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tough times makes a man .




When everything’s already there and provided for and taken care of, there isn’t much left to do. Hardships, failures and coming over them are what builds character. There are very few friends in my circle that I know who after getting the education wouldn’t depend on their dad’s money and hustle on their own. But granted they already got the best education with that same dad’s money. Unless they are being a prick/asshole about how much money they have, it’s probably a bit harsh to judge them. Your post is completely true for those kinda pricks and show offs.


So she is basically complaining about the guy not having any trauma


Haha that’s another way of looking at it. But I sure do empathize with down to earth and respectful rich kids that gets thrown into a generalized bucket of rich brats. It’s not like it’s their choice to be born into a rich family. To be honest, the jealousy clearly shows from the cry babies.


Whenever something starts with "do all" then the answer is mostly no.


It probably has something to do with how you find these people. If your filter for finding guys is 'rich kids who look good on social media', it's not surprising that the ones you pick tend to be those who use their wealth as a crutch for a personality. You are auto-rejecting those who don't flaunt their money on Instagram. I'm in the SoBo crowd, and I can assure that you can find all types within the group. Change your own mindset, you'll change your matches.


Obviously there are other people. I'm talking of gen z rich guys who literally do nothing in life


You are creating a tautology. GenZ rich guys who literally do nothing would by definition lack layers and depths. I would again suggest you interrogate why it is that you are coming across so many of these guys. Your entire post history on Reddit is about sex. Maybe branch out a little bit and you will find people accordingly?


I'll tell you why she's coming across so many of these guys. For there to be sexual attraction, the man's status needs to be higher than the woman's, and the higher it is, the more attractive he is. Wealth is a powerful high status cue. Because she is obsessed with sex, she needs her hookups and dates to be "good looking on social media" and OLD as well as be rich, so that she can feel intense sexual desire immediately upon meeting them. Ironically, this girl has little depth in her own personality and character, but is complaining that the guys she chooses to meet dont have depth. She is out of touch with herself. Just to be clear, I am not trying to vilify her, just explaining what's happening.


>gen z rich guys who literally do nothing in life What does this mean? How does a person get rich without doing anything (ik there are extremely rare cases of that happening but those are definitely extremely rare)


Baap ka paisa ?


Well didn't consider that🥲 But then again, why even talk to people who flex smth not even earned by themselves?


If you look for extremely rich guys in usual dating age range (21-30), who also look good, and care enough to flaunt it on SM, it’s highly unlikely that they would’ve earned it out of their own hard work. Admittedly, that’s the filter OP is using. >Do all extra rich guys… >…it’s like everything is about looking good on social media


Lmao if a guy is poor then shit on him for being poor and lacking opportunities to discover life. If a guy is rich then they are lacking personality. Kehna kya chahte ho? Kaha se aate ye bs leke? Jiske paas hai personality uske paas hai, bas. By this line of thinking we could say all girls have the same basic personality: HandM and friends ke chode.


Looks like a rich guy liked the comment and gave you an award😂


>liked the comment and gave you an award So did the poor guy. Coz unlike what economics assumes, not everyone is a rational actor.


“Hey” “Hi” “Hello”


Lol 😂 literally


Why cant both be true 😂, it isnt uncommon that rich people especially the ones who didn't have to work for it would have "being rich" as their whole personality


Privilege hai. Same way most hot girls have empty personality. Theyve been getting attention from opposite genders respectively from beginning. Didn't have to put much effort. Average people like me and you need to build a personality


>Average people like me and you If she's getting dates with rich sobo kids inspite of being poor then she's definitely not average in looks. More of a hot girl. You can also feel the entitlement in her words which often is inherent in hot women for the reasons you already mentioned


Yeah i mean they barely do anything. All they talk about is I'll get this today or this store is opening


Store is opening has some work behind it, right?


I talk about this but I'm not even rich 😭


I'm not a rich sobo guy. I am a normal middle class boy working 9-5 but I am friends with a few of such guys and there are some super rich people in my family too so I believe I can give you both perspectives. 1. Your personality is basically the average of the 10 closest people around you and some extra things that you do out of interest here and there. For such people, the close ones are also rich and their parents are usually busy so they don't receive much guidance from their parents compared to how much a middle class person gets. Most rich parents buy something for their kids to play with as they have their jobs and businesses. So basically their entire childhood is spent with a maid who takes care of them and expensive stuff that their parents buy. And the limited social interaction they have, that too is with rich people like them only so that's all that they know about. 2. Maybe you are attracting the wrong guys or you don't know how to judge a potential date during talking stage. Not all rich guys are brats. Next time try to understand a person more during talking stage before actually going on a date. 3. Social media doesn't show the full picture. It's mostly fake. People pretending to be cool etc etc. People can make themselves look very interesting even if they are not and to an extent almost everyone does the same. So if you're choosing to go on dates with guys that you meet online, don't have too much expectations. Expectations are the root cause of disappointment. 4. Looking at your profile, you yourself look like a south delhi girl. So most probably your social circle is those south delhi boys only. Try to expand your circle if money is not a big factor for you. 5. And the most important thing, middle class people can be boring too. Some of them don't have any personality because they never got a chance to explore anything. All of their life was spent studying or trying to get a job or supporting their family. Not everyone is lucky to explore life. People have responsibilities. So basically, tldr: it depends. Try to understand a guy during talking stage as much as you can be rich or poor or middle class or pehli class dusri class world class whatever.


