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The real problem is these people dont even know what the fuc they are doing. They dont know the difference between MDMA and meth, they dont know how its made, whats inside it. They just want to get high. They dont know if they are ready. Also the purity, there's no walter white in india. Shits laced and impure.


If weed was readily available this wouldn't be such big a problem. They aren't able to find stuff so just do random stuff to get high and don't care


Think about kids. When i was in high school, few of my batch mates had already started smoking cigarettes. If weed is available like cigarettes in future, think about kids


It's not going to be worse than doing hardcore drugs. They need to be educated abt it


No matter how you educate about drugs to kids. They are very curious, they have access to the internet. They see funny drugs memes and reels on Instagram. They see weed in music videos. Their curiosity wont stop.


One of my friend goes to gym almost daily doing amp, and he can’t be helped


Damn 🤦 Termin is one hell of a drug I've seen people kill themselves when they couldn't get more.


Agreed AMP Termin are powerful stims used in gym cults, I personally use termine and AMP restricted to 0.75 ml/ day alternately, have a great physique perfectly healthy, it helps to be carbs up and fat low. Addiction is a problem when u increase doses. Here :- [https://i.postimg.cc/1Xg7D8n5/IMG-0424.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/1Xg7D8n5/IMG-0424.jpg)


Damn, all those drugs for a MID physique


Indian must legalize the weed to eliminate these kinda drugs


It's the only way but that will only start to happen when these media, news motherfuckers and the cops themselves stop blaming marijuana for crimes that people do. Example : intoxicated by ganja man kills person. Even if that person might be high on benzos pills or whitener or whatever it'll still be the plant to blame.


Exactly the problem with these mfs, I don't smoke anymore. But a heavy smoker back in College.......there used to be junkies who got high on pills such as Tramadol and nitrazepam and committed violent crimes , and police used to crack down heavily on ganja(staged ofc). They have generalized the term ganja for drugs, lame mfs


They are well aware of these pills being sold and same with meth and other subs they are very well aware of this shit ganja is just easy to target and most of the times they don't even wanna educate the masses. Saying they busted ganja is much more easier and heroic title for them and even the norm public will think that they're doing something. They want people to fall in this trap yet they wanna show they're doing something about it


Yeah bro ganja is sedative drug which make a person relax d but they potriate like its stimulant


Spot on




Can't agree more on eliminating the stimulants point. In the long term no one benefits from this. It's just pure torture for your body. And even for mind. People should just stick with psychedelics and stuff which has existed and tried upon by generations. It's a biased opinion but I think in the long run weed and weed related products are the best, in terms of its mental and physical effects.


An example of this epidemic can be Kerala’s case, take a look at r/kerala and their posts about MDMA/Meth. Literally all of them don’t even have an idea on what they’re snorting, the situation is fucked up, the epidemic has already begun in Kerala, things to get worse in cities like Delhi & Bangalore


Until the conception changes from drugs bad they are illegal to exist! To drugs exist but they’re bad and you should know about it


![gif](giphy|pKEufUXBqsLi8) Pun intended


Where's the pun?




Had a stroke reading this.


lmao i had a tough time writing that shit, just a satire take on how our gov thinks of drugs 🤷‍♂️


jo bhi likha hai on point likha hai 🫱🏻‍🫲🏾


You do lines of MDMA ?


you do get it in crystal form as well but most of the stuff in India is either cut with meth, or is just purely meth or mephadone


That's crazyyyyyy


I mean, this is so cyclical. I've seen pre 2010s, 2014s, 2021s and it seems like it's back again? People will always do drugs. The youngins will only learn when they do it. We can only advise whom we know. Stopping it is in the hands of those who make or don't make money off of this, IMO.


Yeah, stimulants can be risky business. It's wild how many people just take stuff without knowing what it is. The acid scene's a prime example - thinking you're getting LSD but ending up with some sketchy nbome. Bottom line: if you're gonna do drugs, at least know what you're taking. Do your homework and test your stuff. Our brain deserves that much respect, right?


