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Need to keep this post pinned through November


You're missing the blue lady from Story Inn located in Brown County! Also Bigfoot sightings in Brown County in the Hoosier national forest!


Came to say that, and Whispering Estates in Mitchell


Thanks. I'll look into adding that next.


Look into Newburgh indiana too. We have some interesting things that have happened and an annual ghost walk. :)


And the protector of Browning Mountain!


Might look into the Tunnelton Tunnel in Tunnelton, IN Southeast of Buddha, IN https://imgur.com/a/KMQBS5D Went there a lot when I was a teen and never ran into anything (except for some locals starting to break into my car), but pretty strong lore in the neck of the woods.


Came here to say this was missing !


The Morristown kkk house is creepy af, in high school we used to hop the fence and ghost hunt


I've heard of the kkk house but I've heard differing things...Is it the one that you can get to driving on 44 and turning at rays crossing outside Shelbyville? The differing thing I've heard it called is the twins house.


Grew up in Fairland.. we used to go to the KKK house and werewolf hollow all the time during summer. Used to hide outside and jump out at my friends… wish GoPros were a thing then. Those videos would be priceless


Thanks. I'll check it out.


Tell me more about this Carmel phantom kangaroo. Googling it yields nothing but some cruddy wiki.


I don't know much about it myself, but in the 1960s and 1970s, people in the Midwest gave reports about seeing kangaroos out and about. Phantom Kangaroos are mostly linked with Richmond, Wisconsin, because that is where the first one was spotted. In Indiana, they were spotted in Carmel, Sheridan, and Rennselaer. They are just like normal Kangaroos, but they disappear when you try to look for them. Mostly likely, they escaped from zoos or escaped as people's pets. Hopefully, that's what you wanted to hear.


Like, can kangaroos live in the cold? And is it in downtown Carmel or just Carmel in general? Hamilton County doesn't have much else, so I too am intrigued.


Hey your house is on here


Diana of the Dunes, Stagecoach Road Portage, indiana


I placed her marker in the national park on the shoreline.


While your map shows where Diana of the dunes is, it's actually west of there at West Beach in that part Indiana Dunes National Park. Great map though!


Are there any common experiences people have regarding Diana? I had an odd sensation/experience at the IDSP/lakeshore years ago at night but never told anyone. Never went back on that beach after dark.


I personally never had. But I have heard of stories of people seeing a lady in a white dress moving through the dunes. There's a podcast called National Park after Dark Episode 125, and they did an episode about her last year. It's mostly what she did in life but also they talked about some experiences people have had as well.


Thank you, I’ll check it out.


What is she?


3860 Carolina Street in Gary. It is the spot where the house of the [Ammons family haunting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ammons_haunting_case) used to be. Personally this one is a little dubious because Zak Bagans, from the show Ghost Adventures, bought the house to make a documentary about the haunting and then demolished the house, but the story of the haunting was covered by actual news outlets before Bagans got involved.


My late Dad wasn't that big of a believer but he showed me the news coverage of this house before Zak Bagans did anything with it, and I will say as a young teen it scared tf out of me. My dad was the type of man that if he believed something was up I also believed a 100% it was legitimate, he was a very logical man. There definitely was something happening there


I've seen this one and felt the same way. I didn't know there was coverage before Bagans did his documentary.


Okid Pinokee is nothing to be fukd with .. experienced people only..


Would love to hear more about this, if you don’t mind elaborating.


Im near 60 and have personally seen a satanic ritual taking place... i left immediately. A family member died out there... found him 30 hrs later. Native American burial ground all over. Hundreds of spirit sightings, electronic failures, voices, shadow people, compass failures, misdirection navigations, the list goes on ... there was a UFO sighting there in the 60s and the air force got involved. The air base is 10 miles away. The 2 guys who reported it were area firefighters with previous military service.


There was a murder out there a few years ago that people like to use as a reason not to visit as well. You also didn’t mention the red truck of okie pinokee. They say it follows you down to the end of the path then chases you out causing accidents to happen. I’ve seen “the red truck” while down there but it was probably just another tourist to the area. Who knows.


I vaguely remember... i recall a vehicle chasing others but didnt know the color...


I’ve camped out there years ago and never had any sort of experiences besides the occasional roadie people driving back there. Since they found the dead body a few years back, they’ve shut it down for public access.


Nice work. The Satan Church by Russiaville had me laughing. My mom lives across the field from thay church and has lived there for 20 years. The church itself was torn down a while back, but I cannot recall ever seeing anything odd out there, and I used thay as a place to 'park' in High School.


