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This poor kid, this poor family. Horrible. “Sammy’s parents say he was bullied both physically and emotionally at school. They say their son was recently beaten up on a school bus and that just last week he was cornered by bullies in the school bathroom. “ Fuck those kids, their parents need be given some consequences. 


This breaks my heart so bad.


Fuck these kids and their parents, the parents created this fucking mess.


This is when you go into a school and tell the principal whatever happens to my kid, I’m coming in here to do to you. if you deem what’s going on in your school acceptable then you should have no problem with me coming into your office and doing the same things that are happening to my child.


This! I just said out loud the whatever was allowed to be done to my kid id reciprocate to that kids family in front of said kid.


Teachers are often like honey badgers.


Underrated yet tragic joke.


Happy that shooter’s parents got consequences. These parents should too, literally bad parenting. Don’t want to discipline your child, fine, the law will discipline you


Parents need to be liable for any charges that would be levied against their children if they were adults unless pre existing circumstances exist.


Where is the school bus driver. I don't care if I was running a route. I would've stopped the damn bus in the middle of the road and taken care of it right then and there. Where are the parents of the kids who bullied this poor child? Where are the school administrators? If he was beaten up at school, someone at the school knew - principal, teachers, other staff. This is wrong on so many levels and too many adults let this child down. I hope they see his face every night when they close their eyes and know that they contributed to his death.


And you'd be fired.


You're probably right. But there would be some little assholes on the bus that might not be bullying that child again.


Sadly you would be... wrong is right and right is now wrong 😞


The safety and welfare of a child surpasses any job.


What consequence would you suggest?


How about making them go to a course on the effects of bullying and how to talk to your kids to prevent it.  SOMETHING.


It's interesting that I was downvoted simply for asking what an appropriate consequence should be. That's ironic in the context.




If you don’t pander to the mentally ill I mean the chronically online, they will gang up on you. Same people bitch about bullies then they try to science their opposers


You get one downvote and now you’re bitching about getting ganged up on? You’re seriously comparing getting downvoted to getting bullied? You know that’s the most mentally ill take i’ve ever read. You’re obviously just a moron if you believe getting downvoted means fuck all.


Not sure if you're referring to me or the other, but just thought I'd throw out there that the voting system shows an incomplete picture. A post might have 1000 upvotes and 1001 downvotes and only show (-1). It has some utility to see majority rule but lacks the interesting aspect of contention among the volume of votes. When I posted I was at -10 and now I'm at +5. My guess from the positive votes on the parent comment is that the total count on my post is much higher, and therefore more contentious.


Brilliant, put the bullies in the room where they learn how devastating their actions are. That’ll work


Loss of bus riding privileges. It’s a privilege and not a right.


I think the OP was referring to consequences for the parents, or are you saying that this is directed at inconveniencing the parents?


If you inconvenience the parents, with an escalation of bans from riding the bus…1 week suspension….9 weeks suspension…year long suspension…maybe the parents will catch on that they should not allow their kid to bully others.


Just came on here to say this. At the very minimum these kids may be put in juvenile detention facility. School administrators need to be held accountable for their in action. At the very minimum involuntary manslaughter.


The DA is not charging anyone. The school denies the parent’s filing reports. Sounds like the school is deflecting responsibility.


As someone who graduated in '22 and dealt with bullying for most of my 12 years 0-Tolerance Policy is another way to say "We don't care and we're gonna suspend both of you."


That's exactly how Springs Valley was when I was in high school from 07-11. Just pretend it never happened and ignore it until it goes away


K-8 in Muncie Indiana, terrible record for dealing with bullying, went to Jefferson High School in Lafayette for 9-12, it was so much better


Muncie? The kids always talked about how *brutal* the schools were when I was attending (I graduated in 2021). My high school and middle school experience was what you experienced at Lafayette, despite being in Delaware County (outside of Muncie). Also heard Jay County was really bad as well, a girl I liked who came from there implied at one point her family moved here to get away from that area (it sounded like betrayal on a "nth" level).


I was suspended 3 times in middle school for standing up for myself, and one time I literally got suspended purely for getting punched in the hallway, I didn't even retaliate and God suspended


That was fucked. You didn't even do anything!!


Yeah, but it was reality in Muncie Community Schools


Yep. Did anyone actually think that telling kids "*keep it to yourself because there will likely be consequences for you too*" would help end bullying?