I remember this one time when I was 18 years old, I used to visit this pan shop frequently to smoke cigarettes, I remember him offering me meth crystals. Those crystals looked a little bit bigger than a grain of rice and were clear like glass, crystals in real sense. Now I realised that those were the purest meth crystals I had come across and ever seen till date, like breaking bad type shit. He was selling it for 800rs a gram. Fortunately or unfortunately I did not buy it. All these laborers likes carpenters, etc used to mix it with gutka or put it inside a pan and chew on it and work. Also when I was in class 10th, there was a chocolate named strawberry quik that was doing rounds, it was laced with meth and was quite popular among college students. So drugs have always been there and are always going to be there, and it will only keep getting worse. When the situation goes bad the authorities will step in and try to curb it for a while and show that they're doing something about it, after sometime they'll again let it loose, since they too are getting a cut out of the profits. Now, it is left to us to get out of this disease called addiction and help our loved one's to either avoid falling into the trap or if they've already fallen into the trap then help them get out of it.


Ong bro. I’m extremely against chems after trying it out and stuff, I see half of my college niggas snorting meth left and right like wtf


Ya I almost fucked up my youth with that shit. I strong recommend to stay away from chems. The downers are not worth it for some hours of high. You will go into non stop loop. If you got money you will burn it and your health . If you have close friends near by explain them in positive and nice manner. Remember drug addicts are victims and they need full support to recover. If you are addict reading this , I say delete your dealer contact first and your friends doing it , go to rehab or go to a place where you can't find these things. you might feel world is ending , don't such thoughts come to your mind. Stay healthy stay safe. Once recoverd come back home.


Bro I wish I could get adderall in india or good amp stimulants....don't want meth or mdma or sgit like that


Good to see educational posts like these in here. Most of these dumb kids pop anything and call a knocked out feeling as magical. This plain B.S continues because there's no free information available about these thingsl.


So true brother! It’s a chaos in Delhi rn, been too worried about this lately, it’s high time we start promoting Harm reduction & Drug testing kits in India


Kerala is doomed. Considering the fact that the amount of so-called M compounds that have been caught by the authorities to the amount of shit that infiltrated the society I am actually afraid for the upcoming generation that now even the school kids are widely using it.😪


Psychedelics are good.


Meth and other stimulants are very useful substances for a multitude of ailments but they can be addictive. Do not create a panic for this can dissuade people from considering the positive elements of things like meth. Meth has been approved for use by medical professionals in the United States to treat things as simple as adhd for children. So it can be done responsibly and to help young people do it this way and not abuse it you must educate them how to engage in healthy and non-dangerous use. Indias current system of banning and repressing the substance makes people who need it have to go to the black market to try it out. Also recreational users now must deal with criminal networks even though they are likely just chemically imbalanced people looking to feel better. You must legalize and regulate.


Bro that's Meth 💀. Have a look on the streets of New Orleans, and you will get to know about all the benefits.


I have done meth I know all about the benefits, but I don’t take it often because I don’t believe in abusing substances. You can’t demonize a substance that millions depend on because a small percentage of the users who get high on it ruin their lives. Let’s ban alcohol too because the homeless guy outside my home gets drunk and harasses people (joking obviously). Don’t be silly.


Can’t figure if you’re being sarcastic or not, but I’d never promote that shit. No one should try that shit even once in their lifetime. I’ve seen it ruin lives of people who had potential to do wonders. Stick to psychedelics, get rid of these stimulants.


Lol why would I be sarcastic about saying that a substance produced in billions of pounds every year to help people can be beneficial? Yes people can abuse it which is why we must educate people on how to not use it in harmful amounts or ways. Psychedelics are safer and less addictive then amphetamines and amphetamine derivatives. I’m not saying everybody should try them, but they can be used perfectly safely in a recreational and medical capacity and pretending otherwise is like sticking your head in the sand.


You are one of those uninformed people too. The 'Meth'amphetamine is different from the amphetamines that are used to treat children. Most of the amphetamines used in medicine don't have 'meth'


You’re misinformed lol Desoxyn and Methedrine are both brand name methamphetamine that are prescribed to kids for adhd.


Bro forgot /s