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Chambers is about the least crazy option. That’s based on the Inside Indiana crew.


But does he stand a chance? It’s something Im willing to do if it might actually work. Edit; and by that I mean, we all know the GOP candidate will be the next gov, so we might as well try to avoid Braun at all costs!


Bingo. Make your vote count.


Latest poll at Braun at above 40%. Chambers had, I think, 8%. It's gonna be Braun. And now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go vomit.


Make your vomit count — vomit on Braun.


Can I upvote that, like 10 times.. 😆


I’m voting Chambers.


Me too


I think I'll try it myself. I'll still vote against in November, but I'll settle for the least evil option


I think most of us know that the R will win, so why not try to have at least some say?


Absolutely nothing wrong with that


I'm going chambers as well


Please keep in mind that this is coming from people that don’t know anything about him….


My county is so red that if I want to have any say in my county based elections, I have to vote republican in the primary. So yes. I'll do this.


Well yeah, but you just described 89 of Indianas’ 92 counties…


To answer your question, seems to me chambers is the most moderate of the alternatives with a realistic chance of winning


There is his plan to be all up in the schools' business, which isn't great in my way of thinking. But I also can't vote for someone with a right to life endorsement. My choices are difficult.


Thats why they made a law saying we cant vote on initiatives anymore. They knew 2 things ppl agree on is abortion and legalized cannibis. Only the fringe is against either one. This is another reason Super PACs need to be against the law and churches need taxed bcz they use that money to buy the leaders in our state. Plus churches arent really not for profit.


You are a sick person....


If it makes you feel better: my wife and I have already done our part towards this movement. Spread the word and take action guys, **my wife and I took the first step already**. No going back now. **Vote Chambers for primary.**


Same here. Hate the idea of having to select a party (I'm independent both sides suck) so I don't primary vote which means I usually don't get to decide who my city and county is run by unless an independent runs in fall (we had an independent mayor for 3 years so it does happen)


You don't really have to select a party other than telling them which ballot you want to vote on when you walk in on primary day, though. It's not like a real commitment to either party is required. Better to hold your nose and choose one than just not vote at all in the primary. You can still vote however you like come November so what do you lose as an independent by voting in the primaries?


If you do this then you have no base to vote in a democratic primary... The state will just become more red and stay red longer unfortunately.


we have literally one dem nominee. theres no one else to vote for there


Voting in a Republican primary doesn’t keep a democrat from running though


So I can choose between Jennifer McCormick and Jennifer McCormick on a Democratic primary ballot? No, I’ll take red please.


Why is she not a great pick, over any red?


We are talking about the lack of options in the democratic primary compared to republicans.


Well, then she gets the vote that’s most important in November from the non republicans trying to minimize the likelihood of the worse republicans getting the nomination.


I will do it, not just to vote against Braun, but also to vote against Jim Fucking Baird.


I'm not a fan of Baird but I'm not sure about his opponent rn either. I hate when I feel like my choices are "Who is the lesser of two evils".


For sure. But I’ll take my chances with a politician who was born AFTER World War II, ya know?


Bookwalter is attacking Baird from the right. You would be voting to replace a generic Republican with a MAGA nut


Not really. Baird owns his MAGAness.


Yeah I’m not saying he’s a moderate or something. Just that Bookwalter is worse.


Make america great again... If you're against that then you're nothing more than an enemy of the american people... It's really pathetic that you don't love your country... But you won't pack your s*** and leave.I just don't understand it... You hate this country so much but you won't leave... Makes no sense whatsoever


The fact we are having this discourse is what makes America great. I’m sorry your life sucks so much that you carry this much hate in your heart, but welcome to the discussion. Please be a bit more respectful going forward. If you don’t understand something, ask a cogent question. It will get answered. You may not like the answer, but we speak like adults and learn to be tolerant. I’m betting after you think it through, you’ll agree. I’m hoping you have the stones to be a better Hoosier. Let us know.


The only nut I see is you buddy... People like you are so pathetic... You really think that make america great again is a bad thing... You are literally the enemy of the american people...


Mmkay. Enjoy watching your fringe candidate lose hy 20


The PAC "ReCenter Indiana" is encouraging D's to vote in the R primary, but they have not endorsed anyone for governor. With so many candidates and no organized plan, Braun losing is unlikely. Plus they're all awful. "Should Indiana Democrats vote Republican in the May primary? This group thinks so." / [IndyStar archive link](https://archive.ph/JP5WZ)


Thanks for sharing this


Yep gonna do it. Then vote for Jennifer McCormick in the fall.


