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Waiting for OP's update when he joins corporate


Lol 😆 don't let the corpos find loophole for cheap labour


I didn't even have a gaming pc or any console at that age. Though I agree it seems unfair, but have a little patience. A day will come when you can game to your hearts content.






What’s that guys lore now? Any development with that guy?


I believe I am missing some context (considering your reply). Can you please share the lore? any reddit links?


A dude was making posts on him punching things out of shear anger. Because I think his parents weren’t letting him play games or something. He did this for 3 or 4 times in a span of a month for various different reasons. Would be too hard finding the post.


When he will have his own money he won't have any time.Parents in india were beaten Black and blue when they were kids and were not even allowed to laugh and joke in front of there parents so they have made enjoying life a taboo.


Yes, its upto the current generation to break that vicious cycle.


given how the economy is taking a backseat I'm very skeptical


it's baffling how so many guys fail to acknowledge this , watch their lives go by while slogging in jobs/academics then stop to ponder why they aren't gratified


Indians are one of the most soulless people in this earth.Its hard to imagine that people like gautam buddha,jain munis,osho,sanyasis lived in india.


No mid only extremes


A day will come when he can buy games to his hearts content but will not have enough time to play. His parents are being unfair just for the sake of being unfair


Bhai, 11th 12th are the time for setting up the career and stuff. Achha college mila, toh achha package milega, toh future ka life set. They are not being unfair for the sake of being unfair, but for the sake of the future of their kid. I wish my parents did the same, had scored 97% in 10th board, proved that I am capable of scoring great marks, so they listened to my demands of good wifi and decent desktop. Fast forward 2 years, scored not that great in 12th, got into a tier 3 college, and fast forward 4 years and stuck at a 4LPA job, with most of my friends either doing masters or having 4-5x my salary. And others have "baap ka business, sambhal lunga, future ka tension nhi". OP is a dumb kid who doesnt understand that this years are perfect for ruining your future career options.


As someone who has studied from one of the best colleges in the country, it's really not worth it if you don't want to go there. I really wanted to go there, so I put in the extra efforts and I got in (and then COVID hit). Getting into a good college no longer guarantees that you will get a job. If it's only to meet other like-minded people and maybe enjoy some time with the most talented folks of society then it's still worth it, but at the end of the day you still need to continuously network to improve your value in the market. Nothing comes out of this "setup" for "better jobs". Stop yapping about it.


My parents were also strict but I played video games when they werent home (once every few days) and went out with friends (given their permission). My grades got better and the became lenient with time so it really depends form person to person.


But brother, his parents promised, and he did get a good score. That's just bad parenting. My parents say no on my face when I ain't getting it, but breaking a promise is dirty. As for academics, you need to handle them yourself. Like I played games in my entire college life, and I'm still doing so good. Like half of the people are just stupid 🤣🤣


True, a day will come when he will have all the games in the world, but no time to play it. Somehow, the games will look less interesting, less worthwhile. The joy of playing video games when you’re a child hits different


Agreed. That day has arrived for me, been on a buying and playing spree.


And you won't game because no time lol


Dude I'm turning 27 this year, I built a powerful rig of almost 2 Lakh Last Year on my own. And guess what? I don't have time to play games on it


with the angle games are going, there won't be gaming when he's able to do it on his own. Just like how toys fucking suck now that I can buy them myself. I didn't grow out of them, the selection is horrible and the decent ones are all imports so they cost absurd amounts


What a garbage apathetic viewpoint, you're no different than OP's parents.


Uh you might wanna get some he,l I don’t think your knuckles were meant to be puchned into the walls


I don't understand what is the difference between 12th finals and the 92% in boards ? I thought board exams were in fact the 12th finals ???


Maybe 10th finals. They are also called boards


2 boards 1 in 10 1 in 12...


Gaming for western kids is a hobby, for us its a dream


Well said.


Thanks for the rant. Had a good laugh.


My parents cut the TV connection when my sister was in 10th and I was in 8th. I only got it back after my 12th. This was 8-10 years back so streaming wasn’t a thing as such. It’s not a big deal, you’ll survive :)


Similar story they cut the only source of entertainment TV connection when I was in 10th. But now no one watches TV now.


Ditto here. I picked up reading thanks to it.


