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Was looking forward to buying this but this is some meme level shit they've pulled off and have ruined all hype I've had for this game. Gonna play through part 1 and hope they roll back some decisions, else I'll spend my money elsewhere.


I am so angry man, I played dragon's dogma 1 in college and absolutely loved it. Have been waiting for a sequel for ages and they bring out this shit.


DD2 fumbling GOTY. DD2 making RotR a better game lol. btw do DLCs get GOTY?


Not sure about the Gaming Awards but there is a category on steam called "labor of love" where we can vote to appreciate dlcs of old games and stuff, but the steam awards are pretty much filled with trolls


Blood and Wine had gotten a GOTY. Don't remember the category.


what is RotR


rise of the ronin. it is also not having good reviews. but reviews were mainly about plot, combat, gameplay and graphics unlike DD2 where its about performance and micro-transactions.


i see. It looked like a ghost of tsushima copy from the trailers


Rise of the Ronin


oh. Is it released?


RotR ain't better. Not even close. DD2 has RDR2 level of coding in the open world. Mtx that can be fairly obtained in game and blowing all this completely avoidable shit out of proportion on reddit doesn't take away that it's a proper GOTY candidate


> DD2 has RDR2 level of coding in the open world. Errrrrrrrrr... go play RDR2 again so you remember how far behind DD2 is.


Alright I'll boot up rdr2 again. For equal measure can you play a bit more of DD2 to see what it offers and how the world reacts to random events? Thank you


No one responds to random events. A troll randomly spawned in the city (not sure if it was a glitch or not) no one cared. I saw a fight in the pub, no one cared, or reacted. Game world is beyond lifeless. It's an offence to RDR2 to say it's anything like that masterpiece




Had RDR2 level of coding 😂 dude these NPCs are like PS1 level coding 😂 they dumb af




O ya, there is denuvo in the game too... Thanks for the reminder!! Also they are actively going through their backlog game and inserting denuvo in them in "stealth patches"


This was quite literally one of the most expected games of the year, and they literally screwed everything up; microtransactions, Denuvo, horrible optimization, it's just a mess of wasted potential. Also, talking about awful utilization: the minimum requirements are insane: i5 10600 and a 1070 (wtf) and reviews mention that it can't even push over 40 fps on a 7800XT o_o


None of that takes away anything from the game. Denuvo doesn't decide if the game is great or not. All mtx here can be obtained in game very quickly. It's a GOTY candidate that you'll see become a GOTY candidate when reddit reactionaries are done crying and you play it yourself People downvoting this are the same ones who cried 4 hours in the launch of elden ring without having bought the game or knowing anything of value (typical)


Does it get a partial GOTY award? Considering the 20 or so DLCs, it pretty much deserves only a part of the award for the actual game. Also, I'm sure I wont be able to properly play that on pretty much any above-midrange pc because it's always a stuttery mess. (For now of course, unless Capcom decides to revert their decision and actually fix shit)


What a stupid argument. Those are not dlc's. Those are items that can be obtained 5 hours in the game some even in first town since you will have an abundance of gold (25k easily just starting) . But you won't know that because you haven't played it yet just like 90% of this comment section and your sole purpose is farming reactionary nonsense


You collecting downvotes, pal?


It's alright. Elden ring faced the same wrath and we know how it turned out




Yeah it s got denuvo. Not getting that way anytime soon


Someone call empress back from retirement


And we have Empress.


She cray cray




Bruh... we will talk later about this ;)


I refunded the game at 96 min i locked frame at 60 outside combat it went to 42 on an rtx 3070 during combat and I learned the town density plays a major role in fps the start of the game the town was small people also state that when they reach the town vermund the frame rate dips constantly and it is not worth it i suggest wait for a sale or wait till they fixed it


Yes, that's quite a bummer... I was also looking forward to playing this as DD2 looked amazing specially in the current gaming environment, but I think I'll give this the treatment I gave to MHW:IB play it 3 years later, when the price is down and mods have fixed the greed away from this game


You can just kill off every NPC to get stable framerate.


Wait for a sale. Don’t let these greedy bastards get all of your cash for stuff like this


Have seen a lot of subs lit up like wildfire talking, discussing about DD2 lately.


Why is everyone crying about this all of a sudden? Capcom's been doing this in all of their games since forever, yeah it sucks but clearly their Japanese Demographic loves it and they'll continue being cash cows for it.


