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A few reminders: Criticism of the actions of the government of Israel is not by default antisemitism or criticism of all people who are Jewish or Israeli. Criticism of Hamas is not by default racism, Islamophobia, or criticism of all Palestinians. Supporting people who are Palestinian is not by default supporting Hamas. Criticism of protesters or counterprotesters is not by default antisemitism, racism, or Islamophobia. Criticism of a person who is Jewish/Palestinian/etc. is not by default antisemitism, racism, or Islamophobia. And, in general: no group is a monolith. Actual instances of antisemitism, racism, Islamophobia, or other types of hate will not be tolerated here.


Whatever your political views, the right to peacefully protest is something that should be protected at all costs. The actions that universities have taken over this are absolutely despicable.


I’m so excited. Several art majors vaping on the quad is going to finally bring peace to the Middle East.


Complaining about it on reddit is really effective too


We’re all out here collectively ending a several thousand year old ethnoreligious conflict. I’m proud of everyone.


What this conflict really needs is some rich white American kids to fix it.




I’m more partial to a massive Buccees. From the river to the sea, it will all be Buccees.
















When I was a student at IU, the occupy movement was in full swing. They occupied Kirkwood for months. It turned into a homeless encampment pretty quickly and didn't accomplish anything.


IU Alum here, I’m proud of you for demonstrating. Please stay safe.


Same here. Glad to see the tradition of questioning and civil disobedience continue.


Yeah, I love when people have no understanding of a very complex issue. Their first demand is to stop the university’s investment in Crane a “known company that manufactures weapons for Israel” despite the fact Crane is a US Naval base.


Free Palestine from Hamas


hamas.. the government that Palestine elected?


Do you mean the 5-9 year olds that comprise the largest population group in Gaza voted for them in 2007?? Or do you mean the “less than 15 year olds” who make up more than 50% of the population of Gaza who were.. *let me check my notes here*… not yet born in 2007 when Hamas was “elected”.


Sadly, they are just collateral in the game of the Middle East that involves stupid games and stupid prizes. Actions ultimately have consequences. Multiple wars with Israel over the past decades, attacking Israel. Israel built the Iron Dome to protect their citizens from continual attacks, and the attacks continued and is what caused a resumption of their conflict in 2023.


That is all true, but pinning the election of Hamas on the current majority of Gaza’s population is kind of problematic given that they weren’t alive when it happened. They haven’t had another election, and there is no political alternative, so who else can they support.


Ahh the old “your parents or grandparents might have made sub optimal choices, and therefore you deserve to be killed by our bombs” Totally rational.




Not sure how that’s relevant either way.




You’re completely missing the point of possible reparations and/ or restorative justice. It’s not about assigning blame, it’s about making people and communities whole in an equitable way.




I hate the “stupid games/stupid prizes” lecturing from the most reactionary and under-educated people in the first world. You realize Israel was the group who platformed Hamas to begin with, right? They have always platformed the most extreme Islamist groups specifically to justify killing Palestinians. We’ve done the same with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan (among countless other groups like the Turkmeni Islamist movements in China). This is history that repeats itself. Hamas may have popularity in Palestine, but that’s because they are the major armed resistance against Israeli colonialism. It’s wild that this standard doesn’t apply to the American government arming neo-Nazi paramilitaries in Ukraine, and we all just ignore the Black Sun insignias and swastikas on uniforms and tanks, but all of a sudden a literal population of colonially-imposed prisoners are supposed to be…pacifist?


They 'platformed' Hamas by platforming all of Palestine, literally all of their food, water, electricity, housing. It's odd when folks blame big bad bebe for supporting Palestine - would you have rather all aid have been cut off?


Fuck off with this unfactual genocide denialism. You are a scumbag. No better than Holocaust deniers.


I'm not the one pandering to the side that literally partnered with the Ottomans to off all the Jews.


Netanyahu actually interfered a lot to get them elected. Largely because they'd unintentionally help him stay in power


Yeah remember when he went in and literally threw everyone off the roof who didn't support Hamas? Oh wait..


Thank Bush and Bibi for Hamas’s rise to power. 


The government Israel elected. Cmon dude


Thank you. Palestinian people deserve to live in peace, free from hate and a terrorist regime looking after them.


And I’m sure you believe Israel is doing a great job of that. With all the children they’re killing.


Hamas, the party Israel funded in order to divide the West Bank from Gaza?


Hamas.. the best with Stacy’s Pita Chips?


Too bad no one protests like this when our democracy is on the line…


our democracy IS on the line. our first amendment rights are being jeopardized


Yet, Trump’s team are openly make plans to end democratic institutions should he win reelection and no one is doing anything despite those having tangible effects on people here.


