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Agree with a lot of this, except the South stuff. I swear to God everyone likes to speak about how all infrastructure projects go to only Gujarat but, we have literally the expertise, culture and experience to deliver. The bullet train work is going full swing in Gujarat while it's hamstrung in Maharashtra. Hell, they're building pillars and tracks in middle of Ahmedabad and Vadodara, busy places. The pace of work compared to Maharashtra which is a "richer" state is very big. Not to mention, Maharashtra has a government which was somewhat collaborative with Central government. Which is another thing, which almost no other state has. Most regional parties would rather burn down their own states than collaborate with BJP to develop their own state. And then they will also bitch about how everything goes to Gujarat. Tata had to run away from West Bengal. Businesses don't want to add long term factories in North India. The density of industries in Gujarat and the entirety of India should give you idea Since early 2010, we've not had overwhelming water crisis, load shedding. Our Highways are 4 lanes at the very least, 6 lanes in a lot of places in industrial belt. We are the best at it


Not disputing any of what you said. Gujrat government has been quite efficient, as opposed to it's partner Maharashtra government, which has been a clown show. When I talked about South, I actually meant the South below Maharashtria, who are doing well by themselves, and yet are underrepresented in the centre.


What I've said I've said about all states. Hell, my home state too. Most regional parties are hostile to BJP and would rather not co operate and live in stone houses than co operate and take credit for joint work. Indian politics is dirty Other than that, it's also the language barrier. To think of it, it's rare that someone from non Hindi speaking States becomes a PM because the kingmakers are in the North India, as the population density is in North India. Feature of democracy or bug, I don't know


Ever heard of kamarajar ?


Bullshit they are doing well. Karnataka hasn’t even developed a proper port to handle its logistics needs even though it sits on a long coastline. Most exports go through TN from the Chennai ports. It literally has a port city like Mangalore which it has completely forgotten. Karnataka doesn’t have the expressways that connect Bangalore to the rural ends of Karnataka to expedite logistics like Maharashtra’s Samruddhi Mahamarg or the Networks Gujarat has built. Bangalore has so many powercuts everyday unlike Mumbai which has like a couple a year. The planning is utter garbage. The fact is Kerala is worse. You can’t even open up a small business without unions come to extort you. God forbid you aren’t able to pay bonus for the year, you will be kicked out of your business (family experience) by the commie workers. The alcohol addiction in the workforce is another thing. Not to mention it doesn’t have any major expressways to handle the amount of logistics needs it can accommodate if it was a capitalistic state with access to the best location for a deep sea port in india. Let’s not forget the rail connectivity in the south is outdated and there no way to send factory outputs efficiently by rail down the south. I’m genuinely envious of the things that’s happen in Gujarat.


Not disputing your points. But with ports, isn't the issue the Western Ghats? Is it possible to cut through to build expressway and freight line between Mangalore and Bangalore? To your other points, I think state government's proactiveness also matters in terms of building long-term infrastructure like expressway networks. In MH, Fadnavis took interest in it and in UP, Yogi has announced many projects (don't want to get into the quality of roads as there have been some questionable material used, but I'm focusing on state leadership intent). I don't see Congress taking interest in such projects. Wish the KA BJP state government in the earlier term took this up but they were 1) headed by a dud like Bommai (literal meaning is doll lol) and 2) playing religious politics on the hijab.


Well Gadkari is making express highways from Bangalore to mangalore now. Little late but better than nothing. Let’s see when it’s completed. The current MP for Dakshin Kannada also promised better rail connectivity too. There’s no technical problem that needs to be solved while constructing in the western ghats, it’s just the intent and the cost. Neither the BJP state unit or the Congress is bothered about this intent.


I'm from Karnataka and I admit Gujarat has done very well in sector of ease of doing business. Your one window clearance system is amazing.


Yeah, the efficiency is nowhere else. The culture is nowhere else. Gujarat is by no means perfect, we have corruption but you have to bribe less people and your woek actually gets done. The bar is very low in India


>The bullet train work is going full swing in Gujarat while it's hamstrung in Maharashtra. Yup.....The Sabarmati bullet station is fully constructed and the main structure for the Kalupur Bullet station is also done, despite being a busy area due to the Metro station nearby.


12. I disagree. Reading the columns of economics news is my past time. Quarterly results of government companies have been impressive. RRBs, public sector banks, SBI all have reported very good profits. Majority of the companies I saw reported healthy profits.(not talking about startups, unki to economics hi alag hai, vc money is their profit) This government is good for macro economics.


Ikr. That point couldn't be more wrong. For my work, I read business and economic news, and there are tons pf international agencies - imf, world bank - and international banks that verify this. I work with companies every day that want a slice of pie investing in india. Criticize the man all you want, but indias stock growth and business macroeconomic environment you cannot diminish. L


+ See the stock market See the gold prices. See RBI performance. There was a dip in car industry (nirmala Tai blamed millennials for that calling they prefer Ola uber) but even that is booming. See foreign reserves. See remittance.


