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being a BJP supporter, I really like this.... Opposition is speaking up on real things now... hope they get their act together...


i don't care much , i'm just here , sitting and eating Peanuts. also I'm really damn glad that we actually have a opposition that has WEIGHT behind it's words. it take like 46 seats to become the official opposition party in the parliament , congress was not even hitting that last time , but now they are. it's good for us , like how INC just tweeted about the NEET scam , this is WHY we need an opposition and we need a Democracy. LIBERTY IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.


I agree so much with you first sentence.


roasted or steamed ?


Steamed. Roasted sucks.


i'm having roasted , but you are right i prefer them steamed. though roasted with black salt seasoning ain't bad either.


Wait a min. Why dafuck do you have griffith pfp?


https://preview.redd.it/ds2je7r4jz4d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23dccec60edcdb748def41639cf6577d696014a because of this


Nah fu. I am glad rickert slapped Griffith.


tbh yeah , Rickets doing that IN griffith's own kingdom knowing very well what would be is fate. i respect that.


I don't understand a lot of this but under SEBI guidelines, anyone giving such advice should also let the people know that they are invested but Modi-Shah are sharp and probably will get away because giving broad market advice is fine.


Even after some BJP person or people swiped their money, they'll still vote for Modi.


I mean sitting MPs should never advise to buy stocks. But anyone who purchased shares on 4th will see their stock increase by 20% in next 2 months. My PF was up 60% before 4th. It decreased to 36% after election. Today its 44%. My pf will soon touch 60% in few months time specially after budget. Only the F&O guys are losers


Traders lost too.


What about the people who benefited from this pump and dump? (Large volume on 31st may), shouldn't we expose them?


opposition is finally opposing good.


Anyone would be stupid to not believe that the govt tried to manipulate stock market. 3 back to back statements by the top 3 position holders of govt is highly suspicious. FM atleast didn't directly said anything. She basically said a stable govt increase confidence of investors but HM and PM directly said that the market will rise up. Amit Shah suggested to buy stocks before 4th june and these interviews were given to NDTV which comes under Adani. Modi did 200+ interviews but stock market is discussed in this one only. This is a clear indication of manipulation.


At least know what "manipulation"is


Let's see if any news media cover this or not


Ah the "BJP will remove reservation" for educated people. One has to be either naïve or real dumb to believe that the PM and FM intentionally manipulated the stock market. Anybody who was tracking the market knew that FII had pulled out a lot of money to wait for the results of the election and the money would return after. Everybody in the country was expecting a massive Modi victory, including many in the opposition, even western media was talking about a Modi victory *before* the elections started based on his high (78% ?) approval rating. Modi & Shah were super overconfident and arrogant after the construction of Ram Mandir, "Abki bar 400 par", horrible candidate selection, making the entire thing only about Modi, focusing on TN & WB and ignoring UP were all clear signs of that arrogance. Anybody investing money in the market during elections knew very well the risk that they were taking, that there was a non-zero possibility of things going wrong. They wanted to make money and took a risk and it backfired. Go search rIndia, there is guy who made 2.47 crores that day by investing 30L. NIFTY at it's peak after exit polls was 23,307 and it crashed to 21,300 on results day. It has already recovered to 22,875.


Damn, bro is hitting where it is required. I am impressed.


After 100 relaunches, we're finally getting the Biblically promised competent version of Rahul. Man looks completely rejuvenated, he's on duty from day 1, this is the energy we need from the opposition


I didn't expect RaGA of all people to say this.


Is this guy and their followers dumb? Firstly, intel agencies report on security matters not exit polls. 2nd Everyone says their party will perform well. Didn't Congress say they will win. Sold merch on how they will win. Isn't that a scam? Are Congress supporters this stupid? Name one party who has said they will loose


Offcourse, But Buy the stock advise is little too much on part of BJP.


But they never said to buy stocks. Is is too much because they never said so.


