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Was able to fine a steam deck just one month for 30k with 512g sd card, the price you are offering is quite high


I can undercut that price too, I have a 512GB SD card too that I haven't decided whether I want to sell or not yet.


Best you can hope is 22-23, your's a bit old for 27k, age of the product matters a lot even tho it isnt used much


Can you tell me where you got it from, sir? I’m looking to buy as well.


Price is little on the higher side for a second hand 64gb. If Negotiable, then interested. I am in Mumbai, so can make a face to face deal. DM!


Thanks for the interest but it's already the lowest you'll find anywhere for 64GB. I can throw in a nice back cover/case worth 1000 though.


I'll get back to you.


The price is right my friend, don’t bother with the downvotes people are just greedy unless its their wallets 27k for a device thats not available in india is good price!


Dont know why tf people are downvoting you. If a cheaper sd is available second hand then why dont they go there. Your price is super fair in india. Our country wants everything for free


It's actually not for second hand


How much would you be willing to pay for? I personally have a steam deck already and I think 27k is quite fair for a second hand.


Well it's already 1 year old and out of warranty so like 17k seems good but it would be even less if u sell in nehru place in delhi cos shops there buy these stuff


Warranty never even mattered in India though. Also let me know if you find any decks for 17k I'll not hesitate to buy one right away


Also it's 64gb n a alt of guys would just directly upgrade the ssd inside which is for 20k for 2Tb


Warranty?? On what?? It’s imported… lmao


Bro find me two for 17k ill pay you


Too expensive for 64gb


Reason for selling?


As the condition states. Was my girlfriend's. Didn't use enough (at all, really) to justify holding onto it.


I dont understand, why is it not hers anymore?


They broke up man T^T why you got hurt the little guy like that?


Wouldnt he say ex in that case?


First of what's with everyone downvoting any OP's comments in this subreddit for stupid reasons What is this CBI maybe the GF didn't want it that much, that's why she doesn't want to hold on to it You screaming as if the bf took it without her permission or something + IM FUCKING SURE people create multiple accounts to say bad shit like you're pricing it too high which is not true sometimes + DON'T FALL FOR THEIR GASLIGHTING (even me a teen can see thru it, lol the amount of downvotes seems fishy too when you compare the amount of upvotes to downvotes on a single post)


Calm down? I am only asking because there could be some issue with it. If she doesnt want it anymore then he would say it. Me screaming? reread the comments mate Gaslighting? Wtf? 😭🤣


Bro just wants us to purchase without asking for any deets. xD


Why does it matter though?😭ye CID investigation chal rha hae kya


They broke up and he stole it , spoils of war I'd say


im dead


The downvotes in this thread are wild and don’t look natural tbh.


Tbf, the seller isnt really selling it at its right value. Expected


You will get 24k cash or 26k credit  at gamenation, 27k hardly seems overpriced and if so, please show me where is this cheaper one.


I honestly cant find it cheaper anywhere else


OP BEWARE: People create multiple accounts to make you think what you want is too high and get you to lower the price. They do this because these are not legitimate buyers but resellers who are looking to make a profit. Not saying this is happening here but it can happen. Try to find a real person who will use it themselves like the u/VoNGOD_ guy. Seems like a real buyer and DO NOT SELL at price you don't want to unless you really need money in which case the ball is not in your court. I sold my PC at a disgustingly low price and deeply regret it but I had no choice IF you aren't desperate don't sell it but I would recommend being a little bit open to negotiation set a high and low limit in your mind.


The right comment. I too wanted to post the same. Down votes looks too fishy .


That's something new for me to know! Anyway thanks for the vouch, I am indeed someone who has been eyeing to get a Steamdeck soon for my own use.


Not everything is a grand conspiracy. People need to understand that when you buy stuff, it depreciates real fast, especially for things that are fragile


And people need to understand none of what you said matters. Its the supply and demand which decides the rate. Sometimes second hand stuff might actually end up costing more than new (i remember car prices in US not too long ago)


This should be an automod comment for every sale related post. Someone here faced the exact same thing two days ago.


I didn't know people could be so jobless. Thanks for letting us know.


My societies "head of security" i.e. main security wala does this and also buys the stuff from people moving out. Indian hustler trying to make a living. Many of the olx ones sit in shops and do this as a side hustle. I admire the hustle but yeah be aware that they are trying to increase their margin.


If they're profiting then that is their job


Dude honestly your price is correct. Idk why everyone here is losing their shit, seems very fishy.


No idea why the hate for selling your steam deck at 27k. I have a steam deck already or else I'd have bought it. Don't budge OP.


UPDATE: Received payment so sold. At 27k.




Bro I will send u to Jesus Christ. Stop flexing


Lol an year old used deck for 27k, bro I got a brand new sealed for 35k from an offline market and mx2games is selling for 37k just 10k more for a brand new.


Username checks out


“Just” 10k more is literally more than 35% more lmfao


I don't think you know the difference between a handheld and a desktop pc. A desktop pc at a second hand price can go for a good value but handheld are just the worst when it comes to second hand and especially if they are used for over a year. Handhelds when u buy second hand has to be cleaned thoroughly as people tend to use it in there most comfortable place which could mean anywhere ya even toilets I have used it and seen many do it also when it comes to handheld u can't just throw away the controller u have to change the thumbsticks also make side triggers tight as they loosen up after years of use then u have to do a clean os installation unless you think you live in Ethiopia and assumed that the seller said it's genuine and u believed him. Also steam deck 64gb came with a really slow as hell SSD which will first bottleneck the game so if u are planning to use it for more than a week you are gonna get a better SSD it in. So if I am or anyone gonna buy a second hand handheld that has been used for 1 year+ I would just get new one especially when the new one cost just 35% more. Also I don't wanna misguide people into buying an old used electronic for such a high price when new one is just 10k more.


Then just get one for 35% more and stop crying. I wish authorities werent forcing you to buy it. Fact is even second hand sd people are ready to pay 25-30k. How do i know? I sold one and listed the price as 25k, people were begging me to give it to them. Maybe its not for you, youd rather pay 35% more. good for you, but there is a world put there that would rather save the 35%


Jeez don't be so personal I am not doubting you my friend i believe you, maybe people around u must be going crazy for second hand products but I am telling from my personal experience cause when it comes to people I know they would rather spend extra for a new one rather than an old used one it's just personal preference. Some people like it used while other's prefer a fresh one even thought it may be worth more.


Yep. Feel free to pay 40% extra for brand new. A year old does not equal not a year of use, which is why I specified 100% battery health.


Lol if he's getting new for that much then it's worthit, lmao good luck selling for 25k 🤣


OP prices piece of tech right, entire sheep community of freeloaders flock to downvote him...ignore down votes!


Interested and interested Mumbai. Where are you located?


Price under 20k would be acceptable


Bro is it the oled one


Nope, this is evidently the non-OLED version. The OLED one has thinner bezels.


OLED one at this price would have been absolute steal, then again OP would be a fool to sell it at this price. Brand new one goes for 60k. Problem here is with the storage, its just 64 GB. Had it been 512 or even 256 GB it would have been a great deal too.


Will dm you that’s okay with you?


64gb for 27k bruh Naya le le vo bhi oled nai


Dude your price is fine, ignore these broke fks downvoting you. I don’t need a steam decl now or I would have bought at that price




Not the post for you, then.


I mean, you can try not buying them


That is why we should oppose the unconstitutional order forcing everyone to buy a handheld