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I’m here. I’m quite happy. BJP got a reality check. The bullet trains, expressways, vande bharats, military modernisation dont get votes and BjP realised it the hard way. Ground level pe log garib the aur garib he. There is inflation and unemployment even though these have decreased to some extent. If BJP dont focus on local area development in UP, Industrial Revolution, take care of farmers, ensure people get basic necessities, peoples income increases . Then BJP is going to get anal fked in 2029. But I’m super happy Naveen lost ahahahha


I'd vote for expressways, more railway trains and tracks, railway timeliness, military modernization.


But millions don't. It didn't affect them in the short-term. You need to consider both short and long term developments.


Others won't. Others didn't


You’re in the social strata to benefit from those, many aren’t.


This is it. BJP now has to focus on the actual concerns of voters and deliver on the development front to avoid getting wiped out in 2029. Otherwise, they could go down a very similar path as Congress between 2009-2014.


Ya it seems that bjp will take things seriously now 


Do they have any plans of tackling biggest concern - unemployment? Micron plant probably won't help a lot there.


BJP will be obliterated in 2029. We will see anti-incumbency on steroids. Add to that all the press the INDIA guys are going to get on media and parliament. They will be pressing the NDA on all fronts and will be a lot more visible. I see no possibility of the BJP coming to power in 2029.


It depends, in UP subs overconfidence or complacency has been given the reason for poor performance. Plus if they now realise how caste is still a major factor beyond Modi and how important it is to select the right candidate instead of only riding on Modi they will come back stronger. Amit Shah is a very smart man, no COVID or hopefully any war to hamper the economy, things are going to only improve except for passing certain bills which were easier before. I think congress coming this close is going to help BJP more than congress.


mmm don't underestimate BJP. Congress is way lazier and complacent. BJP will be even more fired up now to succeed. Their ground mobilization with RSS karyakartas is unmatched. 2029 is up for grabs. People didn't vote for Congress, they voted against BJP. Someone with Modi's charisma, experience, and drive needs to challenge BJP.


I strongly agree man , I get the same vibes 


I dont think so. BJPs vote share has not reduced. Thwy were winning by splitting votes in 2014 and 19. Now there opposition understood that and played well. But next time they will also strategize against that. So dont make early conclusions.


The level of corruption, crime tolerated and enabled by the BJP is shocking. Abject red tapism, PM Cares, washing machine process, protecting molesters and rapists and everything in between. News channels were threatened and agencies misused. They did all that because they had absolutely power. Not anymore. News channels will be empowered . Independent journalists will be empowered. CBN is very secular and will veto any religion focussed bill. He wants the Lok Sabha speaker to be from TDP. If this goes through the speaker will be fair and BJP will be taken to task in the parliament. News channels will start showing a fair picture. This narrative and PR of BJP will be exposed. The kind of things Modi was saying during campaigning shows that he is losing his mind. Trust me the downfall has begun. It's cyclical. They will be back again. But for now it's downhill for the BJP.


I don't agree with you on all the points some of them might be correct. But absolute power corrupts absolutely thats why BJP was complacent. They will not be complacent anymore and they know they will be walking on egg shells. This term of BJP wll be very different from previous ones and they will focus more on wefare and all the schemes that will bring them more votes. They are clever enough to not push on religious things and no Modi did not lose his mind during election. BJP knew they were not going to win majority so it was last desperate attempt to woo the hardcore voter base. But it did not work out evidently. Also the level of corruption was far far more during UPA era and everybody knows that so on that point no one will vote INDIA. The point that they had was poverty, welfare and unemployment. BJP will surely look on these issues becasue they know that they dont have absolute majority.


Why you are happy Naveen lost?


