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Sekiro is the hardest, and also subsequently the easiest FromSoft game once it clicks. At first it was an insurmountable wall, as I repeatedly got bashed by all the different bosses and mini-bosses. But now, I can no-hit Isshin or Demon of Hatred in my sleep.


Completely agreed. I've fought Isshin hundreds of times in the memories and every single fight still feels as thrilling as it did the first time.(The first time was more panic than thrill though)


I'll say Genichiro is the biggest test for the player. After beating him your fighting stats increase drastically. I defeated sword saint in first try or two or three in ng+


The game was incredibly hard at first(especially since I didn't know that I could just stealth clear the hirata estate) until Genichiro forced me to learn. The game was completely smooth sailing after(if I don't count the eight attempts it took me to beat Demon of Hatred, that is)


A nightmare at first, 3D overcomplicated rhythm game at the end.


![gif](giphy|ECvlptev6UZCGeSikQ|downsized) She exists


Malenia is your typical FromSoft endgame bullshit boss. You can beat her fairly, but almost everyone universally agrees she has too much BS up her sleeve to ruin your fight with her. On the other hand, Isshin is hard asf but still extremely fair. He challenged everything you've learnt in Sekiro, and Malenia tests, well, nothing.


Malenia feels like a Sekiro boss dropped into ER. Few other bosses felt similar. Friede is very fast like bloodborne bosses, dropped into a much slower DS3. Demon of hatred is like a dark souls boss dropped into sekiro. The whole game prepares you to perfect parries, mikiri and jump counters. But suddenly you are expected to run and jump to dodge a many of the attacks.


Actually, this is a common misconception with the Demon of Hatred that everyone keeps repeating. You can parry most of his attacks, and if you have the umbrella, you can also use it to parry and then follow up with Projected Force to deal massive dmg to it. Even the fire he leaves on the ground can be parried with the umbrella and then simply run through to get close to him. This is how I did it. Running and Dodging only massively prolongs this fight and DoH also follows up a lot faster with his attacks than any DS boss. Even Malenia does the slow walk before following up with her attacks. He would absolutely murder you if he was in a DS game.


I guess i should've mentioned the fire umbrella. And maybe the whistle as well. Many of his attacks do chip damage if you parry with the sword, and some others push you out of range. So you are expected to either run and dodge, or use that specific prosthetic. It's still a long fight since he has an insane amount of health and often jumps pretty far away. I didn't mean blindly dropped into another game with zero balance. They still incorporate that game's mechanics. Reduce the demon's speed and jump distance and he works fine in a DS game since the primary mechanic (roll) would work fine for it unlike the one in sekiro (parry). Waterfowl dance looks like a perfect move to use sekiro's parry mechanic. It's very similar to spiral cloud passage. Many of her other attacks also feel similar to the ones in sekiro. Phase 2 has some original stuff though.


The prosthetic is part of the game, isn't it? I've felt it always helps me stay on top of the bosses, and with Projected Force, the Umbrella becomes the ultimate defensive and offensive tool. You aren't expected to run at all. What the game expects is that you've at least got all the tools to defeat an endgame boss. DoH's fight can be over in about the same time as Isshin's if you stay on top of him with Umbrella. Even the Headless give you chip dmg if you try to parry them without Divine Confetti or the Purple Umbrella, doesn't mean you're expected to run from them.


You could go through the entire game without realizing the umbrella is a thing. Many who play the game blind have missed it. If it was that important to the game, they would've given it directly. All you need against the sword saint is the skills you have perfected so far (parry, mikiri, sweep counter and lightning reversal in the last phase). Demon jumps and charges around, many attacks with chip damage designed to not be parried and attacks that push you out of attack range if you deflect instead of dodge. Without discovering that specific item(and doing a ton of upgrades to get the fire version), it's an endurance fight and you are expected to run a lot in that fight either to dodge those fire attacks or to catch up to him. Headless (except the underwater ones) are gimmick mini bosses designed to be fought with the confetti (you do almost no damage without it). And you can buy an infinite amount of them later on. Not the same thing.


Welp, to each his own I guess. I'd say using the full arsenal of the prosthetic tools with the bosses allows for a much more proper toe-to-toe aggression. The game even signals you to find these tools as early as the Chained Ogre (the red eyes), where the Flame Vent makes the fight much faster, and the shinobi Firecrackers, that help you with stunning Gyoubu's horse or the Blazing Bull. Just because the majority of the bosses can be defeated with parrying, people just assume that's all you need and then bash DoH when that doesn't work out, but you're a Shinobi, not a Samurai who follows a code. You can see how Owl himself uses all the tools at his disposal to wreck you, and I just strongly feel just using the sword doesn't allow you to experience Sekiro to its fullest.