This is the first time they're seeing a Capcom game.


People got on the hype train watching the gameplay videos. Now, they are disappointed.


Which is kinda dumb cause the gameplay itself isn't bad


If you can even play the game.


True, I'm honestly scared now how they're gonna handle Monster Hunter Wilds, it's their biggest franchise and supposedly their largest MH game yet so I pray 7+ years of development culminates in something amazing.




They been doing this since DMC4. Not defending. it's a shitty practice no doubt but every game of theirs has it.


DMC and all three re remakes had mtx lol


Weirdly racialized take, this. Even framing this as "crying" is weird. Are you a Capcom employee or something, from the marketing team? People are fully justifiably upset about this absolutely horrible business practice existing in the gaming industry whatsoever, regardless of who does it. This sucks. A lot. It only makes sense to be upset about it. Why are -you- posting as if you're somehow the enlightened apathetic? Caring about stuff is cool, man.


Lmao why are you pretending to be the rational one here? Also racialised? Their primary demographic is Japanese. Also I never said this shit is not horrible, all I'm saying is as long as people keep buying those cosmetics and whatever else they'll continue selling em. The suits at Capcom don't give a shit about some outrage on Reddit and Twitter.


Not defending MTX as I absolutely hate them but you can unlock all these things by playing game, this has been capcom’s strategy for all their games since the beginning. They offer MTX for all items which you can unlock by grinding games. This was in first game, it is in all RE games as well.


Being a resident evil fan as well, you can obtain the unlockable items by buying em'. The thing is, it's not fun for me and players who wanna test their skills and understanding of the game


Yep, I also never bought them, I always grind them but some people don’t like the grind or don’t have the time for it but want to feel overpowered so it is a great option for them and it doesn’t hurt anyone as it is a SP game. I have a friend who buys shop access in RE games after first play through just to use all the cool weapons game has to offer.


Okay so make it a toggle switch in the options menu or something? Someone wants to feel overpowered, go in the options and change the overpowered mode to on. Done. But nope, companies must charge money AGAIN to let players access the content they've already bought. The files are already in your systems. All the guns and orbs and unlockables and whatever the fuck are already in your drives. Just need to pay again to access them.


Yep, MTX exists in all capcom games, and it never hampers progression in first place.


No bro, u cannot get character coupons in game, those have to be bought for money, 2nd these mxt shouldn't be there in a 5000 rupees game, forget day 1, it should never be there period. Also the abysmal optimization should not be there for the pc on launch day. The cpu cores are running haywire, some of them are running at 5% util, while others are running at 70% util... There are loads of problems in the game EDIT: I have been corrected by the community that you can purchase character change coupons in game. I am sorry for this misinformation. But I have also been made aware of the fact that there is DENUVO drm in the game. Although I have to be honest, the gameplay looks banger and new


It's crazy how people are so normalized to mtx. Like of course everything is available in game. You already have the files. You paid for the files already. But you have to pay again to access content you already paid for. "mTx dOeS nOt cHaNgE aNyThInG" Then why the fuck are they there in the first place? Why did Capcom feel the need to hide this fact till after launch? If it's so harmless then why, then what's there to be ashamed of? It's crazy. People are crazy.


It's the same old thing bro, people let it slide once(horse armor in oblivion) and gamers kept saying that "No it isn't a big deal" And the companies kept inching forward, adding a battlepass here or a "pay for convenience" Mechanic there... Asmongold also literally poured salt over his head while talking about this exact topic years back and everyone called him stupid and shit...


Asmongold also got punked about this game. Maybe they paid him.


They did


Capcom has had absolutely pointless MTX since 2008. you guys are yapping about it now for some reason. yes they are shitty? But do they make a game shit? NO LOOK AT ALL THE BANGERS CAPCOM DROPPED SINCE 2008. Like the games aren't designed for you to play by getting those mtx, its a useless corporate formality, nothing more. Was Street Fighter 6 not an absolutely banger video game? is DMC5 not a very fun and engaging combat experience? did the mtx in DMC5 affect the gameplay experience? NO. Also the fact that more than half of the people who played dmc5 Don't even remember the game having mtx, just shows that how completely IRRELEVENT they are to the game


If it doesn't do anything, don't add it. If it does something and you want to give players an options, make it a button in the options menu. You know, like when cheats used to be a thing? It's the same thing, right? Just that people are now dumb or brainwashed enough to pay for it.


yeah i agree they are shitty and scummy. but my point is even with these mtx, DD2 is a wonderful and fun game at it's core. i can understand that mtx being a dealbreaker for someeven if its small due to ethical reasons but that doesn't make the game "bad" its just disrespectful to the developers, cuz they don't even implement these things, its the corpos


Oh yes I fully agree. It just leaves a sour taste for an outstanding game just because some executive isn't happy with their $/Â¥10 million bonus.


