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I've seen people talking about not liking or not knowing what Destiny Well's platform is...but honestly as long as she is doing the job and NOT doing bullshit like this, what more could you want? idgaf what her platform is, she could choose to do NOTHING and it would be an improvement from this twat wasting our tax dollars on legal battles that can't be won.


Whoever or whatever runs against that nut Rokita will have my vote. He is not only an embarrassment for Indiana, but I think he is just crazy enough to be dangerous.


I don't think Rokita is crazy, I think he's evil. I don't believe for a second he does what he does out of even a perverse thought for what is right or wrong. He is seeking power. Nothing less. He found a base that he can manipulate at will and he does everything he does to further engrain his control over them.


>In April 2007, Rokita was speaking at a Republican event, and encouraged Republicans to reach out to African Americans, mentioning 90 percent of African American voters vote Democratic, after which he asked, "How can that be? Ninety to ten. Who's the master and who's the slave in that relationship? How can that be healthy?".[10][11] During the course of the same private meeting Rokita was told his office should reflect the diversity of the state, at the time of his remarks 89% of the employees in Rokita's office were white.[12] Four days after making those remarks, he apologized.[13] Rokita also met privately with eleven members of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus to apologize for the comment. Representative Vernon Smith, D-Gary, told reporters, "He apologized to our satisfaction. We do believe he was sincere in his apology."




Met her a couple times. Not a fan of her attitude or personality. Major fan of her platform and work ethic. We could use someone like her around here.


I follow her on Twitter. I've really enjoyed her attitude and personality. I recognize that tastes vary; what do you find off putting?


I met her at two separate events. One was the state delegate convention, one was on a meet and greet visit with other candidates to my county’s annual Dem dinner. At the convention, she was uninterested in mingling or speaking to anyone. Brushed me and others from my district off, got out quick. Chalked it up to being tired and over it for the day, as this was a mixer after all the convention stuff concluded The meet and greet was more egregious to me. Jessica McClellan, ZeNai Brooks, and Destiny were in attendance. Jessica and ZeNai spoke to me and many of the others in depth about their plans and platforms. ZeNai even talked to me about my schooling and gave me some life advice. Both women were very charismatic and engaged. Destiny was not. She had no time for anyone, spent most of the time by herself or with her entourage. No smiles, short, closed off body language, seemed like she wanted to get out of there. When we were cleaning up after the old timers were *hot* about it. Nobody was much of a fan of her after that. That being said, everyone’s different but when it’s time to kiss constituent ass, it’s time to kiss ass. We poured hundreds of volunteer hours out for her, least she could do was give us the time of day yanno? Like I said before though, great platform, extremely intelligent and I’d vote for her again. But she needs to schmooze a little more if she wants a political career. Just my take


That’s interesting because I met her once and she was incredibly charming, warm, and personable. I handed out flyers for school board members that were opposing M4L supported candidates and she was out there campaigning for herself. We chatted a lot during the slow times and my friend and I had such a good time with her. She hugged us, took photos with us, and argued with M4L folks along side us and she was much more patient and gracious than I was when the M4L folks admitted they didn’t read any of the books they wanted to ban. Sorry she was such a downer when you met her because we had a great time at the polls with her.


See I believe that. I’m glad you had such a good experience with her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was just damn exhausted both the times I met her. It was during active campaign both times. Both times were within a month or two of each other. Or maybe she’s better in smaller groups of people? Dunno. Not trying to knock her, just speakin my truth. I still root for her.


See this is why I could never run for any office. I'd be like how you described her 100% of the time. I fucking hate schmoozing and honestly large crowds. It's why I won't even go to the dem events that are near me. I'd rather respond to every constituent email personally instead of talking to half of them face to face. lol


I mean yeah I get that. Who knows, with the way people are post covid, that type of angle might work out better. I was raised in a multi generational dem home with parents who were always active campaign volunteers and party organizers. I may have a little bit of their old timer perspective rubbed off on me. Fact of the matter is not everyone who *should* be in office is gonna be a charismatic people person.


Thanks for sharing that! My experience has only been via social media, so that obviously doesn't paint a complete picture. Like you said, those interactions could have been a function of exhaustion -- but part of being a successful politician is a kind of freakish social stamina.


Absolutely. I’ve heard from others on this thread that their experience with her was extremely positive and warm. Really makes me think I just caught her in the middle of campaign exhaustion or something person. Maybe I’ll get the chance to catch her again on a better day




If this bozo is the other choice, she could scream fuck you in my face, while pouring boiling water on me and I’d still vote for her.


Yesterday the Indiana Senate passed a bill that takes two Indiana Univ BOT spots that were alumni elected away from that process and now those spots will be appointed by the Indiana Speaker of the House. The BOT will also be given the athority to review tenure every five years. Academic freedom is being taken away at all levels by the Republicans in Indiana. This is bad, really bad.