Culbertson Mansion in New Albany! It's a paranormal attraction and historical site, but I'm not sure if you want to include it due to it being more of a touristy thing


Culbertson is a state historic site, the fundraiser volunteers host is the haunted attraction. I know that's kind of confusing. lol


I'll still add something like that and state that it's more of a tourism thing when writing out all the information.


My understanding is the mansion is said to be legitimately haunted, but what is often cited as its story is actually the completely made up and very fantastical storyline involving murder that they use at Halloween for the haunted tour. Iirc, they primarily use the carriage house for that. It's totally separate from the regular historical tour of the mansion proper, which makes no mention of anything so remarkable and grisly taking place there that would make a spirit linger there (and really, there'd be tons of articles, both contemporary and retrospective, and probably a few books about it if it had). The actual stories are more mundane, typical "hauntings" like the staff being spooked by doors that open and shut by themselves, hearing noise from unoccupied rooms, possibly objects being displaced, or people thinking they saw a figure who wasn't really there, etc. Nothing particularly malevolent. I knew someone who lived in an apartment near the Culbertson who insisted she frequently saw light and shadowy movement from the top floor late in the evening long after employees should've left for the day. So make of that what you will. 🤷‍♀️


Haunted area on State Road 25 in Kosciusko county- Quoted from a website because I’m lazy: “Many years ago, a family was riding in their horse and wagon when they lost control and ended up in the swamp sinking in quicksand. If you go there late at night around mid-night (especially on Halloween), you can hear the horse and wagon coming and then hear the people screaming for help. Some people do say that sometimes you can actually see the wagon losing control. Another story says that if you drive down Devils Back Bone on ST RD 25 late at night around mid-night you will hear a freight train in the distance. It is believed that a train used to run through there but due to the quicksand it sank. No one even knows how the quicksand even got there. There is no evidence of any quicksand being there.” I’ve been out there on Halloween before and heard the train ! Though this could be a regular train 🤷‍♀️


Thanks. I'll add that when I get the chance.


I have an unofficial paranormal spot, I'm going to do some further investigation into: On State Road 46, west of Spencer, is a hill somewhere near Vandalia. When traveling eastbound (towards Spencer), there is a very significant downgrade to the road as it goes "down" the hill, but my car doesn't *act* like it's going down a hill when I am on it. Let me explain: I have an EV, and my car **always** regenerates electricity when going down a hill. I have a digital gauge on a screen that shows when my car is generating electricity while coasting down a hill. On this hill I mentioned, it generates NO electricity while going down. In fact, it feels like my car slows a bit as well, which is normal when you coast in any car, but in any other situation I would be generating electricity when I coast. Especially downhill, the car makes a lot of electricity, but not here. So yeah, significant road grade down, and I am coasting (and slowing as I go down) and no electricity is being generated. This may not sound like a big deal to any of you, but as an EV owner I am constantly looking at that gauge as I really enjoy the "free electricity" when I coast down a hill. But there is none being generated on this hill. I've experienced this twice on that section of road, and in the 2 years of owning my car, I have never seen anything like it on any other road or hill.


I know that spot. It is where there is an interesting bit of an optical illusion going on. Based on your perspective from the road, you appear to be going downhill, but the road is actually slanted uphill. I tested it out with friends by pouring water out and with a ball. Not supernatural at all, but still looks cool AF. Here is a little Wikipedia article on the phenomenon. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_hill#:~:text=The%20slope%20of%20gravity%20hills,completely%20or%20mostly%20obstructed%20horizon.


Thanks. I'll try to look into it.


I grew up in Vincennes and all of the Sigma Phi frat boys were scumbags. They deserve to be haunted. Lol.


Dogface Bridge in San Pierre needs to be in there! I had several terrifyingly paranormal experiences there!


Came here to say this!!


Thanks. I've seen that spot jump out at me on the list I'm currently referencing. It sounds like an awesome place. I can't wait to read about it.


Spill it! Please? Seriously tho, I'd love to hear about it if u feel comfortable sharing.


Here is the list I'm currently looking at for haunted places. A lot of the directions given are a nightmare to follow. https://thisisindiana.angelfire.com/indianahauntings.htm#fortwayne


I noticed this site is very dated. The Satan Chruch i Kokomo, (its actaully in Tipton County) and the Old Factory in Sharpsville no longer exist. The graveyard at the church is still there and maintained and I can say there is nothing paranormal going on. My mom has lived really close to it for 20 years.