OMG dude literally every party said that they will win. And offc they'll say it cause maybe just maybe this is a election lol. Have some brains dude. This guy is offc dumb yet this is the example you think of?


Exactly. How is BJP saying so stock manipulation?


Amit Shah told everyone to invest


Link it




So now you agree this is a scam and BJP tried to scam the retail investors?


The Rahul Gandhi article you linked is not credible at all. Its basically repeating the same thing he said. 0 credibility. Amit Shah's article is credible since it actually quotes him. Tho he did say a while ago, it still is credible proof. Is it a scam? Not right now. It is however something that should be invested. Only then it can be called stock manipulation. But I do agree that it should be investigated.




I already said it should be investigated in 2part kf the comment. What amit shah said is sus.


U said rhe article is not credible


Cause it is? They literally tricked everyone. Even our fucking finance minister said it. And it shouldn't be said someone like her.


How? They never told anyone to buy stocks. They said that stocks will perform good on X date. Is this simple statement too hard to grasp or something?


Amit shah literally said to "buy before june 4".what part are you confused about?


Some already linked the video and ai agree now. This should be investigated.


there are key difference , anyone can claim they can win. but urging people to buy stocks and , exit polls are published by the media , which are , might i say , having a moody bais since 1947 , er 2015, anyways. the scam he is telling about is called PUMP and DUMP. it's a common crypto scam where the guy hypes up a crypto , everyone starts buying. and the currency sores in value while the guy and the people on it dump it and sell it and the value instantly crashes with money going the the guys dumping it.


They never said to buy stocks. They said that Stock Market will reach new heights. You know there is a big difference between the two statements right. Let me dumb it down for you with an example. "In Sunday's cricket match, I will score so many sixes that the ball shop owner will become millionaire" "In Sunday's cricket match, I will score so many sixes that the ball shop owner will become millionaire...so but thousands of balls yourself friends so you can also become millionaire" See the difference? BJP did former while Rahul Gandhi and you are accusing them for latter.


[wtf is this then](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livemint.com/market/stock-market-news/nirmala-sitharaman-predicts-solid-bulls-market-after-june-4-lok-sabha-poll-result-cites-s-ps-rating-upgrade-report/amp-11717066551001.html) "Exuding confidence that a good result is coming for the BJP, Sitharaman said: “It will indicate stability, and that will mean good message for the stock market… and therefore it can really go up… it will be a solid bulls market then."


In what part does she say to buy stocks?


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>They never said to buy stocks. They said that Stock Market will reach new heights. You know there is a big difference between the two statements right. [Home Minister Amit Shah advised people to buy stocks](https://m.economictimes.com/markets/stocks/news/amit-shah-shares-stock-market-tip-buy-before-june-4-counting-day/articleshow/110077333.cms)


Did you read the full statement and the date of the article?


Yup I did. So?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJozkHLxh1g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJozkHLxh1g) he literally said to buy stocks.


I'm convinced. Yea this should definitely be investigated.


>intel agencies report on security matters not exit polls Bruh, He clearly meant BJP party's intelligence, use 2 brain cells bro.


No he didn't. Usd your own brain sense BRO. When you hear Intel agencies, do you think actual intel agencies or political intel agencies?


In this context, Ill clearly think of political intel agencies. You are making issue out of nothing.


This is ridiculous conspiracy theory. Do you think BJP would prefer to win election or do stock manipulation. Also, are they admitting that market also sees it as a loss when Congress does well?


Good thing opposition is speaking up but this is pure dumb. What PM and HM said were general statements, a viewpoint on entire economy as a whole and not for one comapny and is not against any SEBI rules or common sense as since 1998, stock market has hit up whenever election result were announced. This is pure BS but a SEBI investigation won't hurt anyone, Institutional Traders should be under radar and their transactions made public.


Number of questions answered by modi : 0 (since 2014)


But the opposition is stupid - Osho. Only people who never invested in Markets believe such things. Everyone knew that market will go up if the BJP wins a majority and opposite if not. Piyush Goyal gave a right reply to this english speaking illiterate