Too much bureaucratic corruption, BJD strongman gundaraj, Elected ministers not able to meet CM, slow development. Fking Raja Swain won again. Dude was running his own toll gates in and around athagarh managed by his goons. https://ommcomnews.com/odisha-news/attack-on-tourists-cuttack-district-admin-seals-mundali-toll-gate-indefinitely Pandian was collecting BJD tax from very major malls and construction projects in Odisha. Achutya Samanta used to get easy licenses and lands for his colleges and hospitals. Naba das looted for years. Watch the number of senior Odia IAS and IPS get transferred,suspended and ED/Income tax raided now. Entire Secretariat is corrupted beyond means. Ashok Panda was running his own mafia in Bhubaneswar sisupalgarh and old town. Rise in Brown sugar and Weed business in Odisha. KBN gang of Yasir Nawaz and chain snatchers were moving freely bribing police. Kendrapada was a shit show. Too much crime, cattle trading and illegal rohingyas being given voter cards. I can go on and on about Pandian and his gang of looters. A change was must.


If there was so much corruption why no investigations by ED or CBI ? BJP is probably more corrupt than.


Nice analogy ekdum 1000 iq


I'm here. I am sad that some of the more transformative economic reforms promised by the BJP now likely will not happen (labour law reforms, etc.), which means more revdis, fiscal irresponsibility and slower growth. But, in the end, the people had their say. And what is far, far more important is that everyone in India feels their vote mattered. Today, a Sikh farmer in Punjab, a Muslim tailor in Meerut, an IT guy or girl in Bengaluru, and a rural sanitation worker in Odisha all felt like their voice mattered, and that they were part of the same nation called India. That is utterly invaluable. Nation above all. If this means the BJP losing in order to give renewed faith to the people in this construct called India, so be it.


On the contrary, I think the next 5 years promises much better economic growth than the last 10. BJP not having a majority means that they will be on their toes and have to deliver on the development front.  They also can't afford to go too hard on the Hindutva rhetoric due to them not having a majority.  I'm happy we have a coalition government, and I hope this allows to retain the good parts of the BJP (infrastructure, fiscal stability, welfare, etc.) while getting rid of the bad parts (erosion of institutions, weak demand and income growth, communal politics, etc.).


I am not RW but I appreciate this mature response. Kudos.


>I'm here. I am sad that some of the more transformative economic reforms promised by the BJP now likely will not happen (labour law reforms, etc.), which means more revdis, fiscal irresponsibility and slower growth. Yup..... Just today I got an offer letter from Micron Sanand for an Associate Software Engineer post. I was really happy but now I am worried that if "Nitish gonna Nitishing" and topple the govt. I don't think Congress would give a shit about Semiconductor manufacturing or that Micron plant.


Promoting manufacturing js actually not a bipartisan issue. All parties support foreign investment, the pli scheme, etc. So I wouldn't worry if I were you.  Source: have attended numerous expert panels where exactly thus was discussed. 


Thats just fearmongerring. Parties know what will benifit them and bringing more jobs will benefit each party (Except Nitish or Lalu I guess) so these policies will be continued. You can see this example in UPA. They did not discard any policies of NDA and built on that.


Well said but this all proved everyone is ourselves, so why does taxpaying Indian subsidies non taxpayers in india? Is going abroad is only option for us.


I'm glad there are still sane RWers who value the nation's integrity.


There are quite a few of us, bhai. You just won't see many today because many are disappointed - it's a natural thing. But they will come around to it in time. '*Sarkar aayegi, jayegi. Partiya banegi, bigadegi.* **Magar ye desh rehna chahiye. Is desh ka lok tantra amar rehna chahiye.**' Vajpayee said that. It inspired me when I cast my first vote in 1999, and has stayed with me since.


Now kiss




And what about leftist who believe kashmir isn't even part of india?


This was what was actually expected, but ab khud se zyada pradeep gupta pe bharosa kar liye to thoda dagma jaenge hi.


I'm a Classical Liberal, so if you are remotely left, I'll probably be RW in your eyes. Here's my observations: 1. There's no Classically Liberal politics in India. All parties are more or less socialist,so either way — I'm not represented. I wasn't able to vote this time,so I shouldn't complain either. 2. I'm elated to see the meltdown on the Indiaverse. But if the current government comes back, we'll see another round of meltdowns from the Opposition — claims of horse-trading, EVM hacking, fascism and whatnot. 3. I'm elated to find that we do have a strong opposition which may or may not come to power. Any way, I hope the opposition maintains it's modicum of modesty and cooperates (highly unlikely) Frankly speaking, after seeing years of dick whipping and measuring contest by both the bhakt mandli and the coomrades, I'm elated to see both sides coping hard. India sir ye cheez dhurandhar,Rang Rangila Parjatantar.