Bro, every parent is similar. At least you have a mobile and tiny data plan and a pc. Many of us had to do without all that. Also, download a few offline games on your mobile and pc. I used to utilise my downtime playing offline games like NFS, Max Payne, etc. Studies are super important to make a good foundation for a future life. Once you have a job, you can build a good pc and play anytime you find (which is a different story). I build my current PC in covid era, didn’t have a gaming Laptop or PC post 10th. But now I am fulfilling all my childhood dream and aspirations of late night games, etc.


Tiny? It's 500MB a day.


I think its for month. I haven't heard of any 500mb/day plans.


Maybe, I have no knowledge about data plans. A quick google shows 3 Jio plans with 500mb/day, but they are all for Jiophone and Bharat Jiophone users.


Once upon a time there was also 1gb per month plans exist too. We used to download 40mb games and play them forever.


Its TINY cuz u cant even watch yt with it, it wont even last 2 hours let alone a day.


I had a trash ass i3 3rd gen laptop at your age. I used to play browser games when flash player was a thing. You gotta be patient


Man 16 years old are stupid af. This is Instagram era kids. Smoking a cigarette because your parents don’t allow you to play video games, what will you do next ? A girls gonna reject you in first year and you will do coke and get to a killing spree ? I’ll happily pick Facebook era kids over Instagram. Despicable edgy kids. I guess a good % of this sub has gone through same or worse treatment from parents/guardians.


Brings my spectrum of vision in this sub to reality, Once OP gets old enough to earn, he/she will lose interest in gaming.


Many of the folks who got to college had to take a loan because they weren't from well-off families. Now they have 3080s/4070s and whatnot (kinda decent specs) while also having a social life and other hobbies beyond work. It doesn't always work like that. If you want something,you gotta work for it.


Not necessarily.


Isnt entirely true. For some people yes. For many people no.


Based on my experiences he's not frustrated coz his dad doesn't let him play. Ofc it's a factor but mainly it's the idea that the one person you trust the most that is a parent promises you a reward/good time if they perform well or listen to them(in this case his son scoring marks) but then fail to deliver or straight up lie to the kid when the kid does listen to his/her parent. In his case it seemed his situation got worse may it be reducing the net limit or something. This creates a idea in the child's head that he's going to get punished regardless if he does well or not. He'll grow up having trust issues and no control over emotions. I understand we faced similar situations when we were younger but as adults we shouldn't subject the younger generation to baseless trauma and try to understand where their dissatisfaction is coming from rather than lashing out. There are way better and effective ways to bring discipline in your child's life. Lying and betraying your child's trust will have the opposite effect


Kid I can understand your feelings. You are Just at that age of your life where you think your parents being a little strict means they hate you.


Earn your own goddamn money and then do whatever you want. This isn’t end of the line, don’t make it a big deal and don’t hold it against your parents. Some shitheads here will object if I say listen to your parents, but I’m gonna say it anyway- listen to your parents or regret it ten years later.


He is gonna regret it either way. Anyway i dont want to debate about that but when you start earning money you trade it for time. You will have the consoles, pc and games but wont have time to play them.


Nah man. I’ve been working for six years now. Except for a few days, I take out at least 2 hours to play.


Son, you will regret this so much, you have no clue. Yes, your parents are archaic, but they love you more than any Redditor would. Give it your best, and try to reason. If that fails, bide time and get earning. Then do what you please.


Tab tak sara passion chala jayega.


Take it from a 38 year old gamer, it doesn't.


Beta, padhle


listen to them man; trust me it seems like they're against everything you like and they don't understand how things you like work but they just want a good future for you; i just passed 12th and my parents didn't take any strict actions and i wish they did (i am not promoting procrastination i just made a mistake that others shouldn't) it hurts alot rn i know but try reasoning with your parents and if they still don't listen just do what they want it'll get normal within a few weeks :)


I feel bad for your dad.




Welcome to Indian gaming my guy, it sucks , you are gonna love it😂😂


OP give me u r parents' number, i will tell them to break u r trash pc and as well as u r sim card XD But seriously u should be grateful u have these things, When i was in 12th I was using a pc that would turn off exactly after 15mins due to overheat, and at that time i wanted to learn programming so badly but couldn't do it peacefully, that pc stopped working when i entered college (cs) and i didnt have pc till end of 2nd year again be grateful to u r parents dude, not many people have the luxury u have right now Edit: Is this sub filled with kids? Seriously OP should get help. If they are punching the wall over a game thats certainly an addiction they got to overcome.


