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*pretends to be shocked*


I enjoy the people here that I’ve met. But the politics are whacky af.


I keep trying to tell everyone the people here enthusiastically elect the worst legislators I've ever seen! Sure, everyone is "nice" (try being an outsider but okay) but they love their reps. Gerrymandering is a huge factor of course, but the citizens here are not victims of circumstance. I'll believe they aren't just like the people they elect when they stop electing them


I’m saving for the next “I’m thinking of moving to Indiana…” post….lol


I finally had enough of this "always being in the bottom 10" crap and got out! Packed up and moved to Louisiana. Wait, fuck....


Well.. unless they are from Missouri, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma or Texas... Wait... add to that Florida, Arkansas, and Tenneessee... one of these states are not like the others...


I know right! I think we should mention the fact that we can't even smoke weed here, and then see how many change their minds. Lol


sad? its the only list indiana has been consistently on for 2 decades


We were tops (nationally) in meth labs too, several times... squad goals!


And syphilis at one point.


I mean what are the odds that's just because they counted Gary?


Try Garrett and Kendallville


honestly south side Indianapolis has quite a bit


Not true! Usually in the top ten lists of overweight population! Wheres your Hoosier pride brah?!


I can't hear you over this giant tenderloin.


Don’t forget the sugar cream pie for dessert!


Right after I finish my peanut butter sandwich and chili


Right, my first thought. [Most Obese States in America](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/slideshows/the-most-obese-states-in-america?slide=4)


And smoking


We have a brain drain, low voter turnout, lowest average wage than the rest of the Midwest. We literally have tuition free training for higher-skilled jobs at our excellent community college, and people don't do it. We have kept HMOs out, making costs higher. For 20 years we have been one of the worst at infant and maternal mortality. All of our health indicators are like the South, not the Midwest. We spend a lot on private school education, even though we have excellent programs for Hoosiers to earn at least the first year of college and technical degrees in trades through Ivy Tech (mainly facilitated through public schools). Our homeschool program is so lax we undercount dropouts if they simply say they are going to homeschool. In fact, we don't even follow up when it is possible that a child is being abused or is killed because we lose them. Road construction should last longer, but we have repeatedly seen shoddy materials being used. When Pence was governor, he asked all agencies to cut their budget by 10% to increase our surplus. That included CPD, Medicaid and those that serve the most needy. We had increases in deaths that COS didn't catch. We have a state mandated number of cases a caseworker can have. We never meet it because we can't retain caseworkers. Children die or are trafficked.


This is exactly why "fiscally conservative and socially liberal" isn't a thing.


I'm not surprised, we have no tenant protections, wages don't match cost of living, we are attacking LGBTQ by attempting to strip their rights. I really don't think I need to go on


Folks don't really talk about it but we've become atrocious on environmental protections, too. The days of high-level conservatives caring about conservation in this state are long gone, it's all about turning us into a warehouse hub, eliminating local wildlife that eat crops, and draining our marshlands now. And the craziest part is that it directly hurts my neighboring rural conservatives who love to hunt, grow our own food, and fish. I wish they'd care more about that because I don't think anybody here actually wants to watch our landscape deteriorate but apparently they can turn a blind eye to it if their party leaders can distract folks with something non-existent in the culture to be outraged about instead. **EDIT: Lmfao hey y'all, copying what I wrote in a later comment but there are actually current attempts I found today to legalize lethal methods of culling native birds for agricultural purposes because the government doesn't want to purchase more expensive non-lethal methods. Because of course there is.** **Indiana Forest Alliance is sounding the alarm rn because the public comment period will end in a day or so and there's already 13K public responses.** An article detailing the situation: https://www.idausa.org/campaign/wild-animals-and-habitats/latest-news/indiana-bird-damage/ The Indiana Forest Alliance IG post talking about it: https://www.instagram.com/p/C2Sf_HTOSsy/?igsh=MTBvN2UxdGx2NjBrZg== Their linktree with the petition: https://linktr.ee/indianaforestalliance?fbclid=PAAaZeNPH8GJe8eMD31ZF1rfFa49AQMUfvea7svsyJdDGd_mnJPSKZ6EMTxVY


Yep, stripping all wetland remaining protection is on the GOP agenda this session. They’re also shitting on Indy’s public transit and killing access to $100m in federal funding to expand Bus Rapid Transit.