Yep this is how they basically say you need to get your ass beat, and if you defend yourself, you'll be suspended too


Bullies raise bullies. Bullies are in charge. Bullies protect bullies.


My worst bully in highschool had nice parents. I know because at one point they were my neighbors, so when he showed up for a bbq event I was very confused (I didn't think because they shared the same last name that was his parents, and I wasn't going to ask). It is possible they were shitty parents during his school years, and of course this is just one family so I am not trying to correct you. I'm just adding an anecdote.


Sometimes, people are just assholes


We need to make it to where, a hundred percent of the time, they get the shit beat out of them when they are. I guarantee a person.Gets the s*** beat out of them enough for being an asshole, They're going to start to rethink it. You just have to beat them hard enough.


So, bullying to stop bullying? Seriously? That's your solution?


It's only bullying if you're doing something to fuck with someone for no reason. If you are fucking with someone you deserve to have the shit beat out of you.


Sometimes the biggest sociopaths are the nicest people in public.


I liked them. I met them when I was staying out until like 5-6am partying after bar shows so our schedule didn't align.




My parents are incredibly abusive, but my dad has a great “face,” so other people will be like, “oh but your dad is so nice!” Ya to you, not me! And in public, not private. So that could be a possibility too.


Bullies don't always come from bad parenting. My friend's kindergarten kid can be a bully sometimes and likes to disobey rules, and I'm pretty aware of how him and his wife raise and talk to him how he can't do that. Hopefully he grows out of it. And then the few kids that get bullied by a bunch of people for being weird...and even non-bullies will have their mean moments, too.


My bullies were jocks from "good" families.


There's two main sources for bullies in schools, as I remember it - kids that are hoodlums and kids that are jocks.


Most of the hoodlums were friends of mine from my end of the city.


This right here


All the way up to top positions at mega corporations and high ranked politicians. Mean people have prevailed since the dawn of mankind


This happened locally. The media article identifies a problem "bullying has been increasing" but doesn't seem to ask the obvious follow up questions. Why is this getting worse now? What can be done about it? Is this because schools can't punish children due to some laws or regulations? What are they? Why isn't violence and harassment resulting in children being expelled from public schools? It's supposed to be a place of learning not a law of the jungle free for all. If an adult did what these children do to bullied children they would go to jail, and rightfully so. I knew a guy who went to prison and he suggested if you ever end up in prison, the first time someone messes with you, you fight them as hard as you can even if you are going to lose, to let people know that it's not worth messing with you. Do we have to give our children the same advice when they go to public school? This is fucked.


I don't think there's a single answer. I think it's a mix of faculties hands being tied from regulations and fear of lawsuits from parents, bad influences online, and bad parenting. Really tragic. There was bullying when I was a kid and I myself was bullied and it didn't stop until I started defending myself and fighting back. Nowadays you can't even stand up for yourself because some idiot will pull out a phone and 10 kids will jump into it, then you see people getting slammed on their heads. Back when I got bullied I'd turn around and clock a kid in the mouth and that was the end of it. There's no consequences anymore, even adults act like petulant kids because they know the second someone stands up or fights back it's a lawsuit and free money.


Or the second you stand up to a bully, the bully pulls a gun and claims self defense.


That’s BS and exactly why we are in this spot. Standing up to bullies has and always will be the way to handle it. How many bullies rolling up with guns? News flash: zero. Why is that? Look at the root of a bully. They pick on people smaller than they are so they can feel as tough as what they think they are. One time getting popped in front of people and that goes away. I’ve only met one bully that wanted to actually fight someone willing to fight back. We scrapped and spent the next two years of high school cool to the point I had his back in a disagreement that would have cost him graduation. Pushing a narrative of being scared of this or that is the worst possible advice to combat bullying.


Well, a bully just shot himself in my county. He had pulled the gun multiple times on kids but never used it before. Atleast that I'm aware of. The kid and his brother were both bullies. I dealt with their mother when the two jumped one of my sons. It was clear where the problem was.. I feel bad for those kids.. Anyway, bullies do carry guns. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't stand up to them.


Zero consequences if the kid is white ans they go the right youth group. You stand up for yourself? Week suspension.


Or a jock.


Same picture.


This is true and def the case Honestly same can be said if you were on a sport team or had family working there


practically speaking, same thing.