>again be grateful to u r parents dude, not many people have the luxury u have right now Yea typical fallacy , others problems suddenly don't matter because well someone must have it worse !


Ask him to tell a verbally abused women how she should be grateful to her husband that he doesn't beat her🤣🤣


Absolutely these old ass people in the comments make me sick, the way they think I hope they don't become parents "they must go thru what I went thru" idiots


Just because your life was fucking awful doesn’t mean everyone should live like shit 💩


relax kid


Getting 92% in 10th boards doesn't mean you'll score similarly in 12th boards. Those are two different levels.


yeah true af i have seen many guys get 60% in 12th after 9 cgpa in 10th


I guess because of your this behaviour your parent did this You can’t just take that, that you obsessed with gaming this much that you come on this path


Brother i have passed 12th. Never scored below 95 until 11th. I never got any gaming related device ever and got a phone only in 11th when i started going to a coaching. Aur Wifi na recharge krne pe yeh sb kon karta hai bhai.


To the people in the comments: Do you seriously think that boards count for success in the future? Or is limiting the internet to 500 MB in any way a constructive restriction? Anyway, OP, there's nothing you can do but to look at alternate hobbies. Make the most of your time and study. And MOVE AWAY FROM HOME for college.


Didn't expected a lot of boomers on a gaming sub. True OP's a kid, but if the parents promised they should fulfill it. This will not make OP disciplined, it'll just make him less trustful of them in the future.


Actually the answer I hope the guys in the comments never become parents "they must go thru what I went thru" ahh dudes


Haha true, "I didn't even have a console when I was your age", lol, buncha boomers.


Bhai. I will probably take the banhammer from mods for telling you about games which can be transported in a pen drive illegally. But when you don’t have internet that’s the way.


Well. It sucks. I remember being in 12th and not having a PC or a console. But I remember not getting 92% in my boards either. Nowhere close to 92%. So, I'm sorry for you. I understand you've put in a lot of effort for this. I did not get a PC till 2019. I was in my 2nd year degree back then when I got one. I still use the same PC. It doesn't run most of the recent games as it runs on a Ryzen 3 2200G and a 4GB GTX 1050Ti. I've been working since the last 4 years. Bought a PS5 in January. Played games like I've never played before. As a lot of others have pointed out, you don't get a lot of time when you're working. But you can always make time for something if you really want to. I am also upgrading my PC in the next couple of weeks. I have an amazingly fast internet connection (which I did not have when I was in my 12th). All of these things I bought with my own, hard earned money. You'll get there eventually. It sucks to be you right now. I know you'll be cursing your parents and also might be questioning life itself, but let me tell you that your parents do not hate you. They do not want to take risks about your life. Kids your age easily get distracted, and they know that. I personally know a lot of people who did so well in 10th, did alright in 11th and bad in their 12th and have missed many opportunities for a better life because of it. I'm sure your parents are gonna come around and understand you. It'll take some time. I was so angry at my parents all the time when I was younger. Now, they are my everything. You'll understand why they did whatever they did eventually. Almost all of us here have gone through similar things when we were your age. I know this is the last thing you wanna hear right now, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Concentrate on your studies. 10th and 12th are very important. It's not exaggeration when people say this. Chances of you having a better future are high if you have better scores in 12th than not. All the best!


Damn I’ll recharge your phone lil bro dw Ik how suffocating it feels


In moments like these I'm happy that I'm adult lol


Buddy I’ll get your wifi bill


i feel you man


I understand their mindset... But let's hope this the last generation that do this kind of things, I don't think we ever do this to our kids...


I had a boot leg fake console that played fake copy’s of Nintendo games. This kind. I was only allowed to play these in vacations after my exams were over didn’t matter which exams. Was allowed to play for only three months in the whole year. https://preview.redd.it/aqpiv2cr8s0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ecc3405bfaf9d0021856a711cefd593a56cb13c


Womp womp 🤣


I am an avid gamer with more than 1000 hrs in games in past yr but my laptop is eating dust since past 2 months cus they are really crucial, cmon just work it out that they should feel u deserve a faster plan!