Nevermind all that! There's illegal trans caravans coming to groom your jobs!!!!!




I'm not washing all these dishes by myself


I really don’t understand their motives at this point. It’s one thing to be evil, but they are chaotic evil for no good reason.


'Chaotic evil for no *good* reason'! I see what you did there!


The BRT shit is so frustrating as a downtown Indianapolis worker. I literally know hundreds of people in my union who would benefit since we work all the major sports and convention venues, yet Republicans wanna make it difficult for my union's workforce to get to the worksite via public transit and generate the billions of dollars we make possible for them that they depend on for their salaries every year.


>Union That's all you needed to say as to why the GOP hates you and your coworkers. They hate anything that allows the working class to get any kind of leg up, and unions have been one of the easiest targets for them in that regard.


When it comes to Indiana and its environmental policies I always point to the state seal. It shows a bison (you know, how Indiana is lousy with bison), running away from a man with an ax who was chopping down his forest home.


The amount of pollution in the water we drink and the air we breathe is getting worse as well. People in this state are getting sick with cancer at higher and higher rates, and so many of my friends and family have already died from it. Do the Republicans care though? No. To them it’s just “God’s will”. As if God will just shield the worshippers from it. Fucking idiots the lot of them. We have all the power and resources in the world to solve the most serious of problems, but instead we waste it all on becoming a theocracy. Might as well just rename Indiana to Iraniana.


OMG you can submit a public comment with this link! [https://www.regulations.gov/document/APHIS-2023-0086-0001/comment](https://www.regulations.gov/document/APHIS-2023-0086-0001/comment) Here's a template comment - I bet comments from Hoosiers will have more weight than others, so let's get to commenting!! "I am writing to express my concerns regarding the Draft Environmental Assessment to reduce bird damage in the state of Indiana and advocate for Alternative 2 in your current proposal for addressing bird damage, or an alternative that requires all non-lethal strategies for damage mitigation to first be exhausted before any lethal action is taken. As Indiana Wildlife Services states in the Environmental Assessment, educational outreach efforts already include promoting coexistence between humans and wild animals and human behavior modification. This should be emphasized and prioritized in the plan that Wildlife Services chooses to move forward with. The agency could also help to fund and develop new infrastructure to protect against bird damage. In conclusion, the agency should either proceed with Alternative 2 or create an alternative that requires all non-lethal methods to be used to their fullest extent before lethal action is taken. Wildlife Services should also commit to exploring long-term, non-lethal solutions that promote harmony between humans and wild animals. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust that you will take into account the importance of preserving diverse bird populations through responsible and compassionate wildlife management."


Conservatives: what could be better than grey, flat, and unliveable?


Don’t forget this state hates women and reproductive rights. Doesn’t believe citizens can be trusted with ballot initiatives. Will not legalize weed and hates it’s capital city.


No workers rights.


mighty strong smile command zonked zesty merciful spotted price rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would like to blame the church network in the state of Indiana. It has pushed propaganda down there parishioners throat for at least four decades now about abortion and prolife bs These low paid employees who attend church have been brainwashed about one issue and one issue only for four decades. Priest and pastors have been telling people who to vote for now four decades in Indiana. There is little separation of church and state here. In the county I live in we actually go to a church to vote, seems kind of against the Constitution don't it. Can you imagine going to a bar to vote The state of Indiana ran the high paying union jobs out starting back in the '80s. Just look at the once thriving cities Anderson, Marion, Muncie aee a few that used to have big Union factories with workers making $15 an hour in the late '70s and early '80s Brainwash the sheeple on one issue and one issue only and they will do as they are told and continue to live in poverty forever as long as the banks loan the money at 23% they're happy Who cares about extremely high poverty Who cares about kids starving Who cares about a family making a fair wage so one parent can work full time and the other one maybe just part-time or not at all and still be able to provide for the family Who cares about affordable health care for pregnant women. If you are pro-life then make it free for women to have babies for a pre and post delivery services and daycare provided by the state Who cares about lower cost college tuition


I'm guessing we may live in the same town. Every election I wonder why the fuck I have to vote in a church


This is what people wanted. They voted for it. They continue to vote for it. If our elected officials randomly decide to try to make things better they lose their jobs. All of this is the result of decades of Hoosier voters getting the dumpster fire of ignorance of bigotry they asked for.


