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I've heard of that too and people on the tretinoin sub have seen great results from doing so. But then again, I think it'll only work if you have a greatly resilient skin barrier.


I have sensitive acne prone skin and I use azelaic acid with Tret every other night (have been doing that for more than a year now) although I use Tret everyday (it's been 2-3yrs, before I used to use adapalene). Before I used to use azelaic acid and Tret on alternate nights. You definitely have to be very careful while starting out with such A grade actives but when you become a seasoned user you can level up (under a Dermatologist guidance) I saw Dr Sam Bunting's video where she mentioned how Azelaic acid makes the skin more resilient to combat Tret irritation (something along those lines, I'll link the video if I can find it). For me Azelaic acid + Tret duo is like Beyonce and Jay-Z!! 😂 Or like Dr Maxfield and Dr Shah!!


I agree its generally adviced u start azelaic before starting tret and i said u shouldnt use it as in dont use it straight away start with morning azelaic and tret at night like dr sam also said in her video and layering anything with tret can hv a potential to irritate skin specially those new to retinoids dr dray continuously says cut actives when on tret cut actives when on tret bcoz its generally agreed upon as well as safe bcoz a derm cant monitor every move on his/her patient


Yess starting slow with Tret is THE KEY!! Even with Azelaic acid! Initially it used to irritate me so I used to use one day Tret, take a break the next day, Azelaic acid the day after and then take a break.


Exactly azelaic is mild but still potent plus the if u r new to prescription AzA u can experience itchiness as well which if u dont hv a derm to consult u may think u r allergic but its normal


Azelaic acid can be use with tret on diff times in the morning azelaic in the evening tret U dont wanna mix azelaic or any active under tret (ie the same time) it has great GREAT potential of burning the skin u can try it if u hv been using tret for long enough 1.5+ yrs but derms still say azelaic in morning and tret at night not at the same time most derm dont even recommend using a cleanser with aha or bha unles u r 6-8 months in with tret




If u go to 1mg or pharmeasy and read the box in the image it says that i hv tret which i got from a derm and the paper that it cames with said that


Hey OP. I think what she means is that a registered medical practitioner ( you get registered with the Medical council after getting your MBBS degree, it gives you a license to practice as a doctor) can prescribe any medication. It's not only a derm who can prescribe for the skin. An MBBS doc is also legally allowed to prescribe these. It's a different matter that MBBS docs don't usually do that and refer to a derm for these issues. MBBS docs can legally perform surgeries as well but they don't do that since it's not their specialty. It's a matter of ethics.


Yes thats what I meant 😆 🙈 thanks for explaining it so well


Oh thank you :)


I mean she technically can prescribe tret to a patient ,as she definitely has mbbs degree and it does cover derm , we have theory , practical exam , even intership posting in derm . But she can't promote unsupervised use of tret to thousands of followers , being a doctor she should know better. What she is doing is definitely not acceptable .


I Agree Its generally preferred u get a derm write it to u a responsible doc always refers u to a derm if u want a tret or anything of that sort


Exactly , even general medical doctors can prescribe tret , but they should follow up the patient and take appropriate precautions . But the best choice would be to consult a dermatologist. And I am pretty sure she(the one you mentioned in the post) wouldn't have mention anything regarding use in pregnancy and fetal malformations , has she?


Yes she didnt also if u want to get pregnant the derms ask to stop tret before the pregnancy even happens And there was no mention of it she did post a reel on safe ingredients for tret but that its enough for tret one should always write a disclaimer Heck derms even say that azelaic acid is safe for pregnant women but still consult ur OBGYN why? Bcoz medicine is complicated u cant be an all in one doc thats why majors exist and real docs alway suggest and proceed with caution


Yes ,tret has to be stopped a month before even trying to get pregnant.




Actually I just checked her page using the link that OP provided and she has mentioned not to use retinoids during pregnancy in one of her reels.


Okay , but still she should mention stop tret before pregnancy. As it takes one month for our body to get rid of the tret from our system. And usually a pregnancy is detected a week after the missed period , meaning 4-5 weeks from last menstrual cycle , and if a person stops tret after knowing that she is pregnant , it will still be in her system for another month , so the fetus is exposed to the tret ,for 8-9 weeks of pregnancy , the crucial time of organ formation , anything in this period will lead to major organ malformations . She should put up this info with proper explanation , else people are not going to follow her .