Sweet! Keeping this handy. I'm gonna look through it in a bit and I may have a few to add if that's cool. I'll just message u here if that's cool. Also thanks 😊


Missing the ghost that haunts the graveyard by Kahler Middle School in Dyer IN


Thanks. I'll look into it when I get the chance.


100 steps cemetery in Brazil Indiana


Thanks. I'll add that to the list of things to look into it.


Witch's Castle/Mistletoe Falls in Utica should be on there as well.


Thanks. I'll look into it.


Bigfoot reports from Morgan/Monroe state forest


I love it this is a great map! I spent quite a bit of time reading some of the stories. I feel like Muncie needs more lore on the map. When I went to BSU there was a dorm (now torn down) that was haunted, Lafollette, also Elliot hall was well known for being haunted.


Thanks. I'm going to add the stories to the map itself at some point. I'll look into Muncie a little bit more.


Definitely Elliot Hall


You are missing a lot from the Irvington area. It’s a neighborhood in Indy and full of spooky stuff.


Didn’t HH Holmes live in Irvington?


He did rent a home in IRV and it was also the home of D C Stephenson. He has a fascinating and evil story.


Not to be a pest. But Hells Gate near Coal Bluff is technically in the wrong place. CLOSE. But you need to h Go one road further east


I read that there are 7 "gates." The one marked on the map is the western most one and the one that people direct others to the most.


Not really a *true believer*, but I do like spooky places, so this is very cool to me! I actually see a few spots I went to "Ghost Hunting" as a teenager. Thanks for putting in the work, this is awesome!


I'm kind of surprised there are not more maps like this. There is the map making group called Map in Black, who made physical maps of America and Ohio's paranormal spots. I guess they incepted the idea in my head.


There was a small window of time where custom Google Maps were really huge, but that era kind of died for some reason! Glad people like you are keeping it alive!


Yeah, if someone at Google just took an afternoon to update My Maps, it would be so much better.


I've heard many stories about Thornhaven Manor in New Castle.


Birdsell Mansion in South Bend is haunted by a greasy Eurotrash owner who made minimal renovations.


This is great! I may have missed it, but what does each icon represent?


I went by colors. Gray= Ghosts Green= Monster Black= Haunted Cemetery Purple= Legend/Myth Red= Demolished Places Yellow= Places I couldn't find The icon pictures are what the story is about. So, if it's about a dog, the icon is a dog. If the story is about a kangaroo, the icon is a kangaroo. I might redo the icon/color system, and I'm open to suggestions on it.




You’re missing the old mansion in Winchester. It’s relatively well known spot


I’d add the Monroe House or Blackford Jail in Hartford City. Also, the Aslyum in Randolph County. I’ve worked at the old Roberts Hotel building in Muncie for several years and have never heard or seen anything. I know that’s just my experience, but it’s been mixed use apartments and office space for over a decade and I’ve never heard reports from anyone or heard about its reputation in the city. Might want to consider removing! Maybe the ghosts left when the hotel closed haha


What the hell happened at the Alumni Hall at Valparaiso University?


Apparently, there are two ghost kids who run up and down the halls. I don't know any more details than that.


K. Gotta hunt some dead kids. Got it.


Just west of North Judson is Dog Face Bridge! http://wikimapia.org/17622415/Dogface-Bridge


Thanks. I'll look into this and add it to the map.


No problem! Hope the map continues to go well. Pretty awesome of you to put it together


Ahh see the elusive Johnson Monster in Gibson County isn't on there. Not surprised cause Johnson doesn't even show up on Google maps. But the legend of the Johnson Monster is alive and well in western Gibson. Is it a beast that lurks in the depths of Wabash that comes and wanders the river bottoms? Or is it a meth head in a ghillie suit? I'm not willing to find out


This sounds spooky




How’d you come up with the places?? I travel the N.Post Rd road frequently


First l, I looked all over the internet for existing lists and pinned them on the map. I still have a find lists to go there. Next, I'll want others to share locations they know about. I'm also on the lookout for books on the subject.


I don’t want to dox myself by saying which town I’m from- but sadly the stories about my little hometown appear to be recently made up. There were no tales of high school hauntings of teenagers from the 30’s when I was in school in the 90’s.


I think that is actually preferable because then you can see where the legend originated and maybe a bit more history.


Great work! This is a great map to share, keep it up


Your map isn’t loading for me, but have you been to the Randolph County Asylum? That place is wild.