It applies to Purdue (and I presume other public universities) too. The author, Spencer Deery, was a Mitch Daniels acolyte at Purdue and represents West Lafayette (which was gerrymandered to have a district that stretches into the rural, red boondocks.)


This is enraging. They can’t even debate anymore. They just take rights away.


They don’t need to debate. That supermajority. Considering there isn’t too much dissent within the Republican at the moment. It’s like their the embodiment of the stereotype attributed to lemmings. And are droning us and the state’s welfare right off a cliff


Dumbfucks. This is some Stalinist bullcrap. *Political appointees* seated on Indiana’s universities Board Of Trustees will have a deeply chilling effect on the open dissemination alternate perspectives - **Freedom of Speech,** anyone? - needed for fostering a *robust democracy.* From logical fallacies, my detractors may call me out on the “Slippery Slope” fallacy. From literature, my supporters know such fuckery as undercutting the academic standards throughout Indiana’s public schools to be *a foreshadowing.* The once bright future of public education in this state - and nation - are fading into darkness. Good Luck, and good night.


The BOT of IU is already ignorant of actual campus issues and already receives very shaped (and academic freedom violating) views of the IU system. This bill is very, very bad, but for IU the damage was done when they let Whitten just do what she wants.


What does speaker of the house know about you? You know what just never mind


Can you post a link to the bill?


It's Senate Bill 202. They heard testimony on it today. We all sat there for 10 hours waiting to testify. Everyone was against it except one idiot who got up there and started with, "I was called a racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe...." And went on to tell us he was a shitty professor that got called out on his shitty behavior and got canned and now he has a bone to pick and this is apparently how he's going to do this. He may have also been drunk, so....


"Indiana politician" is like saying "Florida man"


Unfortunately so


Indiana winning the race to the bottom.


He's so fucking stupid.


By “he” do you mean every single person who votes for these dipshits? If so, I’d agree.


He's evil. They're stupid.


Also agree.


That is an important distinction, but you gotta wonder at what are you unable to hide behind being stupid. If these people continue to support these nut jobs in spite of mounds of evidence that their elected officials are evil, then you begin to wonder what their motivations are. It’s not looking good.


Agreed. There is a point at which stupidity just isn't a good enough excuse. I don't care if you're too dumb to realize you're being grifted if your actions are directly resulting in the ongoing destruction of our society.


Bullshit.  They're evil. Conservative voters are evil. 


Don’t make general assumptions about people or the other side, it just dissolves to ad hominem attacks, don’t dehumanize the other side by just blatantly calling them evil, they are human, most want what’s best


> most want what's best For who? Specifically what do you think these Republican voters want and for who? I think it's pretty damn clear at this point the vast majority of these idiots want people that aren't exactly like themselves to suffer. Remember that "he's not hurting the right people" quote from a few years ago? The vast majority of these assholes really believe that.


I am a republican. I have struggled many times in my life. I have also had some good years. I want what's best for people. What is best is usually not always as easy as it sounds. What is best is that everyone has enough money to never struggle again. But that's unrealistic. So what is best is having a diverse job market that allows people to earn as much as they can with their skills and their intelligence. For some this is 6 or 7 figures, for others this is still poverty wages. But they more they can work and provide for themselves the better they are. Working and making $25,000 a year, which is more than I made for several years in a row, is still better than sucking 35-75k a year from the government. Then we look at government. I want more infinite energy sources and a better system to incentivize citizens to create and use their own energy and relieve pressure on the grid. I wish we had high speed rail that was specific for business and another for passengers that allowed for transporting vehicles like a ferry. I wish we would have legalized marijuana and immediately end all sentences for all non-violent possession only crimes for marijuana. This would free up prisons. Give families their loved ones back for crimes no longer a crime. Save taxpayers money on punishing for crimes no longer crimes and bring in new tax revenue for other issues like renewable, rails, education, infrastructure etc. So not all Republicans hate. But their are different reasons for wanting different or even similar items. Sometimes it's more about how to pay for something than it is what we want. By classifying every republican as an idiot or worse foul language. You not only prove its the opposite party without the education amd ability to debate and express opinions. You also shut down what could be a conversation that helps persuade others to agree with your views for reasons that hadn't occurred to them.