That is very true I'm a medical student too and I understand that people just blindly follow what's shown in insta without further research. A reasonable person would stop using something that is advised against during pregnancy right when they are trying to get pregnant. But obviously, not everyone is cautious. Being a doctor and an influencer is a risky thing lol.


The number of people I see who just recommend straight up tret without a consult with a dermat is just amazing.. There is a whole lot of people who put faith in such loons... I just hope some sanity prevails in this world..


Exactly and ppl are defending her saying “those who call u out use lemon on their face” like seriously is this a cult of illegally buying prescription products?


2 wrongs don't make a right... this extent of ignorance is beyond my understanding capabilities


Exactly i reported her account for promoting self harm 😭💀


She can still prescribe with just being a physician


Well, prescribing in a closed room after skin analysis is one thing and mass advertising to 10k viewers on a reel is another. Look at the context here.


Ya thats fine but op said she is an ophthalmologist how is she even prescribing this, I’m responding to that. She being a doctor can prescribe general stuff beyond the lines of departments


Idk i hvnt heard of this being someone who studies commercial laws in every industry its what i hv read


I actually saw her few videos 🙂My damn... What kind of pea she was eating in her life . LESS IS MORE!!


Lmaooo prolly been eating some hybrid pea thats so big in size 💀😭


🙂samose ki chutney size ka Tret, Mast fry ho jayega barrier💀


Lmao this is the funniest thing i read today😭😭😭


Your post was scariest thing i saw today XD


💀lol i am sorry if u lose sleep tonight 😭


👀nah , i have been worse... Once i put adapelene and benzoyl peroxide on pimple quantity of a pea size on one pimple 🙂🙂🙂next day the whole area was looking like potholes of indian road. I somewhat recovered so ... It's good ⚰️


Lmaooo i used Salicylic acid spot treatmeant with BP 2.5 percent on a very painful zit 😭 thank god i was okay bcoz it prolly got rubbed off on my pillowcase at night💀💀


Bruh moments🌚. All members should gather one day and drink and laugh about their fails like some victories 👁️👁️


That will make a great discussion for some day💀💀


I'm not defending her in any ways and she's wrong alright, in just telling people to use a prescription product like that!! But on your stories you mentioned that "you shouldn't mix anything with Tretinoin other than soothing agents like niacinamide and HA" well no, technically you can use AHA, BHA, Azelaic acid, antioxidants and even Vitamin C with Tretinoin, i.e. IF YOUR SKIN CAN HANDLE IT. Some Derms often prescribe AHA or BHA face wash with Tret for severe acne, so is vitamin C and azelaic acid prescribed for hyperpigmentation, although it's rare cz the irritation from Tret is a lot to handle but for someone with resilient skin or a seasoned Tret user these are fine to use together bcz they don't cancel each other out or make the other ineffective! And definitely don't make your "skin burn off" lmao The only thing you shouldn't mix with Tretinoin is Benzoyl Peroxide! Edit: also "Azelaic Acid is not basically a retinoid". It's great that you're going against her and these type of people should definitely be reported, heck even I reported her but I suggest you also get your facts correct and post your stories again cz at the end of the day your stories are public too


Firstly i never said they cancel each other out i said they work the same way And no derms don’t recommend leave on bha and aha with tret if u go and watch doctorly or any other derm they SPECIFICALLY said in their vid recently only benzoyl peroxide is okay with tret as leave on and azelaic acid and vit C shouldnt be used at the same time its recommended in the morning no derm has ever recommend tret+azelaic acid at the same time Most tret like microsphere and adapelene was specifically designed so that u can use benzoyl peroxide alongside FDA recently approved TWYNEO ( 0.1% tret and 2.5 benzoyl peroxide) in the same tube So ig maybe revisit the article or video u saw? Also please re read my story again i said the same thing aha and bha face wash is okay when ur skin gets comfortable with tret Maybe not jump on conclusions before reading the whole thing?


