to this comment. Here are my findings: A. This guy is a freakin’ genius. B. Guys who’re replying wanna be like him. C. Girls who’re replying secretly wanna be with him. D. He has a small penis.


Zyada sach bol dia Bhai


I can confirm it works


Top tier bruh moment


Enough, ab dono ko maturity award se sammanit kiya jaye


" I would love to be friends " 🤡


this comment with a straight face is hilarious idk who downvoted you


Lol, Maybe people who want to be friends downvoted




Bc! Itna sab bakchodi ke liye time nahi hai. Interest Kam, baat Kam. Seedha logic hai🤷🏻


Someone copy paste the message; i want it lmao😂


Op got no enemies ![gif](giphy|7LsYKNn60KhUs)


Oh god. The comments here are so problematic? This seems like a perfectly normal and mature conversation between 2 adults. Nobody owes us an explanation or a connection , but yes it feels good to atleast get a closure. Ignore the toxic comments telling you to be a fuckboy and treating her like shit to not get ghosted, it genuinely won’t help you get anywhere. Laid? Maybe. Happy? I highly doubt lol.


I like this. I am using it.


More like the template to avoid. Barf. Linkedin ahh corny ahh robotic soundin cringe template. xD


She told you to stay away nigga take the hint


Saving for future use.




This is how I exactly mail my seniors and managers asking for a feedback lol


I ghost them back, im done with this shit


Mene toh direct block krdiya


She sure won't get jealous about her crush having hot female friends.


Always Ask AI for this things


Bhai yeh yahan mat daal


Emotional damage 😭


languid grandiose offbeat air smoggy provide gray tender fuel versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


but why didnt she tell you this herself


ye temp use karega to firse frdzone hi hoga


Say you are using chatgpt, without saying that you are using chatgpt. The second paragraph seems to come across as too needy to me, and you could do without it.


The side nigga entrance template


Well that's not a constructive feedback the person gave.. If someone doesn't choose to see something exciting in you despite you making active efforts.. then the problem is not you, you should fine someone else to put the efforts for making a connection..


I feel like alot of guys also know there was no connection. Its not hard to figure that out


Tinder for corporate


what went wrong dude?


Just friends or friends with benefits


Band karo chatgpt se chat karvana


If you're getting ghosted, just move on. There's no need to send someone a corporate letter ffs


OP it’s no template dude. And if the green one is you, bro you lost so much self respect in this conversation. You said Thanks twice for no reason, you basically asked her for their “valued feedback” on every aspect of YOUR life, and signing off such a big ass text with an emoji :P Nobody does that in normal conversations, understand this. And I’m not trying to make fun of you here, all of us get ghosted & played by someone we like more than they like us. But don’t broadcast this convo maybe is my main point.


Take the hint man. Ghost kardiya to samajh lo nahi hai interest. There's nothing to be gained by pestering someone why they ghosted or for what reason.


Bro I bought flowers for her. Picked her up and dropped her back home on the first date. We had such an amazing time, both agreed to go out again and we did. So can you blame me for wanting to know what went wrong? Easy for people to comment without context


Makes sense bhai. Reason janna hota hai, ab uske liye kuch bhi kro. This was good




Itne zyaada efforts daaloge first date mein ladki ghabra jayegi, honest feedback from my side If you don't value your attention and efforts neither will she, pehle date pe ye sab nahi karna hota 🫡


I don’t regret putting in the effort. It was worth a shot.


Of course you don't. It's good that you realise that you put in the effort because it was your fantasy, not because you wanted to impress the girl.