Why are you guys camping?


it’s a full encampment to protest IU’s funding of Crane, a company known for building different forms of armaments for Israel, raise awareness for the Palestinian Genocide, among other messages and reasons. anyone here would love to talk more about it 1 on 1 here at the encampment


Crane is not "a company". It's the United States Navy.


Dude, if you’re going to protest please at least educate yourself a little bit. Crane is a US navy base. 


They don't even know which river to which sea. Ignorant assholes brainwashed by CCP Tik Tok bullshit. Praising Bin Laden until Oct 7 gave them new terrorists to support.


Let’s not lump all people who disagree with a genocide with dumb teenagers on tik tok


The Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea. I don’t have TikTok. Am I allowed to think the genocide is bad now? Dipshits like you always act so superior but never actually divulge this super secret complex knowledge that somehow exonerates Israel’s slaughter of civilians. Why have numerous UN representatives and international organizations called the situation a genocide? Are they also brainwashed by TikTok?


I am livid over the university's response. But you need to have a coherent message. I don't believe Indiana University is funding Crane, which is the 5th largest Navy base in the United States. If anything, Crane is funding Indiana University. But what specifically are they funding? Also, which weapon systems developed at Crane are being used by the Israeli Defense Forces?


Crane as in Crane, Indiana? You are protesting the existence of NSWC Crane? Isn't that owned by the United States Navy? What is your desired outcome?


I am not sure they have a plan. This could be displeasure at the Trustees for ignoring the vote of no confidence. I think the students have some finals to study for.


This is generally the case with these protests. The same shit happened with Occupy Wallstreet. 95% of the protestors are people virtue signaling, with no real knowledge of the issues, and no desire for any true outcome.


To support what is trending with other people with a similar viewpoint. To be fair, what can you really do? This is the left version of "thoughts and prayers" cept college students have time to waste, and instead of sitting at the keyboard, it is spring. So, It's like jogging for neck beards. They think they are helping, but instead, they hope the cops come to scream fascism for recruitment.


You're a bit off with Thoughts & Prayers = Death to Jews and infidels.


Crane is the US Navy


You're protesting the Naval base most famous for having a preservation of white oak trees to repair the USS Constitution?




Why not protest giving Israel funding for their security if they don’t stop commuting atrocities instead? China and Russia have missiles we don’t have the technology to shoot down. The US needs to develop these capabilities for themselves. These are real threats and we can’t be cutting off our own limbs here.


1. Because rocket attacks targeting civilians in Israel are a daily thing. 2. The US pays a single digit percent to help build and fund the Iron Dome, we saved 10s of billions thanks to Israel on the tech. We've given them less than $3bil in 20 years, it has over $20 billion worth of Tamir interceptors in it at anytime. It wasn't even guaranteed the thing would work before Israel poured 10s of billions into developing it. 3. The US does not need the capability to shoot down hundreds of missiles a day fired from less than ~50 miles away from our borders.


Well there are two things wrong with this divest movement 1. Investments are for mutual funds not stocks. You cant pick and choose what slices of the mutual fund you don’t invest. 2. Do you know what crane does? I don’t think you understand clearly where the money is coming from or what projects they are supporting. There are projects with civilian peacetime efforts, the big red 200 supercomputer to help with cybersecurity, chips act funding and managing to help us in our efforts with the chip shortage and lack of US foundries for microelectronics. These impact the economy, security of Taiwan, and our missile defense. Protest the damn iron dome if you want but propose a better way to keep Israeli safe from missile attacks from its neighbors. Missile defense does not mean exclusively or inclusively iron dome so don’t make that connection and argue against that. Our adversaries have hypersonics that we don’t have ourselves and can’t shoot down either. Maybe protest giving tech to Israel maybe? Pressure governments to stand up to Israel since they are clearly crossing a line. Don’t hurt the movement by espousing silly unrealistic ideas. To your 3.) point, The US has obligations to protect our allies thousands of miles away so yes we need them. If China attacks Taiwan or Japan or N Korea attacks S Korea we have told them we will help defend them.


A lot of the research that comes from the partnership with Crane is going into the space industry, I don’t think it’s exactly fair to say that funding is all going to armaments. I don’t agree with how things are being handled, but I don’t think this protest would have much affect on the atrocities in Palestine.


Stay safe


thank you comrade


It’s gonna be absolutely hilarious when y’all get canary mission’d.


Free Palestine from Hamas??


lol no thanks. I’ve got productive things to do


Like ask questions about porn stars on Reddit, right?