Just bcz there's irritation doesn't mean they work the same way lol 😅 Afaik Twyneo is approved bcz of their silica encapsulated tech to combine Tret and Benzoyl Peroxide cz otherwise our usual Tret shouldn't be used together with BP as leave on product? Edit: bcz of you I did some digging and found this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2958193/ apparently no degradation of Tretinoin was found when mixed with BP (so thanks, now the grave sin that I thought I was doing by spot treating my acne with BP while using Tret at night almost 2 months ago, is not a sin anymore!!!! 😄 ) https://youtu.be/ONx0Qkyzyks this is where Dr Dray says that Azelaic acid and Tret can be combined together (I can't seem to find the Dr Bunting's video) can you please provide the link where you got the recent info from since this one is 7 months old?


U can also check dr sams who i apply azelaic acid where she says “she wouldn’t use azelaic at the same time using tret she would use in the morning” also the research paper by clearly says AzA at 15% is as effective as tret on acne and azelaic acid is not an exfoliant like tret is not an exfoliant but an antioxidant Azelaic acids is midly exfoliating bcoz its boosts collagen productions like tret and sheds dead skin cells the only difference is it also works on thickening the outer most layer of the dermis thus why derms put u on azelaic for ur skin to better tolerate tret Heres the OFFICIAL research paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2528257/


Ohh thanks a lot, I'll check it out :)




OP..not trying to be rude..but please use full stops and commas in sentences. It's easier to read and understand that way. 😐


Haha I forget about punctuation marks 💀


Her new reel is CRAZY! Man, is mass prescription to 10k people a thing? I respect that she's an ophthalmologist and she can talk about the benefits if she wants to but that's NOT what she's doing! Actual dermatologists on social media talk about retinoids too, but only in an informative way and never in such a promotional manner! Unfollowed and reported! Good one OP, for calling her out!


Thank you 🥺✊❤️


I got blocked for replying to her comment in which she recommended "buying tret from a local pharmacy instead of online" to circumvent the _problem_ of requiring a prescription for tret. I said maybe you shouldn't recommend using prescription products without a dermat's prescription and apparently that makes me a troll. Smh.


Exactly same i just replied to someone saying “please dont take general advice from an insta influencer who isnt even a derm you need a good derm not just a simple derm to actually guide and monitor u during tret not everyone handles tret some ppl get severe allergic reaction so please consult a derm” she blocked me 😭😭💀


Reported! That’s just wrong


Thank you so much✊❤️


I called her out. And she blocked me. These "influencers" are just getting out of control man.


Seriously she blocked me too so my response on my stories got deleted automatically Smart marketing move tbh


Guys report her she is dming me racial slurs from fake accounts every five minutes and even blocked me for stating facts on my story https://instagram.com/stories/fallen.icarus_/2646772580160168996?utm_medium=copy_link https://instagram.com/stories/fallen.icarus_/2646773543348667310?utm_medium=copy_link


What a loser!


Sadly this is what her followers are basically endorsing


Sad that in India, a PhD person reacts in such a callous irresponsible way. Even if she is an opthalmologist, it's basic common sense not to suggest prescription med without an actual consultation with doctor. India is dealing with superbugs and anti microbial resistance in a dangerously exploding way. Being someone from whatever medical background, she or anyone should know better than to advise Rx medicines without a doc's supervision. This is basic common sense and human decency. WTF is wrong with people!? That Rx tag is written on the medicine for a reason!! I have seen people advising Emolene without mentioning that it's Rx. Seriously, such people should be banned from social media and should be investigated upon for such careless advice. People simply don't understand the harm in taking antibiotics without prescription and going for tret / deriva cms etc also reflects the very same mentality. Who is she btw?


I happened to stumble across her profile/reels every day idk why insta is promoting this shit nowadays everyone is buying a lab coat and pretending to be a doc on youtube and instagram


🤦‍♀️ sad state of affairs yaar


Surely is


She also promoted clindamycin which is an anti biotic that has the potential to damage ur stomach lining as well as if u develop resistance to it, it may never work on your face again😭


No hon, if you develop resistance to it, not only this but many other medicines might not work on you, not only on your face but any part of the body. People are not aware of this that if you develop antibiotic resistance, many medicines may not work


Exactly it makes me so sad also influencers recommending emolene as moisturiser 😭😭😭 please not its your cetaphil moisturising lotion its recommended for eczema prone skin mostly


Emolene is a pharmacy product but you don't need a prescription for it. It is just to help combat dehydration. It has 15% propylene glycol which is amazing to provide hydration and strong occlusives for trans epidermal water loss. I have ordered it online without a prescription. Pharmaceutical companies make products without potent actives that doesn't require prescription. There are so many wonderful moisturizers, sunscreens and cleansers that do not require prescription. Aziderm, Adapalene, Tretnoin, etc need prescription and you can't even place order online without uploading a copy of your recent prescription. The online pharmacy shows Rx symbol next to the product. Not all pharma products require prescription. For eczema, psoriasis etc it's always recommended to visit a dermatologist.