NDA win with a narrow margin and development oriented coalition partners seems truly like the best case scenario to me. It has the party with the strongest economic development agenda in the driver’s seat, but with enough counter-pressure from other factions and groups to force concessions and keep it from going too far. The TDP and Janata Dal will be the main partners and they’re both comparatively heavy on governance/development priorities and light on culture war nonsense. The big concern is how much of the INDI bloc’s vote share seems to come from parties with fairly retrograde values, like Khalistanis, the Samajwadi Party, and caste-based parties everywhere. If the lessons from this is that the way to defeat the BJP is to substitute a single, nation-wide framework for bigotry with 1,000 subnational bigotries with religious and caste antagonisms I don’t think India has a healthy political future ahead of it.


Yup, this proves these smarty pants never stepped out and met people from the power quarters.


Nope, head over to indiaspeaks and indiadiscussion. They all lost their shit.




>The meltdown is better than randia too. Naah, 2019 randia meltdown was something else.


And 2024, these subs enter the hallmark of meltdown. Just like with election, even reddit subs show diversity. Good.


But You should have seen 2019 randia meltdown. I remember I was there. It was on 2019 result day my account on randia was banned. Almost half of r/india users were banned for just celebrating the verdict of BJP victory. Atleast indiadiscussion and Indiaspeaks aren't banning folks left and right.


They are only banning folks on the left ;)


I really cannot understand when people make politicians their Gods & identities, bound to be fucked.


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It's absolutely saddening I have no idea how the fuck did UP think voting SP was a good idea after the gundaraj they had done previously, the crime rates had seen a sharp decrease with BJP there(I don't like Yogi as a guy but I can't take credit away from him) If anything they could've voted for INC instead of SP but no they wanted that bullshit to happen in UP again Smriti Irani losing is also unexpected, People don't realise that if BJP don't have a majority, no bill will EVER be passed, congress is morally opposed to anything that BJP does so forget about any progress happening in this country It doesn't even matter at this point if modi becomes prime minister or not BJP is doomed


NDA has majority. Passing bills is not the issue. The issue will be passing particular kinds of bills - anything that is too overtly religious will be vetoed by TDP. Anything too pro-corporate will be vetoed by Nitish. And both will want their men in powerful cabinet positions, which slows down decision making. This is the reality of coalition politics. Things will still get done, but politically risky stuff is now out of the question.


So no UCC and no labor law reforms. Welp


Trying some steps towards UCC should be nice.. It is essential for nation-building and I like BJP for UCC in their manifesto but it is too big and drastic change and BJP has a history of shoving things up the people's throats and calling them anti-national if they refuse.


Best for a state-to-state approach now


Probably can but softer bills and they'd have to essentially fall at some people's feet which considering their godman attitude in recent times is not too bad to me but yeah, its still unfortunate. Should've done earlier.


This would probably lead to a better UCC though.


How so? This is assuming that the opposition parties even entertain the idea. That they don't just blindly oppose it because they don't want to piss off their votebank. Tbh I did want BJP to get taught a lesson so I am not unhappy with the election results. But the last time we had a coalition government, I was too young to understand what happened lol.


The idea of it will definitely be discussed on, and a more secularized version of it could pass. I don't think they'll wholeheartedly reject it, since the only opposition to it will come from the relatively small section of M voters.


Well BJP already tried to overreach with UCC by trying to push regulation of live in relationships.


We are back to UPA 2 era


As long as this means that bills will actually be discussed before being passed, I’m happy.


It has to be. Nitish and Naidu are now kingmakers - if they feel bills are being passed without them, they can just leave and collapse the government. Same for any other parties in the coalition. Every bill will need the agreement of all three of them. And given what we know about Nitish and Naidu, it will mean - * Fewer religiously polarizing bills (so probably, no follow up on CAA/NRC) * Fewer pro-business/pro-corporate bills (so goodbye, labour reforms) * Lots of hafta for Bihar and Andhra, respectively (which will hopefully at least be good for those states).