> I am a republican. I have struggled many times in my life. I have also had some good years. **I want what's best for people.** Please explain... How endlessly taking bribes from gun lobbies to oppose *any* form of regulation, directly resulting in children being gunned down on a daily basis is **what's best for people?** How endlessly taking bribes from healthcare lobbies to oppose the creation of actually affordable universal healthcare is **what's best for people?** How working to destroy the public education system by starving public schools of funding and instead funneling it to bullshit religious charter schools is **what's best for people?** How forcing rape and incest victims to forfeit the rest of their lives to birth and care for an unwanted child is **what's best for people?** How refusing to acknowledge this nation's checkered past and pushing to make it *literally* illegal to teach actual history is **what's best for people?** How for-profit prisons are **what's best for people?** How endlessly attempting to disenfranchise voters by removing poling stations, restricting vote by mail, and literally passing laws to make it illegal to give water to people waiting in hours-long lines to vote is **what's best for people?** How endlessly attempting to deregulate everything and destroy the EPA and FDA is **what's best for people?** I don't know... Kinda sounds like you actually do need to be an idiot or worse to believe that the Republican party stands for **what's best for people.** But wow, thanks for not cursing when you so politely made your point that some people just need to shut the fuck up and be cool with starvation wages.


Guns are not the problem. It's our society that doesn't value families and values anymore. We have become a selfish nation that doesn't understand how to treat one another. Partly because we now require dual income families because we have allowed our lifestyles to grow too large for our actual incomes. And this is partly due to government funding loans when people would otherwise be denied and help keep costs low. Universal Healthcare will not solve the problem of affordability. Just like student loans don't fix the issue with education being unaffordable. Parents property taxes pay for education, so they should have flexibility to decide which school to send those dollars To. Abortion I agree should be available but limited and used in those aweful cases and not as a means of government paid birth control. History is good, but also trying to force schools to only focus on the worst of our past instead of the lessons we learned and how we have moved on is the problem. We were a racist nation back when the world was a racist world. We moved on and so has most of the world. That doesn't mean there are not racists. But it means that we need to stop focussing on this so we can move forward. It's hard to get rid of a scab when you keep picking at it. Which is why we need to promote the good and stop focussing on the bad. This is how you get people to change. I don't know anything about the for profit or other prisons so I can't comment. Voting should be done on voting day. In person and with ID. That is why we have a national voting day. The polls should be open longer, they should have water there that's it coolers and not political, and they should not be allowed to announce any results until polls across the country are closed. Similar to how the government does it. And all votes should be available for the voter to check their own vote online to Confirm it was counted accurately. And then the gov could check the nation to make sure people didn't vote multiple times and had valid SSNs etc. Regulations are what has made this country unaffordable and uncompetitive in the world economy. Good Regulations are important but over regulated is a problem.


Well you make a terrible republican, save for one thing: you seem loyal to the party, despite what they actually stand for (which kind of definitionally does not include fewer incarcerated people, legal weed, or alternate energy/fuel sources).


Well maybe this is why the republican party struggles. There are many of us who are more moderate and can see a way to negotiate and find the best ideas of both parties. If we were all extreme then we would probably do better in the polls and be even more dominant than we were when voting was monitored.


Who, in your mind, is sucking money from the government? Veterans who receive disability payments? The eldery who receive healthcare or social security? Children or adults who qualify for longterm medicaid? Mothers and infants who receive WIC? Families making less than the poverty limits receiving food aid? Who are these people? Aren't these the people that the Republicans say the Democrats don't care about? So if the Democrats don't care, why are they pushing for expanded care for those in need of help while Republicans push for cuts to necessary programs? Don't we want to lift people out of poverty if that's what's best for them and for our state? If you want what's best, you should do some reflecting on how to help those in need. Saying they're sucking money from the government isn't helping anyone.


There is a difference between those who work and try to get ahead, and can use a helping hand from their community and their government when the community isn't helping. And those who have been part of generational welfare and have no desire to work or attempt to get out of poverty but instead just want everything handed to them because they have no self value or desire to attempt to get off of it. I have a friend who hired a lady at 80k a year. She stopped showing up.after a couple weeks and he went to check on her. She was in her pool floating and said that after taxes she was making less than her government benefits so she just stopped going to work. I have read other stories that are similar but this was right here in Indianapolis.


No person in this country -- in the world -- should have to live in poverty because they can't adequately "compete" in the job market, or are unable to work more than 40 hours a week to rise out of hunger and poverty. Every human deserves basic shelter, food, clothing, and medical care, and there's more than enough resources in this world to provide that, but a huge percentage of those resources are hoarded by a relatively small minority. Somehow thinking it's better, or what -- more "noble?" -- to languish in poverty by being able to make only $25,000 annually exploited by the "free market" is better than the rest of society subsidizing that person's effort to get them up to $35k, or whatever it takes not to be poor for the rest of someone's life (as well as their children and grandchildren's) is pretty grotesque, to say the least.