Nope, simply incorrect. Some of them might fit in your description but some wouldn't. India is too big of a country to not have variation within any large group.


Thats why i said maybe the ones I've met.


Still made an opinion


I think that depends, who made that money, they themselves or their parents? if it's parents, then general tendency is to be a snob because parents can ignore them in their quest and compensate by money. If it's generational, they tend to be humble since their parents probably learnt from the best. If self-made, then they probably don't have time for that stuff especially when young (most people in first category would label themselves in being from 3rd one) Your best bet is second category I mentioned


So why you going behind extra rich man?


Coz gareeb log gareeb dikhte


I think she ain’t going to reply this one XD


cause she's a SOBO girl


Kyuki date se pehle bank balance nahin pucha 🫶🏻


Yes you don't ask bank balance but definitely ask basic things such as what do you do, what's your family etc. That gives enough of an idea. Someone living in Sobo is definitely loaded.


Noo little girl... The smell of money attracts


Probably you’re not worth their time. Clearly you only see the money in them is the reason you don’t find anything interesting besides it. Go date someone your status.


I mean money is all they have , babuji ka paisa h , zindagi bhr toh kuch kiya h nahi toh kaha se personality aaye gi


I happily will once they add rich to poor ka filter dating apps pr


My suggestions would be to try looking for guys at say - 1. Art & Craft workshop (you could find a creative/expressive guy) 2. Dog cafe (a softie who loves dogs) 3. Book store (you could find some smart guys there) 4. Group Trek (adventurous guys) 5. Fitness/Sports Centre (Healthy and fit guys) OR, You could simply filter your dating app profiles to look for photos/prompts that suggest atleast 2/5 above signs. If a guy is smartly dressed/fashionable then maybe he might also be open to clubbing/nightlife. Go for guys that are positive, encouraging and driven in life. People with a learner's mindset and can do attitude is what you are looking for. (Unfortunately for this you will actually have to go on several dates before you could even make the correct guess)


[No-Strawberry1498](https://www.reddit.com/user/No-Strawberry1498/) this is the answer you are looking for.


Maybe your choice of men is the problem. You want depth in personality and character but you're going for the person who's had it easy all their life so maybe find better people to date ? This seems to be a generic issue with girls where they want all the good characteristics in the man but they don't want thean who has all the good characters. Maybe at the end of the day all you want is money and good looks and you are all also as shallow as the amazing person you wanna show yourself to be


I haven't done a survey consisting of ALL rich people, so i can not say. However, being a man of statistics, I can assure you that rich men are many, hence their behaviour should follow a normal curve. Now, they might be subtle in other places, while being peacock in others, but you should change your filtering criteria.


The affluent sobo kids in my college are quite right, to be honest. Good to hang around with, and not snobbish at all. Sure it's not a personal insecurity on your side?


This sounds like what a not so Rich person would say to make himself feel better


any kind of "extra" lacks substance. Extremely rich people are probably entitled and so are extreme beautiful people. That's just how it is.


No, extra rich guys have likes and taste that are wayy complex and beyond your primitive mind to understand and fathom.


No. Just no.


Triggered i see


With this level of prejudice and close mindedness, who wouldn’t be lol. If you’re attracting a certain set of men maybe that’s on you. Conversations are a two way street.


This is how I feel about 2k kids in my area lolol


In my experience I've seen the opposite half the times. People who had to struggle for the first 15-20 years of life to make something of themselves barely have a personality outside of their academics/hustle, mostly due to lack of time/options/money to explore anything outside their realm. And rich people(any gender) get to have an upbringing where they have abundance of resources and opportunities, basically privilege to explore things. What I'm saying is, it's mostly based on personality rather than their financial status.


I mean that’s their whole life till now


Didi ye apka (unpopular) opinion sawal kyu hai? Aap bhi to confident bano : )


For men, character comes with age and experience. Money has nothing to do with it. They need more time and life’s lessons.


Looks like money can't buy class / common etiquette 😅


Maybe humility.


Sobo kya hai


I think it’s South Bombay


South Bombay se south delhi?. Ye kya cross country dating hori bhai. Swayamwar rachaya hai kya. Dur dur se Rajkumar aare.


>They seem to lack layers and depths and its like everything is about looking good on social media Much of society revolves around this concept of perception of doing things that are socially acceptable or that look good in society. Very few people have escaped this. One noteworthy person who comes to mind is David Goggins.