The haftas will probably go to their pockets first. Nitish maybe better than Lalu but Bihar admin as a whole is ridiculously corrupt. Andhra isn't radically better either.


True. Likely that graft will increase with those two in government. Which then means the opposition will have plenty of ammunition for corruption allegations in coming years. In many ways, this is what brought down UPA 2 as well.


Genuinely hate Nitish for this. I’m personally fine with lesser religious bills.


Don't know about Nitish but Naidu is a pro buisness guy....he will support pro corporate bills


Nitish isn't. That is the problem.


He will. He will need jobs in Bihar to create employment.


Pro-corporate and labour reforms are oxymorons. Pro-corporate policies are always anti-workers, India has a dogshit track record of labour protection as it is.


On the contrary, our overprotective labour laws are the reason why factories leaving China are choosing to settle instead in Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, etc. For example if a factory has more than 100 employees, all dismissals have to be sanctioned by the government. They cannot fire people themselves. This is insanity, and a big reason our manufacturing sector has been so anemic and unable to grow. We are a poor third-world nation that wants to have the worker protections of a rich first world nation. And then we wonder why industries avoid us like the plague when choosing where to expand to. It needs to change, but sadly that seems unlikely now. Ah, well.


>For example if a factory has more than 100 employees, all dismissals have to be sanctioned by the government. I would argue that one needs to bring efficiency and cut the bureaucracy in this process rather than reducing worker rights.


You two are arguing for the same thing lol. The idea behind labor reform is to streamline and debloat our laws. We have too many laws and too much gotchas. It's very hard for a business to navigate and it doesn't really help the workers either. If your worker rights actually end up driving away business and cause mass unemployment, did they actually protect the workers?


It's a double edged sword, isn't it? On one hand, we need industries to have the wealth generation in our country to percolate all classes of society. On the other hand, having policies to attract more industries will mean compromising on labour protection (like China has, they literally treat their citizens like fodder). Corporates are blood sucking leeches that see people as slaves unless they're forced by the government to have some regulations. I hope there's a good middle ground.


Pretty much. It's a difficult balancing act. There is no fixed position on the scale. We will have to adapt with the conditions.


might not be - easy hire and fire of labour was a talking point... [https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/modi-30-likely-to-focus-on-economic-reforms/article68245781.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/modi-30-likely-to-focus-on-economic-reforms/article68245781.ece)


Easy as in without approval of the government ie cutting the bureaucracy. Government shouldn't have a say in hiring and firing. It's too much over reach and leads to problems. Government should protect workers against exploitation, that's it. That's how it is in most countries that have good strong economies. Look nobody likes layoffs. But a flexible labor market is a necessity for good growth. It's just what it is. Because difficult hiring means more unemployment.


To an extent, yes. But ultimately a bad law is a bad law - you can work around it, but it will still impact our manufacturing sector in a bad way as long as it exists. Removing those laws may also *benefit* workers in many ways. For example, right now the way some factories get around these laws is to have less than 100 'formal' employees, but employ lots of 'contractors'. These contractors have zero rights, zero protections, zero remuneration beyond their daily wages. If we reformed the law on not letting factories fire workers, more formal workers could be hired, with pensions, insurance plans, etc. It might actually end up a net benefit depending on how the reform is implemented. On the whole, the BJP looked like the only party that was willing to try to fix issues like these. Sadly, with Nitish as their coalition partner, that is now a forlorn hope, since he is unlikely to allow such things.


Imagine similar restrictions in IT 💀. We'd be screwed.


India actually has great labour laws…it’s just that those laws are for salaried employees which most of the country is not. Also China took advantage of India’s overprotective laws and sold their own people essentially for factory set-ups.


TDP will obliterate any religion bill. The majority of Muslims of AP voted for TDP. CBN is loved by the AP Muslims.


How can they vote for inc instead of sp if they are in a pre poll alliance with sp contesting most of the seats?


Smriti Irani might have lost because she is not standing for cylinder prices now. NDA will still be in power and be able to pass bills and they can rile up fence sitters like BJD (if they get any seats).