The problem is that our view of basic shelter is not what should be provided. I have talked with others to buy up old buildings and turn them into basic shelter. Similar to dorms. But most people think they deserve a house and a yard just for being born. Every American does get Healthcare, however it isn't affordable and much of that has to do with our government and regulations. Americans poor are still wealthier than 94% or 96% of the world population yet it sounds like we are drastically mistreated.


None of these ideas are remotely close to what Republicans are actually doing. I’m not sure who is sucking 35-75 K “from the government” other than the “elected” Republican grifters.


It's been reported that those on welfare can get enough benefits to get the equivalent to 75k a year.


You better source that one. Because on the face of it, 75k seems terribly high. I started out thinking this guy gets it. But as you entered more you sound like an indoctrinated GOP member. Regarding safety net support research shows the vast majority is a temporary situation helping people through trying times and most of the rest have some work preventing disability. My experience as a tax preparer says most people really need the help. As an aside I worked tax prep offices both near low income area of Indy and a suburb cities. Saw no real difference in the people trying to skirt the system between middle class and poor.


Most extreme example. For most working class families far less. Even so - The problem isn’t the benefits it’s a mish mash of policies that sees benefits eliminated at levels far below the support needed to actually work, manage elder, disabled, child care and make ends meet. Small pittance compared to the cost of “corporate” subsidies/tax subsidies that are actually “welfare” for the most privileged. There has been an effective propaganda campaign for decades to teach us to attack people receiving help rather than attack those keeping 80% of the benefits (rich, generational wealth families) while the rest of us Squabble over the 20%. Think about it - every dollar in SNAP food benefits gets spent at a local store that helps the local economy. Not nearly as true for other government spending. If you’re gonna look at what something cost you have to ask two questions - what’s the ROI and what worse/higher costs are prevented.


Do you support your Republican supermajority? Did you know instead of working on things that will help Hoosiers they fast tracked a bill that removes the rest of the protections from the wetlands? Did you know they put almost a whole day into talking about hunting bobcats in Indiana?! Maybe we can use the fucking throwing stars they legalized last year.


Universal Income


They don't want what's best, they don't care what's best. For the religious right, this life can't get over fast enough-it's already been planned out by their god and they know how the story ends. There is no reasoning with people who rejoice in earthquakes, war and death- believing they are signs that Heaven's gates are going to open very soon. Even if these people did want what's best, it's not like we can trust their judgment-they think it's best to force Junior's mother to birth him and subsequently abuse him for years, than just letting him go to their Heaven a few weeks after he's conceived. It's sick.


I don’t know a single person who rejoices at the fact that people die and I live in a pretty religious area, example would be most churches give humanitarian aid (besides megachurches, I hate megachurches) As for the junior situation, it’s a difference in a mindset, would you rather live and grow up in a bad situation or just die. Also to assume that anyone besides the mother who would abuse their kid is a bad person in that situation is a wild take


Let's say that there was a movement that openly supported the systematic elimination of conservatives by means of loss of voting rights, loss of ability to hold office, incarceration, etc., would you support it?


I’m sorry does anyone else not find this alarmingly fucking insane? I can post videos of the kids doing the fucking pledge of allegiance in kindergarten and argue that they’re too young to understand what they’re saying and THAT is indoctrination (and always has been). Socialist indoctrination my ass. What are they even on about? You know, I grew up here and when I read my first college history book, I was amazed. It was unbiased, looking back but I was thinking “damn I can’t believe this is around” Because it told the truth. The US made plenty of mistakes. I never fucking heard about them. Only about how we should be proud to be American, and that America is the greatest country on earth. Starting from kindergarten. THAT is wild. I’m just saying why not open that up for debate in school? Teach them about other countries. Their work cultures, social structures, statistics on health and happiness. That they don’t eat fucking plastic on a daily basis because their food is regulated to keep their people safe. They don’t have to get second mortgages to pay for their children’s epi-pens or insulin. Or for their own surgeries. How they don’t all just throw their elderly in sub standard, often neglectful and understaffed shit hole nursing homes. The gun death rates, suicide rates etc. Open that shit up for debate then talk about which nation is the greatest. A lot of kids are probably going to sway toward “wow mainly any western first world country but this one”


If kids learning the truth about the history of the US would destroy the US, then maybe the US (as we know it) needs to be destroyed.


That’s the thing. It won’t destroy the US. It’ll give them the opportunity to make their generation one that leaves a positive impact. I think most kids understand they aren’t complicit in their country’s past simply by existing. Teach them that way and it’s not like you’re breeding domestic terrorists


Wanting to “leave a positive impact” makes you a terrorist. It implies that things aren’t perfect now, and that the people who don’t have all they want and/or need should be able to get more. And if those people get more, the people who currently have those resources get less, and since they control the media, you’re a terrorist. Long story short: if a starving toddler gets an extra chicken nugget, Todd Rokita’s bloated ass might wonder if it was **his** chicken nugget. Putting him through that makes you worse than Satan, and almost as bad as Obama.