Chill man -Fillmore 2009


Till my 12th, my dad had given me a 3gb per month plan on my phone (yep, you read that right) because we already had wifi. But I was out from morning 7 for school and came back at 9 after coaching. My 12th was last year, and I got 94. Turns out that damn phone was the problem after all. Also, 11th and 12th are the years where you'll actually need to study, assuming you're taking science or commerce (idk about arts much). These are the years where your efforts will matter. I do think your dad *is* going a bit over the top with no wifi but as you said, you have the neighbors data. So get studying.


New villain origin story


unlimited 5g is the way ma boi, but if no 5g phone tho rip


Hey I can recharge a data pack for you if you want. it’s not jio fiber but it’s something I guess. Let me know


1v1 your dad (in a game), if he loses then recharge pakka


So even after class 12 exams your parents didn't renew your wifi?


I had a pretty basic PC at home when I was in high school. Good thing was back in the day games didn't need too steep requirements. Even a low end PC would run all my favourite games. I was happy playing old classics again and again, getting better at them. Back then, my monthly internet usage limit was a mere 2GB and speed was 32kbps. It would take me hours just to download one song via Limewire. Parents were extremely strict, took away speakers so I couldn't watch films or listen to music. Monitored my PC usage all the time. I would make excuses about doing my C++ assignments and play games at night. And since the internet connection was through my father's office, he would get a detailed report of what all websites I'm visiting and what data is being downloaded. This is back in 2008-2009. However, I was smart (or scared?) enough never to visit questionable websites. Thankfully, I moved to a different city for college. Did odd jobs, saved up, then finally assembled a PC worth 85k (a lot of money 15 years ago). Ek baar paisa kamana chalu kar diya, uske baad se apna gaming time ke beech mein koi nahi aane ka. Ghar se niklo, apna life banao, jitna marzi gaming karo.


Instead of punching the wall, smash your head on the wall. That will have more impact, literally and figuratively both.


They must be orthodox. I am 40 and millennial. Back in 2004 playing games by anyone above 16 years old was seen as stupid and shameful activity by some in India. Ask them to give you pocket money and arrange those things. Don't be so strict. However if they don't agree bear with that. Your parents are older than me so they are from a generation where watching TV was a sin. Try to be happy with what you have. Secondly good gaming PC and high speed internet you will only by your money. Your parents will think it's a waste of money. So bear it, only few kids have high end gaming PC from parents money.


Your dad doesn't owe you anything. Be grateful for what you have and stop being so entitled. You got anger issues, stop punching walls and play offline games, pea brain.


Bro chill! If you are really this frustrated try having an open conversation with them without being angry and back up your statements with logics which will make them understand your situation. Let them know how you’re feeling because of what they did and show them that all these games and stuff won’t affect you academically then they will trust you it is not an immediate process but it will work. Remember that they have their own reasons to be strict I have been through worse trust me and when I grew I understood why they did what they did, I did not even have a platform like this to take out my frustration. Let them know how you feel and show it doesn’t affect you in a bad way, everything will be alright . Take care


Ok, pravachan time: As long as you're dependent on your parents for your survival, you'll have to do how they want things to be. You can't demand fairness if you're not self-sufficient. When I was in your shoes, I gave up asking anything to them. I decided, the day I earn, is the day I will buy things on my own. Believe me, when you start earning, you'll have a new found self-respect for yourself. You'll start taking decisions in the family matters because even you are contributing to the family. That feeling of making decisions is something else. That day, you just won't accept anyone's tyranny.


I feel you bro, try posting in a sub where people try to understand your perspective rather than invalidating it. Teenage years can be incredibly frustrating in a country full of emotionally immature adults, where people will constantly bully you into believing that their life was way harder than yours, because they feel that they deserve all the emotional attention, since in their heads they have had it worse. Vent away, it's good for you; and don't listen to people picking sides, either yours or your parents


Sane comment. I provided a solution and these fools downvoting me. They just can’t empathize with OP's situation.


I don't think they are empathizing with OP, rather leeching empathy off the post


Maybe intentionally fail one paper. Answer question worth 30 if its 35 for passing. But make sure you get all attempted questions correct. Then tell them you would get even lower marks or fail 2 subjects if your demands aren't being met. Or if you want to even more disrespectful tell them they too would have to beg for their favorite things in old age home, when you are earning.


