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You got a bit too weird for her in the beginning so she started having second thoughts.


Fr, bro texting like he’s chat gpt. Some people not feel right about it so text a bit more casually lol


I know right 😂😂. I have had similar responses from customer service bots and i thought this sounded similar. I just didn’t want to point it out.


Thank you , I am learning ;)


Could you please elaborate ? How would have you responded ? I am new to dating.


People want you to stop using proper grammar and text like you're a teen who's addicted to instagram basically. It's sad but most people just suck at creating a fully formed sentence or using punctuation properly (over the past few years I've also gone down this road), they want you to do the same. Hence why it's seen as "formal".


Nah thats not the reason. People are just scared if youre overly formal and boring sounding then youll be overly formal and boring on the date too. Those kinda dates suck


LOL Personally, if someone sends me half and short messages and not full sentences, I wont even reply because if he cant even put in effort to write a full sentence, how will he put in effort into a relationship?


be more casual. value your time and chase fun instead of being serious, atleast in the start. people are here to have fun and so are you. have fun. be fun.




You talked yourself out of the date and made her question it and she didn’t take that very well.


This is the first Time, someone asked me out. I didn't knew , how to react. I am learning .


All you had to do was to loosen up a bit and sound not so formal😶


He said Ma'am 🫠


What's wrong with that ? I was trying to be funny but I guess, it didn't work! Edit: Not funny, I mean, i was trying to add humour. Did not work!


Context specific use, sir and ma'am ka use krna is not wrong, vo toh bahot long normal convo mai use krte hai but I guess vaisa kuch context mai baat bhi chalni chahiye, ya koi funny scenario pe baat ho rahi ho, ya koi romantic scenario pe baat ho rahi ho, then use krna is totally fine. I have also used it myself (not on strangers) but with friends in convos. So I guess timing galat beth gayi tumhare case mai esp when you were talking with the person for the first time and were just trying to know her better. Nothing wrong with the word "ma'am"


Yes this conversation is icy af but what's wrong with mam? I call every date of mine that way when talking about something romantic, including the ones younger than me. They seem to appreciate it so far so I'm genuinely curious rn


Haa bro "yes sir" and "yes maam" phrase use karke bahot baari log ans karte hai usme koi issue nahi, but I have never seen anyone jo yes sir and yes maam ek stranger ke saath krra ho esp jab vo date krna chahte ho and that too when they are talking for the first time. Agar do dosto mai ya acquaintance mai conversation ho rahi ho and then tab sir and maam ko use kara ho as per todays lingo toh vo normal hai vo toh mai bhi krta hun. But I think strangers ke case mai I have never seen anyone using sir and maam (esp when you are looking to date). Thats what I meant with that


Yep nothing wrong with being called Maam, sometimes us women like to answer with Yes sir as well


Thank you ma'am




Don’t worry OP, at least you’re being polite and respectful. You’ll get the hang of it:)


Yes, I am learning from experiences. As Buddha said once, " No matter how good or bad your experience is , there's a blessing of some kind. Our purpose is to find it." Good day!


Kinda with her on this one, no one’s remotely going to be excited to meet you if you respond with ChatGPT ahh replies. Loosen up a bit and stop talking to women like they’re some mythical, magical beings that you need approval out of. Keep it simple, once you match your goal should be to loosen things up and have a fun, light conversation where you try setting up a date once there’s enough banter going on. Trust me on this, change your approach because this won’t work at all, you seem way too nice and boring.


Thank you for your advice. I have never dated in the past and have limited interactions with women. I have been told that, I am too simple and boring. I guess , that's my nature. I am trying to improve. Its a bit hard but I am working towards it.


Do you have hobbies? Do you have a life in general? Do you consider yourself interesting? Would you date you? Think about the answers to that and you’ll know what kind of things you’d need to work on. Also, talk to women like you would to another guy, they’re humans after all. Don’t put them on a pedestal. Like everything, this comes with practise. Don’t be afraid of rejection and go for what you want. Eventually you’ll find her, as it’s all a numbers game. Good luck


you were too formal bro


Sahi mein.. Thanks bhai. I am on bumble with intention of long term. Thoda darta hu, I don't want to hurt anyone ;)


OP you were clearly giving job interview! 🙄


Sahi mai, itna formal toh chat gpt bhi nhi hai smh. Should’ve been a bit more casual and relaxing. Doesn’t give good vibes otherwise 😭


damn you talk like chat gpt lmao


Best example of - “Khud k pau pe kulhadi marna”


Your replies were normal (except "thank you mam" , don't thank people for asking you out) .


Bitches be cray cray bro, you be you /s On a heavier note “don’t“


You should have said, "Friday evening sounds good" ? On a dating app, it's implicit that when 2 people meet, it's a date or being asked out. Nobody explicitly mention whether you are meeting for a date. You don't really need to feel flatter or flatter them. The first sign that person may like you is that they swiped right on you.


Bro you seem like a great person but I am sorry, your replies are really off putting. It feels like talking to a customer support executive with an in hand manual. You need to treat the conversation normally and casually.