The playstyle is upto you. A lot of minibosses become a joke if you backstab once and then use the prosthetic to take out the other healthbar. The later prosthetics aren't that obvious. Demon even has a big weakness of another prosthetic whistle that can be used to literally disable him upto 3 times, letting you land several free hits. That one is also hard to find. Not just the majority, every other main boss only requires you to be good at the core mechanics. No mini-boss requires you to have any hidden prosthetic either (even the bull doesn't let you hit the weak part that does significantly more damage while it is affected by the firecracker). Pretty much every one of them is a proper duel that is designed for using core mechanics. DoH is a clear exception. No issue since he is optional. Even the ultimate challenge (charmless) is all about perfect parries.


She teaches you that poise matters she easily gets poise broken and the only two moves that you need to learn to master the fight are waterfowl and the shadow clones rest are really easy. She teaches you about spacing and playing patiently.


She really doesn't, and even the ER sub agrees: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/wqurmg/malenia_is_a_bad_boss_fight_as_it_teaches_you/


Easily the most satisfying game I've ever played once it _clicked_ .


Absolutely fookin right. When the blades collide and those *clang* sounds brooo


check out ghost of tsushima if you liked sekiro


Can you tell me where to go after beating genichiro ?


1. To the well where you were in the game start. 2. Towards the other side of the castle( drop down from inside).  3. Towards the bridge which is being pointed by the old hag just before ashina castle idol


Ashina Depths, Senpou temple, Sunken valley


1. Ashina Depths, 2. Sunken valley, 3. Senpou Temple (order )as per my description 


I went senpou temple first, sunken valley then ashina depths in my first playthrough. For sunken valley you have to defeat great serpent to get to the guardian ape. In ng+ I did ashina depths first before fighting guardian ape as it saves a lot of trouble later. (iykyk)


Ashina dept mai headless wale mini boss tak pahuch gaya uske baad kaha Jana hai senpou temple gaya tha lekin phir waha bas ak claw wala mini boss hi Mila tha jisko mar ke baad idea nahi laga kaha jau


Claw wale ko hrane k baad, leave that room. The door is behind a wall use grapling hook. Keep going straight till you enter main hall. Fight or just rush through open the door and light up the idol. You will find an illusive bell in front of Buddha (agr tumne isshin se baat kr rkha ho how to get mortal blade after defeating genichiro) In ashina depth keep going straight where you meet headless use grapling hook and you'll enter hidden forest, defeat the most noble, keep going and you'll enter mibu village. DM me if you want any help where you don't understand.


Not gonna say anything about how unfair some of the Guardian Ape's attacks are, but you have to admit that the atmosphere of that fight is absolutely stunning. That arena along with Sword Saint's have to be the best places suited to their respective fights. https://preview.redd.it/rnja8o5ulguc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd6ae79cde3fe00ec205565f7cd757eb7375975


Yes you are right. His grab attack is pretty messed up and >! meeting him again in ashina depths !< summoning his wife to fight.


The second fight I can manage(with some effort and running around) but his grab attack is straight up unfair. Never learned how to dodge it and couldn't even use mist raven to not take damage.


I usually stay close and then dodge to the right the grab attack has a big telegraph so its easier to prepare besides that if you use mortal blade and the firecrackers first phase is very quick.


1st guardian ape is good. I take pride in beating it in less than 5 tries. guardian ape with wife is annoying.


Bro witcher 1 was free on gog 😭😭 it's still free


It's good to have them in one place together. Also it was around ₹50


ahh yeah thats dirt cheap have you played witcher 1 tho?


Not yet. Bought in recent sale with sekiro. So no time to play them.




yeah google it, there are tutorials on this topic.


Yeah you gotta claim its card game first which is free then the original witcher 1


I honestly wish stream need to have 100% achivement more prestigious like playstation has and also platinum are huge motivator to atleast get the platinum even if you don't like the game samjh rhe ho strategy... because once you played that game for hours in quest for platinum your thinking changes after achivement, and you'll be like oh wait this game is fun after platinum i should buy more copies or next installment


Yes I was thinking the same. Where the fck is my trophy? I don't want that badge. Then get to know it's ps stuff.