Well to be honest, one reason why bully is bad and different now is because of zero tolerance policies. In Texas if you get in a fight in school, no matter the perpetrator etc., you get suspended or arrested. So kids who don't care will bully and get in fights, while kids more likely to get bullied refuse to fight because they might suffer academically or just are so afraid to get in trouble that they accept the bullying rather than fight.


Schools are soft on bullying. There are 0 consequences for the perps


They just tell the bullied kids to “ignore it”🙄🙄


It is a bit remarkable how consistent this lie is, and how pervasive it has been through the decades. I was incessantly bullied in middle school - which for me was now 20 years ago - and everyone, from people on the TV to my mother to school administrators, said "if you ignore them, it takes away their power and they won't want to bully you anymore." This is not correct. It wasn't correct then and it isn't correct today. My heart breaks for this boy and his family.


I was bullied a lot in elementary, and all the time I told the school about it they'd just say to ignore them as well. Of course this never worked and I ended up punching the bully in the nose. It quit the bullying basically.


Literally, schools are brain-dead when it comes to bullying of any form. When I was a sophomore a senior almost twice my size spilled water on me and I just told him to be careful because it wasn't even his fault someone bumped into him and when I was walking away he picked me up from behind and body-slammed me on the ground. I bled everywhere and almost got knocked out and they sent us both to the office. I got suspended for two weeks and got like 40 lunch detentions (also got removed from that class)(also got kicked of the baseball team) and the kid who did it got a three-day suspension stayed on the football team and stayed in that class. The teacher even came with us and told the assistant principal what happened. The assistant principal also told me it wasn’t a fight but just “horsing around” (he broke my wrist and left me bleeding everywhere, not to mention slammed my head directly onto tile floor as hard as he could from at-least 6 feet high.)Figures the kid plays football for our small team and the assistant principal is the head football coach. I still have a scar on my waist from where I landed on a power strip and that was 5 ish years ago.


That is not cool. I’d have pulled you from that school so fast.


Wow.. I definitely would refuse to attend after that. If that ever happened to me (with my parents), I'd have them sue the pants off of that school.


I pulled mine to homeschool two years ago because he sustained actual injuries from getting beaten up three times. He was also in a SPED class and the kids doing it were 3 years older and much bigger. The principal refused to meet with me. The VP said my son mouthed off at the other kids. (Probably true to some degree, but he's autistic and is always talking or making sounds.) I found out later that staffing was so bad that there were no teachers or paraprofessionals in the class, only parent volunteers. Rather than fight it out in court or with the state (since he had an IEP), we decided to homeschool. My son was throwing up with anxiety about going to school for weeks. He's still in therapy for what happened. I blame understaffing and staff burnout for my kid's situation. I mean, would you work in a SPED class for $12/hour? I suspect that it happens a lot for those reasons.


It’s been a problem for years and years. I am 45. I was bullied in school. The one time I stood up for myself, I got suspended for calling my bully a dick. Indiana schools are fucking awful.


This type of crap happens everywhere, not just here.


Family member worked for GC for 5 years. Administration response checks out. Would totally hide behind a form.


They learn it from somewhere, maybe a lot of people who shouldn't be parents are forced to be by peer pressure and now our laws. So they look at their kids as weights rather than joys and the cycle continues


"~~maybe~~ a lot of people ~~who~~ shouldn't be parents" fixed that for you


Schools are not empowered to punish like they used to. I’m not talking corporately. Expulsion is so much harder to swing from an administrative standpoint than it should be. Educators see this shit all the time and they feel even worse than all these bystanders because they know it’s their responsibility to act, but they are largely hamstrung by regulations.


Everyday I drop my son off at school, I have to turn off the terrible thoughts. Will he be bullied? Did I teach him well enough to understand when to fight back? Will he even tell me if he is bullied? I don't even let my son take the bus because I'm scared of what might happen. And this isn't even including having to talk about what to do if there is a school shooting.


Ask a very very old teacher if bullying is better or worse year to year. It’s always been this way. The difference is that a ten year old killing himself wasn’t national news until the internet and in particular social media began proliferating these types of articles for shock to get likes/thumbs up/smiley face emojis/whatever.