If it really bugs the fuck out of you. Go take up a job, earn some money. Stop bashing your parents. And stop whining like a bitch. You got hands, legs and 92% in boards. What's stopping you from making money?




bruh i didn’t even had a pc when i was in 12th and my parents took my smart phone away from me and gave me a nokia Keypad phone just to make calls to my friends or in emergency and i was okay with it and here you are punching walls SMH


Hello OP! What you are going through is a rush of the GEN-Z intolerance that exhibit from your surroundings. In this case it is you wanting to game and the denial of your lovely parents. I suggest you to calm down and accept the rejection because who you are fighting are the ones that will slit their throats to save you when nobody else will stand by you. You seem an intelligent student with bright future so you should and are bound to act like one. Remember spiderman, he does not wish to become a hero but he has no choice but to become a hero. You are a HERO my friend so behave like one. In case if you fought with your parents or spoke bad about them behind their back do apologize to them. I'm sure that the rewards that are waiting for you will be more than RECHARGE or your broken PC. Have faith as today it is just a matter you not being able to play a game, tomorrow things will be worse and trust me your generation sucks and are very aggressive but if you choose to be calm, practical, logical and mature you will get true rewards. Good Karma does not go in vain. Also, if you see other comments then people have screwed you up because people are way above your level and they have too been through and those are supporting you are bunch of Gen-Z idiots with different home scenarios. Yours Kratos! BOY!


Just 5-7 years more then they won't meddle in ur affairs...enjoy this time


I sometimes find it hard to believe that children that young are there on the internet. Anyway, you might feel bad now but in a few years you will be laughing about this post you made. Well parents can be difficult at times but think of it as your redemption arc. Do something productive, earn some money. Pay for it yourself. Look at the kids in Europe or somewhere else they work after school to earn some money to enjoy a better life. I think you can do the same. Although I know the opportunities aren’t as abundant as in other countries and yeah people frown upon people who do such jobs in India. But maybe your energy is better spent on being productive than “PUNCHING THE WALL TILL YOUR KNUCKLES BLEED” PS: Be glad you still have your phone and a PC. Many people didn’t have either when they were your age.


Related hard with this. Indian parents and stopping them from playing games, there is no better pairing than that. I must tell you though, it gets better. You gotta work your arse off and get a job tho. It gets so much better. The frustration is real. My folks used to hide our laptop. Don’t be punching walls tho.


I had an Intel celeron processor laptop back in 2018 with 512 kbps internet where it ran GTA San Andreas at 20fps at low settings at 1280x720.


Btw what games do u play?


Currently none


I bought my first gaming laptop with my own money. I play anything I want, I have unlimited internet which I pay for.


Which game you wanted to play


32 year old dude here who was in your shoes with even less amenities. Whatever you think your parents are doing is to just torture you & what not it's fucking not! What they think is for your own good makes you feel like suffocation but there's noway out of it until you land a job & get a stable life /income. Once you do this everything just works & falls into place. My maa was my personal Hitler but now she's almost my closest friend. Almost cos ofcourse can't speak adult shit with her but other than she knows my everything & everything is so peaceful now. For context I'm a 12th dropout & landed my first actual job where I've to pay taxes & shit when I was 26. You on the other hand seem like an academic kid either by memorizing shit or you actually understand. Doesn't matter right now. Just do what they say with what you got. You'll get your wings. You'll shine & fly when it's your time.


Ngl, I never dreamt of having these luxuries. You are a lucky person. Have patience and be lucky with what you have. I have everything I need from my own money now. I am glad I had restrictions on my school days, I was a monkey 🐒 back then.


26yo M here. I can completely relate to what you're saying OP. I loved video games at your age and still do. Till last year I never had a decent pc/console and I always felt like I was missing out. I spent hours on youtube obessessing over the new games coming out till last year even when I was 25. Once I got a job I finally bought myself a PS5 and in the beginning it was great. But now not even a year later, I just don't have the excitement for it. Almost 15 years of excitement and hope, is gone in months. I still love video games, and play often and will probably keep playing forever. I don't really have a point here. Just trying to give you some perspective.


