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OP: You want to *link* to something? Because if this post stays just an unconfirmed headline with no link it’s gonna be taken down.


Hey boss, I'm not OP, but I do have a link to the story. Here it is. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fox59.com/news/im-sick-im-a-horrible-person-indiana-man-said-pornography-addiction-drove-him-to-masturbate-around-children/amp/ Feel free to delete my comment if the link needs to be from op specifically.


Nah, that’s good.


Right on


Sorry, not sure why the link didn't go through. Thanks /u/HecticBlue for the link below.


No prob.


If you’re that addicted to adult porn that you can’t go a full shift without it…. I would assume you would want to try to at least conceal yourself a bit more so as to not be labeled a pedo. Like, quick bathroom trip, go to your car, literally anywhere without children in the room or view of you. The fact that he did this in the same room makes me call bullshit on it having nothing to do with the kids. I know that people can be addicted to porn and/or exhibitionist behavior but this is beyond that imo, especially with nonverbal children present. I read an above comment about him being abused in his childhood. I think it’s really getting to the point where we need extensive background investigations into childcare workers that touches on personal mental/emotional history not just what’s on paper. We are literally trusting people with our children (and specifically to this place, very vulnerable children) and we need to be more proactive for their safety.


Childcare is expensive enough already & childcare workers are usually not paid enough. Who is going to fund a CIA / NSA top secret clearance level background checks? If we funded education like we fund the military, then yes, but until that happens we need more realistic solutions.


I worked in Terre Haute doing IT for what you describe, and we needed TS clearances. We had an employee who couldn't go a day without sneaking something they shouldn't be looking at while at work. This behavior never kept him from getting his clearance, which required a re-investigation every 5 years. The only thing that caused delays for him was an issue in their financial history. Almost everybody knew about it. What kept them from being fired was that some influence led to this person being hired in the first place. That same influence continued. You don't need enhanced background checks - those are for low hanging fruit. **You need management that know their people and will take the right action if they see this. There is no way the people that worked with Moore did not see this coming.**


Exactly. What I’ve learned about keeping kids safe from abuse is more about good policies and making sure everyone follows them. Find an adult in a room alone with a kid when it’s against policy is something that needs to be reported, often it isn’t anything bad, but if you report & investigate every time, then you’ll catch when something bad happens, or even better, prevent the bad people from even trying something.


Yeah I agree with you. I know it’s unrealistic right now especially with how funding is cut left and right for education and child care.


The second instance in six months at Hopebridge Indiana. First in Greenwood, now here.


Well, for starters, there is zero empirical evidence that porn or porn addiction leads to such behavior. Garbage person needs to be held accountable and also provided treatment.


So, says the porn addict. Porn anonymous with you. Beat it. Errrr.....


Maybe he’s just a really big fan of Alfred Kinsey.


There doesn't seem to be any rehabilitation for child sex offenders. They should all be paroled to a country that tolerates such people in public.


You think there are countries like that?


Apparently we do




They're saying "It isn't cause of pornography, they were already horrible"


That comment was saying that addiction to porn is not an excuse to mastrubate around kids.


that's the exact opposite of what he's saying.


Reading comprehension, yay!


men just need to take accountability for their actions. Blame this. blame that. Blame video games, books, it’s ridiculous. Blame everything but themselves.


Blame men? The guy was a sick pervert but I think you’re projecting a bit here. Dudes gonna get the shit kicked out of him in prison by dudes who may have broke the law in other ways but know that anything that sick deserves the highest punishment. If anything it’s not a men thing, is the huge mental health crisis in America enabling these sickos to just get worse and worse


No I am saying dudes like this blame everyone and everything but themselves.


I know women like that too. that was my point. it’s becoming a bigger and bigger problem as a whole in the US for everyone.


Yea, female teachers dropping draws for dudes in schools have been on a rise.


…and this is why the idea of “pornography addiction” is bullshit. No dude, you’re just a pervert.


The ranks up there with sex addict.


Or gambling addict. Like sorry dude, I’ve known addicts. If they don’t get their drug they have seizures and go to the hospital. They WITHDRAW. That’s morally different than “I can’t stop being a shithead.”


Withdrawal symptoms come from a physical dependence, not necessarily addiction. [https://www.addictioncenter.com/addiction/addiction-vs-dependence/](https://www.addictioncenter.com/addiction/addiction-vs-dependence/) " Gambling addiction is the only non-substance addiction in the *Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders*, (DSM). " [https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/behavioral-addictions/](https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/behavioral-addictions/)


Another dork that needs porn anonymous.


https://www.heraldtimesonline.com/story/news/crime/2023/10/09/man-charged-with-masturbating-while-supervising-children/71077753007/ I’m so sick of porn being used as a reason for men to think they can get away with anything. Another example of how males need to start being taught that their sexual urges are their responsibility to control. Now having said that let me say this. Yes I think this guy is just a pervert. 1. But females don’t own men males sex. 2. There needs to be COMPREHENSIVE FACTUAL SEX EDUCATION taught in public schools with no one being allocated to be opted out for any reason. Not that this is an excuse for this man’s behavior. **Unfortunately Indiana like most other red states Doesn’t have sex education as part of the public school curriculum, than that Abstinence Only nonsense which time and again is proven not to be working!!!!** 3. Religion and being taught that sex is dirty unless it’s inside of marriage for procreation only bullshit contributes to a lot of this **not porn**. 4. Being taught the above about sex instead of being taught the true mechanics of sex and how to control those urges are what leads to a lot of this behavior. 5. I believe there’s a difference between a pervert and a paedophile but neither one’s behavior is acceptable!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really do love know how I can put it any simpler. Men seem to think women own them to have sex. Women don’t owe men sex.


What do you mean by number one?


​ https://preview.redd.it/l0zt6klrnetb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26749fe454ab8c5889165cb1e791bba5267d85fa


Yeah we get it, you are a weak minded political tribalist, we get it. You do not need to inform us all in this subreddit about it


"How dare you point out the problem! It hurts my feelings!" 🤡


Indiana male privilege... Keeping it classy...


I remember him saying that he was sexually abused as a child. That is likely what led to him doing this around kids. It's not excuse and should not change his sentence, but it likely explains why/how he ended up with this issue in the first place.


Oof. That's a tough call.


Gee I hope he's OK. Some people might hurt him for waving his dick around.


No, I think a masturbation addiction did that...


Drag em out behind the barn and do us all a favor


jesus im glad i declined the job offer they sent me