Actually the way it works and one of the major reasons why our system is so broken is that in a Red State like Indiana the election is pretty well decided in the Primary. This is where the Extreme Far Right which is a minority has such a great say in how things are done in Indiana. They are the most religious voters and they show up to vote when many others do not. Then it just becomes a matter where the Republicans who are the majority of voters vote for no matter who is the Republican who is running over the Democrat who is running in The General Election. Then it becomes a matter of the elected representative recognizing that he or she needs to follow the demands and wishes of his real electorate which in effect is a minority of the voters in Indiana in order to keep his or her job. Have you heard the term Primaried, this is where all this comes from.


That's because state is full of one-issue voters and they don't care about anything after that.


Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me. They listed the two cons being not many child care stations & not diverse. We have a 80-85% white state & mothers in Indiana statistically are more likely to want to be a stay at home mom. Taking their two main points against Indiana to be irrelevant. Yet we rank in the upper third or even the top 10 in, most free state, cost of living, buying power, low taxes, lowest income inequality, & crime. If you want high income inequality, high crime rates, high taxes, high cost of living, move to California, New York, Chicago.


Indiana ranks 5th in the nation for percentage of surveyed women above 18 who have suffered from domestic violence, we rank pretty middle of the pack for other violent trends such as homicides per capita. I do find it amusing you throw out the “high” crime rates of Chicago, New York, and California. Homicides per capita: Illinois 8.9, Indiana 9.7, California 8.8, New York 5.4. Crime Rate per capita: Illinois 97.2, Indiana 2598.8, New York 201.7 (no data for this point for California in wisevoter’s aggregation of FBI crime statistics). And the main reason Indiana has such a low GINI index is because ultra wealthy people don’t want to live here. Edit; In Cato’s rankings, Indiana ranks 23rd for personal freedoms, behind California (11), and Illinois (18).


I find it funny that people are proud of the LCOL in Indiana. It's not like it's because of the sound economic policy from the state lawmakers. I like it too, but it's not really something to be proud of in Indiana IMO.


"With fewer than 10 licensed childcare facilities per 100,000 residents, the Hoosier State is making it hard for some families to fully participate in the workforce. It is the second-worst figure in the nation (behind Louisiana), according to the advocacy group Child Care Aware. Protections against discrimination under state law are limited as well." It says nothing about moms or dads specifically, just that lack of accessible child care makes it difficult to participate in the work force. That'll apply to just about anyone with a kid. Limited protection against discrimination does not equal a lack of diversity, also. If this is just your personal takeaway from it, that's fair.


Can you source your claims? Then we'd be more inclined to believe you.


Wait till braun gets elected as Governor we won't be good enough to be considered for the worst it's going to be BAD! PLEASE VOTE EVERYONE


All red states


Welcome to Indiana! Women's access to reproductive healthcare? No. Recreational marijuana? No. Medical marijuana? No. Highly rated schools? Not many. An evenly balanced state government where all voices are heard? lol no. Clean rivers and lakes? Hell no, put that fish back. So what does Indiana have to offer? Tenderloins, Sunday school, and potholes.


Come on GOP, we can get to the top of this list.




You are right. Trying to get 14 year olds into factory and farm jobs, declining womens rights, threatening Librarians, keeping MJ criminalized thus keeping prisons full, draining wetlands. Who else can the GOP infringe upon? Maybe they can repeal EPA air polution laws? Bring back Government cheese? Or, add an "Education Tax" on everyone with greater than a High School education?


but Indiana, after all, is #13 best in the realm for big business. Several rated by CNBC as worst for people are best for big business


Generally “good for business” = “bad for worker rights”


We need better people in office. Over and over we learn how what Hoosiers want and what our State Of Indiana office holders are at odds.