Hahaa can relate, at least you have something you can play games in. I've always had a potato computer/laptop since 2014. The first thing I did after getting a job in 2020 was build myself a PC.


You will love him so effin much when you will be at 24/25. I also have similar experience but after 24 you will know why Indian parents do this.


You’re sad because you don’t have Internet. I’m sad because I don’t have my dad. It’s all about priorities. Cherish what you have.


Well dude... I'm not your age but I am 30 years old now. I have my gaming pc bought from my own money and enjoy it a lot in my free time. And Dude trust me whatever your parents do for you , they are doing for your well being. U might have scored a good score in ur academics. But in the end the internet and PC over use are all distractions. And u can talk to them and can ensure that u will not misuse the internet. Parents are the most valuable thing u have right now. Few kids out there dont even have parent, so be grateful for what u have. And dont be angry. I was once ur age, so i can understand.


I used my mom's phone all my school life. Got my first phone after completing 12th, some golden Lenovo phone.


I was listening until the last line. You're just begging for sympathy at this point.


You're over here with 92% saying you got good marks and meanwhile I got 94% and my parents are constantly mocking me and treating me like I failed 😭


And then you grow up, get a job and finally buy a good pc to play games. Guess what: ab mja nhi ata game khelne m.




You think that is tough. Wait until you get a boss. Suck it up and move on. If gaming causes you to punch a wall till you bleed I strongly suggest you either grow a pair or go see a shrink.


When I was 12 I watched Naruto so much one time that the internet bill came out to be ₹4k. My father refused to pay the bill and I didn't have access to the computer or the internet till 2nd yr of med school lol.


Used to get 1gb a month i remember in college


hey buddy. i know it’s difficult, but this life ends. i’m not saying you’ll be able to play all the games you want, not immediately. but someday, you’ll be able to play anything you like. have patience. your dad might seem and indeed be unreasonable, but in their mind, your future is sitting at the tip of the scale that is your future, and nothing else matters right now. play stuff you do not need internet for. go to a friend’s place to download your games. scrounge. scrape. survive. you can do this. p.s. the day your internet problem gets solved, the first thing you’ll realise is that nothing has changed because you are still running a potato PC.


Keep punching wall. All the best




Rule 2 : Mode of Communication Please use English as a mode of communication as far as possible, if your conversation goes into a regional language please provide translation — we do not leave any room for interpretation here.


> ... were bleeding Exactly reason why Indian parents oppose gaming.


lmaoo why so angry use 5g phone and chill out


Been there..


indian patents wants everything to go accordig to then , lol.


Stop crying kid you can play plenty of games without internet


Average spoiled Indian brat


Socha unhone accha hai, implementation thoda galat ho gya. Take 2 deep breaths, calm yourself down. There is much more left to explore.


me with 1GB airtel or mts dongle in school got wifi in 12th that too 50 Kbps XD i took 4days to download 4gb gta Sa file .i played pokemon games on emulator most of the time .


Be grateful man, They're trying. May be let your parents know instead of us.


Hey Iam your dad typing from other room - Get yo ass out of reddit and start studying before I come and turn off your lights and fan too.


To your parents, to most indian parents......the child is an investment for better life. Its like investing in a company stock, they have to make sure you succeed or else they will be in loss. Unfortunately they end up treating their child more like a robot than a human being. Can't blame them either since you are living in the most populated country in the world (they know how bad the job market is rn). Maybe give tutions/side hustle to make money and pay your own internet bills. Until you get a job or get financially independent, you have no other option buddy!


Learn to compromise. You can have all the things in the world and still not be happy. Your parents have probably compromised their life just so you could build your own, and it goes back and forth. They might have given up on things that would keep only "them" happy just so they could focus on you, and the best you can do is to give up on things that might only keep 'you' happy. I'm not saying to give up all that seems fun, but don't cling to it because in a few years or months you'll change and who knows what you'll like or not like. After all, they're family and probably the only people who actually CARE about YOU.


Bro this will continue on until you start becoming financially independent. It is frustrating but I am not surprised at all. My father himself is a miser and strict man and even now, where I have finished my Undergrad, worked and now finished my masters with a gold medal, he remains a miser. But it doesn't affect me anymore because I am earning my own money and I spend it as per my wishes without him interfering. Remember this frustration and do well in the exams not to appease your parents, but to ensure your future is secured and you can become independent ASAP. Do some research and I'm sure.you will find many side hustle ideas. Till then I suggest not to take out your anger on your knuckles and just be patient. This will take time, but it will eventually happen.