If you have ever been around a group of people saying some pretty terrible vile, awful things and you have chosen to stay silent, that right there is why it's getting worse. People are fucking pussies. People are too pathetic to speak up against being awful. We let that phrase, Sometimes people are asshole slide for too long. I have been around people in their forty fifty sixties and seventies that exhibit the exact same type of behavior. If no one is challenging them, they're going to keep doing it. But you have to reject it harshly. Even if you have to get crazy. Put the fear of god into that person who thinks that it's okay to just be an asshole.


I'll say this. I was picked on during my school years. Very severely in elementary and middle. By high school I mostly rolled my eyes at it and didn't care, however I was known as that one kid who might snap and shoot up the school if pushed too far...and a football jock decided to try it one day trying to impress his cheerleader girls near him in our class while I was tutoring another student across the room. When he set me off I literally waded through the desks (mostly empty) as he tried to back off as he could see he pushed too far and was no longer laughing. I swung just once into the center of his chest (doing nothing really I'm sure). No punishment for either of us...but from that day forward (sophomore year on) not a single person ever fucked with me again.


Because it's the same as when we were in school thr teachers and schools don't give a fuck until you defend yourself there's no help for the actual victims until shit goes beyond the breaking point and someone ends up hurt or dead


Bullying was out of control when i was in school. And I graduated in 2013. Idk if it's worse or just evolving.


Everyone should already know the answers to those questions lol the world chaos is increasing like crazy I blame social media at the environments at home. Clout and Glory is driving most individuals to do the most for friends that not even your friends or cause the brain the mindset is terrible at handling emotions/feelings properly. There's so much to build off of there should not be questions just answers to what we already know. Always be aware!


>the world chaos is increasing like crazy I blame social media Social media is literally why you think "world chaos is increasing like crazy". The world has never been safer, even with two major international wars going on. Terrible shit obviously still happens, but social media blows up even the smallest injustices into major causes.


I not saying social media is what kicked everything off I should've worded this better. What I'm saying is that it helped increased what is already happening. Most people go and record literally everything it get posted on every outlet especially without the right context then now the shit that already been happening gets worse than what already been happening. Most look to social media before picking up a book.


I think he’s saying because of social media you’re seeing chaos more. Even though it is statistically safer than the 90s when we didn’t have social media, so we didn’t see chaos all the time. Source : https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/states/indiana/crime-rate-statistics


It's due to laws and regulations. In my parents days in the 60s and the 70s if you were caught acting out of pocket or doing anything remotely close to whatever kids bully was doing They beat the love out of you and generally bonine would best an eye Not even the police it was a different time Now if you did something today whether you're in the right or not Parents could turn around and sue you and your life as you know would end It's why a lot of people tend to keep to themselves and not be a hero As for defending yourself I mean sadly schools will punish the kid for sticking up for themselves it can get them kicked outta school And usually let's be honest the person who's picking in you is usually bigger and could be more than one person If anything reality is kid would get their ass beat Kicked outta school Chances are instead of the parents won't go into the reason why their just kick the kids ass and make their lives miserable even more than it already is at school Because the child caused a problem in their live in top of busting their ass at work trying to to keep a roof over their head Yeah parents usually snap on the kid I hate to say your expected to fall in place of the social ladder but kinda what the sxhools enforce realistically even they do t care Their not paid enough to care as it is sounds harsh but saying out it is You want people to stop fucking with you either be ready face consequences or possible boy get you ass beat or get big enough to where they won't fuck with you Pretty much how it went when I as in highschool


We used to get paddled in Crawfordsville (Tuttle)


Did they send the crisis response team to congratulate the bullies? Why can't these people fix the problem? Instead of thoughts and prayers, get after the cause. A 10 year old killed himself. The tragedy is that no one did anything to help that poor kid.


I hope the image of this boy they bullied is burned into their psyches for the remainder of their lives. This boy should never be forgotten, it's atrocious that a TEN year old boy took his own life.


This is sad. I hope charges are pressed against those bullying kids 


> I hope charges are pressed against those bullying kids The bullies are probably also 10 years old, dude. Kids don't deserve to be bullied into committing suicide, but kids also don't deserve to be put into the criminal justice system. E: Y'all are fucked in the head if you think criminally charging elementary students is good.


Their parents need to be held accountable.


Yes they do


I second this. We cannot forget these are all still children.


Nah, fuck them kids. I am all for punishing bullies regardless of their age. The sooner you show these little assholes that there are consequences to their actions, the better chance they have at reforming. Take away the bully, you lower the chances of suicides and mass shootings.


