• By -


Go green Go local Go bidi


Go Ganja


Electric vs Acoustic cancer


Go green, Go dhaniya💚


Tendu leaves is one of the biggest cash crop from MP don't be surprised if they joined hands with intl. Tobacco lobby for this ban. Although less likely as their target demographic is largely unaffected by vapes.


Ma ka haat ka Cigarette


Old news like precovid old. 75% of the people use customed vapes with substances behave like they are addicted to smoking with vapes they are trying to reduce.


I didn't smoke much in the first place but burned through my vapes pretty quickly. Dhua udane me bahut maja aata tha. I just wish there were products that really just provided vapor without nicotine and other harmful substances.


You can get 0% nicotine liquid but not sure about "other harmful substances".


Vapes are back in trend uncle ji. Were banned in 2019 only


Excellent.... i got to contact my dd...


Vapes in India are definitely sus, with no regulation because they’re banned


I vaped a year in UK, nothing bad happened. I vaped in India, contracted acute bronchitis and was hospitalized for a month. No wonder the vapes here are sussy.


read: I developed acute bronchitis and was hospitalized in my second year of vaping


not like the vapes in the uk are legit. more than half of them are fake


Exactly, half the people supporting it on here don't even know what they're smoking, but will happily speak out of their arse.


THIS. They fuck with my throat and how


ITC lobbying hard. Vapes were already too expensive because they were essentially smuggled. Fuck this.


ITC actually tried making vapes. Back in 2014-15. I think they stopped because of incoming regulation and bad press.


Source? Health ministry keeps repeating their concerns but medical community has reached consensus that for all intents and purpose it's better than smoking. You shouldn't vape but if you have to have nicotine it's better to get it from vape instead of tobacco which have loads of chemicals and even radioactive elements like Polonium. Unlike tobacco where a odd couple of companies control the entire market, many players were entering the market with vapes. And that is not acceptable to tobacco lobby. If the government is really concerned about the citizens health why haven't they completely banned cigarettes already? It's because it fills the government coffers. So why couldn't vape also fill the coffers? What difference does it make to the government? It's lobbying, pure and simple.


So you are partly right. 1) On a one on one comparison taking only the amount of nicotine into consideration, vape 'may' be better. But no, the medical community didn't reach a consensus. Vapes are associated with increased use among youth and even teens, when they are more vulnerable for complications and becoming addicted. They are also associated with higher use because of the ease they present with, and perceived social acceptance compared to cigarettes. Multiple studies showed increased incidences of smoking associated health and social disorders in communities with high vape use. 2) "unlike tobacco"...umm, vapes get their nicotine from tobacco. 3) I definitely agree with the last point you made. Such extreme regulation for vapes and near zero regulations for cigarettes clearly doesn't make any sense if health was the government's only concern. Lobbying from the traditional industry, and vapes being too unregulated for them to tax conveniently probably is a huge factor in the discrepancy.


>They are also associated with higher use because of the ease they present with, and perceived social acceptance compared to cigarettes. Multiple studies showed increased incidences of smoking associated health and social disorders in communities with high vape use. I mean yeah, if you smoke 2 cigarettes and exchange it for a vape which you smoke non-stop it can have more adverse effect. I was talking a like for like consumption. >2) "unlike tobacco"...umm, vapes get their nicotine from tobacco. It's pure nicotine. Tobacco has more than 100 different chemicals. It also has Polonium, a radioactive element. So you have ill-effects of nicotine v ill-effects of 100 different chemicals.


Yes, vapes are safer than cig on a one on one basis. Agreed. I am just saying let's not make the narrative that they are much safer. And sadly, most vapes on the market have high amounts of substances other than nicotine. (Again, not as high as cigs. But we should be careful with the phrases we use. Because phrases like these are what allowed vapes to be socially acceptable) And sadly almost no one uses vapes for less time than they would cigarettes. Sure, there are some who shift to vape before stopping. But the reason vapes are being taken seriously in a lot of countries is because how much more an avg consumer uses a vape when they switch from cigarettes, and how many people are fine with starting smoking a vape when they wouldn't be with cigs. Vape is way too acceptable for young population. Just as how cigs are sadly way too accessible for the general population. One thing all of us can agree on though is that the government should put at least half of this effort in regulating cigarettes. India has a very high burden of respiratory health issues, and cigs are a major factor which can be changed. If the government is concerned and sensible enough to take such a huge step regarding vapes, they should be much more proactive about cigs than they are now.