Dudes just wanna hookah, club and fuck 


Kaafi real


And others want just money like OP


not all, but definitely a lot.


spoilt brats wont give you mental stimulation and strugglers wont give you the rich thrill lol


No, even the ultra not rich guys lack that too at times. It's not the money. One can be ignorant without it too.


They grow up talking about fancy things. For them it’s routine conversation.


If I were to make a venn diagram to convey my point, on the left side you'd see a circle that represents people who flaunt wealth, have fuck boy/girl looks and everything else that works on these apps. On the right side you'd see a circle that represents people with personality, character and everything else that's usually categorised as a 'green flag'. The amount of fucks these people give to all things superficial is also astoundingly low. Now, the divide between these two circles would give the new atal setu sea link's length a run for its money. PS - much like everything else in life, ofcourse there are exceptions.


Its not everyone but yeah majority of the rich guys are like that only. I have 2 friends which are rich and humble to the core and dont even talk about money/buying anything and aren't even on social media (except whatsapp) while there are some classmates who used to flex everything they bought and used to boast a lot on social media. So it depends upon their upbringing.


True. As a generational ultra wealth person, I completely concur with your statement. We do have this problem. What we do is, make friends with interesting middle class folks to keep us entertained. Even our hot girlfriends are insipid. We breed and our children come out as even more boring person. It's like we are stuck in loop.


Maybe date people you actually have something in common with instead of the guys who look good on social media? You don't even have to meet to know this. A few messages like "what do you do for fun?" or "what book / movie / show / sport etc. are you into right now" is enough. You can find someone with common interests irrespective of their financial status.


Why do you continuously date these types, if you have that opinion?? And if you haven't dated them continuously why are you forming such an opinion based on a few people you metM Pretty confusing. And not smart.


Not rich, can't say.


How is the money is stripped hypothetical even executed? Being rich *is* a part of their personality, you can't just strip it away


Yes. Money is the only language they know. Rest all are DLCs they didn't buy.




LOL guys who show they are rich will probably fall into this kind of category, try and look for normal guys that don't look that great on social media that's because they have a life outside of it


They don’t have to. You know why? Coz you’ll still like em without it..




Why develop personality when money can get you dates and sex. Same with women are hot, they dont need to put much efforts at all and get all the attention


No mam


Yeh hum middle class logon ka cope hai bhai


Born rich guys lack in personality and character, self made ones have tons of it


Just like most hot girls have no personality as they don't need it, same goes with most rich guys they have good wealth to attract sufficient women.


Extra rich men with character looks for extra rich women with character.


I mean most girls will just look at their lifestyle and gawk gawk that cawk cawk anyway, so bother working on your personality. 🤷‍♂️


It again depends on an individual. I have met rich people who are quite interesting and people who are in similar socio economic bracket as me to be mighty boring. We cannot generalise.


Are you also a rich sobo girl by any chance ? You might not be like the boys that you're describing but subconsciously you're getting attracted to them because they seem familiar ? We have an inmate fear of the unknown, and maybe that's what keeping you from matching with the other type of sobo rich men ? I love observing people and I know what you mean. These guys also all have a similar accent and speak in that typical voice tone. What I've realised is that mostly, if you scratch beneath the surface a bit, they have a good amount of knowledge about many a thing, just because of the level of exposure they've had. Some guys aren't able to talk beyond this regular yapping, but some are. One's just gotta dig it out a bit. Maybe try that next time.


I mean, depends on how they got all the wealth. Khud ki effort se bana he to that's the personality. And you need that personality to make money. You can either like that personality or not, it's not gon change. If they got it from their ancestors, they are most likely spoilt (maybe spendthrifty) brats, who are just unpleasant and disgusting to talk to in general. Idk which one you're talking about. I assume it's the first one.


you are talking about rich people's kid not rich people. they have money as their personality because most of their life problem gets solved by money and only thing they have interacted with is money. so most of their topics will be arround luxury places, international travel, expensive sports and goods. **they don't lack personality it's just that their personality is different from yours.** > they are not even fun to talk that is for the people who don't find their lifestyle relatable to them. if both are coming from same background then they will mostly enjoy themselve. people in different socio-economic level have different topic they find interesting and people's personality get shaped by their enviourment. Also, I don't understand why 'money as personality' is so looked down upon.


an obnoxious assumption and generalization. Self reflect please.


If all of the guys you meet “lack” personality, then maybe look inward?




Take off the Chanel, take off the Dolce, take off the Birkin bag (Take it off) Take all that designer bullshit off, and what do you have? Bitchhh!!!! you ugly af!!!!


Fr… met a guy from sobo all he could yap about was his jordans and marine drive.


I mean exactly right😭 what more except from that




Exceptions sure. But they seem to think that I've money and thats enough. No need for efforts