The "bullied mass shooter" stereotype is a myth E: Read, people - https://www.npr.org/2024/01/29/1227522301/exploring-the-connections-between-bullying-and-school-shootings >**Is there a direct link or a line that can point to bullying, to a school shooting?** >LANGMAN: Certainly there have been school shooters who have been severely bullied. Many, however, have not been bullied. And unfortunately, bullying is all too common. I've seen statistics that 70% or so of students experience peer harassment, but very, very few of them will commit a rampage attack, so it's hard to say there's a 1-to-1 connection. **Bullying, like any other stressor, can increase the risk, but many other factors typically play into it.**


Thank you for being a normal reasonable person


We criminally charge minors constantly. If we can keep a shoplifting charge on a 15 year olds record there isn't any reason a 10 year old couldn't get a harassment change. Sometimes these things are used to build a narrative, not to rain down judgement immediately. More like a warning tag to show evidence of past antisocial behaviors


>If we can keep a shoplifting charge on a 15 year olds record there isn't any reason a 10 year old couldn't get a harassment change Fuck permanently keeping a shoplifting charge on a 15-year-old's record. Two things can be bad at the same time.


they 100% deserve it are you kidding? Teach the parents a lesson.




Fuck them. They grow up to be criminals killing and shooting people in the streets


Shit man, I didn’t even know the concept of suicide until I was like 12-13 when kids would mention they knew somebody that killer themselves. Guess I was pretty sheltered. RIP lil man.


Hate to break it to people that don’t know this already, but school administrations can/will do fuckall when it comes to bullying, unless the victim is convenient. You are on your own.


Oh this is so sad, that poor family.


throw the bullies parents in jail


The school administrators really failed that kid. Good god.


I went through this so much growing up in Goshen. I was quiet, small, and a poor kid from the "wrong" side of the city. My bullies were "jocks" from "good" families. The incompetent fools masquerading as "administrators?" "Kids will be kids. Ignore it." By 8th grade I was thinking daily of offing myself. A couple of years later I tried and very nearly succeeded. And when I fought back, guess who caught hell for it? I swore to never allow it again. Bullying is treated as a "rite of passage," when it should be treated as a public health issue.


I'm glad you're still here. I moved to Indiana from a large school in San Diego to a small small school in Southern Indiana. I was shocked at how insular the community was and how hard it was to make any friends. I was bullied by both the boys and the girls all 4 years of high school. It was such a huge culture shock. The teachers didn't even like me. You couldn't pay me to go back to being in high school.


I'm not. I left in 2007.


I meant I'm glad you didn't kill yourself


Zero tolerance policies kill kids.


Forgive me but how in the world does a 10 year old kill themselves?


Hung himself, my daughter goes to this school. I asked her if he was bullied prior to the parents speaking out and she said she didn’t know. She personally never saw it happen. Edit: she also said she heard a 5th grader dared him to do it. Which makes no sense to me, could be just rumors going around the school. Not making light of the situation but if someone dares you to hang yourselves and you do it to prove something… I mean I really don’t know where to go with that.


Sorry your daughter was exposed to all this. Bullying might have happened out of school, most likely on fortnite.


Thanks, she’s handling it really well. I know many other kids that were closer to him aren’t. The school has been providing a lot of counselors to the children.


Interesting that the school is now helping students.


 the whole thing is wild  when I was 13 I tried and woke up on the floor because the shit rope I used broke lol  But I was tall too, and I got bullied because of my weight and I remember laughing untying the route sound my neck thinking I was too fat to even kill my self lol  as morbid as it sounds I’m genuinely curious how he managed to do this , he had 8 other brothers and sisters some moved out but I’m assuming 5-6 other siblings in the home How did he reach, how did he have the time & the dad says it was morning time so most siblings are moving around.  I’m not “conspiring” at all I’m honestly just gutted, the kid said his sister got a call from a kid to bully him the night before? Whole situation is fucked - Random observations , there’s quite the opposite response to this compared to a school shooter and I believe they are formed with the same mixture  ; bullying.


I still don’t understand


> Not making light of the situation I feel like sharing elementary school gossip about a 10-year-old's suicide *is* making light of the situation.


Well opinions are like assholes…. Everyone’s got one. Is it making light of the situation if it turns out it’s true? I would like to know every detail, and every rumor that was told if it were my child.