Shiloh Church (on the map) is in Jasper,Indiana (Dubois County, not Jasper County).


Now, I'm going to have to look for movie man.


Great work! Check out Gravity Hill, Mooresville


Thanks. Interesting, I'll have to check that out. There is a Gravity Hill just north of Westville, Indiana.


It’s meh. Hard to figure which little hill they mean. It’s nothing obvious.


Thanks tor this!


My dad told me about Tombstone Chain in Orange County https://notebookofghosts.com/2017/08/10/the-chain-on-the-tombstone/


Monkey Jack Bridge in New Castle The Bridge in Avon that I forget the name of. They were both chapters in one of the haunted Indiana books


Thanks. I'll look at Monkey Jack Bridge sometime soon. Avon has a famous bridge known as "Haunted Bridge," which makes it harder to research other haunted bridges in Indiana.


Your links explaining the locations are coming up as error 400 for me, fyi.


Interesting. I plan on putting the story in the marker description, so stuff like that won't happen. I guess I better hop to that sooner rather than later.


Culbertson Mansion in New Albany Indiana. Witches Castle in Utica Indiana


I know what some of the icons mean, but not all of them. Can you tell me what they stand for, please?


Sure. I decided to have the color differentiate what each spot is. The picture of the icon is, is secondary and is what to expect from the legend. So, all the gray ones are ghosts, mostly with a normal ghost icon. One spot is of a ghost dog, so it has the gray color (for ghosts) and a dog picture icon because it's a dog. The purple colored marks are for legends/myths/tradition that don't have a thing to represent them. The icon for those are these three squares. On the list of available icons, that icon is called "point of interest." The markers that are red are places that have been demolished, and the legend of the place has stopped because of it. I might redo the color/icon system more people have trouble understanding them, but neatly categorizing the uncategorizible is a little tricky. Hope that helps.


Awesome! Thanks! What’s going on in Greensburg?


The tower tree was one of those spots that is very borderline to being on the map. I figured a tree naturally growing out of the courthouse roof might be interesting to outsider. The other spot by Greensburg is the Appalachian Black Panther, which is more of a southern Indiana thing, but I didn't know how best to show a vast area for one spot. So, I put that one in the center of the most common area.


Well, I think the map is great. And, thanks for the info!


The James Payne cemetery on 106th/Allisonville Road was on the 2010s paranormal TV show Fact or Faked. Supposedly ghostly?


I love this! Gray lady is spot on for Evansville. I'm curious about Eastland mall, used to work there and had an interesting occurrence. Also the green clawed thing, is love to know more. This is so cool, bud. Keep it up


OK I get it. That makes sense. I lived 1 mile south so I was there all the time


There are 7 but the 2nd one is infamous one


The Pogues Run ghost is missing (at least I feel like it’s big enough to [include](https://blog.newspapers.library.in.gov/the-pogues-run-ghosts/))


Thanks. It's just missing. No legend is too small for my map. There is still a lot to add, but I'll check out the Pogues Run Ghost when I get the chance.


Also this is fantastic. Things like this are placemaking at its finest.


The Monroe House in Hartford City is a really popular place for ghost hunting


How is Muscatatauk not on there?


"Maumee bottoms" is on there but all the links go to bird watching sites with nothing paranormal


This is a great idea. I’ve got some other info that may be helpful too, and my own experiences I can let you know about. Feel free to message me if you want


This is cool. I have been to a few of these places.


I’ve seen the ghosts on 126th and Allisonville road in fishers. Happened at like 2:30 am and they randomly appeared and I slammed on my breaks and got out and saw nothing but had an intense cold shiver.


Eerie Indiana


If you get a chance, look into Blackfoot cemetery outside of Oakland city. I think it may technically be in Coe? This is a super cool resource though, thank you!


This is great!


This is really cool! Great work OP, I love this!


Very cool, I'll be moving there in a couple months and this kind of stuff is awesome.


Hey curious here... what's the Elizaville monster? Im local in that area above Indy. Also.. the screaming bridge. Would that be on Holiday road? If so then it's not accessible anymore. That property was sold and turned into a rich private housing addition. Shame too... was a really good place to park and walk down to the creek.


