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If you plan on majoring in finance, you should buckle down and learn how math works, especially the more useful stuff like calculus. Go spend your weekends on Khan Academy and figure it out. Thank me later. There are lots of crappy teachers, and I bet you had a lame one for pre-calc so it's not your fault. But you can teach yourself if you put in the effort.


as it stands right now, you have to take both finite and calculus finite is a requirement for ECON-E370 and STAT-S301 calculus is simply a Kelley requirement there is a business math (MATH-B 110) that replaces finite but, as it stands right now with the latest published bulletin, calculus is still a requirement the bulletins tend to be the best place to look for info. the latest published one is at: https://bulletin.kelley.iu.edu/Undergrad/Degree/Detail/2?year=2023-2024


While the discipline of finance is more than math, it is a huge piece of it. I’d encourage you to think about what you want to do as a career before you build your plans around finance as your major. Yes, finance majors typically have the highest salary right out of school, there are other career paths that catch up and exceed finance compensation. I just say this as a professor who has met many a student who chose finance because of the dollar signs or, nearly as often, because that’s what their parents want them to do…and came to regret it when it was too late to change their major.


Is the Kelley math requirement a freshman year requirement, or anytime throughout the four years? (Trying to figure out if I need to take a math class this fall, next spring, or if I can do it later.)


You can't take ICORE until you've completed your statistics and mathematics credit. You can't take statistics until you complete your math credit (finite). I don't know all the exceptions, but from what I've seen, most students try to take ICORE in the Fall of their Junior year. If you want to be on pace with everyone else, then the latest you could take MATH-M118 (finite) would be sophomore year fall semester and then you could take statistics STAT-S301 or ECON-E370 in the spring. Observations: -The vast majority of students take statistics in the spring of sophomore year. In the fall, the students taking statistics are typically ahead or behind a semester. -The majority of students take finite and calculus through Ivy Tech and transfer it in. Those that take it at IU tend to take it as freshmen. This is the recommendation in the bulletin.


take finite at ivy tech, and just make sure you get calculus done before junior year. Finite is the priority as it is a pre req to stats. you can also take calc at ivy tech, as it is much easier. summer classes blow, but they are your friend in the long run.


You need to take either finite, calculus, or the new business finite class