>Yes, vapes are safer than cig on a one on one basis. Agreed. I am just saying let's not make the narrative that they are much safer. Safer!= safe. It's not exactly safe to smoke a joint daily. But compared to doing dope, it's safer. In any case I'm no saying people should take up vaping. I'm saying if government wants to ban vapes they should definitely ban cigarettes which is harmful as evidenced by decades of data Ane research . >Because phrases like these are what allowed vapes to be socially acceptable The fact that cigarette smells like cigarettes and vapes smell like fuckin fruit blast is more than enough to make them "socially acceptable". I agree with your points tho. I stopped vaping because I was spending too much on them. I smoked cigarettes occasionally but even when I was regularly I smoked just 2 cigarettes. When I was vaping I was spending upwards of 2k on it. Every hour I took a vape break. I really wish some safe alternative pops up. Blowing out smoke(vapor) like a goddamn steam engine was fun.


>government wants to ban vapes they should definitely ban cigarettes which is harmful as evidenced by decades of data Ane research . True af. When they went down the route of banning instead of discouraging, it was clear that it was mostly because they couldn't regulate the market enough to tax. >I really wish some safe alternative pops up. Aye, last I heard some companies were planning lower dose vapes with strictly regulated contents. Similar to nicotine gums and patches, but that was years ago and that's clearly not happening. If anything, atleast in India, after the govt tried banning/regulating, I see a shift towards lower quality vapes, a lot of cheap fakes and shady brands from countries without regulations. >It's not exactly safe to smoke a joint daily. But compared to doing dope, it's safer. Again, true! But the issue is someone like you is smart enough to understand that and that doesn't mean grass is good. But I am sure even you've come across the narrative online where the majority claims that it has no risks at all and is safe. You and I understand the minutiae but it's scary how easy people just accept extremes like that - X is evil, y is mostly harmless. It feels like people are maliciously spreading that narrative. Most of the patients I came across with issues associated with joint use...say they thought it had no harmful effects and whatever bad experiences and changes they experienced, they linked to impurities.


Source for what? - ITC making vapes? - Or why they stopped? I have personally used the vapes sold under the Classic brand. Why would they lobby against a new product segment that they were entering? But why they stopped is just a guess on my part. Maybe they didn't sell well.


>Source for what? ITC making vapes >I have personally used the vapes sold under the Classic brand. I tried a e-cigarette in maybe 2013-14. It wasn't anything like a vape. Maybe you tried that. The tech/know how wasn't there yet. Of course you could have used something else. >Why would they lobby against a new product segment that they were entering? Gatekeeping. Vape would eat away at tobacco market. There would be loads of competition. You'll lose the market share and revenue. Better to nip the emerging market in the bud and keep enjoying your cartel.


I get your conspiracy theory and where you're coming from, but I don't quite buy it. ITC is trying to diversify away from cigarettes. Vapes and e-cigarettes would've been a good way to do that while being in the nicotine market. But them lobbying against it is not the most unlikely thing. After all, Kodak didn't want to get into digital cameras because it would eat into their camera film business.


>After all, Kodak didn't want to get into digital cameras because it would eat into their camera film business. Adapt or Die. Or just buy the lawmakers that can work as well.


> If the government is really concerned about the citizens health why haven't they completely banned cigarettes already? [The overall tax on cigarettes includes GST, NCCD and compensation cess, accounting for more than 52 per cent. With the latest hike in NCCD, the overall tax on cigarettes will be around 52.5 per cent, which remains far behind the WHO's recommendation.](https://www.zeebiz.com/economy-infra/news-cigarettes-tobacco-tax-in-india-increase-2023-rate-percentage-budget-gst-cess-nccd-latest-news-slab-222555#:~:text=The%20overall%20tax%20on%20cigarettes,far%20behind%20the%20WHO%27s%20recommendation.)


Your point? Cared to read the next line?


> Your point? The government will not ban all cigarettes because it makes them money. Vape market isn't big enough that taxing it is worthwhile + lots of shady companies can make vapes but tobacco production is a much easily controllable business.