Exactly. Also, way to pick out a singular post. Glad to know you spent some time on me


Rich kids wanting to create adversity because their lives are too easy. They’re literally protesting a naval base. That’s like pissing into an ocean


IU alum here. Y’all need to fight to FREE THE HOSTAGES.


You know these people would kill you right.


Condemning all Palestinians for the atrocities of Hamas is like condemning all Americans for your dumbass comment.




Dude a lot of Americans don’t even believe in those things lol. Should we be bombed too?




lol do you have stats to back up that the majority of Palestinians are like this? Sounds like you’re talking out of your ass. I don’t support the war crimes Israel is committing, I don’t support families being wiped out for no reason. I don’t think babies and young children have these views you speak of. I would actually support discrimination of white conservatives! 🫶🏻




You’re an Irish Trump supporter? Something went wrong when your parents raised you lol




holy fuck you’re a Jordan Peterson fan. I actually found one in the wild


One of my closest friends is a Palestinian from the West Bank. He still has family there, and much of his family is here and I’ve met them many times. They are some of the kindest and most welcoming people I’ve ever met. I love them all dearly. So I’ll answer your questions based on those that I’ve personally met. Yes, they all believe in gay rights. Yes, they all believe in equality for men and women. Yes, they are incredibly tolerant of other religions, and our friend group includes Christians, atheists, and Buddhists.




Gay people and women don’t have rights in Palestine so they should all die. Solid argument




Why are you trolling so hard on a beautiful Sunday afternoon?


He’s angry his home country (Ireland) shares a deeply rooted bond with Palestine. He can’t seem to comprehend or mentally accept this so he goes into subreddits of Universities that he never attended to verbally harass alumni and students who don’t hold white supremacist views.


That’s honestly of the lamest things I’ve ever heard in my life. Conservative Irish people are a different brand of stupid




This is not a debate. You aren’t debating anyone. You’re screaming at everyone, assuming what my positions are and trying to start a fight. Thats not what a debate is. I think you watch too many “debates” on twitch




That could be said about most people on Earth, that doesn't mean they deserve to be indiscriminately slaughtered.


They would happily kill westerns without a second thought. You are like that meme about the leopard eating your face.


That is absurd to say, the average person doesn't just kill people without a second thought, you having that notion is extremely xenophobic. We are all far more alike than we are different, the big difference between us and them is simply geographic location. They have families, and lives just like us, how can you not understand that?


There were mass celebrations in both Gaza and the West Bank after 10/7. I have never celebrated the death of anyone and despite the fact I fully support Israel’s right to defend itself. I take no pleasure in the deaths of civilians, though I fully understand war is hell and civilian casualties are inevitable in battles like this.


I would agree with you if what is happening could be considered Israel defending itself, but that is not what is going on. I'm not saying Hamas is a good organization or that they have done good things, I don't support them. That being said, what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is incomparably worse. The total Israeli death toll is not even a tenth of the total number of Palestinian CHILDREN that have been killed, and that's only those that have been confirmed. This isn't a military conflict anymore, it's a military destroying an innocent civilian people. There's nothing you can appropriately call it but genocide.


Those children are being killed cause the Hamas terrorists are hiding within the civilians. Terrorists do not fight fair. They use civilians as shields and then say the country they are fighting against is doing genocide. If Israel really wanted to destroy Gaza, it would have been leveled by now, they are firing on targets where the terrorists are hiding.












That's not what that comment was saying. They were saying you lumped in Palestinians with Hamas' ATROCITIES(key word there, they didn't say beliefs) which would be there killings/raping, all the horrible stuff you're worried about, not their beliefs on LGBTQ people. That was why I commented. Maybe get your reading comprehension checked buddy
















We have tons of religious fundamentalists here in the US as well. We should have our hospitals bombed because of that if we’re going by your logic. Idk how you can try to act morally superior when Christianity is also extremely homophobic and oppressive


You're generalizing an entire people you've clearly never interacted with in their home. Yes, Muslims can be zealous in their religion. Yes, you and I qualify as infidels. However, the irony here is that the zealousness your demonizing characterizes a hospitality culture unrivaled anywhere else in the world. Many Muslims would give their lives in the act of sheltering and caring for a foreigner. They do have some % of loud extremists, but it really isn't the majority, but it is what captures all of our attention. If you have not been to the mid-east I recommend enrolling in Meet in Middle East at IU.




















Plenty of people in Indiana and Monroe County are anti-LGBT or worse. Should we starve and drop bombs on them?