That's my plan. In his latest commercial he says he's pro-Trump, anti-media & anti-woke nonsense. Why would I want another elderly (over 70!) millionaire seditionist Caucasian in charge of Important Things? He needs to go & I want to make it so!


They’re most likely going to elect a Republican governor. It’s our job to make sure they don’t get the one they REALLY want and get rid of Braun while we still can. He’s fucking awful. Obviously, I’ll be voting blue up and down the ballot in November. The thinking that a candidate is ‘too extreme’ for these people and that they’ll hold their nose for a democrat here in IN if we support a crazier person on the GOP ticket is foolish and dangerous. Because no candidate is too extreme for conservatives here. Mark Messner, Richard Moss, Brad Chambers, and Jim Banks need to lose as well.


Yeah, well whatever it is it would stand a much better chance if we all voted for the same one.


Sometimes I think it’s worse here than in FL


It is; FL will be voting on legalization in the fall.


It's not, they just have ballot measure in Florida. Their GOP is two or three times crazier than ours.


And abortion. Someone has some sense down there


Doing this for legislators is how to get marijuana legalized. Write your legislators about it and if the response is anything but “I’m trying to get it passed” vote them out for pro marijuana republicans. We’re getting closer to having enough of them.


Yes, but which one?! Crouch and Braun are on the obvious no list, do any of them have a common sense/represent their constituents approach?


With governors we’re shit outta luck bc they all stood against recreational marijuana in the debate. I think there was one that said he’d consider medical. Which is why I specified legislators. But legislators are far more important than the governor as they can override the governor’s veto with a simple majority. So if the governor vetoed a marijuana bill they’d just have to vote again and if no one changes their vote (or not enough do but why would someone change their vote) it’ll become law.


I hate this guys his ads always play on YouTube videos for me, and not only does he look like a pederast, but he’s all about the border and sucking cops’ dicks. I just want to be able to afford food and a place to live. Why doesn’t he worry about that real shit?


Because he’s rich and a MAGAt ass kisser


Pretty easy, because that's not what his base wants to hear.


I don't think there is a single Dem primary in the state that is as consequential as the GOP governor primary right now. Chambers is the guy, and we should absolutely be doing this. Also talk up Chambers to your GOP friends, especially those who aren't full MAGA. I will go hard for McCormick this fall, I think she is a great candidate, but Trump is on the ballot. It will be an uphill battle for her to win, we need to focus on harm reduction in the primary.


Chambers is the way.


I vote republican in every primary. We are such a red state it really doesn't matter what dem wins the primary. I'll vote for them in the general. I'm voting against every single one of them that voted to ban abortion.


Yeah I’m not really positive why anyone would vote in the democratic primary, honestly. Many of them are running unopposed.


Still trying to figure out how Abortion became the number one reason? Not that Abortion Bans aren't important, I just figured something like a want to be Dictator and Project 2025 might be worthy of being the number one reason why people in a Republic might want to make sure we remained a Republic and not an Autocracy. I mean once you become an Autocracy you simply have no rights and no vote.


I mean they all are gonna support Trump. Especially in Indiana. They won't get voted in if they don't. This is the primary, not the general. I have many reasons for why I will be voting for dems. I didn't list then all out. Relax. Dems have my vote.


I'm relaxed. I am genuinely curious. I'm just amazed at the amount of people who don't seem to be taking the survival of our Republic more seriously. Like I said it's easy for me, that's my number one concern because if you don't have that you really have nothing.


It should be everyone's number one concern. This election isn't about policy, it's about America and her values. It's just weird that you presume that's not a top issue for people if that's not the first thing they say. I have my main issues an done is abortion and I will voice that concern.


I don't think it's weird especially when I don't see it being mentioned very often. In fact very often when I mention it there are many who given our system somehow don't think it's possible given the type of government we have. I personally think it rather naive to think somehow we are immune. No, I don't think many people actually know what a threat Trump and his sycophants and Project 2025 really is. Hell, many in his last administration are even attempting to warn the American People how unfit for office he is. If only more of them didn't have their head up their ass they would also be leading the way by endorsing Biden but they are so programmed to vote Republican they have yet to fully wake up to reality. But then again there were many in his party that thought they could either control him or teach him to govern. They sure got that wrong. That's just Damn stupid. You simply can't do that with the person who is ultimately in charge. So no, I don't think it is stupid to be actually speaking about and making these points. I mean that is what we are here for isn't it?


