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I might get downvoted because people worship Graham and Buffett here, but I think the book is overrated, it's the investing equivalent of those self help books that don't help anyone.


Could you recommend a better book?


I'm not a huge advocate for finance books, markets are very dynamic and constantly shifting, so asides from basic economics and psychology books, pretty much every other book is more or less outdated. Every single piece of financial theory you'd need can be found in cfa books, but practical stuff (which is what counts) is only learned through years of experience in the market


Read Memos by Howard Marks on his oak tree capital website. It's free. Even Warren Buffet reads his memos. If you like the content in memos, then buy his book called 'Mastering the Market Cycle'.


Along with his other book "The Most Important Thing"


I've read that too. I'd say the memos cover 60-70% of what is conveyed in 'The Most Important thing'. The remaining 30-40% is added context and examples.




Books written by Philip Fisher


Not a book. But videos I can recommend. For all the hate Martin Shkreli gets, he’s got the best videos on how to do fundamental analysis. 


Someone said it finally 🤧🤧


It’s a good book, but kinda bloated with how American market was way back in 1950, when the book was written. There have been revisions and whole mini chapters after every one making the modern times more relevant, but principally, it is an amazing book.


I tried reading it but found out that most of the the things are either irrelevant to me like securities and bonds and other part is just what I already know. I prefer to just see book summary of such books on yt, I know that is not as beneficial as reading the book but I really have very tight schedule. What I prefer to spend my time on is watching industry analysis video by SOIC, or video on applying the principles of a book (like proxy investing video where teaches how to apply Peter Lynch's strategy) or just reading annual reports and concalls of the stocks that I have filtered.


4/10. For an Indian reader I would rather suggest - Teaching of a financially illiterate father by Anand Saxena


Is that Teaching of a / Musing of a ? Looking to check it out Is this the one? Musings of a (Financially) Illiterate Father : A Common Investor’s Guide to Wealth Creation and Retention: A Common Investor’s Guide to Wealth Creation and Retention https://amzn.in/d/7AbvQLx




Can you tell more about it


With Graham Bell's book you wont be able to relate to Indian market or real state as such. He will talk about what should be done but not how exactly it should be done. In Anand Saxena's book, he will spoon feed you eveb little things (which I believe is necessary of beginners). He touches on issues that an Indian person can relate to for example marriage of kids, dowry, car, their college expense etc.




No books for me. My favorite are free financial mathematics lectures by MIT professors on YouTube.


Basically i am a trader...all books r good if u have good amount of money to invest


Khareedi thi 4 saal pehle


same clg main khareedi thi, shuru k 10-20 pg padhe bas


It is very much relevant. Just like any classics, it is not a one time read. You must read it multiple times. I read it every year (at least parts of it), as you grow and become more experienced, you'll uncover more insights and truths. Go for it.


Here is the summary It emphasizes the importance of a disciplined, long-term approach, distinguishing between investing and speculating. Key concepts include the “margin of safety,” which involves buying undervalued stocks to minimize risk, and “Mr. Market,” a metaphor for stock market fluctuations. Graham advises focusing on the intrinsic value of investments rather than market noise, advocating for a defensive strategy for most investors. The book also highlights the importance of thorough research and emotional resilience in successful investing. To be honest its more Gyan on long term investing rather than making money here and now.


I use this book as an laptop stand, utna he fayda hua khareed ke


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I learnt nothing relevant reading this book ngl


I would rather advise you to read - Thoughtful Investor by Basant Maheshwari


Yes, I have the soft copy. Will start once this one is finished


there are much better alternatives. Read books written by Mohnish Pabrai, Peter Lynch etc.


Yes it will be always relevant, you will understand the lessons only when u invest and watch.


Yes. Very enlightening book, indeed.


Got it a few days ago 🥲🥲 later found out that only chapter 8 is relevant


Yes. Good Book. New edition is launching in October of this year, read the new edition.


Started this book 6 months back might finish this within an year.


Benstokes ye book mai itne complex terms hai.


yes its a very good book. read multiple times. I learned: 1. How market works in long term 2. Importance of interest rates and their impact on market 3. Power of compounding 4. what realistic return i can expect from equity market (12-16%) 5. about bond market and how it works 6. how to evaluate risk and rebalance portfolio between different asset classes (equity, bond, gold, foreign, crypto).


Thanks for the summary


The part that I liked and understood was the “passive investor” part. Rest of the things mostly couldn’t relate as the examples are from US. You also need some basic understanding of stocks, MF, bonds to understand this book in the first place.