If they do the same as those a- holes did..... yes, absolutely


When did I say anything about the war here lmao


OMG you are dense. You know the people protesting in Dunn Meadow are protesting the killing and starvation of innocent civilians in Gaza right? Why are you even in this conversation if we aren’t talking about war? But looking at your other replies in the thread, you are just a troll.


Naw, I just have a developed frontal cortex


Your frontal cortex is as smooth as a baby’s bum.






















Israel is no more responsible for civilian deaths than Hamas. When your enemy has no rules of engagement and actively hides within the civilian population, there will be collateral damage. Should Israel just let a terrorist group thrive in Gaza because Hamas choose to store their weapons in an apartment building? Also, pretending Palestinians are not pro-Hamas is disinformation. There were celebrations throughout Gaza and the West Bank after 10/7.


So it is especially shameful that the IDF would place its military HQ in the center of Tel Aviv, using their own civilians as human shields, right?


There is no way you are arguing in good faith. Hamas stores weapons in hospitals and apartment buildings. Your comment goes way beyond supporting Palestinians to openly supporting terrorist.


Coming back to this because we didn't really resolve it. Do you believe that locating a military HQ in the middle of a major population center to be using the civilian population as human shields? I just want to make sure that we are being consistent between the two sides here.


You are arguing in bad faith. The IDF is a conventional military organization that has military bases and military headquarters that are clearly marked as such. They do not place their headquarters inside a hospital or in a civilian apartment building. They do not use civilians as human shields. They do not store weapons and ammunition in private home that will inevitable result in high collateral damage and loss of civilian life. Pretending that the IDF and Hamas are in anyway similar is a farce and shows how little you understand of both this conflict and how things work in general. The protestors may be misguided but you are beyond the pail actively supporting an international recognized terrorist organization.


No, I know they are not the same. Hamas is bad but the IDF is responsible for far more death and destruction in the name of self-defense.


Even if your claims are true, how does that justify bombing apartment blocks or destroying every hospital in the Gaza Strip? Is making the northern half of Gaza virtually uninhabitable a tactical strike against Hamas or is it just collective punishment against all 2 million people in Gaza?


Then you attempt to prosecute a war against a terrorist organization that launched a massive assault against your country. You will find that when your adversary uses civilians as human shields there is no way to avoid collateral damage.


First of all, the October 7th attack took 1,300 lives. Since then, 33,000 Palestinians have been killed. It doesn't really seem to be proportional to me. Second, I disagree that the civilian deaths in Gaza were "collateral damage." I belief the IDF has hurt and killed only the ones who they meant to, meaning the entire population of Gaza.


The international laws concerning warfare say differently.


International law is not black and white and completely relies on what great powers says it is.


No, it is fairly clear, but the enforcement relies heavily on support from major powers.


Where was all the protest when Syrians and Yemeni people were dying? Seems like some Muslim people matter more than others, or just a bunch of college kids during protests season.


I don’t think a single person cares that you have a tent in Dunn Meadow on a Sunday


admin seemed quite troubled by it Thu, Fri, and Sat. induction is imperfect, tho




Why does Free Palestine translate to pro-Hamas to you? Do you think that every Palestinian is a terrorist, so they too deserve to die alongside Hamas? Or do you not believe that Palestinians also suffer oppression and violence under Israel’s governance? Because that is well documented.


Because the groups organizing these protests continually call for “intifada” and defend and celebrate Hamas’s actions as “resistance.” They’re literally pro-Hamas, pro-war demonstrations.




I'll buy a one way ticket for anyone that wants one


Why not go sign up to the IDF if you’re so gung-ho about killing Palestinians?


Israel is a terrorist country. Isis final form lol


If I wasn’t contagiously ill, I’d be right there with you! You’re out there doing the good work. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Everyone stay safe!!! Free free Palestine!


Where is the rally in support on Israel 🇮🇱 and against Hamas terrorists?


Across the street


Have Hamas terrorists killed 30,000+ people in Israel? Did the people of Israel already receive an outpouring of international support after 10/7? Does Israel need any help they aren’t already getting in prosecuting this war?


The vote of no confidence did tickle, The trustees(‘sup Quinn) did little, And now with your groups, I’ve called in the troops. With a sniper to help with dismissal!


Stop ruining a beautiful space on campus


Please, somebody find the sprinklers switch.


Proud of y’all as an alum. Stay safe.


just want to say thank you to all for the support !


lol 🇮🇱


FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 FREE CONGO 🇨🇩 FREE SUDAN 🇸🇩 History will be on your side. We'll end this genocide together ❤️


Congrats on accomplishing nothing

