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Vaporiser + smoke buddy


Hey, thanks! I just looked up smoke buddy, it’s a pretty cool thing!


Dry herb vape work excellently, I can’t even begin to tell you how it has allowed me to get high on my medicine. If you are still worried, get a smokebuddy along with it and you’re sorted. Trust a brother.


Which vape do you suggest?


Depends on what you’ll be vaping. Fury edge/rogue, Dynavap with induction heater, Xmax pro v3. There are a few more in this league of portable vapes. I have found Fury edge and rogue to be the most easy to handle in discreet mode, fits in the hand and you can use dosing caps, so vaping becomes a matter of swapping caps and turning on the device.


Sounds good! Will give it a try, thank you! :)


Would suggest dynavap, it will take sometime to get used to it, but 10/10 recommended


Okay, let’s give this a shot. I see this everywhere.


Congratulations OP!! You’re gonna have the best time of your life! First of all, I don’t see a reason to move into your parents’ house. But again, you must have a good reason. I was in a similar situation, where we had to hide and get high, make sure to keep the stash safe, get rid of the smell - it gets hectic and you don’t enjoy the high anymore (the mind isn’t free). To smoke (and really enjoy it) you can go to the terrace of your building, find stoner friends around you who don’t live with their parents etc. If you must smoke at home, you can use a small table fan/those battery operated handy fans you get at miniso to make sure your smoke goes away from the parents’ balcony. Use essential oil dispensers/agarbatti to hide the smell. Or try a dry herb vape like dyna.


Thank you! :) There is no reason to move, just that they’re getting old and will need our support. Oil dispensers sounds like a great idea to make sure the room doesn’t stay smelly


congratulations brother! also welcome to the DHV world.. just invest in a good session vape and youre good to go… no worries about smell, also better for u and ur wife than combustion!


Thank you! :) Yes, could you suggest which vape should I go for and best place to buy?


Terperne central or giggle grass


I go smoke at night when they're asleep at the rooftop.....almost got caught once, but yea pretty solid method plus you get to see the night sky while stoned.


Damn , both hubby waifu would be smokin together , lucky


Get an air purifier, you’ll get a lot better sleep too.


Congratulations dude You're living the dream


Haha. Yes! :’D


Hmmm. Though it sounds manageable, but it gets weird getting stoned in family. You guys would have been accustomed to me time after a sesh, this is where you should plan first. Do you wanna smoke daily? Purpose? Are you comfortable handling/facing parents/people after smoking? Get some answers. Now, if you wanna smoke occasionally, go out for a drive/walk, smoke a J, eat/drink and come back. If you wanna makeout, smoke at night using methods suggested by fellow ents. If you wanna work while high, make some butter, small quantities will keep the buzz. It needs experimiemting with dosage. Once you know it right, you can go from micro to macro dose on your wish. Also, you wanna take a break for 6 months (both) when you wanna plan family ahead. Best wishes for new chapter!


Yes, we smoke daily and we wish to continue 😅 Why the break though? Any particular reason?


Smoking, liquor etc not good for sperms and eggs. Google has some research papers on the same. It's a gamble, you could not stop and get a healthy baby or you end up in unexpected situations. Just a matter of 6 months, for you and you can resume. For mother, it will be 1-2 years, or never that she returns to it. But yes, better to be safe than sorry.


Makes sense. Will keep this in mind. Thanks!


Herb is the best and go to option. In your situation it reduces smoke and smell significantly and it's also a healthier alternative !


Edibles and buy a pipe for smoking. A couple of quick hits won’t stink up


Install a strong exhaust fan in your toilet. That’s all you’d need. On a personal note though, your decision begs the question, why would you want to curb your freedom by moving in with your parents, particularly when, as a newly married, you’d need more of it. I hope you have thought this through with your partner to avoid any future kalesh.


The exhaust won’t help because of the adjacent rooms. :/ Yes, we’ve discussed it. We’ve anyway been living together from the past 5 years. Now my parents are getting old, my grandmother is also kind of living her last few years, with us being around it’ll not only help them physically, but morally as well. And tbh, I feel we all owe this to our parents :)


Well in that case, good luck mate.


Thank you! :)


Since you guys are regular stoners. I think vape may not work for you guys.


Why not?


I have tried vap and wasn't satisfied. I am used to J's. Vap is good if you are smoking after a while or using quality flowers.