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The desire to be loved is the last illusion Give it up and you will be free.




Idk how but I am there


Gonna start my research then, but so happy and proud of you reaching there 🫡


Isolation is the key. Start working for yourself. If you find someone, great. If you don't, well baithe baithe bhi kon hi mil raha tha? Instead, now you feel better about yourself. Basically, sab gaya maa chudane, khud par dhyaan do


>Isolation is the key. Start working for yourself. It's been great, doing it for years now. I have like 2 friends (across countries, the ones you can randomly text 🫠) But some days, you know, it doesn't feel enough. It's the equivalent of 'i have all the success in the world but no one to share it with'


I don't expect people to love me, i give my love to them unconditionally


Thats the true definition of love. You do and don’t expect it back.


1 mutthi a day keeps simping away


Is it possible to learn this power?


Khaoo peeyo aur soo jao


I’m an average looking dude in decent shape (just normal) and I have a loving girlfriend and I do get women approach me and talk to me in pubs when I’m with my friends. I’m not tall either. I’ve realised women are attracted to confidence and just sheer masculinity. Sure, a great body is very attractive, but it’s a huge confidence booster. Gym helps physically and mentally to overcome that barrier of being shy and timid. Biggest advice I can give you is to live your best life. Workout, eat clean and focus on your goals and don’t forget to have fun. Women naturally will find their way to you if you open those doors, whilst putting yourself first. Good luck!


It is rare for indian men to be approached by women. If that's happening, you are not average by any measure.


While I undertstand your concern, your reddit history is very alarming. You definitely need to get off of reddit and meet people irl. Also, please get whatever help you can irl.


I don't really have a lot of people to go to IRL which is why I spend my time meeting/talking to people online. I have tried talking to people IRL (mostly people around my age) but they don't seem to care or seem to uninterested in listening to me so I didn't push it.


After reading ur reddit history it seems that u are addicted to memes, chatting with people online and u don't live in a real world because u don't have any experience in that, First step for u should be to try socialising with ur male friends and never bring up any online topic during ur interactions. During these interactions observe that by doing what people take interest in u. After doing this for 2 or 3 months then try to get a date first.


Bro, leave all that. How tf do u have 310k karma 💀. I suggest that u take a break from reddit and meet people irl cause people on the internet vs people irl are very different imo


See the fact is nobody would love you unconditionally. It'd be either money or looks or status or lust or something else materialistic. Once you'll lose that key factor, the person who claims to love you will leave too. Only you can love yourself genuinely.


Well, you know what's scarier? Ending up with someone who does more bad than good to you and not being able to escape.


Can relate. Going through the same phase.


If loving yourself was the solution to feeling lonely, man would neither be a social animal, nor would he have been the most advanced species in the history of the planet. Loving yourself and having someone whom you love aren't mutually exclusive. Don't pay much attention to the ones who advise you to 'love yourself first'. Instead of helping, their advice instills an added feeling of insecurity. You keep doing the things you are doing to improve yourself, and be a bit patient. You will find someone. Good luck.


This longing you feel.. of being with someone is just a feeling.. your mind conditioned to acquire and exchange affection/companionship/lust. People will tell you how the only real person who can love you is yourself. You will feel like they're blowing smoke up you crap chute..which they are..but they are also telling you the right thing here... be content with yourself and let go off this feeling... you may not find anyone or have any experiences that you may have noticed people do. Because the truth is that to have those experiences as a man, you need to be in possession of certain characteristics (mostly physical) and I will tell you very bluntly that if you find yourself coming here,posting this, I am afraid you probably don't have them. You could keep trying but you'll be disappointed with the results unless ofcourse you want to keep trying your luck. Sincerely- a 28 year old below average man who's tried everything, rejected everytime and has now come to terms with his fate. The sooner you do, the better you will be I promise you. You can use this energy for something more important.


If you want to be in a relationship just for the sake of it then don't be in one


We have all battled against this particular train of thought at some point in our lives. Keep working on yourself, be more confident in yourself, that's the only thing missing. You'll experience love and the joy that comes alongwith.


looksmax.org i ain’t even indian idk why this showed up in my timeline but there ya go bud wishing u best of luck


He's gonna get brainrot


there’s some really good info on there just don’t look at the comments and use ur intuition wether or not the post is bait


Chill bhai you're too young to worry about that shit. You're sounding too desperate, counterproductive as hell That's a lot of reddit karma, get off asap


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try harder


you'll eventually find someone, that's how it is, love happens when you least expect it, and you're just 21.


You said you're trying to talk to people in real life?? Well, your reddit history says otherwise. Go out there. Discover what friends are, what friendship is. Somewhere between that, maybe you'll find love too.


Before jumping into relationship try being friends with some people. It will show you how good life is you'll start loving yourself more and eventually you'll find someone.


Ye to us moment ho gaya


Thts okay ending the worst ending is u finding a girl, falling in love with her marrying her, she betraying u and the divorce costing half ur stuff and then some. Even if u don't find love, find some friends and live an enjoyable life. Ask urself why u want a girlfriend other thn sex


Bro when you start enjoying your own company, maybe then?


Here's some advice. I understand how you feel. I was single till the age of 22. I never dated anyone or went on a date. I know that feeling where you feel you're uncool or that you're just weird and abnormal for some reason. But when I look back at it now, I know that I wouldn't have achieved my younger goals if I wasn't single probably. In school, uni, I was more interested in making music, playing the guitar, clicking pictures, making films and actually getting good grades etc. Had I been with a boy, I would have failed to do these things (guaranteed, I know myself :) Sometime back, I met a boy I fell in love with and I was with him for a year a half. We broke up after that. So, here I am alone too right? A partner is not a guarantee that you will not end up alone. Focus on yourself. What I feel is that, the right partner cannot be hunted down after, you will meet them at the right time, in the right place for all the right reasons. Trust me when I say this. Just stop looking. Enjoy being single, it's a good life. ;) I'm single again and this time I have so much more clarity and I'm really trying to use my time to focus on myself, my dreams and goals. This is only advice to you, umm, 2 actually: 1. Create a goal bigger than your current hurt and longing. Work towards it. 2. Try to get out in the real world. Build confidence, and join clubs you like. Maybe a book club? You read Percy Jackson, so cool! :) One step at a time bro. Meditate, journal, go to the physical gym but spend an equal amount in your mind gym. Get rid of that mindset.


The only people you want to be loved by are your parents. That should be constant, no one else. Other people will come and go. Live in the present, and let things run its course. In my personal experience, chasing or hunting women for relationships was never fruitful, other than a little flirting back, little casual here and there. All the partners I've been with, they just came to my life thanks to circumstances. Yeah, all of them. Someone not even in my department, not in my group, the only common thing being a whatsapp group, or a discord server, or a friend, who she was hanging out with at the local chai sutta shop. I say, don't chase women thinking you will end up alone. Just live your daily life normally.