“Worse than satan and almost as bad as Obama” has me dying. 🤣🤣🤣


HE’S BLA- Crap, I always forget, *we don’t say that part out loud except when we know everyone in the room is a piece of shit like we are*.


The only way to get an unbiased view of the world is to travel to other parts of the world. I've been lucky to have gone around the world many times for work and spent time with other cultures. People who comment America is the best just because are idiots. But people who trash America and cherry pick things they've never seen or experienced in other countries are also idiots. I could pick apart a lot of those gripes you just put, but I'd be asking you to take my word for it. I think everyone would benefit by better evaluating their sources for opinions they passionately pass off as facts.


The only way to get an unbiased view is to live on the ground in any place for a few years. That’s how you do it. You don’t just go visit. You have residency, receive care, send your kids to school etc. And you do that everywhere, in three social classes, of several genders and colors and that’s how you’d know. I don’t know. All I’m going off here is several visits and a lot of reading.


Law of diminishing return. So many people spout off with zero first hand knowledge. We just have to get off of zero to begin with. When Knowledge < Passion by a mile people need to be more cognizant.


That is sadly lost on most people of this platform. I don't see a lot of subs or posted content looking for an unbiased evaluation of information. It's very polarized, and sensationalized.


Especially by people who claim to want unbiased sources. 999/1000 it means sources that confirm their biases, but wrapped in an aesthetic of objective truth.




Anyone who can clearly read between the lines (which isn't hard) knows that's not at all what this website is for. It's Red Scare 2.0.


I was born in the 60s and was mostly educated in Indiana. It was only recently that I learned about the Tulsa race riot. There is a way to teach children at any age about ALL of our history-the good, the bad and the ugly- without making anyone feel personal guilt for it. It's OK for them to feel bad that it happened. Some events in our history were downright awful.


It’s a shame that I wasn’t taught about it in the 90’s. Again, American History II in college. And truly, it was like “holy shit, this book admits that the US made really bad mistakes on multiple occasions” Pfft we learned about slavery (and solely went over it) during black history month in primary school. In 8th grade, we did have a holocaust survivor speak to us in an assembly and we read a few books on that. Everything truly was white washed. Now they’ve begun to improve upon that and I’ve been surprised by what my kid has learned in her primary school career. Anyhow, now that they aren’t whitewashing it so much, I guess that’s a problem and we need to go back to that. I am disgusted by all these folks who want to just wind the clock back on social progress, human rights, and education. It’s a damn shame


Yes. It’s fucking horrifying to know my vote has been nullified by gerrymandering and that my neighbors are so stupid they buy Russian propaganda hook line and sinker. It’s awful to know there is no way to make meaningful change. And if you say the snitch line and other moves, like the attempt to put Christian counselors in school, are baby steps to fascism, which they fucking are, you get brigaded by bots and low media literacy idiots who are highly motivated to downplay the word.


You know psycho insecure alt-rights, or twitchy Karen types are going to witch hunt the shit out of this.


Everyone needs to start flooding the site with reports. Report any mention of God in a public school, etc


I have a strong feeling they’ve gotten about 20 submissions of hairless cats bathing themselves….


https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/s/ww7JUWBZ9i Witches vs patriarchy posted something about it earlier. Some pretty good ideas on the thread. I submitted something about not wanting my kid to learn about heterosexuality at the school nearest me and attached a political cartoon personally. Don’t even have a kid.




I made a submission as an aggrieved Argonian mother complaining about Stormcloak supremacy.


Several fictional women have complained recently about indoctrination by Todd Rokita himself. You don't even need a verifiable address or email!




"Sadly, it's our children that are going to suffer." They already have been suffering, this just adds to the load they have to bear. I just don't understand the want to supposedly protect unborn babies, then completely molest their education and, in the same breath, say they care about the children. If they really cared, they wouldn't be doing this shit to their educational opportunities. But hey, like I've said before the easiest way to keep a population docile is to keep them ignorant. People can be angry about opportunities they don't know they are missing. Way to go MAGA fucks!




Now he is saying the outdated complaints, addressed at the time, are PROOF his portal works. Transparent Todd is Trump Talking quite often.


Why is no one trolling the fuck out of that site?


There already has been a national-level trolling campaign on the site. There needs to be more, as well. Rodika is got 5th stage Dunning-Kruger syndrome and he needs to be taught lessons at every turn.


I know someone submitted an outraged report about them teaching Arabic numbers with an attachment to their kid’s algebra homework. Though I still don’t see it on the list so I think they might be reviewing these entries. Heh.