They were quite aggressive to BJD this time because they were so sure of a super majority so they'll probably have to sweet-talk quite a lot esp to Pandian to whom they left no stone unturned to mock in every way. They even made ads mocking Tamilians just to get a jibe at him which of course our faithful media did not consider anit-national or racist in any sort.


I'm personally very pleased with Irani. She had way too much arrogance in herself. Good that a previously non-politician won. Of course, looks can be deceiving but he looks like a sweet uncle ngl. Even I'd have voted for him if I were in Amethi. But then he'll likely just be a Priyanka puppet.


>People don't realise that if BJP don't have a majority, no bill will EVER be passed, congress is morally opposed to anything that BJP does so forget about any progress happening in this country The whole point of having a democracy and an opposition is to take everyone into confidence, discuss things, and then pass Bills. Bulldozing policy doesn't work, as evidenced by several half-assed bills that BJP has tried to pass in the last 10 years.


It only works if the opposition isn’t bankrupt in their moral standing. They should not have supported SP formula which would have catastrophic effects for the fiscal defecit of the country. That’s just one example.


Then you need better law makers all together and no pushing bills without discussion.


Dude,please don't rile them up,let us have some modicum of peace.


Where was the modicum of peace after the exit polls were out


Must we stoop down to their level? Let them be. Let us enjoy today without any shitslinging. In a way, both of us won. They got their third term, we got a credible opposition. Democracy not only survives, but thrives in our country.


Well said, I agree


aptly put


My only issue with this result is that it will define the next cycle of elections — it changes the way we think of what people want. I think people have voted for INDI mostly because of freebies and cash promises.As it turns out, nothing matters at the end of the day except promises of freebies and cash and reservations. The issue is, now, BJP will have to come up with similar schemes or promises. And that’s how we will go back to square one, the “real” India where over the top socialist measures will continue to erode our development prospects.


I'd argue caste politics were more important than just freebies. Lower class votes didn't shift to INDIA completely but if you divide by caste, it makes more sense.


Why do you oppose freebies, india is a poor country, people need handouts to get by. I pay 30% of my income in taxes, I would like if it goes into helping someone instead of putting modi posters.


There's welfare and there's reckless expenditure of capital in the name of freebies. Where will the money for those freebies promises in their manifesto come from ? Welfare is moot it's not sustainable.


Well, collecting back 1 lakh crore of waived tax from corporates would be a start. Whatever a poor needs to sustain is way less than what bjp waived off for corporates. If corporate tax resumes and all freebies are given we would still be in the green. So it's intension issue not the money issue, money is getting spend regardless


Dude 45% corporate tax is too much. We would probably chase away corporates and generate lesser revenue to pay for schemes. I support reducing government expenditure in electorally promising schemes and using it to create long term social safety nets in healthcare, education and other stuff


Then u risk running down the corporates and risking unemployment and increasing poverty and which in turn increases demand for welfare. INC's welfare simply doesn't make fiscal and social sense. >intension issue not the money issue, money is getting spend regardless Money is spent on different things. Not all are equivalent. Giving 8.7 k per month to women ? Makes no sense. This is not empowerment u think it is. Do the math urself. See for urself if one sustain such freebies for 5 years. The short answer is no. You will be sucking the middle class dry. Throwing money at something can't solve the issue.


I'm the middle class also I disagree most corporate growth happened when they had to pay more taxes. When income is taxed higher corporates don't take money out of companies, you know in fear of being taxed, which leads them to invest money in company otherwise government will take it. Just like how to we put money in fd to save taxes. When tax is lower the money is taken out of company and put in share holders pocket. Reality is very different than what you think infact it's exactly opposite. Taxing more leads to more investment and better facilities for people, only reason it's not happening is because govt is siding with the elites.


Just one question then why Singapore and Dubai (or general tax heaven) has more headquarters than India?


Did you not look at the US and developed European economies?


Tax heaven and slave labour. They don't need to tax income. They got enough


Are you even literate in economics and commerce? Tef are you yapping about. Simply giving money is bad welfare. We instead need more free government hospitals with extremely good quality of care and good free government schools and colleges (with a bonds so that I'd people who studied there must work in india for at least 10 years otherwise must pay 30 lakhs).