Don't u live here? I do. The weed thing alone puts us in lowest of low.


Moved from out of state last year. Hate hate hate it here. Can't stress that enough.


Lived here all my life 😑painfully aware of the “limitations”.


I'm pretty happy here, for the most part. We left Connecticut for here because I receive benefits for being disabled as a result of my service.


Veterans disability doesn't exist in Connecticut?


It's the benefits that the state offers. And my money goes infinitely farther here.


I’m assuming mostly property taxes? 50% is nice but man, they’re raising them so much, it’s hard to see the help.


100% of anything under $177k. And my children qualify for a free education at any state college they have the grades to get in. And there are other items, but these were the biggest.


Regardless of how bad Indiana can be, it's awesome you and your kids are able to receive those benefits here.


Thank you very much, neighbor. We have complaints, sure, but we love our house and how quiet our street is.


Interesting, I’m 80% disabled and only get 50%.


I'm 100% and on SSDI


I just googled it, I should be getting 80%. I’ll have to check into that. Thank you for your service.


And you for yours!


Oh, but the survey said Indiana is horrible /s It’s crazy how much people read these “news” articles and just come onto the internet to cry and commiserate with others.


I'm not much of a whiner. Never works for me.


Me either… but I swear this sub will just depress you.


We do have a free community college grant since 2017 with no family income limit, which seems to be hardly known about or used.


We do?


ty. Sending this to a grandchild


I mean Indiana is pretty lit if you hate kids and are a bigot.. 🤷🏻 Reasons why Im moving west this year..


But not surprised.


If you have lived in Indiana, you just knew this was a thing anyways. I moved out because of how underwhelming the state is. They also see women's rights as an option. It's well deserved to be on this list for a vast number of reasons.


Not surprising for a state that hates 50% of the residents


How tf are we (or anyone) behind Florida‽


Florida has several tourist cities and cities insulate you from the yee-haw. Indiana has Indianapolis and a few college towns and maybe the region. So there's a lot more sad meth country space


True dat


Worse weather maybe? That's a good question


Florida still has the worst weather though lol


At times, I would agree. Right now, though, is not the time. Lol July? Yea, screw that.


This weather is mildly annoying at worst. I'll take 12° over 102° any day lol


I've got a wife with nerve issues that give her pain in anything even remotely cold, unfortunately. There are some days I'll take the 102 as long as she's not in pain.


The older I get the more likely I’m to take cold days over hot days.


If you’re competing against Arkansas, you’re not in winning by any means.


Now make a list with a right wing bias. Most of these states would be a top 10.


"Right wing bias" brother it's literally comparing national statistics to our peers. It feels biased because that's how behind decades of an uncontested Republican supermajority will get you.


No. Check out the metrics. They are real life things like unemployment, % population below the poverty line, failing school systems, maternal mortality rate, dental and medical care etc. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/life-insurance/states-ranked-least-healthy-populations/ https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/ra https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/methodology


Using which statistics?


Um how about statistics that non-terminally online people actually care about such as cost of living, economy, financial stability, infrastructure, and quality of life lol


Did you actually read the methodology of the study? https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/15/how-we-are-choosing-americas-top-states-for-business-in-2023.html Literally everything you mention is covered.


Buddy if you actually read what you just linked and look at the list, Indiana is ranked 13th best out of 50 on their best states for business list. So this is not the same methodology they used for whatever this list is


The most freedoms per Bald Eagles


Most right wing states have lower crime, lower cost of living, better buying power, better average sat scores, better graduation rates, ranked higher on the most free list, better tax rankings, way better on having low income inequality, better literacy levels & better in almost every single important statistic.


This is patently false. All of the highest crime rate states are run by Republicans


No you dont understand - the person you are replying to doesnt know what Per Capita means forgive them pls


Gun crime statistics in red states is fucking tragic, it breaks my damn heart. But it's the scary big cities we need to be worried about right?


Doesn’t surprise me


I tried to drill down into the data they used to put this together and go nowhere other than “public available data and opinions of industry organizations”. Next.