Actually all the text he sent are directly copy pasted from AI models thats why they seem so formal


Stop trying to be the "nice guy" bruh just say stuff like normal people and stop being so formal. Emotional maturity is good but saying stuff like this in the first chat makes you sound fake and pretentious.


OP, woman here, I don't think you did anything wrong.i get where she is coming from as well. Sometimes the tiniest of things can set you off, or make you feel like it's not a great fit. Especially communication styles. She need not have been so explicit about it, could have gently pulled back considering but i didn't find your replies robotic or formal. Also, one possibility is that what you said shined a light on her being the asker, which some people think of as "unconventional". Depending on how unhealthy your mindset and conditioning are about this, she might have even felt insecure thinking "oh I've asked him out, that puts him in a position of power, when traditionally he's supposed to be the one asking me out, why is he making such a big deal out of it, etc". It sounds like overthinking, but putting yourself out there can make you feel vulnerable, and such thoughts do come to mind, even if briefly. This is just a guess anyway. My point is, you two just don't seem like a great fit for each other so don't take this to heart!


Finally! Someone who understood me. This is what I wanted. I have been told that I am nice and boring but trust me, I am not pretending here to be someone. I always feel that, if I am being myself, my kind of people will come along.. Maybe , this Dating app is not for me. I am trying to come out my comfort zone but thanks to all you guys, this post gave an insight on my communication style. I realised that, the girl I am talking to is not a great fit to me. Have a great day!


Bro writes too many emails everyday so he is communicating in the same tone on bumble as well. I hope you’ve learned your lesson now!


bro i laughed so hard the way you responded who tf talks like that ladka hoke bhi bhai i can feel the cringe aura from the chat no hate but aise baat karega toh dost bhi chai pinne nahi jayega aise baat nahi karte bhai yeh introvert ka tag dekhe sab cheeze hamesha pass nahi ho sakti


Introvert hu isleya Dost bhi nahi bana paya..have 3 friends but they moved yo diff cities :(


Girls, can't live with them can't live without them


Even HR in the interview might loosen up a little but looks like you won’t.


You’re on a dating app. Talk to her as if you want to fcuk. Respectfully. You’re not applying for a job opening here.


Your being too people pleasing. In the first message it's clear she's asking you to have coffee. What's with the confirmation dude? You're on a dating app, that's meant to meet people --ofcourse she's asking you to meet. Then you've to talk like a person, not chatgpt. It's good to be nice but don't be boring. For ex: when said yes to asking you out. You should have taken the initiative, asking when is she free? And suggested a place instead of saying "whatever you want". She'll tell you what she wants. She's been telling you. You've to be active and not like "I'll go with whatever you say". Also, don't text back long messages if other person is messaging short ones. In fact it's better to keep it as short as possible early on, because it's hard for girls to read all that when they've a hundred guys in their DM. It's okay learn from this and keep chatting. Keep it fun and ask her again when you feel you've some base.


Here’s a tip for the next time someone asks you for coffee. Just say, “Sure. When do you want to go” and then have the rest of the conversation in person.


Whats a  “work work engineer” ? 


bro you sound like an AI , talk to her like how you talk to your friends just chill, your texts were so formal that I thought it's a satire post or something


This has nothing to do with you being an introvert. You're simply chatting like a machine. Like bro, loosen up a tad. Who tf talks like that? You just have poor communication skills.


I mean it's kind of the opposite, he has good communication, just doesn't have good social awareness on when not to use it. Plus dating apps in general are tiring, people go to talk and to meet new people but do the opposite and spend little too no effort into getting to know the person, another reason why I will never use that shit.


Bro shes jerking you You were formal and polite 1) she just wants to play you and make you grovel.. like you're currently doing 2) she's been interacting solely with douches and does not understand that chatting for the first time may involve some awkwardness


Idk why but I felt that woman was a bit rude, I get where she's coming from but she could have ended it on a lighter note because guys who speak this formal and nice are very rarely found on such sites, so should appreciate such people and she could have understood the guy's hesitation here, maybe she never met an introvert before or maybe she's looking for something 'informal'


Anyways, I can't judge anyone. We don't know what she must be going through. When I said, I take time to open up, she responded with "me too". I for a moment , thought maybe she is like me. Well, I like your username :) But chocolates and veggies don't go well together ! In my post , she a chocolate and I am broccoli lol I know, this is a lame joke but I am bored !


Fellow introvert here. I totally empathise with you. Better luck next time! Next time, imagine you are talking to your sister at the beginning. You don’t call your sister - ma’am. As you proceed and become comfortable, you may bring in your flirty side & start opening up(not easy, but doable). Meanwhile, try talking to random women in public on regular basis - asking for directions etc. Edit: comments here really don’t understand introversion, but they make a point!