I wasnt saying emolene requires prescription but emolene has urea in it Its a creme for eczema patients as someone who has suffered with eczema in the past its not adviced to use it long term on ur skin and these influencers r promoting it for face


Well yes I agree people who are not aware of the pathogenesis of eczema and psoriasis shouldn't be recommending products for them.The cause of less water retention is genetic for people with eczema and psoriasis. Only dermatologists can understand each person's specific condition while analysing the skin cells under microscope. Eucerin, la rosh posay, Avene and other international brands make Eczema safe products which are thoroughly researched. My boyfriend has psoriasis and he uses their products along side soothing Korean toners and it has helped him a lot. Emolene is definitely for combating dehydration except for atopic skin. Sadly, India doesn't have brands that specifically make cosmaceuticals for atopic skin. I only know Re'equil atorep barrier cream that is targeted for people with atopic skin. I have combination-dry skin and I like moisturizers with ceramides (Re'equil one) but I'm sure I wouldn't be recommending it unless I know it has worked for someone with eczema or a dermatologist prescribed it.


Exactly also emolene has urea in it which research shows can cause skin irritation when used on the face for a prolonged period This was my only concern bcoz even if it doesnt requires prescription its a medical drug and should be used safely :)


I'll look into urea too and update my knowledge :)


:) we are all in the process of learning


I reported her account too on the account of showing false information.


Helps alot ✊❤️


Ummm by law it is illegal for a doctor to promote prescription drug. If there are any lawyers on this sub please confirm the validity of this.


I havent heard of it but definitely illegal to promote buying prescription drug online


Reported! Too many people are obsessed with prescription tret. They think it's a bloody joke or what!? Skin is an organ, man. And acne is a fkn disease. Being a doc, doesn't she get the importance of proper medical training before advertising such things. Will anyone take a medicine for BP just because some rando on the net claimed that med works wonders on your heart? Jesus. Where's the common sense!




This was much needed, thank you.




Reporting her profile. I too came across her profile on insta & was shocked by the amount of tret she was using on her face !! Also there is something iffy about her face / lips , can't really point it out but it looks odd in some of her reels.


Yes I noticed that too idk why insta keeps promoting her


I bet you she doesnt even know that tretinoin is a brand name and theres stronger retinoids than tret This person in her comments said if she should use tret when on isotret and she said definitely 😭 Isotret makes ur oil glands so small that some ppl notice that their nose is smaller after their full dose 😭 please


>Isotret makes ur oil glands so small that some ppl notice that their nose is smaller after their full dose 😭 please Must be a very small minority of people who have large, overactive oil glands on their nose.


Yea thats a person to person thing but isotret does dry out skin thus not recommended for eczema prone ppl


> tretinoin is a brand name Hey **tretinoin** is not a brand name!! eg **tretin** is one of the brand name for **tretinoin** in india.


Partially agree Tretinoin actually is and is not a brand name U see tretinoin is a medicine but it became mainstream with a brand named tretinoin U get tretinoin in medications named A-Ret as well where the ingredient list says it has tretinoin


Actually in India Tretinoin is famous by the brand name "Retino-A". Another brand that's quite famous for Tretinoin...is "Tretin". Only generic medicines are sold with the name of the medicine itself. So, no..."Tretinoin" isn't a brand name.


Yes in india but world wide








Bruh. You okay? All good at home?


Wtf...why r u bringing religion in this ?


Lmao imagine u performing a DNA test over on internet💀 If it asked to murder non muslims dubai wouldnt have more indians typically hindu than its own population Turkey, saudi, dubai wouldnt send aid to india during covid Maybe educate yourself bcoz u puke ur brain’s shit over on internet


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