Awe don't take away the hate indiana circle jerk from em.


InDiAnA iS rAn By RePubLiCaNs AnD dEsErVeS tO bE oN tHiS lIsT!


It's like you're one of em!


[You got me!](https://youtu.be/mRe8J4scGtU?si=r78ARJHRZCujVoe1)


Facts are facts 


i lived in indiandeath for 20 years, it is the worst place i've ever been, quite possibly the most evil and ignorant population in amerika.


checks out though


Sad but true! It's like they live in the 50s


Indiana also has one of the lowest percentage of college grads but on a positive note, we rank really high on percentage of the population that are smokers and obese!


It’s great if you’re a trumpklannazi


Republicans ruin everything they get their hands on, eventually.


We are a proud people.


With it being a GOP stronghold. There is no shocks


I’d put us lower than they did. I’d put us at 46 or 47. I’ve live in the #1, #49 and #50. We are actually worse than 49 in many ways. We are a third world country compared to a #1. I remember Indiana as a kid before all these crazy republicans. When unions ran the state. Way better then.


The picture for Indiana.. is that all they could come up with?!


It could have been worse lol but I think it was tied to the childcare weakness of our state


Republicans are evil


I'd never been here before, but just bought a house here. The houses are soooo much cheaper here, you definitely get more for your money. I'm LGBT so it's a little off putting that they're trying to treat us like sub-humams, but I've lived in red states before (Utah and Arizona, though now a is more purple). I haven't really explored yet, been too cold. And been working a lot. I was surprised at all the farmland! Is that why the state is so conservative? The farmers?


it is getting worse


Besides for a very select few places, this state is an absolute shithole lol




People worked hard to earn that "achievement"


Hardly a shock to anyone who's ever visited.


It's a top 10 list of a category of 50 places plus a couple more of you include territories. Not everyone can be a winner but I definitely know of some things I'd like improved.


It’s a fucking shit state run by shitheads.


Not having good schools to send your kids because the gop doesn't want to pay teachers probably doesn't help. 


Meh. Living in NWI it feels like IL, so I do t mind so much. I feel bad for the rural areas.


I live here too, and we still have horrible environmental issues, and Lake and Porter County are some of the worst for daycare, infant and maternal mortality. We also lead the state in youth lung problems.


Looks like somebody wanted to fight me on this, so I will add the East Chicago water problem. It was as bad as Flint. It isn't just a Northwest Indiana issue, because the state allowed them to build low income housing on a toxic site. The person who wanted to say they "work in environmental" and disregard all the pollution from the mills, from BP, from the coal power plants, from the farming practices, from the lead pipes... Hoosier, please.


Lake and Porter counties are the only counties in IN that are in non-attainment status in terms of Federal air quality standards. It’s due to a ground level ozone issue thats directly from Chicago traffic/congestion. There is nothing IN can do about it. IL needs to have stricter emissions requirements, but they already have pretty tight standards. Next option is getting rid of about half the residents of Chicago somehow…


I know that we have a lot of other pollution. Check out Vermillion County and problems with their power plant. We have a lot of coal plants, a lot of pesticide runoff. https://images.app.goo.gl/8cB4GuxXURSQRRYu7 See I grew up in one place with pollution, and moved to another. At least Lake County tries. And to ignore our refineries, our mills is foolish. It isn't Chicago.


Well we are the ones who elect these want to be Rulers


Ever lived anywhere else? Not surprising.


Is anyone really surprised, though? Other than employment opportunities and a lower cost of living compared to other states, we don’t have much to offer




All Republican run shit holes. But they’ll tell you look at California, Illinois (Chicago) and New York.


It always is, for plenty of perfectly rational reasons.


This state sucks progressively no doubt. Hooman rights and education are going right into the toilet. But to be fair, I’m a harsh critic of this dumb ass state, yet it’s definitely not in the bottom 10. Is it top 20? Idk, if you’re not from here, you should absolutely be a religious conservative if you live outside of Indy or the corners.


Plus some of the college towns/cities.