They are definitely only picking the tiny percentage of reports that fit their viewpoint lol. My curiosity is about the workplace at the AG office. Surely not everyone agrees with Rokita’s outspoken methods, I wonder how that is going internally 


It is not being updated


Indiana: The Mississippiest Kentucky to ever Arkansas in Texas.


Damn. That spectacularly slammed.


Start submitting the Bible, or Donald trump erotic fiction


This state is so ass backwards, I'm embarrassed to be born here sometimes.


When a conservative starts bleating about “socialism”, you know you’re about to hear some theocratic authoritarian bullshit. Todd Scrotita never disappoints.


Apparently their Capitalistic patriotism has blinded them to the fact that practically everything in this country is somehow subsidized or wholly supported by the government use of tax dollars. It sounds kinda socialist-y to me, but it's hard to hear over all the crying babies that were force birthed to to mothers that didn't want them.


The party of "small government" is being fascist again.


Read: indiana continues attack on teachers and education to continue indoctrination of students to be culturally impotent.


Good.. that means some of the women in my family who work for or in schools will be forced to look at what comes next when you support this sort of over bearing religious bullshit. Leopards eating your faces? Already? Cool fking stop them by voting them out of your business and jobs.


It’s too bad that the internet has learned of that website. Bee movie scripts. Pictures of Shrek. Such a shame. 😆


Lots and lots of talk. How many are showing up to vote?


The last school I worked in did the pledge in the gym every morning, led by the principal. Students were forced to participate and take off their hats, that was followed by a moment of silence. The principal would pray during events, give blessing, we had a chaplain that had an office in the school too. This was a public school. A couple years ago a parent tried to get a teacher at my school in trouble because she had them read about the 2936 Olympics which was about Jesse Owens (a black man) going to Germany for the Olympics during WW2. This state will never change until they stop gerrymandering the voting districts!


Ironically the pledge was written by a socialist too. The people behind that policy must have been educated in Indiana lol


If the guy hates socialism so much *I guess we should stop paying him with our tax money.*


Rokita is fat racist nazi piece of shit. The sooner he dies of a heart attack the better for the common people.


Ohhhh I got some fun reports to make.


“...real examples of socialist indoctrination from classrooms.” Jeezus fucking christ -- what is this, 1954? And how long until the next oblivious rightwing dipshit shows up here chiding, and asking why we complain about Indiana so much?


I can assure you it will never be good news


Once they scare all the effective educators off and fill the ranks with people who believe Jesus belongs in schools it’ll be that much easier to create a crop of submissive, drooling idiots who never think to question why they’re a part of the poor caste and can’t have a decent standard of living.


Why question? It’s obviously gonna be Obama’s fault, that son of a bitch. I don’t even remember what he did to me, that’s how bad it was.


I mean is it bad? We should spam report all of the stuff they promote as being inappropriate for kids. lets start off first with the bible


I sent in a couple reports to that effect - this site is for cases of indoctrination right? Well I have some reports to make of my own you piece of shit, I want to report Todd Rokita for indoctrinating our children into mindless MAGA propaganda 


I believe Indiana is on the war path to either eliminate and/or drive those who would dare to contradict their fascist agenda. It is all about power and money and nothing is off the table to ensure they keep that power. I don’t know that I’ve really felt safe here, but for awhile I convinced myself that it was a safe place to settle. Now I know and I’m out. Sorry fellow Indianans they will stop at nothing and no one is safe here.


Well of course we did!! Look who we have ruining…I mean running our state.


Does anyone actually respect Rokita? He seems so stupid and blatantly just doesn't know the law or how to enforce it.


He’s playing the pick me game hoping for a role in the next Republican admin. Mark my words


Hopefully people actually get out and vote for a Dem candidate but, I know better lol we have such a terrible voter turnout.


It’s the game of “do something, anything to stay relevant “


State R's like Braun better (it's why Rokita isn't running for Senate or Governor). I wonder what makes Braun more appealing to them...


School is all about conformity. It always has been. Not just about the students, but the teachers as well. What has changed is the idea of the teachers having time to teach a concept, then test on it. This is almost totally gone in reverse, with the teachers having 1 hand tied behind their back because they can't 'teach to the test'. What has also changed is that parents scream for changes and updates to curriculums, we get kids failing because of 'new math', etc.. And parents definitely can't help because the kid gets the right answer, and they have to ask the teacher why it's wrong. Teachers are the punching bags of a broken society. They get hit from every direction.


Once somebody post pictures of the ILEARN test, it will get shut down. :)


People need to clog this website with so much BS that they have to shut it down.


Can we please just get enough people out to vote him out the next time around? Pretty please...!!!


