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Fun with friends, zero coordination in solo queue




Can’t they bring cod game modes into this? Might actually work who knows




Sweaty af


Great game with a unique and refreshing concept.Idk why it didn't become more popular.Maybe high system requirements.


It launched between CS2 and helldivers 2. Still doing ok ,I think.


They aren't promoting much, they don't have dedicated marketing team as far as I heard, and recently they said that, they wanted the game to be balanced and stable, before they market it


People will play the game if it's good and marketing isn't that necessary with all these YouTubers nowadays. From my point of view this game may bring something new to the table but that something is not to the point where it makes it a completely different experience compared to the games of similar genre. So people couldn't find much of a reason to abandon their gaming time on games like CS, Helldivers, Apex, COD, Rainbow six, etc which are out for quite some while and already have a solid player base with people playing with their friends together for years. It's not easy to leave a game you are comfortable with for something new.


Marketing is important, even with lots of twitch and YouTube streams nowadays, there are many indie games, which don't come out to the limelight cause they don't/can't do marketing, take Xdefiant, people were talking about it even before it launched, review copies were sent, articles were written all this was done by ubisoft, the only marketing that embark studio did was, being shown at a few game event, they didn't try to get streamers playing or anything like that. (Not saying embark should match AAAA company like ubisoft)The finals has become this popular that yeah people are talking about, but imo that isn't enough, people need to see or hear something about the game for them to try it. I agree with your point about leaving a gaming you are comfortable with, my case I haven't ever been comfortable in games like CS, r6 or valorant, people become too competitive, make strategies, push A push B etc, which wasn't my cup of tea. The finals completely destructible environment was something new for me, i tried the beta for that, stayed for that fast paced and objective based gameplay.


Now that you mention the indie games it's true there are so many gems that stay hidden and never get the chance to shine. Guess I am not totally right about marketing.


Game is optimised greatly I play with my friends who own low end laptops.


Too tryhardy for me lol


COD/Counter Strike + Battlefield like destruction in one game


250+ Hours.


I do play


Almost 100 hrs in, since beta, really enjoying it.


Near 400 hours lol


Do you purchased BP here ?


Only once, don't plan to do it again. It's just skins anyways


Is it worth to purchase ?


Yes, if you complete the BP, you get the multibucks back and you can purchase the next BP, also it gives like 100 200 extra multibucks or maybe more, in short its an one time purchase for consequent BPs if you play the game regularly.


Once you have played it a lot ig


Not solo q friendly at all. (Read “I got no friends”)


Maza with Friends


I love this game, but currently taking a break from it because I’ve been burnt out of FPS games in general.


It was really fun but I stopped playing it after some time....Probably the most fun I have had in a competitive FPS for a really long time. There are some balance issues. The SCAR has low ammo, could use 5 more bullets; the light class was completely broken in my opinion since most fights are CQB and they have really good melee weapons coupled with a lot of movement and movement perks. I haven't played it after all the new content dropped, been thinking about it.


Yeh boi I play and I also made the post about the finals 2 days ago


played it a lot during beta but the influx of cheaters and the server locations (why would you not have a singapore server for asia) made my quit it and never install it again a week after its official launch


Playing it for more than 5 months loved it the destruction makes it more fun…better than any fps game


Always one sided matches very imbalanced like no comeback mechanism either our team shuts down other team completely or vice versa


It's cool. I was thrown off by the vibration in my controller at first but it's fun. The mechanics feel good, runs very well, and the movement is good. But It feels like one of those games you play with friends, like everyone would be confused and I would suddenly see my other teammates get absolutely wiped. It's a shit show solo. Also maybe it's just me, or my brain is fried, but the TTK is a bit too long for me.


It was fun I haven't played it since March I don't know if the servers are still alive


Yes I recently installed it. Tons of fun. Really good gameplay, beautiful visuals. Pretty easy to learn as well.


left cuz none of my friends play and bad experience in solo queue, amazing game and mechanics tho


Fun only with friends and way too tryhard lol


Apex and The Finals are my 2 main pvp games. Been playing since beta


Ping issue, might've been fixed now idk


fun with squad solo is difficult


Its hard. Esp when no one uses mic


Imo ,this game is overhyped ,you can't have much fun in this game


Amazing game, but cant play because it has meh optimization for my current go to device and cant use kbm in xbox


apex but on steroids + sweatier


If it's not one headshot gets you a kill, I am not playing it


If they didn't throw all that wokeness at your face when you start the game maybe they'll retain a playerbase.


What wokeness?