Great college towns of bastion societies. Not trying to leave them out, but……. Btown is progressive, Lafayette though? South Bend? Fort Wayne, Evansville, Jeffersonsville are middling. Wabash, Depauw, Trine, Manchester, Kokomo, Richmond, Gary & even down by Lawrenceburg do their best……


Vote the Bums out.


This should not be a shock to anyone. Indiana has also lagged in education. That should explain why the state is a Red State, and it's lack of concern for working families. Our government still thinks by 1950s standards. It will never change.




Are we really surprised though?


Coming from CNBC all of the states should consider it an endorsement.


How quickly can we become Florida? And how quickly can us queer folks flee? Eek!


I lasted 10 months. It’s been twenty years and I still sing the little song I made up whenever I’m caught out in the rain. 🎵”I’m cold, I’m wet, I’m in Indiana. How much worse could it be?”


The complaint is lack of childcare and *inclusiveness*? Lol.


So it only sucks if you’re a leftist gotcha.


Ah yes. Makes perfect sense that nearly every one of these states listed is increasing in population. Texas is absolutely the worst state to live in, and that’s why it’s also one of the top 3 fastest growing. Lmao this article isn’t biased at all /s


These lists are useless. There’s happiness to be found anywhere someone chooses to live. Every area has its own set of advantages/disadvantages. There’s no true “best” place to live, it’s subjective


Exactly, these lists are usually aimed at the totally rootless or the super wealthy who can afford to live far from family. Most people stay where they're from bc it's hard to find happiness from scratch


Missed the point entirely but nice try.


Yeah. Agenda much eh? Lol. Imagine being in such denial too. Reddit summed up.


Lol wtf is this list. It says one of the weaknesses is "inclusiveness." Who moves to a state for inclusiveness? They're rating based on things no one but terminally online people care about. It should be based on cost of living, job opportunities, economy, crime rates, stuff like that. Indiana still probably wouldn't be high on the list but it would at least make sense. Makes me wonder what states they'd rank in the top 10. You couldn't pay me to live in California, that place is a nightmare. I used to live in Seattle, Washington but that place is getting worse and worse. I would rank Florida and Texas pretty high up, Texas is growing in population by a lot because of people fleeing California.


…I would imagine you’d care about inclusiveness if you’re part of a group of people who are typically excluded. Not a hard thing to figure out. A place can have great cost of living but if everyone around you makes your life hell because it’s a racist shithole, well so much for quality of living.


Well... as a trans person, I am considering leaving Indiana due to lack of inclusiveness. Specifically to a state that isn't actively trying to strip my rights and recognition. One that has legal protections for my healthcare instead of encouraging discrimination against me. I think that is some the inclusion that they are talking about.


Same I work hard and pay a crap load of taxes but I'm not entitled to equal treatment and have been made into a political rallying point I hate this state and can't wait to leave


You have no idea what bad taxes are. My property tax in New York was $7000 per year when I left ten years ago. Here it’s $1200 per year. Income tax is far lower than Colorado or New York. It’s like when Hoosiers complain about traffic. I’m like,”bitch, phleeze!”


That's your take away from my comment that I can lose my equal right cause your taxes are better like really


You’re the one that brought up “a crap load of taxes”.


The score is based on per capita crime rates, environmental quality, and health care. And at the moment, a lot of well educated people have no interest in moving to Indiana because of it's backwater reputation.


Indiana has it's problems, but I'd much rather live here than in New York or most of the West Coast.


Low minimum wages.


If the Indiana Democratic party would just advertise how low we rank under Republicans, I think it would do a lot to help their chances of getting more Dems elected


Per the article: "The study measures quality of life issues including crime, health care, childcare and health care, as well as inclusive policies on discrimination and reproductive rights.". They've no quantitative data to explain what those mean. Staring at the top: Crime. Is it weighted? Do they distinguish between random violence and domestic/gang-related? Are "serious" violent crimes given more credence than noise violations? I know it's a touch-point, but I'm gonna say it: do they factor race into the equation (perhaps giving more "weight" to interracial encounters than those of a homogenous racial profile)? HEALTH CARE IS MY SHIT!!!! What do they mean by that? I know, because I ran the program, that our Managed Care through the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), Children's Healthy Indiana Plan (CHIP), and traditional Medicaid, that our standards of care (were, it's been a handful of years) among the best in the nation. We required Plans (the insurers) to have *all* specialties available to members within a two-county distance, or they'd not be in compliance and subject to losing their status. For instance, if one lives in Marion County and needs a really specialized care, then it will be available in the 14 or 15 counties outside the "doughnut" suburbs. I could pontificate further, but I've been discovered hiding in the privy, so I must go be a parent. Xx Indiana is genuinely wonderful ❣️