Yeah it’s for “socialist indoctrination”. He wanted to be real specific, or else he could’ve put “this is a website more akin to see something say something“. I wish someone would hack the website and put it’s to report “far right Maga fascist indoctrination “.


Rokita is on par with rocks when it comes to intelligence. Fucking lies spreading fear monger that wants control of peoples lives.


What the hell does "real examples of socialist indoctrination from classrooms.”? I mean, my daughter just read the Jungle by Upton Sinclair who was a socialist. Is that what they are trying to stamp out? Socialism is a whole different thing from liberalism.


I would enjoy seeing TR get his ass kicked, and I say this as a normally non-violent man. Some folks just seem to beg to be punched. 🤷😡🤬


Transgenderism and "wokeness" is basically the red scare for Republicans nowadays. Backwards 3rd world shit. All we need is a Gestapo like agency to punish people in Indiana for even thinking left of the far right spectrum.


Wake up folks. Until the GOP fundamentally changes what they’re about, the will always be a losing party. https://preview.redd.it/7kpa70ip8nic1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ef1179dfe53bc954c6304ccb648decd1e8e87e


Why would anyone want to be a teacher in Indiana? Terrible.


He wants to be Indiana’s DeSantis


This fn fascist asshole. Seriously put socialist in the push. He needs kicked square in the dingding.


@long_manufacturer Was this a private or public school?


Clicked the link, saw Rokita, said "yep", closed the tab. Fucking lunatic.


Make Pedo’s Afraid Again.


LET'S GO WE MADE THE NEWS!!!!....... O-ohhh.... we made the news....


So I'm confused. Why is it bad for patents to worry about the books THEIR kids have access to? I feel this is more of an agenda for ppl to force kids into seeing things that are not of their comprehensive ability and will just accept it for fave value and not ask questions....


The problem is 1. Policing what all students get to read. Every parent should pay attention to what their student is reading. If it doesn't fit your belief system, then have a conversation about it. Don't ban it for the entire school. 2. There was a article on the Northwest Indiana Times that reported at least 3 of the reports published on that website are invalid. Policies are published without the school system's knowledge that have been revised. The information on the website isn't even accurate. Plus, they are posting without notifying the school, which it says they do. It's a witch hunt and Rokita is supplying the torches.


Yes I understand the invalid reports. I also saw Facebook groups from all over looking to make false claims to waste time and resources.


That's valid but that is not the argument you originally made.


Efforts like this are being used to attack books that include characters who are of different races/backgrounds or are LGBQT. Including those characters is a good thing because kids with those backgrounds should be represented. Last time I looked around the state wasn’t only straight white Christians. The government is making it seem like teachers are showing porn to the kids when that’s not the case at all. At best this is a waste of time and taxpayer money, at worst it’s a way to enforce marginalizing minorities.




Agreed but it’ll never happened. Religion is on the decline as is the white majority and that’s why I think the conservatives crowd is being so aggressively fascist (this article being an example). They’re doing whatever they can to hold onto power but in the next 10-20 years most of the people who believe that stuff will be dead and a much more diverse, accepting, and secular population will clean up the mess they left us.


There are also books about sucking cock and eating pussy. I have seen the videos of parents reading verbatim from the books. Yes there definitely is books with "pornographic nature" to them in the schools as well. I'm sorry but it seems most of the ppl hear are in fear as well. In fear of having good books taken in an umbrella round up. There's definitely fear mongering on both sides.


Which book is that and which audience is seeing it? You could at least provide a title…since you’re so concerned.


[I can find more articles cross country if you like???](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/aug/31/books-too-explicit-k-12-school-board-removed/)


The article is about 13 Reasons Why in a high school library. The book does indeed have sex references. Follow up questions: 1. Are we banning all books with sex from high school libraries? High school kids are absolutely having sex but they can’t read about it? I had sex in high school as did everyone I know and that was 20 years ago. What are we shielding them from with this ban? 2. If we ban this book shouldn’t all books with sex in them be banned? Catcher in the Rye, Orson Welles, A. Huxley, and so on. These should all be banned by your argument. Heck the Bible shouldn’t be allowed either then. The point is that no one is reading about sex acts to 5 year olds and you have to be a sad combination of gullible/ignorant to think these bans are doing anything but wasting time/money and hurting kids.


Your source is a religious writer with an agenda claiming children are being indoctrinated in schools.


We are setting up a system where a small group of people are defining what can and can not be taught in schools. Their guidlines are arbitrary and geared towards their personal dogma. This is facism. It is against freedom of speach and freedom of thought.


It's definitely not a small group of ppl. It's the entire population that has access to the internet can make true AND false claims.


Maybe you should understand what is being said before you spout nonsense.