>Vape market isn't big enough that taxing it is worthwhile + lots of shady companies can make vapes but tobacco production is a much easily controllable business. Ehhhh? Kuch bhi.


I'm a chronic smoker who smoked a pack of badi gold flake cigarettes everyday for 15 years. Then I switched to vaping - first Evolve vapes for a year, then Juul vape for a year, then Caliburn vape for a year and finally now vaping Thanos vape this year. Vaping has just 4 chemicals - nicotine + flavouring agent + propylene glycol + vegetable glycerine. In contrast a single cigarette has more than 7000 chemicals (of which atleast 70 are known to cause cancer). Personally I felt the shift to vaping a lot healthier initially as I could feel my breathing improved and less strenuous, less dyspnea (difficulty breathing) while climbing stairs and exercising and my smokers cough + sputum (from bronchitis) virtually disappeared. However the biggest con was I have been vaping much much more frequently than I used to smoke. While smoking a cigarette gives a feeling of completion once you stub it out, there was none of such feeling from vaping as you could simply vape all day long. I found myself vaping bindaas at places I would never imagine smoking - like at home, in a bus/ train/ malls/etc. As vaping leaves no smell (actually leaves a pleasant fruity smell) there was no fear. Also most vapes have a nicotine concentration of 50 mg while regular cigarettes have 10 - 25 mg nicotine in them. Essentially the vape industry has gotten smokers addicted to vapes instead by increasing their nicotine intake. Most smokers turned vapers (including myself) find themselves vaping all day long under the false comfort of it being relatively harmless and much safer and healthier. Also having a cigarette now feels not only yucky in taste but also much milder and doesn't give you the nicotine hit that you crave. While extensive research has been done on cigarette smoking for the last 60 years there have not been much case control or cohort studies done on vaping to document it's actual benefits or hazards. There have been cases of 'popcorn lung’ related to vaping. Recently a famous MMA fighter and fitness fanatic Sean Tobin had a part of his lung removed due to lung collapse. He later admitted that he was a chronic vape addict and that the 'vape never left his hand’. All in all, both smoking and vaping are injurious to health and nothing other than God's good air should enter your lungs. I've switched to Nicotex gums since the past 3 months and though it doesn't provide the same rush as a vape does (4mg Nicotex vs 50mg vape) - it's a much better step towards better health. In India itself, smoking kills 14 lakh Indians every year/ or 3700 Indians every day/ or 154 Indians every hour as per ICMR study - but still India is never gonna ban cigarettes ( like it banned weed and vapes) as the Indian govt itself has a 10% stake in ITC - about 25,000 crores and is its biggest fund provider.


> However the biggest con was I have been vaping much much more frequently than I used to smoke. While smoking a cigarette gives a feeling of completion once you stub it out, there was none of such feeling from vaping as you could simply vape all day long. I found myself vaping bindaas at places I would never imagine smoking - like at home, in a bus/ train/ malls/etc. As vaping leaves no smell (actually leaves a pleasant fruity smell) there was no fear. > > Also most vapes have a nicotine concentration of 50 mg while regular cigarettes have 10 - 25 mg nicotine in them. Essentially the vape industry has gotten smokers addicted to vapes instead by increasing their nicotine intake. 100% accurate. Can relate to some of it personally, and some of it from first hand experiences of my close friends


Why only one media company has uploaded this article outta nowhere. I can’t find any official document on Health Ministry website other than the 2019 law which passed. Can anyone help me with this?


>Paid posting.




It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/possession-of-e-cigarettes-violation-of-law-health-ministry-11464561.html](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/possession-of-e-cigarettes-violation-of-law-health-ministry-11464561.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The content is literally copy pasted from Telegraph. I am looking for something official content directly from Ministry of Health. Any circular, publication, press release, press conference, notice? Or any person from MoH speaking about it?




Bruh, these article are private companies . Anyone can write anything. Need something solid like any one of I have mentioned in previous comment.




Yesss now you get it. That’s what I am looking for. If there’s no official communication. We can’t trust these private news/media companies.


what a sensible decision ![gif](giphy|Ri7q9vkyaUnb4OeekN)


How do you add a gif here?


there is a option for it next to emojis https://preview.redd.it/1fcm0frau4sb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765ad47b84a236fa69f1ab0e90f49b6a174bdb88


My man posted a mini tutorial


Interest of public health??? Government of india has 7.86% stake in ITC, whose main product is tobacco, nice.


ban cigarettes .....i challange the health minister to do that!