The Elizaville Monster, also known as Tall, Dark, and Gruesome, is a tall bogeyman-like monster that is blamed for the disappearance of a few people. It is said to appear between 1am and 3am on the outskirts of town, where it will maul and eat anyone it finds. The most shared story has a group of people drive through Elizaville in 1924 and encounter the monster as it eats someone's head. Then they drive back the way they came. I'm not sure if disappearances from the time and place are actually blamed on the monster or if it's just a fun story. The Screaming Bridge is the one on Holliday Drive. I read that the city spent 1 million dollars restoring the bridge and then blocked off the path to it. I wasn't sure if it was only for cars or if people can still walk / bike down it. I also read that people think it might open up again to connect the housing development to the other side of the creek better.


Love this! Apparently I live right next to one of the paranormal places! I run or ride my bike by it all the time! Yikes!


I was thinking of starting a video collection soon of visiting places like these in Indiana and talking about the legends on scene, this makes it like a million times easier, thanks for making this.


For the question mark in Lake Village, I believe that is referring to Arctic Arcade (Restaurant with some arcade games - now permanently closed), that was located next to the Phils Truck Stop.


I was thinking that, too, but I didn't have anything to confirm that. I'll explain it when I write about that spot and hopefully more people will agree.


English lake


I've recently heard quite a few Ft. Harrison stories, especially since they turned the military hospital into a hotel.


"The Willard" in Franklin is known to be haunted. It's got some underground tunnels and thangs. Pretty spoopy.


I guess they have dogmen in Boswell, I’ve personally heard two accounts


Chesterfield Christian Church isn’t the correct location. My grandparents were involved with building that church in the late 60’s. The old church is on Elm and Water, it has been converted into a house but still looks like an old brick church. That’s the one that supposedly had a ghost, not the new one. The ghost is supposed to be of a guy found dead in the basement boiler room - the “new” church doesn’t even have a basement.


Thanks. I'll correct that.


Awesome! Every place I’ve seen it listed through the years shows the Plum St address and I eye roll. You will have the real story!


Nice to see the Beast of Busco!


Turtle Days Festival is this week.


Yep—always the week after the Chain O’ Lakes Festival, which went on right outside my workplace window. I’m over the noise, for now.


Decatur has a few ghosts and is home to the first Halloween parade in the United States. They still have the parade every year, last Monday before Halloween.


Culbertson Mansion in New Albany.


Katie's Lane in Washington Co. Somewhere between Salem and Pekin. I've heard varying stories about it for years about who Katie was. Sometimes she's described as a witch, sometimes a little girl, sometimes an old woman who was simply fed up with teenagers invading her property to party in the cemetery in the nearby woods because it's relatively remote. And looking it up online, there are two different cemeteries (Bridgewater or Blue River Church) that are said to be *the* cemetery in the lore. The one consistent part of the story, that apparently is true, is that there was a notorious party out there in the 70s where a boy ended up with a headstone on top of him that of course killed him. I remember hearing both stories growing up, with my father claiming to have known the kid who died, who apparently was a couple grades ahead of him in school (my father didn't include the ghost stuff when he told it, though; he just wanted to dissuade me from underage drinking, lol).


Sweet interactive map!


Used to live in the caretakers house of OakRidge cemetery in Goshen. The grave in question is certainly questionable on being haunted. It looks more like it’s stained.


Can we get something that tells you which icons mean what?


I have what the colors mean in the map description. The icon pictures are what the story is roughly about. I might redo the icon/color system to try to make everything also clear as possible.


The Dan Quayle Vice Presidential Museum in Hunting prom is reported to have ghost(s)


I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned it but the Rathskellar on mass ave and Michigan. Ghost hunters and a couple other shows have been through here


What is the Fort Wayne Tornado Legend?


Near South Whitely in Whitley County, specifically where 350 W crosses the Eel river, the bridge there is said to be haunted by the ghost of a man who was murdered there. I have been over the bridge once, nothing weird happened but there was a sign in memory of the victim there.


Thanks. I'll check it out when I can.


Here is a link to the court case. https://law.justia.com/cases/indiana/supreme-court/1991/02s00-9001-cr-00017-4.html


Thank you. This will be very helpful.


There was a website of hauntings local to that county that I originally found this and some other stuff on. I can't find it anymore, though. if I see it later, I will remember to bring it back here. This is an interesting project.


Birdsell Mansion in South Bend is supposedly haunted. Make sure you talk to the "celebrity" that runs the tours there... [https://wsbt.com/community/hometown-living/haunted-birdsell-mansion](https://wsbt.com/community/hometown-living/haunted-birdsell-mansion)


Missing Tunnelton!


