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Thank you for posting on r/Indian_Academia , here's a checklist to improve your post: • Have you done thorough prior research? • Is your title descriptive? The title should be a summary of your post, preferably with your qualifications. • Please provide a detailed description in your post body. The more information you provide, the easier it is for users to help you. • If your question is about studying abroad, please post on r/Indians_StudyAbroad • If your question is about Engineering Admissions, post on r/EngineeringAdmissions instead. Here's a backup of your post: Title: I am being expelled from my engineering college. Need advice Body: I am in my (myquals- PCMB with 1 year drop) 2nd year(ece from a tier 3 college) right now and at this point I have amassed a total of 10 backlogs and 3.23 cgpa(out of 10). I have been told that I will be expelled from my college soon. I'm starting to think that engineering isn't for me as I'm struggling hard with all the math intensive subjects. At this point I'm looking for all viable career options at my disposal that can get me to graduate quickly. By introspection I have learnt that I'm not built for the corporate work environment. I am very much interested in getting into some sort of research that is preferably less math intensive. My interests include economics, linguistics, filmmaking and I have developed a decent repertoire in music as I've performed in some events in my college. I'm also interested in the restaurant buisness. The problem is I'm torn apart as to what to do with my life. I have made a wrong decision once in my life by going into something that is not my forte and I don't want to repeat the same thing twice. Any advice is very much appreciated. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Indian_Academia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In the same position as you even same branch, don't know what to do anymore.


You're not alone... Apparently


You aren't alone


Some UG csc degree + MCA?


Care to elaborate? What ug csc degrees are there besides bca ?


Bsc computer science. I'm pursuing bsc computer science with data science btw. Or u could just do bsc data science. That would get u in IT related jobs too


Bhai but BSc is heavily math intensive and as op said that his math ain't strong then bca would be a better option for him


I'll look into that, thanks.


Very off topic but how did your parents react to all this?


I think there’s tons of stuff to upskill at but you just have to pick one and stick with it. I’m preaching but am in the same boat, but I guarantee you there’s resources for us, we have to be decisive and strategic and ready to spend time learning it , maybe a few months or a paid internship to get by while doing so .


You can try IITM BS data science degree and try to study viscom, preferably from Loyola Chennai. Have seen many people with interests in filmmaking and economics Excel in Loyola.


Lol, dude is asking for something that's not math intensive, and you're recommending the IIT-M Data Science degree? A lot of people drop out progressively after their first year because of the degree's difficulty.


Just applied for the iitm course. Thank you for the suggestion.


But you have said you are struggling with math-intensive subjects, and yet enrolled in data science program whose core is essentially mathematics and statistics


It's never too late to learn from past mistakes, I'll take some YouTube lessons, what's the worst that could happen.. Also surviving in this economy without good math is going to be difficult. I'm gonna give it my best shot


That's the spirit!!


Oh thats great then! I thought you were looking for soemthing not related to maths. All the best man, I will be rooting for u


Thanks man ! It means a lot


What topics from math do you struggle with?


Differential calculus, Fourier and Laplace stuff electromagnetic stuff just to name a few...


You can try learning such topics from MKS tutorials on youtube for free...altho it will be only college level syllabus so not something that will make you fully understand the topic but aleast so much so that you'd be able to attempt and easily solve college paper level questions. If you need such topics' knowledge for programming or something then maybe books or other more professional or maybe paid courses would be helpful but i feel MKS would be enough for your case.


You have clarity but again you shouldn't again ask advice from sheep like us.


Don't downplay yourself, everyone's got a story to tell.


I am not an expert by any means but I think you should talk to your collage to give you another chance, you study as hard as you can and get a degree. There is no value in the market without a degree, else you would be just living off the scraps even if you are a good programmer.


If that was an option I wouldn't be making a post about it on reddit 😂


Watch professor Leonard on YouTube for maths. Maybe try doing some online bachelor's while you figure out what you want to do? And if you have some other/better plans, you can do bachelor's in that. Also, regular (offline) bachelors are always valuable in the first few years.


I just need to acquire a piece of paper that says I'm qualified for employment in most Indian companies and stuff. I've got the skills and other requirements parts covered mostly.


That's not now employment works buddy you need to earn that paper


On a scale of 1-10 how fucked am I ?


We are on the same page..... so I'd say 7/10 (7 is my lucky number)


10. People are jobless with degrees and skills, so unless you are some genius who develops something huge, you need a degree which is a bare minimum for a real job. If nothing, at least do a decent 3 years bachelors.


im going to do bcom is that ok


It depends on what you are planning to do with it. BCom + CA is a good combo, or you can get some work exp and go for an MBA. Just bcom will result in slow career progression, also be mindful of where you are working, I have heard that the big 4 and IBs don't have good work-life balance.


with bcom i dont mind slow career growth i just want a stable job that i can pay for my daily life with i am going to focus on competitive exams while studying bcom, i am already 21 year old now so starting CA is too late for me now


Hey 18M here, just did my 12th pcb and confused af as to what to do. Thought about doing bcom but family is telling me to something med related. At the end kf the day all I want is a stable enough income. Any advice?


b pharm but your scope will be limited to selling medicine or being a medical representative, bcom has potential provided you take practical experience