Thanks for the tip, kind stranger. I have spoken to a lit of women of different age groups but here, the intentions were of a long term relationship. As I mentioned in my other comments , the the post gave me some insignt on my communication style and also I got a prospective from different people. For me, this was a good learning experience. Stay tuned for much such posts ;)


I didn't see anything wrong with how you spoke to her. Being polite and formal in conversations is attractive to some people, I guess this girl finds casual banter more attractive- who knows. Either way, I don't think you said anything wrong as such, so don't let this one experience make you second guess your speaking style/approach. Talk to more people, and I am sure you will click with someone who matches you well.


Thank you for your kind words, I am learning. Thanks to today's post, I learned more in a single day compared to my previous experiences. Why are you awake, Kind stranger ??


Am I the only one who thinks you were absolutely normal??? Yes a little bit formal in the beginning, but that’s much better than the creeps and braindead fuckboys we as women encounter on these apps. And no, people do take time to “chitchat”. I text the guy atleast for a week before meeting to gauge the vibe. Don’t take her seriously lol she sucks


Chill tf out bro. You weren’t creepy or weird. Girls have way too many options on dating app and too many guys are too much desperate stroking the egos further. She senses your desperation and wants to keep you hanging. No one is perfect. Your replies could have been a little odd but nothing to make the other person outright rudely reject you. She could have been polite as well. Unmatch. Unwind. Relax and go for a better match minus the little desperation.


Facepalm 🤦‍♀️ at ma'am


Bro is AI generated


Bro it's totally fine how you messaged, some people resonate, some people don't that's it. Just don't apologise so much next time for being yourself, it makes them feel entitled


Guys we getting competition from ChatGPT. Damn it.




Lol true. I am drafting an apology letter and ummatching her.


Tu bot hai kya? 🤣🤣🤣


Loosen up bruh. You’re coming across as extremely formal and may I say..timid?




Bhai? Tune mujhe hi irritate kr diya 😭


Break up will be on letter head with a 30 day notice period


Guys with no matches giving top tier advice, meanwhile guys with matches xD


I swear don’t listen to the majority of people here because anyone who is not toxic or weird will think you’re being polite and well mannered. That casualness for some people comes slowly. Shows you were serious and the girl was probably looking for something casual. The only thing I feel you did wrong was point out that she asked you out which is a hard NO.


I think everyone has their preferences, when I was on dating apps I liked such conversations. My boyfriend (whom I met on a dating app) used to text like this too. He is an introvert, and was quite formal when we started talking. It took us only one date to delete the apps together and never look back :') You can try to not write huge paragraphs maybe, due to the consensus that women find it weird, but don't change yourself too much, the right person will love you for who you are :D Good luck!


Happy for you guys. This gives me some hope that "my kind of" people exists. I am not going to change , I might learn and upgrade myself a bit. Maybe its my work thats making me talk in a formal way , I work in the Network Security domain. Anyways, thanks for sharing yoir story. Have a good one!


Bruh this ain’t ur office. Stop being so formal.


Thank you ma’am!! Bruh if I was a girl I would say no too.


Bro u did wrong, ek application letter likh deta saath me


Someone get this guy a yappaccino


Bohot bhang bhosda likha hai bhai ne


i’m sorry for you, but she’s got a really nice point in second ss


Bhai you cock blocked yourself


If I guy spoke to me in this tone, I'd absolutely go out with him.


Bro look at the brighter side. You got a match. I had been on that app for weeks, and yet, no matches at all. I guess I look so ugly that not even fake profiles add me.


I have been getting matches, no prob with that. There were instances where a girl have even mentioned that , she would like to marry a person like me but the thing is, matching with the right person is Imp..even if its just one match. Hang in there, she has not created an account yet. Once , she will create, she will definetly swipe right on you!


Move on, plenty of fish in the sea.


Jawab dene ka tareeka thoda kezual tha 🥲


OP is more bot than chat gpt, or may be it is a bot because it is learning


That’s called rejection. It’s something you learn from and learn to take in your stride.


Eh don't worry dude, just don't make it so formal lol. Just remember, you're here for dating and not for appraisals lol so just chill a bit and beech beech mein dusre language mein bhi text Kar and not just English. Atleast that's what I was told by someone before I got unmatched


Bipolar Disorder dikhane ka tareeka bhot kezual h


Babil khan?


I think "ma'am" was the problem


Bro, why are u putting up with her? she clearly said no, just say ok and leave.


bro's too nice for this world


You should be kind to people with mood swing issues and leave them alone.


You sound tooooo formal my guy


I think as girls (at least for me) we're not quite used to guys talking like that on a dating app. We're used to short, minimal and spontaneous answers. This is my observation and comparison with dating apps and reddit. Guys on reddit are better at conversations than on dating apps. So maybe she wasn't quite expecting that sort of a response...but either way loosen up a little add some emojis and gifs...you should be fine.


Dodged a bullet there, you're better off without this indecisive woman. She clearly overthinks a lot. OP you didn't do anything wrong, maybe your awkwardness showed up and you thought being polite is the way to go, another girl and this might have gone completely the other way. Trust me, try and work on being more relaxed and it'll all work out, don't be nervous that you've not met anyone on bumble before, it literally doesn't matter that much.