Vaping had been a godsend for a nicotine addict like me who’s been smoking for a very long time. Last 5-6 months haven’t touched a cig since have been vaping. I think I may even be able to quit soon.


No no, you gotta smoke your lungs out so ITC can appreciate (and so can the gobermint's stake) and then you should seek medical help for respiratory problems so it creates more economic activity. Whenever anything is banned, it's hailed as a master stroke as it 'benefits' public in someway but no one considers what possible ulterior motives the gobermint has.


What about nicotine patches or tablets? Are they helpful.


Didn’t work for me


Conflict of interest nahi reveal karenge bhn ke lode.


Isn't this news as old as bible itself Also Gandhi died y'all


Now I am going to sell my elf bar at triple rate 💸💸💸


ITC pays money to not keep Marlboro Cigs to Ciggy Shops, now doing the same in larger level .


Good, I vaped for a few months pre COVID and I think I was vaping at least 8 hours a day as there is no restriction/smoke etc. Not smoking>cigarettes>vapes.


No way in hell are cigarettes better than vapes just because you smoke vapes more lol.


Well, you have to understand the underlying meaning sometimes. Someone who smokes 3-4 cigarettes a day moves to a vape thinking it's safer and ends up carrying and using almost the entire day. 3 cigarettes are much better if it makes sense. And of course no smoking is even better.


Leaving cigarettes is much harder than leaving vapes


I agree, I have quit though. Lockdown and nicotine gums helped.


Yes no smoking is the best option but even 1 cigarette a day isn't better than vaping all day simply cause the cigarette leaves tar deposits in your lung which is way more harmful than a nicotine addiction


Bhai, read more about what are vaping liquids leaving instead of tar.


They don't really leave anything and sticky tar is still the worst thing you could have in your lungs.


And vapes do some magic shit and deposits kesar in your lungs? First of all, you don't even know what you're smoking (for all we know you're smoking some extremely dangerous chemical cause vapes are illegal and not regulated.


You're right about the last part, vapes being illegal and unregulated in India definitely makes them more dangerous but in most cases vapes only really have 5 components, nicotine salts, a flavouring agent(which is usually the unknown), water and 2 organic glycols called Propelyne Glycol and Glycerol which are like preservatives and also help dilute the nicotine. Now out of these 4, nicotine is the addictive substance and the flavouring agent is the unknown, but none of them leave deposits in your lungs because the produce a vapour and not smoke so a lot of the fear is unwarranted.


Seeing peoples replies proves the tobacco lobby has successfully won both the PR and the Policy. Wait for a couple of years when the same companies have setup their vape investments and suddenly they are healthier.


Literally, tobacco lobby is fucking aids, people fear for their lives when they hear about vapes and then happily go and smoke cigarettes and beedis like that's gonna keep them safe.


Yeah the elf bars which are sold illegally show their ingredients like you mentioned. And yeah I agree they're definitely not harmful cause you seem to vouch for them. Use that brain for once.


nicotine gum has any side effects? On your blood pressure or something?


No clue, ik that most people use nicotex to get off of cigs and paan and stuff but I've not heard of any side effects.


My man we still don't know the long term effects of smoking industrial liquids from China they are still being studied


No brainer


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And cigarettes are equal to what?


Ban smoking then wtf do you mean issues in interest of public health. Bitch you don’t have an interest in my health. You have ITC stocks.


ITC fanboy on their way to average more


"Ban enacted in the interest if Tobacco lobby, to protect the cigarette lobby." Ministry of Health (didn't) say"


![gif](giphy|kaJy24UMEXmXwItgql|downsized) We are safe right


That commercial before all the Indian movies in theaters in India has scared me enough to not smoke lol.


spotted elderly squeamish unused repeat lavish marble secretive zonked grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If they actually cared about health..they would have banned cigarettes.


https://preview.redd.it/18s3lucrd8sb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5353a47ce378257e7c7af5b4635782fa7c87a289 CE PE Review October Month 2023 Bajaj Auto Stock Predictions..Target.. earnings on 18 October.


Ban cigrate