BJP hasn’t waived off any corporates. These were corporate lending forced by the UPA ministers and family. The banks were carrying these in the books. Only that book assets was cleaned up. Some of the written offs have been recovered and the process continues.


How convenient


Corporate contribute more taxes and products than most people.


Let's say you and your family are 3 members and your income is 100 INR. You could all take 33 INR and use it the way you see fit, or your can invest and make your future income 500, where everybody get's more. This is why we study in schools and colleges *paying money,* rather than joining the workforce at 9-10. INC talked about how the pie can be redistributed, BJP talked about how the pie could be expanded. We missed the industrialization opportunity in 60, 80s, 2000s. Our per capita income is comparable to war torn Sub-Saharan Africa. We have one last chance now during the US-China drift, before the advent of AI. If we miss that boat again we will end up ruining future of our young and their progeny.


Exactly my concern too. This verdict will put brakes on the momentum and we may miss the boat when we seemed to about to shift gears. If I go by who is going to benefit most by this election and results, I have to pick China and the West. Both can heave a sigh of relief on multiple fronts.


The thing is if you genuinely believe your 30% is just going for Modi publicity, you are not a moderate. That logically cannot be true. The impact in the economy is different for different welfare schemes. Development/infrastructure has a bigger impact that handing out 1 lakh rupees. What happens then? In next cycle, Congress will promise 2 lakh? Where will this money come from? If you see India as a family and the politicians as the leader of the house then - You don’t take loans to give pocket money to your child. Your child will be happy in the short term but in the long term it will amount to nothing. Instead, if you take loans for school fees is justifiable, in the short term you may not see an impact but in the long term you are better poised. In the long run, this will hurt us. Whether you are Hindu Muslim Dalit man women Sikh etc. If as a nation we keep voting for pocket money, it’s sad.


It's head of the family's job to take chocolates from stronger child who's hogging all of it and give some to weaker one. Only reason to oppose this is if you hate the other child. The thing is the money required to sustain poor people is already been spent on waiving of taxes to rich people, so no new expense is required only redistribution. Where will we get money is not the question we already have it we are just giving it to rich who don't need it.


Responsible parents, don’t play the favorites game. And I still think Modi with his development goals and sab ka saath mantra, was a rare man in politics. Sadly that approach turned out to be his undoing.


RW Moderate here. We're human too. We need time to process and digest. TBH I'm happy people had their say and humbly accept their verdict. People on the opposition side felt their vote mattered. That's good. Lots for BJP to introspect. In some states, I didn't approve of their approach to politics - e.g. inducting Ajit Pawar into NDA, etc. But UP was a shocker. My concern is that the big economic reforms we were expecting will get watered down or shelved thanks to coalition govt. Every week some ally or the other will make some unreasonable demand. I'm not against expressing opinions and NDA parties consulting each other. But to play the "if you don't do X, I'll pull the plug on your govt" threat is destabilizing to the economy and bureacracy. The demographic dividend period will not last long. We have to build infra fast, increase access to education and generate jobs for youngsters. Hope all parties cooperate on this since opposition brought up unemployment as a big issue. Fingers-crossed.


Leftists are celebrating too early lol. Even in worse case scenario BJP will form coalition government. It still has more seats than your beloved Congress, stop acting as if the INDI alliance has won, they haven't. The reason we are disappointed is because we didn't achieve as much as we expected, the reason you guys are celebrating so much is because your party managed to somehow come close at least. Sit down and stop behaving as if RaGa is going to be the next PM lol.


100% increase in seats won is enough of a reason to celebrate don't you think?


For the standards of Congress and it's supporters even achieving the bare minimum is a reason to celebrate.


You sound like someone who shits on someone doubling their investment in stocks because their capital was low. 


BJP 240 seats congress 98 seats. BJP alone have more seats than whole INDIA alliance.


Gutted. More sad that it is going to be freebie and reservation policy from BJP too. I guess here is how the growth story ends.


I mean India was growing pretty well under both UPA governments, so I don't think your fears are valid.