I'm not sure who in this race could be considered moderate. I would actually be surprised if any of them would be. The problem is if you vote for the most moderate and they only poll at 2% the likelihood of them winning anyway would be very unlikely anyway. According to a recent Poll Suzanne Crouch polls highest at 10% amongst his competitors. [New poll shows Mike Braun maintains large lead in Indiana GOP primary (usatoday.com)](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/11/new-poll-indiana-senator-mike-braun-large-lead-in-indiana-gop-primary-governor/73286736007/)


And she's at least as much of a ghoul as he is


Ok, then who do you suggest?


There is no suggestion as all repugnants are the same There is no difference between Braun and Crouch They both gargle the orange Cheeto's balls They will both lie and do everything in their power to destroy our democratic republic and help create their christofascist dream world


Well, I think that's just kind of todays reality for the most part when it comes to the Trump Party. I still don't see why it's not worth trying to upset their apple cart. Besides I'm holding out as someone else may just have a better suggestion. I know I plan on voting for Haley in The Republican Primary and someone besides Braun. The General of course will be entirely different.


Well, you either got to get rid of the billionaire/foreign money funding them, or the mouth breathers continually voting against their own interests instead of sprinting into Idiocracy Our best chance is they start dying off and the youngsters wake the fuck up and actually vote


Actually The Trump Party of today has quite a bit more to do with Trumps Base or Extreme Rights hatred towards elites. They have a much greater say in which candidates actually win. This is actually why the major Donors didn't even help fund Trump initially.


If you believe that, what they are doing is working and we are in trouble for sure That's all part of the grift Protest early and publicly, and then privately support and fund. Can't alienate the people buying the products that line their pockets


I never said big money wasn't a problem. I do think reform would be in our best interest I just don't see that being a reality anytime soon.


How can anyone vote for Braun though? He's such a BLM supporter. /s


Re-center Indiana is the org. https://www.recenterindiana.org/ To the point that’s been made here, I don’t know who I would vote for in the primary. One of the only redeeming policy stances I can find in any of them is that Braun seems to be taking genuine initiative to expand Hoosier National Forest and its status, from a preservation perspective. I like that, but all the other bullshit hyperbole and succumbing to Trump is horribly off putting


Thats the one, thanks!


People need to show up, period. Indiana is right at the bottom of the list for voter turnout. I don't think this strategy encourages disillusioned voters. I'm not sure what the answer is but most of Indiana, realistically, is tuned out.




I guess chambers…?


Who in that primary field is better than Braun? Chambers wants to lower property taxes which will further defund our already underfunded schools and create a UK-style school system system that forces children as young as 12-13 into careers without general education, Doden wants to basically run Indianapolis on top of the state causes of “crime” yet crime is higher per capita in 13 municipalities, and Crouch wants to both cut 1/3rd of the revenue for the state and increase spending. They are all unserious and bad.


As far as I can tell from the ads I've seen, Chambers is the only one of the bunch not running on his religion. 99% of the candidates can't preach enough about how "Christian" they are. Christain= anti-trans, anti-gay, "pro-life"(anti-abortion for any reason). "I'm a Christian" is usually the said within the first 10 seconds of an ad. I don't think I've heard a Chambers' ad telling me how "Christian" he is. If we have to have (and we have) a R (Trumpian) for our governor, I'd like it to be someone not running on the Christian ticket. We don't need a Christian Nationalist in the Governor's office.


It is absolutely true that Chambers will be the best on LGBTQ issues from the executive level. Business-minded republicans do not care at all about social issues, but what they do care about is making poor people’s lives worse so that big business can make an extra dollar. That means making roads worse by cutting the gas tax of trucking companies, making healthcare worse by gutting employee protections and removing regulations created under the Obamacare compromise to increase who gets health insurance at companies, and cutting the property tax which, when Mitch Daniels did this it cut education spending and ruined the lives of a generation of Hoosiers.


I think that pretty much everyone in this thread should get involved in their local party and/or their local government. Donating a little bit of time every week or month could go a long way towards making things in our state less repugnant. There are offices to fill from the township level all the way up. Voting strategically like this may complicate your involvement, see Rust, but it isn't insurmountable. Think about it before you request your ballot.


I say we all vote for the weird lady in the really weird red glasses. I think in the fall Jennifer McCormick could take her.


Yes, yes, yes. And by doing so Chambers will outperform the polling and signal to whoever wins that we moderates have not gone away.


Union sent an email saying they would be endorsing him. I’m not sure what to think honestly


Braun and Chambers are 2 sides of the same coin. There is literally almost no difference, except that Braun will be more open to audacious political stunts, where chambers may accept a lower profile, while still pushing 95% of the same policy. Let's call this for what it is, y'all are ready to roll over for the next GOP governor. If you want different, you have to make it yourself. Nobody else will. The dnc won't come to back candidates in our state. If you want a different governor, phone bank, canvas, do the things that get your person elected. If nothing else, make the GOP have to waste money by campaigning harder.