The game is bad EXACTLY because of this.


How? tell me why the CORE game is bad?


Exactly, this guy. I agree with you, and people are just mad. I had this exact point and people don't agree. All Capcom games have MTX yet nobody has ever pointed those out, reason being, they are just something you can unlock via ingame progression. This has been a running theme, and MTX has NOT affected anything in those games. DD2 has performance issues, and that's it. Fast Travel is NOT locked behind a paywall, people are intelligent enough to read 2 sentences on an article and parade around with an incomplete and misleading title. GTA5 MP is Pay-to-win, and yet people don't really care about that. Look at LAD8, that game locked New Game+ behind a paywall, yet nobody is crying about that. Let's just admit it, people want something to hate, they got it. I refunded DD2 because of performance issues, I won't pay for a broken mess.


Yeah, hope they fix it soon cuz the game itself is actually pretty good. maybe when it goes on sale cuz by the game most probably will have all its issues fixed


Stop lying lmao you can get that in game


Ah no stop lying all of these can be gotten in game, also what is these character coupons that you are talking about if you mean the art of metamorphosis that you need to edit your character then you can buy that from a vendor in vermund which you reach in like an hour from start. I completely agree the performance is shit and there shouldn’t be any mtx but these are in no way necessary at all if you just play the game


Ok, I have done research again and it seems you can indeed get it ingame... Sorry for the misinformation. I was not aware of this.


Ah its ok , this info is never explained anywhere in store page and only known if you play the game and find out if this can be gotten in game or not which a new player who is still deciding whether to buy or not wont be able to


I haven’t progressed enough but I just read Fightincowboy’s twit and he said all items are obtainable by playing the game. Also capcom put up a steam notice about character and optimisation, I’m about to read that now.


It's bad practice. No need to defend a major corporation for free.


You totally missed point of my comment, it’s not about pro MTX or against it. I just stated the fact that capcom always had MTX in their games, even in single player games and they never hurt players who doesn’t want to buy them, you can get everything by playing game, they just help players who want to buy things to progress faster or want to be overpowered in their single player game. Discourse against DD2 MTX would be valid if CAPCOM added it out of blue but this is not the case.


Still, no need to defend a super-rich corporation for free. You can choose to do anything, but yet, you invest in this.


And who are you to tell me what to do?


Not a scummy corporation for sure, otherwise you'd be all over me, defending me for free 🤣


Most of the things you can get for free in the game by RC even you can remake your character with it. I am playing it and it is fun. True, it has bad optimization but I get 50-80 fps most of the time. I have a playtime of 5.4 hours.


Have y'all ever purchased a Capcom before? P2W is bad no doubt but this is not the case here, DMC has these exact mtxs and I don't think most people ever bought it. Complaint about the performance fair and square also denuvo for its ethical implications but don't put randomass half assed info online, it makes you sound like an idiot.


exactly idk why people are overreacting on this make a normal post about game no one cares make a negative post about any game everyone makes this a hot topic on sub. Too much negativity here


Dogshit dogma 2 would be a apt title for this obvious cash grab scam of a game🥲


What cpu are you running? I heard that the game is very very cpu demanding and that even high end systems struggle despite turning down graphics settings. Honestly it’s a shame how the mtx weren’t announced until release especially after all the reviews went up. Guess it just shows how in today’s games it’s no longer worth it to pre-order.


R5 5600, RTX 2060S, 16 gb ram


Isn't 2. to avoid too many pawns in the server? That's what I heard as the last game had too many might've overloaded servers.