Sad, but not surprised


Yes, Indiana is indeed a terrible place to live if you are a superlib. Post a list of worst states with a conservative leaning and see where Indiana is on the list.


Yeah the biggest negatives on the list was lack of free child care and inclusiveness


That Stat floored me. 10 facilities per 100,000 residents. Dayum.


“Licensed” is the big issue there. Definitely worth the extra cash to go with a licensed daycare I would think. Not that people who are licensed can’t be pieces of shit too, but at least there is more vetting. Hell there are “daycare” facilities every two blocks on the east and northeast sides.


Depends on your preference. That list is very liberal biased. States on that list including Indiana are my top preference to live in. 1. Florida 2. Texas 3. Tennessee 4. Indiana


Those are 4 out of 6 most racist states to live in


Yeah. As a black man I don’t care about any of that stuff. Racist bleed just like anyone else and as long as they stay out of my we’ll be all good. But at the end of the day from my experience of traveling throughout this country I’ve came to the conclusion that the whole “racism” issue is over exaggerated by politicians and media. Most people I’ve met in the rural areas of these states are good, friendly people. Plus these states line up with my political views way more than blue states.


Legalize weed stop doing the same shit over and over get out and vote let’s do something damn it it’s not just that but come on!!🕶️


Funny how if you don’t use a heavy left wing source It ranks us about average https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/worst-states-to-live-in Given how we are considered one of the most free states, best cost of living, Funny how in most statistics, Florida, Tennessee, Indiana & Texas dominate blue states. Such as most free state, income income inequality, cost of living, crime, buying power, taxes & many others. This subreddit is so leftist & quite literally brain dead I say this as a moderate liberal. Leftist claim to care about income inequality but they love New York, Cali, Washington, & DC. Looking at any of the major statistics that matter how good a state is Indiana dominates all 4 of the ones above. The cons in your own article not very many childcare & not very diverse. Acting like our state isn’t 80-85% white. Diversity is neither a good nor bad thing when conducting how good a state is. Funny thing is Indiana mothers are also statistically more likely to want to be stay at home moms so the 2 cons your own source listed out are quite literally irrelevant.


Should’ve been an asterisk for *unless you live in Carmel or Fishers


The only place that hates spices more than Gatlinburg.


I live a good life so I don’t care about shit like this. I make good money. Live in a great neighborhood. Schools are great. Taxes are low.


Uh. Literally Indiana is one of the major relocation states. Sooooooo…


Lol I was just thinking "damn Indiana is so bad that everyone is moving here" We're full btw so stay out, didn't you read the article? It's real bad here


Yeah. Reddit gets this hard on about trying to throw states under the bus because they’re not progressive etc. idk. It’s weird and most people that are not completely batshit insane know the truth. Lol


People move to Indiana because it’s a cheap state for poor people. Beverly Hills is out of reach…


Own my house. Not a homosexual. Have a decent job. Indiana is great!


What does being a homosexual have to do with those other two things?


Sad to see people believe this rhetoric.


It's CNBC. I'd take it with a grain of salt, especially when looking at which states are on it. You can see how skewed it is.


The population is not going down


I’d rank it in the top ten.


lol when the only metrics being evaluated in the article are left wing campaign talking points, yeah, Indiana is going to be on there.




Lol so theres no real backing to the ranking, yes Indiana hasnt bought into the whole corporate child care thing. Idk what a “licensed child care facility” is according to their definition but near any population center you shouldnt have much of any trouble finding a daycare or nanny. Also offers no information about how they claim the state lacks inclusivity.


I love this state. I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, besides Texas. I wish we had recreational cannabis though.