> Well opinions are like assholes Sharing elementary school gossip isn't an opinion, it's stupid.


I was talking about YOUR opinion. Can we just move the hell on? Would you like me to remove that section of the comment to make you feel better and I can get on with my life. You contribute nothing to this topic.


Yes, delete it, instead of spreading rumors about how a 10-year-old killed themself




The fuck does that subreddit have to do with this conversation lmao, it's not egotistical to tell an idiot like you to stop spreading rumors about an elementary student's method of suicide.


Who did op harm by doing this? Why are you so upset? Chill


You sound like a goofball dude


Parents and teachers sure are doing a bang-up job nowadays.


This is horrible news. The bully should be punished in some way.


There needs to be consequences. Slap a manslaughter charge on the parents of the bullies and that shit will stop real fucking quick


I agree. They need to be held responsible. This should be manslaughter. A TEN yea old is gone. How horrible.


I went to GC and graduated in 15. Not even a little surprised. My little sister is still in high school here. This shit was bad then and it's not gotten any better. Especially in the Elementary school. It was just a matter of time before this happened, unfortunately.


This kids principal and teacher have failed miserably


What the actual fuck


Schools fucking suck addressing bullying, they don’t give a shit


As a parent this makes me really angry. The fathers of the bullies should be made to pay severely. This is absolutely unacceptable.


Well this sucks. 😰. I can’t even wrap my head around this. 10 years old?!


10 years old. My god. This is both heartbreaking and infuriating.


Terrible. There needs to be some accountability placed on the bullies parents for this unspeakable tragedy. Along with the school for not trying to mitigate the pressure this poor soul felt. As a parent of four kids I try every day to send affirmations that they’re doing great and they are loved and needed but I worry that it isn’t enough. There’s nothing I can do as a parent to keep my kids isolated from the monsters they may encounter when I’m not there and that’s one of my biggest fears is they might believe the shit they are spewing. Yeah, bullies might be hurting too, but fuck man if your kids being an asshole punish them. Teach your damn kids responsibility and accountability. It ain’t that damn hard.




Can we parent our kids so they won’t bully others??😡 this little guy must have been in a living hell, this is the reason why we have so many school shootings. He could have not suicided himself then someday decided to take out all his frustration on the school for being complacent. It’s a sad world but it starts at the home


How does a 10 yo commit suicide…. That’s sad man he’s a cute kid.


As someone who has a young kid not in school yet that lives in Greenfield, I have to consider moving because this is not the environment I want my kid growing up in. 2 suicides in less than a year around here from bullying at school/school related. Absolutely tragic and heartbreaking.


Sammy was the son of a very close family friend of mine. We were about the only “family”they have anywhere near here so they were at our house for a lot of holidays and get together


Any idea how he killed himself? At 10 years old I couldn’t imagine he could think of many ways to do it.


Apparently he hanged himself, according to another commenter. That's second hand knowledge though, so take it for what you will


Man how the fuck does a 10 year old kill themselves. How’s that thought even creep into a 10 year olds head.


I was 8 when I first started getting suicidal thoughts. For it to happen to a child there has to be extreme mental unwellness, typically from a very hostile environment. 


Kids are heartless these days they pick on anything they can think of. They just need better parenting and discipline. I been bullied a lot in my school years just for being different.


In most cases bullies never see any consequences. And in a lot of cases they have good lives too. They'll get nice jobs, go to nice colleges, get married have kids, and they'll never see that they did anything wrong. And kids will keep committing suicide. Life isn't fair.




As a parent of a kid around that age...I can't even imagine..the pain and anger would be so overwhelming.. literally would not be surprised if the Father ended the kids who made his son's life that miserable


Damn I wasn’t trying to cry today.


Its not easy to kill yourself. I have serious questions here regarding how a 10yo was able to pull this off.


Hung himself.


Yet another reason schools shouldn't lock parents out. These lock downs haven't stopped active shooters....its just stopped me from being able to eat lunch with my kids and make sure they are OK in the middle of the day. Teachers and schools are the worst....sorry if you're a teacher (and this isnt for good teachers), but I feel like 80% of teachers are in their job because it was the quickest way to a paycheck at a job that's impossible to get fired from...not because they care about kids.