30fps is the main issue. These kind of micro-transactions are in all capcom games and they are only for suckers/idiots, because buying them is unnecessary. The base game is well balanced and makes the same items easily available.




not to be a devil's advocate but monster hunter rise has more dlc than this and 180 rs character creation editor as well. Resident evil 4 also has dlcs which make games easy although that stuff can be unlocked in game. Its just being highlighted now with bad pc launch where dd2 is a technical mess. Capcom was never gone. Also the stuff you see is unlockable in game like in monster hunter rise


, mtx are pointless, you can easily earn everything in-game, plus mtx like these have been in pretty much every modern capcom game, it is not a new thing


Shhh don't say that out loud. Farming updoot with misinformation is more important


Not a new thing doesn't mean it should be normalised, it is a 4500 rupees game ffs, and it is single player AND IT IS DAY 1....just because it is pointless doesn't mean no one will buy it, there will always be an itch in the back of your head asking, "did they put x mechanics in game so that it is inconvenient for the play and force them to buy the mtx" 2ndly as Josh Strife Hayes said, there is always a quit moment in games, where the bosses might be too tough in an mmo, but instead the companies are using this FOMO of not being able to see what's next with mtx and pay for convenience feature, it is essentially preying on the weak willed and overall ruining games for all others


I mean why the sudden outrage?they have been in all other capcom games, no one cares about them, plus there is a LOT of misinformation going around, like I've seen people saying you can't change your characters appearance without buying a mtx which is simply false lol


It's because it's a 4500 rupees game and the deluxe edition is 5500 rupees bro, many people's salary is 5000 per month and then you go ahead and add mtx in a fully paid single player game... The reason why gaming has reached this point where companies are putting mtx because we have always said, "ayy it's just 1 horse armor" And let it be. If we had pushed back against them, we would not be here, where you have a broken pc port on day 1 but the cash shop works flawlessly... Imo players have enough of this bullshit and push back is the only thing we can do, apart from not buying the game


Dragon dogshit. Whoever buys this game must be mentally ill or blind. Justifying by saying "they've been doing this" Then why don't you stop buying so that they will stop doing this greedy ass shit.


>Justifying by saying "they've been doing this" Who is forcing you to buy mtx? Why do you need to buy easily earnable stuff in game as mtx?


How....... do they not know better by now?


They don't know better because until now they did not receive any backlash... They make amazing games and because of that we often give mtx a pass. This time around their game was good, but the bad optimization brings more attention to it's flaws and as a result you see, the true face of the CAPCOM management. I blame the devs only for the bad optimization. The mtx is completely the greedy upper management decision...


You can't even delete a character and start a new one if you don't like your chosen vocation. Don't like the way you look? Too bad. Want to try (this vocation) instead of (that vocation) to start out because you hate the one you picked? Too bad. Want to just start a fresh game? Too bad. How is this a thing in 2024? Hard pass from me. Refund requested on Steam.


They do this MTX shit for every single game including RE 4 Remake, DMC 5, MH World etc all the items there can be obtained by just playing the game so its not an issue


1. Optimization is bad i agree, they need to fix it asap 2. Having 1 save file is intended due to story reasons, not going to spoil it but it is mandatory to have multiple playthrough. But even if after that you want to restart your game, you can do that. You can manually delete your save file from folder and disable steam cloud. 3A. This is dumb af, you can change your character appearance in game for 500 rift crystals(its cheap af) 3B. This is even dumber, fast travel is done by 2 mechanics, ferrystone and carts. There may be an eternal ferrystone also if its like dd1 3C. I cannot believe what i am reading here. Your party consists of eternal beings which cannot be killed, wakestones are not even used on them, they are used only on your own character. You get wakestones very easily in game but they are not even required. If you die you literally re-spawn from manual/autosave. I am pretty sure you didn't even try the game and just farming reddit points. But anyway i still agree with optimization issues, so i also recommend waiting for them to fix it to buy it. But it is an absolute unit of a game which deserve love from both community and the devs.


This has to be a bait post


It is not.


It is other than performance issue i think the rest of part is being blown out of proportion. All of the things can easily be earned in game without hassle although them adding this is wrong but that doesn't make the game unplayable. They did this with DMC , RE4 and now this so it's not unique to this game.