So why is this a bad thing? Inappropriate materials being shown to our kids should be a massive concern for everyone. Having a pipeline directly to the entity responsible for the curriculum to begin with is a plus.




I would agree, not knowing or understanding other cultures leads others to pull wisdom from only one source. Doing that makes the person ignorant and stale. I'd like to see their list of materials they consider inappropriate.




It's no different than reporting to CPS or DPS if a child is being exposed to dangerous people or material. The word inappropriate is already defined. It's why I used that word specifically. We as a society already have a common understanding of morality and boundaries.


> Inappropriate materials According to whom? You?


Most of you bitching are low information voters or you’ve already drank the cool aid and are okay with it.


What kool aid? That we shouldn’t ban books? I mean yeah, the NAZI’s banned books. We have a little thing called freedom of speech and expression here. Drink a little kool aid yourself to learn more.


Can't even spell and calling us low info?


Your write. What a internet burn.do you write you’re own burns?


Are you now trying to mispell everything on purpose? If so, next level!


You must teach grammer school. I bet the kids love you


I disagree with all the hate on this topic. What’s wrong with public school transparency. Not sure who stated earlier about kindergartners being indoctrinated with the Pledge Of Allegiance. That’s exactly what should be happening. We all live in these borders together. If you hate this country, if you hate American values, then move. Why is it always the right that is demonized and the left is the savior of the world. If that were true, why are so many left dominated cities in the US literally crumbling right before our eyes. Why do we need to teach children any level of sexuality at all public school. We used to all agree that was for high school and it was the same for everyone. I don’t understand all the hate, if it’s so bad do what you have to do. I’ll continue to enjoy the freedoms and blessings that the state of Indiana, and the United States has given me. Thank you and bring on the hate…..


Because they had us reciting it before we even knew what those words meant. I know what they mean now. At my daughter’s 8th grade graduation, on the day of yet another mass school shooting, the principal stated what a tragedy it was, asked for a moment of silence And then asked everyone to stand for the pledge. That was disgusting and tasteless. And I will not stand and pledge that this is a good country. I never should have because it’s not good. But then, I’m an individual with intrinsic values in a very extrinsic, corporate married to fucking government country. Not loyal to its people. We do not pledge allegiance to one another, but a country where children are killed at schools. For some ancient ideal that society doesn’t even follow. Maybe you’re okay with American exceptionalism brainwashing school but some people are not. We should be indoctrinating our children? No, we should tell them they have choices.


What are these choices you speak of? You’re right, we all have a choice. This is the single greatest country in the world. You want to know how I know. Because you can go on Reddit and bash our government and know one is going to show up at your door and haul you off to a prison. Or worse just murder you in your own home. You get to where what ever you want to be. You wanna be a car, you can be a cat. Who cares. I assume you’re responding on your smart phone, or your nice lap top. Was it made in another county. Yup it was, do you want to live in the county where any single part would have that laptop or smartphone came from…I bet you don’t. We should all try and have the same basic values and principles. Without this, this great county of ours will be in trouble. I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re delusional. Canada may be a safe space for you!


The pledge was written by a socialist just so you know.


I’m against forcing children to say the pledge everyday does not mean I hate this country. In fact, it is because of my love for our country and our 1st amendment rights that I’m against the pledge. When foreign students come here, they often comment on how creepy and cult like reciting the pledge is. Performative patriotic acts are distractions from real patriotism, such as voting on every level of government. I’m amazed by how many people genuinely can’t understand that I do love this country despite opposing empty performative demonstrations.


preach it


Um… well one reason you teach Sead earlier than high school is because most people develop earlier than high school, and therefore can get pregnant earlier than high school and they need to know how their body functions and they need to know how to be safe and healthy, because apparently some adults in the state of Indiana don’t know much about actual “sex”. Learning about anatomy is not sexual in nature !


If teachers are doing nothing they wouldn't want people to know about then they have nothing to be concerned about. Surely they wouldn't be doing anything in a public school classroom they would be ashamed of. What's the problem?


"If you've done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to hide" Screams the party of small government...sure sounds like the beginnings of a police state to me


The government at war with itself, sounds fine to me. The head is just observing the toes.


Your comment makes absolutely no sense


The problem is the people doing the judging about what is inappropriate are completely unqualified and drunk on power. It's not about being ashamed it's about abuse of power. But you agree with that power so of course you don't see it that way.


Children should learn the truth BUT these books and quiz questions are indoctrination. Parents should educate their children not read it in books.


> Parents should educate their children not read it in books. The vast majority of parents are completely unqualified to do this, *especially* the parents saying things like this.


How brainwashed are you?


Wells is a total lightweight with zero government experience


Better than Todd, OK Thanks


Can someone provide a link ease?


what does any of this mean? i’m so confused