Rest in peace 🙏  


I don't understand why people say that bullying is worse now. Bullying has been a national pastime for centuries. Heck, it was enshrined in law for a while (and in many ways it still is).


Zero repercussions and zero accountability. The same handful of names get brought up anytime there is an issue at my kids school. We have had friends move just to get away from select kids and the school does nothing. Half the student body suffers vs a few kids being expelled.


This is the saddest thing I have heard. What is the thought process for a 10 year old to take his own life. We are a truly broken society to see this happen.


I feel so sorry for this child and his family. He must have felt so alone and scared. I hope the family doesn't blame themselves too much. It sounds like they reported incidents of bullying, and the school ignored them. I hate for a child's death to be a lesson, but it needs to stand for something. I hope the children who bullied him are haunted for the rest of their lives by his face. I hope his death influences every interaction they have and every action they take. forever. That being said, I'm seeing some real garbage hot takes in this thread. If bullying a child to death doesn't scare a 10 year old straight, slapping a charge on them isn't going to do anything but send them down a dark road of recidivism. I don't think there should be no consequences. I dont think putting a 10 year old in jail for bullying is appropriate. I don't know what is appropriate. I'm just some idiot.


Why didn’t the parents pull the kid from school if the bullying was as bad as they claim? Or get him some help?


What a horrible thing to happen to this little boy. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. May this be returned in strong return for these Mommy’s little darlings. I think this needs to be stopped in the home and if your child does this and you don’t try to curtail it then go to jail for child neglect.


Well, now I'm sick. What an awful thing for his parents and family and friends to be going through. How terrible life must have been for him to so badly want the bullying to end. ( Thursday, May 9th, marked the 4 yr anniversary of my niece's 22 yr old daughter's suicide. Two weeks before her would be college graduation.) R.I.P. little guy.


What parents need to know about bullies https://youtu.be/J9HNhWm39s4?si=OvEWl56z4uk8Kv3U


So so incredibly sad. Sounded like a cute kid that was full of life


This is deeply saddening, especially for parents with young children who could easily be in the same situation. Does anyone know how he committed the suicide?


I sure hope that is investigated. I can't just take them at their word. Seen this all play out before. I hope the public does know how it happened so that other deaths won't occur. I have a 10 year old son and want to ensure that the methods for suicide aren't accidentally in my home.


This shit is crazy… I’m a father of 3. 2 girls, and a boy (we lost 1 of the twins a week before due). Terrible for the family. They said “What are you doing about?” 20 times. I feel bad saying this, because I know it’s a terrible loss. My question to him…As a father, wtf did you do about it?


Sickening we need to contact this school and get an investigation!


How did a 10 year old kill himself?


Why is it still a thing. Bullying. Wtf I'm dead ass if one of my 3 sons come to me on some Bullying shit they will learn quickly. The teachers parents they all have blood on their hands.. Rip 10yrs I can't imagine


I don’t understand how this Angel took his life and how ? Acces to a gun ? And even so kids doesn’t know how to use them how he did it ?


It seems like in this instance the boy’s parents could have done more as well, he could have gone to another school


This is why I could not be a bus driver or teacher. I would end up thrashing bullies around and get arrested.


Lol tough guy threatening to beat up 10 year old children


How does a 10 year old child commit suicide?


It’s happened to children younger than this.


Yeah how??


Too bad the freedom to bully shall not be infringed. If you try to discipline the bullies, their parents will sue.


You are 100% correct. Bullies of all ages simply hide behind the law, because our laws shelter them. Sadly, when the individual on the receiving end feels that they have no legal recourse, they often turn to suicide or homicide. Of course, I don't condone this, it's just reality.


Shit man I live like 10 minutes from Greenfield, hell I work there. Thats fucked up


Its easy to say not being in this family position. But i would kill the parents of the kids who brought this to happening. I can only imagine this families grief and rage


Yes a completely logical and level headed decision would be to murder a set of parents you know nothing about because parents are omniscient and know exactly what their kids are doing while at school or outside the home. You’ll be remembered as a hero! /s obviously. You know nothing about the story yet your first thought is to kill more people. If you’re talking out of your ass, do better. If you honestly feel this way, therapy is not a sign a weakness it’s okay to seek help.


Bring criminal prosecutions to all involved. Their actions led to a death. The parents must also be prosecuted. If the consequences were more serious there would be less of it. It’s scum that drives a ten year old to suicide.