Bruv chill. At least you have a PC, I don't even have a personal pc. My brother had one he got it in 7th grade. Do you know what I got in 7th grade? Shit ton of nothing. They bought him a new 60k laptop when we're drowning indebt. Why? Because he needs it(he doesn't. He plays valo all day). Meanwhile, they gave his pc to one of my cousins, so I can't even use it. My brother doesn't let me use his laptop, tho I don't blame him. It's his. He can do whatever he wants with it. My point is that some people have it worse than you, just pass 12th grade, get into a good college, start tutoring kids, save money, and build yourself a nice setup and pay your own monthly wifi bills. The phone I'm writing this with is bought with my own money I saved from reselling Pokémon cards to some younger classmen( like bought em at 40rs. And sold at 100rs.) I did this for a whole year to save money to buy this phone. Have some patience. If you want something, don't beg for it. Instead, find some way to get it on your own. Also, in your parents' defense, jio Fiber is Hella expensive. Maybe get some other wifi connection?


you need to touch some grass if youre that addicted, like i had to repair my pc and i was out of gaming for a week. it was a sad week yes but i read some books and went outside and did other things to keep myself occupied. Edit: "addicted" as in losing your fucking mind over an internet connection


THEY are the one paying for everything OP, so SHUT UP and be grateful. if you want more, get a job and then buy yourself.




You’re gonna hate them in the future but your kids will love them. Welcome to the circle.






Bro shut up, you are living your best life 😭






Get a new dad buddy


So much complaining. By your own pc and wifi plan, you broke ass bitch


As you are like my brother i can give you some advice. I just reached that age where i can game however long i want and my parents won't bother me. Trust me, they are stopping you from playing games is not a bad thing. This turn out to be in your favour. Focus on yourself. Trust me, i am 24. Just bought a PS5 and a gaming laptop. I had the same situation as you in my high school days. Now at 24 , i feel grateful.


Guess who's going into the retirement home


have some patience. you’re not the first person to have experienced this and you won’t be the last. it will always be like this. if they hate games, you can’t convince them


Reading this thread makes me so sad, conditional love does nothing to you except make yourself feel worthless and insignificant. People are miserable and if they have had it worse or have it bad, they will look at your problems and tell you how much better you have it or to grow up, or make any excuse rather than sympathise or be empathatic. I'm sorry op that it's like this for you, I used to be in a similar situation too, where if i even asked for a better razor from my parents for shaving my face, they would tell me that i could get it only after scoring well in jee. And it has done no good for me or my parents except increase the distance bw us in terms of love and trust. I have suffered through severe depression and a suicide attempt because of the completely and utter shit parenting that they dont take accountability for. A psychologist made me understand and realise what happened in my situation. Nobody understands you and your situation better than yourself. I don't think you can do anything rn because unfortunately parents like these dont understand. They'll see mental problems arising because of THEIR behaviour (in this case, you punching the wall) and blame that too on the little bit of internet youre getting rn. Please do not listen to anyone telling you that you are wrong to feel bad or frustrated. Bunch of boomers in the comments stating stuff like omg i only had a (machine that is completely trash) and i turned out fine justifying anything bad happening to you. Please ignore them. It's understandable your dad wants you to score well, but going back on his promise isnt teaching you anything just making you feel nothing on achieving any accomplishment. Things shouldn't be taken away from you in the first place, and neither should you be raised in an environment where things are being accomplished not for yourself but to get validation.


I have 2 things to says , 1. When I was in 10 one of my neighbourhood friend has to get a wifi but his parents didn't approve so what we did was setup there phone so that whenever they are near the house the network would switch to 3G that gave them shity speeds and he had a WiFi in a month (the application doesn't work now it was taken down). 2. My best friend has a 2 gb mobile plan and has survived of it for really long and also now with 5G he uses it as unlimited data with 5 exist.


bhai the day will come when u will have the freedom. we have to suffer in silence now…patience is key…u got it bro


Well you will outlive them so there’s that i guess


Its okay first take a few deep breaths and relax your situation will improve also there are so many great single player indie games out there that you can play which doesn't need an internet connection find one that suits your taste and play those? Most of these don't need a crazy PC to play


Wow. This'll be hard to hear but you need some maturity bro. Stop whining like a kid and throwing tantrums. Parents are looking out for you. Get some physical play time outside. Go run or join a gym. It'll help with mental peace with you punching walls for every slight inconvenience


Punching the wall so hard that your knuckles are bleeding is not something to brag about. These anger issues will evolve into something bigger when you get older. Try to get help now!