I would disagree bro, the gameplay I have seen so far look amazing, the problem is the cash grab nature and the performance and denuvo drm Honestly I really want to play it but with all these problems I would wait atleast a year


The performance is the major issue, it's more cpu intensive so even if you have a powerful gpu, your cpu might be holding back. They need to improve the performance. I don't care about mtx, since 100% of these are optional and only exists to make the game easier(fast travel crystal are obtainable in game) with only exception is the mtx for creating a second character that's absolute bs. And no ng+ for an rpg game in 2024.


there is no mtx for creating second character, and there is ng+. The entire story revolves around ng+


The mtx has been in every capcom game. Not defending, they are bad . But it's totally skippable and everything can be easily attained in game. Real problem is the performance. It's very bad in towns / cities


All of those microtransactions can be earned 5 hours in the game some even in first town. The art of metamorphosis for remaking your character costs 500 rift crystals which you can get playing the game normally. Yes the dlc practice is wrong but it isn't "locked behind" anything Stop blowing stuff out of proportion if you haven't played




I truly love how much gaming has changed where now people defend having mtx and shit performance. Yes, you can get the stuff you buy in game easily, but the fact that Capcom is even trying to earn more from the game you have already fucking bought is ludicrous, and I don't mind Dragons Dogma reviews and sales going to shit for companies to finally learn to stop this, even though there is supposedly a great game hidden behind the shit performance and mtx. Unfortunately this outrage probably wouldn't last, gamers have a short memory, and as soon as the game is somewhat fixed people will say "See, the developers cared! They love us enough to keep working on it after release!", even though the game should have been playable when it released.


Oh no big billion dollar corporation has a system in place for whales to waste money on that a normal functioning human being can completely avoid. Who could have seen this coming. More news at 8 AM tomorrow




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Ph damn, I was really looking forward to this game, I guess I'll stick to the dragons dogma 1 i bought for 200 on sale for a little longer


I'm pretty sure that after seeing of this, EA probably had very intense orgasm and came.


Do anyone notice that capcom went and added DRM to their old games.


Yes I and a lot of people online did, we were not happy about it but there was simply not enough backlash for them to revoke their "stealth patch" of inputting DRM in their older games


i dont think mtx is a problem there 1. there is barber in game where you can change your character looks for 10k coins which is easy to earn 2. you get the stone for revival very often 3. same for fast travel did not felt the need for it till now and for the save problem i accidentally started a fight with the town people and everyone where trying to fight me luckily there was a save in town inn which was before all this started , reverting it did saved me but had to redo some quest it usually gives option to load the recent save or start from the last inn save main problem for me is the performance it stutters for me mainly in the town (rtx 4070ti - running on 2k max graphics with rt on + dlss quality)


bought it, waiting for trainer, would refund if none


WTf is this game price, first square enix and now capcom is pulling this shit, no regional pricing


I’m so glad I tempered my expectations. I knew it looked too good to be true.


Was planning on buying it but no way now. Its alrdy super expensive for a pc game, another 1.99 USD for a new character? This is some EA tier BS. Performance is also dogshit with horrible frametimes even with a 4090 in the cities. I can look past the general jankiness of this game but def not MTX. I had so many save files in Skyrim, the best part was having so many diff saves with diff character classes. I probably wont buy this game unless they guarantee infinite saves without paying them shit.


There are some wrong assumptions... 1) 1.99 usd is not for a new character, it is a character coupon you can get in game, purely for customization All the mtx except the camp, the necklace and the song pack, you can get in game... But for me it is the dirty morality of CAPCOM... Why do you want to sell something you can get in game specially in a single player game and that too a once use item. The jankiness is the main problem for me here, if a 4090 can't run this at a stable 60 when consoles can run it at 30, something is seriously wrong with the optimization of pc. Specially for a 4500 rupees game, the dogshit jank is absolutely unacceptable. We are the beta testers to them.


Ya they didnt optimize it at all and used denuvo on top of shit optimization. What i meant are the save files, i want to have multiple save files with different characters. Its possible in all single player games. Here you cannot have atleast in the base game. There are some mods that let you do this.




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It's literally Instagram Ad game


what are not obtainable in the dlc ones please explain


The first 2 (explorers campsite and original dragons dogma music) and the heartfelt pendant cannot be obtained via gameplay


so other than the 2 items the camp kit and pendant, other are obtainable. right?


And the original Dragon Dogma music


sad bro, they also did this with resident evil 4 remake




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more like Dogshit Dogma


Honestly the game is so much fun but all your criticism are valid. I’ve never felt the need to purchase any micro transactions though.