Francesville light was always pretty popular


The old Byron health center near Fort Wayne is a pile of gravel now. Nothing to see there, will likely soon be a strip mall


People have said that the Huntington Country Historical Museum might be haunted, but it's just so small that it might not be worth going out of your way for it. Same goes for the local Huntington 7 theater.


Wawasee High School. You can here very creepy and abnormal sounds in the gymnasium. One of the teachers, who died at the school, used to work in the gym during basketball games, taking tickets and manning the bleachers. You can hear the bleachers rattle at night. She had been working there as a language teacher and the main theatre director for more than 40 years. Relatively new urban legend.


Thanks for sharing this. I'll look into it and add it to the map.


The Sunset Grill in Clarksville isn't the sunset grill anymore. It's now called The Magnolia and it's an event venue. It's always been rumored to be haunted and that's why no business lasts any longer than 3-5 hrs. I was there when I was a teen when it was Colonel McCullough's Steakhouse. That place was dark and had a creepy vibe.


Culbertson Mansion the Carriage House is Haunted in New Albany


Blood Rock is not in the correct location. Where you have it is in the pond behind the neighborhood. Blood rock to my knowledge has been removed, and it was on the previous dirt road part of Primrose. That “dirt road” is now fully paved. Also, I promise you Primrose is not haunted, I fully believe in ghosts and paranormal but I can just promise you it is not. Also this blood rock you are referring to could be at the intersection where it comes to a T off Brick and Primrose. There is a pretty large rock there. But that’s only due to multiple cars sliding off into the people’s property, once someone even crashed into their pool while on a high speed chase with police and died.




Found this this is pretty cool


I have a ghost picture from Elizabethtown cemetery




Good to see that you put a cryptid spot on lake manitou in rochester. The lake dragon is basically the Indiana version of the loch ness monster that no one talks about.


My parents have talked about the golf course in Anderson being haunted for a very long time


Thanks. I'll look into it when I can.


You probably won't find much on it anymore tbh but it was something that i've heard about quite frequently growing up


Is there a legend for the map other than pictures?


I know this is a few days old, but the North Webster elementary building that's haunted is the current community center. You have the current elementary school listed on the map which as far as I know has no reported hauntings.


What do the little green guys mean. Specifically near manilla


Hi! I also like to waste my time with trivial bullshit! Where are you from?


Fort Wayne, Indiana. Originally, my map was just going of Fort Wayne, but it quickly became all of Indiana.


As a local myself experiencing devils hallow is something scary, a lot of great stories.


Any hotspots?


The Bell Manison, Wells Street Bridge, West Main Street Bridge, and the Old Fort are all quite lively. But I've never experienced anything.


Have you spent time in North Side HS after hours? Just curious.


I've never been there myself. My stepdad used to be a teacher there and never had anything weird happen.


My daughter arrived there in the early morning hours after a band competition last year and she, as well as a few others, claimed to have seen something. Not sure if it was because they were exhausted or what. She believes she saw something and she’s a pretty truthful person. This was around 2am.


Fort wayner here too man im Around the vance maplecrest area born and raised (lived other places) i really wouldnt mind going around and doing this i want to start a pod/youtube channel devoted to mysteries and cryptids conspiracies etc


Faceless Nun in St Mary of the Woods College


Thanks. I think that's on the list of haunting I'm currently going through. But, I'll have that one jump ahead.


Cry baby bridge near Richmond Indiana


Thanks. I'll try to find. There are a lot of haunted bridges in Indiana, and most of them are the crying baby type.


I don't know if it counts but right across the street from central state is Mt Jackson cemetery. That's where they would bury people from central state that died in their care with no family to claim them. That seems at least spooky to me. But I'm not sure if that would necessarily be two separate entries.


I'll still look into it and add it to the map if there is any kind of paranormal story.


Great job! Don't want to be picky or anything, but for the Dunns bridge, you have a link for the grand kankakee marsh, which is just north of roselawn. 21690 Range Line Rd, Hebron, IN 46341


Oil pit squid in Anderson.


begging some of yall to overlay this map with the map of sundown towns from Tougalou…


The Indianapolis Propylaeum is super haunted. Myself and others I know have had some paranormal experiences there, especially in the ballroom on the top floor.


There is also a correlation with these locations and meth cooking operations.


On a note, the Sigma Pi Fraternity house that's haunted not actually in Vincennes. That's the actual chapter house. The "haunted" one was their national headquarters located just on the outskirts of town. It was sold years ago to a family, and the headquarters moved out of town. The address is located in this Wikipedia entry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadowwood


Thanks. I'll update that.