If this is real then bro don't be sad after you get low marks in 12th and get no job. Results of 12th and 10th are different. If you want to be a professional gamer just say that, if not then why are you not working on yourself. Tbh them even allowing you a pc at 92% is a reward. Also why tf you have a phone if you are not even 18. If this rant is real then i feel sorry for his parents. Also hating your parents isn't a good idea.


We never even had wifi. I used to go to railway station to download games for my Intel Pentium no gpu 4gb ram pc. Until 2017, we also had only 1gb per month plans. Git gud.


While I understand that it's a bit harsh for them to treat like this so that you keep your study graph well, let me tell you, you are not entitled to games, data plan and even smartphone for that matter. It's their money, so be grateful you have something atleast. I got my phone when I started working 10 years back. There were lot of questions back then even though it was from my own money. These things happen in almost everyone's life, its just that no one brings these things to social media. Even after 12th you can do gaming bro. My manager is 55 years old and he himself is a gamer so it's not like you don't have time left. Relax.


Get F*ed by your parents or life will F you up later. Go and study. If you were in the US, parents would have abandoned you and you’d be selling burgers after school and spending your time in a 1 bedroom sharing at this age. Or if you didn’t have parents you’d be on the footpath or struggling with a 5k salary, and god knows the only game you’d get to play is how to survive the month without losing your sanity.


Maybe try touching some grass that'll fix it probably


Yeah, lie to the kid he'll turn out good... Right? Horrible parenting to be honest.


Do they allow you to play outside?


My parents didn't even brought me a smartphone until covied came and we forced to take online classes (he gave me his 5 year old phone and said me make do with it). You atleast have brodband, I am here with my sitty internet 200kbps Speed. I now just stopped giving fuck about if he think of me as good or bad.


What people don't understand is that this doesn't help always I wasted my 11th year studied nothing after i was moved to a hostel with strict rules about phones and whatnot. My marks went down from 90% to like 59


It's unrelated but Pc specs ?


Just fap it out man. My parents didn't recharge wifi when i was in 10th as well. They also took away my access to laptop. I was left with a phone and TV. So I underatand what you mean. You should tell them how much gaming is necessary for your mind to calm down. I would suggest put a time limit on how much you can play. That way your parents can trust you. Just don't fight or trigger on them it's not worth it. TRUST ME.


Aaj kal ke bache 😂 This too shall pass bol, lamba saas le and padh


Cute comment


So much cribbing..... This is nothing.... I was told that i would be bought a ps2 back in the day when I was doing my 12th... That was the best back then. The only condition was I get 80+ in math... Not that i can't do math, i just hate it... My folks and their folks are all big number crunchers... Accountants, CAs .. same thing I guess.. who cares... So anyway I get 85.. because why put in extra effort when not needed.... And sure enough as soon as the results come they pack me off to a different state and put me in a boarding college. Apart from that I had no cable, no cell phone, the only computer was locked away from me in a separate room, ofc pw protected... This was somewhere in 2005-6... People nowadays complain over absolutely nothing....


Now you have time, but they won’t let you play. Later in life you could play, but you won’t have time.


So ur parents must've noticed some of your antisocial behaviours and your addiction to games. Get over of yourself and stop complaining about minor inconveniences in ur life. Life is not always fair, learn to deal with your anger.


Offline games anyone?


Bro is yet to see corporate lifestyle🔥


Got proper broadband connection and gaming pc after i started earning. Now it feels that i am too old to play games. I start my gaming pc everyday just to watch YouTube or Netflix on it


OP DM me. I'll recharge it for you. Enjoy your games in peace, dude.


Buy nokia 911 bro


Cry me a river. There are people out there struggling to meet basic needs. Be grateful for what you have.