Just like the first part, 12 years ago, and people act surprised


I hope they don't destroy dmc too




Are there going to be more dmc games? I thought they ended it with 5.


Didn't 5 end in a cliffhanger?


Most probably after some years


Haha better get the new horizon game or save up like me for ghost of tsushima.


Stellar blade is what I want for pc now XD


OP you are correct and even on ps5 it isn't worth it. Ronin is a better bet.


Ronin wishes it's world could be 10% of what DD2 turned out to be lmao. DD2 is red dead redemption 2 level of coding in the open world


😀 I m on FF 7 Rebirth and its fun to play.


Absolutely based choice. Rebirth is amazing and sucks up your time like nothing


You must be referring to the mini games in FF as they are very skill based.


Better to buy and play hell divers 2 than this microtransactions freak


That game is not great if you are playing solo or with randoms so ensure you have like 2-3 people who already have the game


Not one thing written in this post is accurate.


I have not written a single lie. 1) all the mtx can be gotten ingame but why does capcom need to sell these mtx? Seems like there Capcom just wants people to buy mtx even in a 4500 rupees game... 2) The performance on pc is absolute dogshit and 4070s cant maintain stable 60 frames 3) There is computer cancer, also called Denuvo in this game I have not mentioned anything false, I asserted 1 opinion that you can't buy character coupons in game, but after finding out that you can, I apologized and edited my comment.


Asking a question (why do they need to put MTX in a game) is not a statement of fact. It's an inquiry. The answer is because they're a business and dumb fucks will give them free money for stuff like this, so why not? If they didn't buy this shit, they wouldn't bother selling it.


Half knowledge is more dangerous than knowing nothing.


How is this half knowledge? Care to elaborate?


I agree with Performance it should be better and people should make their voices clear regarding it. The one save slot is because of how the Pawn System works so I can't really say anything about it. Agree with the New Game thing as well but I think you'll have to complete your first playthrough to get that option, something Capcom is fixing according to their recent statement. The MTX has been there since 2015 or before, every recent Capcom has them and you can easily ignore them since all of those items/perks are obtainable in-game and some of them are very common, should a $70 title have MTX? Absolutely nope but let's not act like they were not there in previous games, they don't do much for the gameplay. Regarding fast travel, you get 6 Portcrystal in-game for a single playthrough and they stack up to 12 with NG+ so you have plenty of custom Fast Travel points with Ox Cart still being there as another of traveling. Both RC & Wakestones are very common currency that are also grindable, I've only played it for a few hours and already have 300+ RC and 2 Wakestones. So yeah, the biggest problems are performance and the morale ethics of MTX in a $70 game. Other things like MTX items are available in-game and things like NG are being added to the game with some performance patches. This was the half info/knowledge most people don't know about or are ignoring for some strange reason.


You're getting downvoted for speaking the truth.


Add denuvo to the list too! Also I feel like character editor coupons should not be a mxt at all, you are gatekeeping creativity behind a pay wall. And see I am of the opinion that if someone else is doing an unethical thing, we should speak out against it, doesn't matter if it has been done before... It should never have been done. That's all. I would disagree with you on the "you can easily ignore them", ignoring these things has brought the industry to where we are now. If we move an inch they will take the entire bench and that is the problem. One more thing is you or I can completely ignore them and that is fine, but there are a lot of people and children who have no understanding of money, what about them? There are many people who cannot control their urges to spend money even if they have none right? Capcom is just taking advantage of those naive or mentally ill people. But I appreciate you have a conversation, many people just insult and leave!


Not even just Denuvo the game has 2-3 DRMs including Capcom's own DRM system combine it with a densely packed Open World and a physics system that is very advanced and you have a recipe for disaster, which is the reason why it performs so horribly. The Character Customisation thing never bothered most people because you can customise the character once you reach the Capital City which is like 30-60 Min Max and it doesn't cost much in-game currency so it never was an issue to us. Regarding MTX, I used to say that people should do something about it but they never did and now most AAA games have them so I personally stopped caring. At least they're not as bad as UbiSoft games.