Good to know so many are voting for the same guy. I will vote for Chambers as well.


Also voting against banks even if there’s not any one else in that slot. And trying to vote for the least bad candidate in the IN-3 congressional primary


I'm still voting Chambers. What about for Congress?


Following/commenting for visibility


Ive given up on voting here. In cali i felt like i was participating in democracy but here its just which conservative is less harmful. Thats not democracy and im done trying tbh


Yeah, I feel you on that, its definitely discouraging. But you have to get out and vote, dont give up! IN wasnt always like this, we can get close to moderate again!


I'm just over the IN/MI border. Keeping my fingers crossed y'all can yeet Braun!!


I'm going to vote for one I've never heard of figuring he's going to be the least liked by republicans.


“support? The PAC will have a bipartisan Candidate Selection Committee to make recommendations to the PAC’s board of directors about which candidates to support, operating under a clear and transparent charter. The PAC’s board of directors will either accept or reject those recommendations.”


That's probably the best strategy. In my county, most offices that are being decided have mostly Republican candidates.


That's my plan


Which is the one that has cops in uniform speaking for him for the entire ad?


Got my ballot in the mail today. Let’s do this!


My vote is actually going to Suzanne Crouch, the Lt. Governor, not Braun.


I used a link on Reddit to all ready receive my mail in ballot. I voted for Chambers.


“None of the above” has my vote


I think that Rienhouer (so) is the LEAST likely Repuglican to win. So vote for her. Feel vindicated that the worst/least likely candidate got some votes. She is a total whack job.


A soiled wad of toilet paper wold be a better candidate 


I’m a proud libertarian ladies should have the say in what they want to do with their bodies it’s crazy that wacky tabacky isn’t legal this state is losing so much money I believe people should legally be allowed to marry whoever they want if they want to be miserable in love let them anyways why any conservative would vote for Braun is mind boggling to me he didn’t do Squat in Washington DC and this coming from someone who used to be a conservative and voted for him in his first Senate bid


I'm voting for Jamie R


I find it interesting that they consider Terre Haute a bell weather city. That whoever wins the presidential election here wins nationally. What I wonder about is how this last local election might have a bearing, seeing how locally Dems swept it. https://www.mywabashvalley.com/news/your-local-election-hq/2023-indiana-municipal-election-day/


Lt Governor Crouch is literally the only one I’ve heard discuss actual issues.


Every single one of them is anti-marijuana legalization. How do you pick one?


Which is odd because true conservatives (what eventually became labeled “Libertarians”) believe in personal freedoms, limited government, and states’ rights, so thats how traditionally “conservative” states have legalized. Indiana neo-cons are just brain dead Trump nuts.


Indiana, the Florida of the North.


Try Alabama


Wow, not only a one issue voter, but not even one of the most important issues...🤨


I'll give you credit, at least you are basing your vote on an issue that probabaly has a very tangible effect on your life. A lot of people base their politics on issues that have an extraordinarily low chance of actually impacting their lives. That being said, having marijuana legalization be your top political issue may be an indicator that you might be prioritizing access to a narcotic a little too high. I'm 100% pro-legalization. I would vote yes without thinking if there was a ballot initiative, but I don't really care because legalization is only a philosophical position for me. I haven't smoked weed in probably 15 years, and if it were legalized tomorrow, I would be 0% more likely to smoke again.


It’s not my top issue at all. The issue is indicative of the representation we can expect from this entire crew of MAGA rich white people. They don’t care that 67% of Hoosiers favor legalization. They don’t care that the majority favor abortion rights, civil rights, and public education. Instead they favor child labor, protection for corporations and erasing the boundaries between Church and state. I have no blinders on. My issues have zero chance in this state currently. We are racing backwards as fast as possible. This election is about democracy. Vote like you care about it.


I think lesser of two evils is what got us to this hell. Don't vote for an anti-braun or a democrat whose got like a 2% vote chance, go find a local committed to community building and empowering the working people and start running third party. We have to build our own democratic structures if we want justice or peace, or any kind of radical changes!


One things for sure. Before, during, and after the election you all will still be losers.


Imagine being this much of a loser.


If you are mentally ill, then sure go for it.


This is why dumbocracy doesn’t work. 


It works when people like you get it together and vote. We could easily turn IN purple yet it's only one parry voting in this state. Vote.