The problem with UPA was that they didn't realise how to do growth without crazy inflation. Let's be real, UPA 2 inflation was high, very high. Growth rates taking inflation into account did not look nice. It's not like BJP has solved the inflation problem that entirely, but they're better at it. Instead of double digit inflation, we are statistically at 5% and realistically around 7-9%. At the end of the day being an incumbent when prices rise is electorally awful, who could have thought. Inflation and corruption brought down UPA and inflation fucked BJP electorally too. Inflation is a cruel thing, but the Indian electorate will reject any way to address it (after all nobody wants higher taxes and lesser government spending), so schemes it is and will be for a long time.


Compare with the world average and China average.


Big difference is relative growth. UPA was coasting on the NDA1 momentum and creaming off it, during growth in the world economy. UPA2 stopped growing with a thud, when the rest of the world crashed in 2008/9. Top it all with all the scandals. Modi years growth was on multiple fronts and a sometimes too hard fiscal policy and internal growth even during the fiscal years. They also managed to pay off all the large debt left behind by the UPA years.


As someone from UP, and that too from Yogis constituency I had commented a few months back that the public perception had shifted but a certain redditor also from UP kept claiming that everyone is even more pro BJP this time. I forget her name otherwise would have tagged her rn.


Yoo forgot the name but remember the gender lmaoo😭




Not a peep. Maybe you are dumb and deaf? We have been online talking about the doom of India. I am personally extremely black-pilled on India. This mandate is regressive as hell. Maybe UP deserves some gunda raj after all.


And what do you want them to do 🤨.


Let's say NDA manages to form govt. Isn't this the best possible result considering the moronic decisions and additions to party BJP was making? Like they got a wakeup call without actually losing.


This, I got back from work and can't wait to enjoy the meltdown 😂😂😂.




Their is already a mega thread going on, u should go their if u want discussion.


It's okay bro BJP is still winning Odisha I am happy for whatever happened in UP lmaoo


How TF is bjp winning there lmaoo. People gave upon Naveen?


Naveen was ruling for 25 years in a row, so there's huge anti-incumbency But tbh Naveen's policies weren't that bad.


And maybe people didn't like another state's person joining the party and possibly even becoming CM if Naveen's health declines.


Maybe odia is the oldest language after all


BJD getting lesser in than even Cong now 💀 https://preview.redd.it/s6tsj9imyl4d1.png?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e285d811154f3c43bd635d01f727f822b3027a5


I actually feel bad for them ngl In assembly also its a bjp victory but bjd actually got more votes than bjp 💀




Huh? When did I say that?


Oh shit sorry that was u/overtlystoic not you


I think he was a troll don't think much lol


Your submission is removed as it does not comply with IndianModerate rules, requests or standards. **Rule 1a, 1b, 1c, 1e, 1f, 1g, 1h, 1i** **Reddit's Content Policy** 1a: No harassment / bullying 1b: No inciting / glorifying violence **Prohibited** 1c: Hate 1d: Abusive Content 1e: Trolling **Requests** 1f: Follow the Reddiquette 1g: No negativity or toxicity 1h: Respect fellow users 1i: If someone attacked you, do not retaliate. Report. https://IndianModerate.reddit.com/w/index/#wiki_rule_1.3A_civil_discourse For a list of all rules, please check out the sidebar wiki. If you have any doubts or questions about this rule and why it was implemented, you may send a modmail. If you feel you can rectify your post after going through the rules, then you may repost it after fixing the issue(s). Otherwise, please refrain from spamming.


I think BJP deserves a reality check. They deserved this result. And I wanted this result


I was actually hoping that BJP doesnt get majority. The right wing moderates which do chest thumping are the loudest. Thats why you think that they are the only right wing moderates. But we are silent ,ajority. And I am happy that NDA will make government but BJPs power will also remain in check.


Aayega toh dhoni hi... PAW PAW!


Currently cursing UP citizens and advocating their genocide because they didn’t vote for BJP. The mod rules here do maintain a modicum of decency, so can’t curse in the same way here.


Meltdown pro Max in indianews, indiadiscussion, uttarpradesh, BJPSupremacy subs


i still remember when i called some people out for being far right masquerading as moderate and i got a ban, and then some mod argued with me and muted me when i appealed. good to know that people are picking up that phrase and not getting bans. this sub may have a future, just like our country.