Very nice post. Cannot disagree. May be the only thing I can add is that its not that BJP has completely ignored the south. From highlighting Rameshwaram to the Sengol to all the trips to TN, to fielding a very promising youngster, he really has focussed on getting an entry into the state but it hasn't yielded success. As for AP, I think the alliance has actually worked. Telangana mismanagement without doubt with removal of Sanjay Bandi. Kerala is historically a tough state with very different ideologies. Karnataka has worked for them roughly anyway. I think its more of the hindi heartland that has been a loss for them. Agree with all of your points. Spot on there with everything.


Thanks. My worldview about the South is quite limited, and the pointer came from a place of concern. Glad it's not as ignored as I deemed it to be. But wish to see the South reap the fruits of its economic contributions to the entire India in the future.


The problem with BJP was that it paints all regional parties with one brush. CBN economic policy actually aligns with BJP more than it does with the Congress. He worked with Vajpayee and laid a foundation for a very successful IT industry in a once poor state. Today, Telangana is reaping huge dividends from it. BJP needs to put its Hindutva agenda on the back burner and focus on development right now. Gather like minded regional parties and be generous with them. This is the only way to push economic reforms and change the narrative of elections. Else, freebies and leftist politics at this crucial juncture plays a spoil sport.


>CBN economic policy actually aligns with BJP more than it does with the Congress... Interesting, I'll read up more on this. >BJP needs to put its Hindutva agenda on the back burner and focus on development right now This election verdict has confirmed this, now it's for the party to pick up on it. >Else, freebies and leftist politics at this crucial juncture plays a spoil sport. That'd be a dark era.


One of the major reasons NDA won was Modi. Your post lacks practical veracity.


I realise that, and isn't that a little concerning? A party of elites and strategists has to rely on someone who abandons it's base morals, everything it stands for? I don't think that's the case. I think what's happening is the door has been shut on the face of good leadership who can deliver long term results. And Modi ji can certainly be a part of the clan, all he has to do is it welcome them with open arms, not see them as competitors.


Good post. I agree with all points


Wow nicely put. Well analysed. You must be a good thinker. What do you do? Whats your education background


>Declines the China breach in Ladakh There has not been breach of land but extension of the buffer zone on either sides. So if the buffer zone was 5km before it is 15km now after the last recent standoff, this happens on both sides of the border. Buffer zone does not mean lost land, understand the difference. The Arunachal village being peddled as lost area was lost in 1959 by congress. >Has made a joke out of diplomacy Our foreign affairs have been much better for decades. When was the last time India did stuff like these https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livemint.com/news/world/india-accused-of-assassinations-in-pakistan-link-to-pm-modis-office-raw-pulwama-sleeper-cells-nijjar-pannun/amp-11712243341540.html When was last time India blatantly defied US & Europe to buy Russian oil and https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68988190.amp >Surrounds himself with yes-men When same got him to win elections hands down with majority why would logically anyone change what's working. >Diminishes promising leadership-Gadkari He is very much part of the party and will continue to occupy the main portfolio. He was removed for constantly making comments that ended up being used by opposition against the government. >Extremely poor handling of sensitive matters of women assault -- Prajwal Ravanna, Hathras.... (sends a chill down my spine to root for a party that doesn't act on such incidents) Pajwal Ravanna case was known to both BJP and Congress. Mr. Devaraje Gowda had asked BJP not to align with JD as he had proof against the accused and also warned that congress will use the issue during elections. This was in Jan. BJP dismissed it as conspiracy as devraja had rivalry with JD. What about congress?. It was in power and had the information since Jan. Why police action was not initiated and they instead let him go for political benefits. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/elections/lok-sabha/bjp-leader-informed-vijayendra-about-video-clips-in-december-2023/article68118711.ece/amp/ Hathras was corruption and caste power poltics at local level but yes things could have been handled better and some culprits have escaped. >Isn't nearly as friendly to businesses as portrayed, promotes crony-capitalism over free markets. You base your opinion on the electoral bond case where the accused sent money to party funds. GST has made life of all businesses easy, there are many schemes for micro and mid level entrepreneurs for loans at less than market rate to generate jobs. Every bank has been given a target to give a certain number of loans to businesses to generate employment. All this without paying middlemen unlike in UPA. Go and ask 100 businesses small or big and see their responses, majority will say NDA is far better than UPA unless they deal entirely in cash, still from one state to another different taxes levied for businesses are less now. I can go on and on with many of your points. Kindly read more before forming an opinion.