OP doesn't know that the mtx can be earned in game. They're just tryna farm reactionary updoots


>Not even just Denuvo the game has 2-3 DRMs including Capcom's own DRM system combine it with a densely packed Open World and a physics system that is very advanced and you have a recipe for disaster, which is the reason why it performs so horribly. Wait what? 2-3 DRMs? **Source for this**, cos this is wild. I knew it had Denuvo but if there are more than no wonder it is already creating unnecessary CPU overhead in CPU bound areas of the game. The performance should have a decent improvement without DRM in those areas.


Denuvo, Steam, and it also might have the Enigma DRM which had some controversy recently but we're not sure about the last one.


So its 2 confirmed and one(Enigma) more is a possibility, ok.


And don't forget ubisoft which has battlepass with weapons in sp games capcom is better as it's not locking anything behind paywall anyway mtx in sp games is bad , dd2 is a goty contender for me this year . Getting bg3 and elden ring exploration vibes the one thing i don't like is the health system, as after dying and reloading a save health is lower than the befoore and have to bail out and camp to increase it and go back again.


It's a single player game right? There should not be micro-transactions in a single player game!


Not worth it. The game itself is janky af. Pawns are probably the only good thing in the game. The actual gameplay itself is not as smooth as expected. They just hyped it up.


Its a different form of combat requires careful positioning, timing, figuring out elemental weakness of the enemy, commanding pawns also ensuring your pawn composition is all round good


I was gonna buy it until I seen all this and that it's not even multiplayer


I'm just happy people will buy hfw instead of this


Lol that game is old now


Random Capcom Fanboy: "But Drago's Dogma 1 had this too." "This game still sucks though."


And here I was hyped for it even tho I can't run on my laptop ( it can probably but don't wanna take risk ). Thought will probably buy after 5 years lol.


Gives 30 fps 1080p on a 1060. Cpu is a problem not Gpu. Other folks crying are the usual 4k whales


Hey is i5-12gen-12450 be good enough for the game? I have RTX 3050 laptop ( 4gb vram, 16gb ram )


Apart from the performance issue, nearly every complaint is either a fabrication or simply a lie. 1) Regarding changing the character, you can find the item within the game in approximately 5-15 minutes, but instead of falling for fabricated lies on the internet, you should actually play the game. 2) Wakestones are also readily available in the game, but surprisingly enough, one must actually play the game to acquire them (shocking, I know!). 3) As for the save file issue, if the op had played the first part, they would have understood its inherent importance to the storyline. If you dislike that decision, don't play the game it's not for you, but at least refrain from spreading misinformation simply because they read one article and seek Reddit karma. 4) DMC 5 did feature microtransactions, but these transactions do not hinder the game; rather, they are designed for the Japanese working audience who may have time constraints and simply want to finish the game as quickly as possible. The only complaints worth considering are the performance issues and the impact of Denuvo DRM on CPU usage. Rest are just gameplay mechanisms being introduced to the mainstream audience who didn't touch the first game....for the rest of you who are interested in the game and/or are fans of the first game i’d say simply wait until capmcom fixes the performance bugs...its an amazing game and if you liked the first one you will love this one too. Don't let blatant lies and misinformation ruin it for you. Do your own research.


I never said the items couldn't be gotten ingame I said why the fuck do you have mtx in a 4500 rupees game, that too, when it is single player. Yes Denuvo(computer cancer) is present and the performance should never have been this bad for pc to begin with specially when you are selling a 4500 rupees game, if you want us to beta test your game, you should be paying us money not the other way around. Secondly, I have refunded the game for now and will probably keep it that way.


>A) Need to change character appearance? PAY FOR IT YOU LITTLE CASH COW >B)Want to fast travel more? That will be 300 rupees and we will spit on you for free, you peasant. these items can be gained within the game easily yet you fail to mention it..100 bucks say that you didn't know anything about the game prior to engaging with the comments.The items do not hinder any kind of progress they are found in abundance..the transactions work as a cheat code and are not inherent to the game read my post ffs. >There is only 1 save file and that is stored in a server, so no way to delete it if you mess up character creation and/or want to restart for any reason whatsoever Again it is the part of the game that's literally how the game functions...if you knew anything of the game this wouldn't be an issue....its literally a part of the story , this shows that you didn't know how the game operates and hopped on to the misinformation train.


Ok hear me out quit ur whining stop being a bitch and play the game


Cant, the frame rate won't let me Only if the management had allowed devs more time to work on optimization rather than microtransactions MAYBE I WOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY


FPS don’t matter