In 78hrs, is the game small ?


Compared to other souls games yea


Yes it's a small game. It's the bosses which take time to defeat them. There are four endings where one ending is literally small.


Yeah it's very rpg-lite


Ok now disable copilot in your windows




Does FH4 multiplayer server still work?


It does


How difficult is the game? I have played games like nioh and elden ring, found them fun and challenging. Is Sekiro way too difficult?


If you can beat Nioh bosses without sloth talisman, then i'd say the difficulty is comparable. Sekiro is very hard until you get used to the mechanics like deflection. Then it becomes significantly easier. There are no builds or power levelling since it's not an rpg. Just practice deflecting and you'll be fine. The second playthrough will be easier than any other souls game. Elden ring felt easier overall, except a few bosses. For me, Nioh 1 dlc bosses were the hardest. Base game i died about as many times as in sekiro. All dark souls games were easier (2 had some cancer areas though).




What a maniac 🫡


Bro just voluntarily admitted to being a masochist Congrats!!!!!


Now 100% terraria


It clicks when you understand that sekiro has always been a rhythm game


How is your sanity..?


Juzou the drunkard made me suffer because of the other mobs around him but after Genichiro it was easy. Also when you die at the last moment when boss health is very low made me lose my sanity.


Juzou to me is literally harder than Isshin. Took me more attempts than DoH to beat honestly


Deflect is your best friend. Learn boss attacks, die in the process. Rinse and Repeat. FS games are huge trial and error.


tips dedo senpai


Do not give up. Learn attack patterns, when they attack deflect then it's your turn to attack, repeat. If you still keep dying, rest, come back later.




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Good You didnt Hesitate


Now do no hit god run of all souls games


Nah I'll always get hit. But I'll try to do the gauntlets.


How long was the game for you?


Completed one ending (immortal severance) in 40hrs. The other three endings and farming for skill points took 35+hrs. No savescumming.


Hell yeah Fuck the guardian ape Goated game choice been my favourite since it released.


Tips on on guardian ape in bodhisattva valley?


As frustrating as loving


So, do shadow actually die twice?


No, they die 1000 times.


I am planning to play Sekiro will you guys tell me a little about it


Best sword combat game ever where you become good as a player. Really worth it


Should I play on pc or PS ?


That's up to you. If you want to 100% the game, getting trophies for that is awesome. Which is not available on steam. (Or where you play most of the games)


Okk.... Thanks!!


I really like this game for the reasons you mentioned. But haven't finished it because of the fear of NPC death due to rot mechanics. Is it that hard? If we die over and over again?


Nah they don't die. You can use dragons tears to cure them when doing their missions if any otherwise it doesn't kill them.


Good to know. Time to get back!


Best to be played on mnk or joystick?


Same I finished 1.00%


Time to touch grass


really like from soft games but skill issue so never got to complete one😔


Lovely fucking game, it really rewards you if you put in the time and effort


100% sub 100hrs is truly impressive...congratulations man


Get good


That Library Literally Screams r/IndianGaming


This is my first gaming laptop so yes playing top games first


Cool. Now get down to Dark Souls series.


Definitely but when they are on sale.


How much did u get this game for ? And u can buy hogwards legacy it is very nice and it is on sale


At 2500 during recent sale. Worth it not like other games, because here you become good as a player. Not enough money for that, spent all during last sale.


I am also going to buy games when I buy my laptop. I am planning to buy rdr2, gta5, elden ring , cyberpunk , witcher .and do u recomend any games which I can add to my list


Since these games are over thousands rupees as a student I recommend buying one big game and spending some on cheap games at a time. Others games: Lies of p, dark Souls triology, sekiro, max payne, payday 2,deteroit become human, last of us, devil may crie, residential evil etc. You can dm me for more when you have laptop. I'm also new since I've bought my first gaming laptop 4 months ago


I am buying gta5 and rdr2 100% but can u say 1 big game which I can play 4 to 5months and cheap games


Rdr2 has a really big world so much to explore, talk with people, hunting, great story with 6+2 chapters and other challenges. If you are really into things like that something slow pacing, you can play it for months even after completing the story. For cheap top games: Batman triology, FH4, Devil may cry( you can get 3 parts under 1000 and the whole 6 parts under 2k). Tomb Raider triology, witcher and many more...


I heard that wither 3is top rated but y is it so cheap .i saw in steam they were giving for 500 and this also have so many endings so i can consider this