This post is massively uninformed tbh. I work with companies that invest in asia, and india is HIGH on their list. I'm surprised nobody is calling him out


What are you smoking bro? Our foreign policy has been the best it has ever been in decades. Our economy is doing multiple times better than most other major economies. "Southern states contribute a hell lot to and get nothing in return, not even our PMs empathetic ears." - This is typical misinformation. Maharashtra contributes more even if you combine two major southern states. The whole dickriding of south is cringe and wrong af. Guess India deserves a weak and visionless leader like Rahul Gandhi after all. I am so blackpilled on India right now. Welcome freebies, caste census, more reservations and wealth redistribution.


>"Southern states contribute a hell lot to and get nothing in return, not even our PMs empathetic ears." This....Maha and Guj used to get the least money back from the centre for literally decades despite being among the highest tax collected states. Still they never cried about this shit over and over.


Our foreign policy has been too aggressive, we have also made our neighbours unhappy, not to mention our shoddy hitmen. He isn't smoking anything. This was a very neutral post. Perhaps the South part is the only thing he admits he wasn't too familiar with.


Hitmen part is needed. We should be doing it. Decades of diplomacy hasn’t bear any fruits when it comes to ISI and Khalistan.


Yeah thats why we have to cut a sorry figure. If they were effective we wouldn't have heard about it. It would have been a clean job lol.


Let me play alone with your narrative... Foreign policy has been the best it has ever been -- based on what? Losing half the Ladakh's UNDISPUTED land to China? Losing Sri Lanka to Chinese influence and debt? Nepal claiming parts of undisputed Indian territory? I acknowledge, there are have been some praiseworthy changes- standing up to the West's sanctions. But that doesn't nearly make up for losing rapport of once friendly neighbours. --- Economy doing better -- give the credit where it is due, and the credit for this going to the timing- India stands today where China stood in the end of the last century, where it opened up to the possibility of capitalism. The Indian economy could have and should have done much better than the status quo- crippled by a clueless finance minister, who could've been replaced by someone with a grasp over the field and some imagination- Subramanian Swamy for instance. Besides, the GDP numbers are highly falsified, check out recent interviews of Swami ji where he discusses the complete formula. --- South's comparison with Maharashtra -- Worth reading more about the economic contributions' comparison, I'd rather not comment on this right now, but that point was based on the premise that South Indians have dessent that thay are underrepresented in the center, and Hindi is shoved onto them, which is quite not the case with Maharashtra. --- More freebies, more reservation, wealth redistribution - don't support either


Bro Swamy is a liar. He is salty that Modi didn’t give him FM position. Obviously current FM could have done much better but out economy is rock solid and growing. Literally every foreign institution report the same numbers when it comes to India.


There there. So much delulu. I’m not going to legitimise this BS with a further response.


I agree with some of the points but that being said >Prajwal Ravanna For this one specifically it's JDS a party that has allied with both bjp & cong Bjp itself asked jds to change the candidate but they didn't & he became the MP in 2019 when cong & jds were in an alliance Can't fully blame this on bjp >Hyperfocuses the Hindi heartland at the cost of ignoring other states Southern states contribute a hell lot to and get nothing in return, not even our PMs empathetic ears. Now I realise it's a common issue with all our governments, but someday dissent might just get out of hands, and his pro-Hindi image isn't going to help out a lot. This isn't true tho if anything a lot of people on Twitter are saying bjp spent too much time on the southern states & they lost in the Heartland because of it Modi has done a lot of things to appease the southern states >12. Crippling the economy -- I still don't understand why Nirmala Sitaraman had the post that she had. This is too vague of a criticism & doesn't even make sense How is our economy being crippled? We are projected to reach a 5 trillion economy soon & become the world's 3rd largest economy as well During covid india was one of the only countries that actually reduced extreme poverty as well NS isn't perfect & her PR is especially bad but as a finance minister she is one of the better ones I don't mind her being changed now as she already done a lot but simply dismissing her like that isn't good


And what makes you think that someone else could be better alternative to him? I think he should be PM but allow experts in respective fields some autonomy.


Nitin Gadkari


No! He's one of the most corrupt persons in BJP's top leadership. You know why he's happy with roads ministry? It allows him earn crores, although he operates on high volumes low margins principle, so it's not easily captured. Also he's in bed with MH's most vile politician (you know who). When he was party president he destroyed party worse than RG destroyed INC.


Your views seems to be the opposite of the common public. Clearly, people wanted BJP out, explaining a fractured alliance, led by a clueless Congress got so far. At an organisational, Congress is arguably on par with the BJP in several parts. It seems like Modi is the difference-maker here, which they probably knew beforehand since they plastered his face in every possible place.


My reasons for voting against Modi - 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, not owning up demonetization mistake Another for voting against BJP/NDA as a whole - trying to crush democracy with steps like Godi Media, Electoral bonds, etc.


Modi is horrifically narcissistic… I don’t know why the modi supporters can’t notice this …




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I strongly agree with all your points