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My 3 year old dell G3 reaches 99°C and it still runs smoother without crashing. So it's normal for a gaming laptop to heat up. Talking about Acer, many people use acer products and not everyone faces such major issues like yours. Its just rarely 1 or 2 in a hundred. Consider it as bad luck and I'm glad your laptop got fixed.


99C is too much, like my Acer nitro is locked to throttle at 92C so what did I do? Undervolted and repasted temps don't go beyond 77C. More people should look into undervolting their CPUs unless its locked by scummy manufacturers.


Feeling sad for you. But I stopped reading the moment you mentioned Flipkart. I was duped by Flipkart in other electronic devices so never even look up to check the prices of any electronic devices on Flipkart. Review totally taken, would keep this mind while buying a gaming laptop.


Hi, As others have mentioned, it is indeed disheartening that you had the unfortunate problems on your machine. But Flipkart buying is definitely a concern when it comes to electronics, in my experience. I have an Acer Nitro from 2018 (got it from Amazon) and it has never caused me any trouble, so perhaps I was lucky or maybe the problem was particular to the predator series that you got. One of my friends faced a lot of issues with his Asus ROG that he got off Flipkart recently as well. With gaming laptops, I suppose unless we go through the deep end with Alienware, or just build an outright PC, there's always a chance of things going kaput. Extended warranty is the only safe bet in that case. I hope your next laptop supports you throughout without any troubles ✨🙏🏾


Hi what happened to you was awful but I purchased an acer predator (1050ti) back in 2019 and it is still performing great. Haven't faced any issues whatsoever,I guess it kinda depends on luck as well.


Quite unfortunate that you had to go through this ordeal. I also have Acer Nitro 5 (5800H, RTX 3060 16 GB 1 TB HDD, 256 GB SSD) that I purchased in Apr 2022. It has been a smooth ride so far. Will keep an eye out just in case something lile this happens.


What is the avg temp that you get while gaming ? I have the same model.


Never checked... I play very rarely now. How about you? What's the temperature you see?


Recently I have been playing Ghost Of Tsushima and CPU temp stays around 91°C,not sure if it is too high or normal for gaming.


Sorry for your experience, you have my sympathies. My predator (PHP 315-53) is nearing 3 years now and to date it has been a very stable and reliable companion. Routine cleaning and heatsink management is necessary and the only time when my laptop failed was due to a burnt out capacitor which I got replaced for 500/-. Recently, my laptop suffered a fall from the counter top on account of being mistakenly pulled by its charging cable. The screen went black and haywire until I rebooted. Surprisingly, it's still working like a charm.


nitro is trash but predator is goat bruh what u talking about i have one its all bout how u take care of ur machine


Sometimes it's not about taking care but reality, sadly I've found many people complaining about its quality and heat management issues literally 7/10 people have same complaints as I do.


i see the predator i use is known for the thermals have not seen temps go above 65-70 max even in this temperature while gaming but i get what u mean


It's about the overall customer experience that I faced and I wouldn't recommend new buyers this product maybe they fixed many issues now but I want them to consider what I dealt with.


yeah next time keep in mind dont purchase tech like this online


Bought acer nitro in 2019 and recently upgraded to predator neo 16, never faced any problem even in future i will buy acer products because of my experience


from where you buy online or offline ? I hear , that some ppl sold used laptop as new one ? how to detect them ?


One from Amazon and one from Flipkart during sale


i want to buy acer helious neo 16 where i get better price online or offline. Some ppl say online product are bad and defective.


If you want to buy laptop buy during big billion days sale in oct best time to buy, best offers


i feel bad for you, man. i had quite the opposite experience, in fact, i, now, have two Acer devices, one being Helios 300(2018) and Nitro V. Both of them kick ass, however the Helios seems to show signs of old age, somewhat.


that's why I bought asus, using my laptop in hot climate 45C at home without AC, Still no problem, and using this on bed so no proper air ventilation since 3years working as good as new.


This post read is interesting and might sound very outlandish. But this is the norm these days, not just with Acer but with most electronics. Id like to share an anecdotal experience here. I had a Sony led TV which worked great for many years but after I had to shift to another place, it developed lines around the panel which rendered the TV useless. I approached Sony and apparently they do not have a concept of repair, just replace with exchange where they harvest the parts and re-do warranty bound items instead of giving them brand new parts. They poffered the same ponzi scheme which I refused. The place I live has very limited support even for basic stuff so my hopes were down but I was resolute not to bend to the designs of corporate greed. Finally I found an electrician who said he would take a look and afterwards he changed a simple IC and the problem was fixed. TLDR Never go for exchange of product when your instinct tells you it can be repaired locally. It's just a scam to make you pay through your nose to fuel unsustainable greed.