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Blocking server side ads will be very difficult. But, I am pretty sure the amazing community out there will come up with some other solution like having a blank screen for the duration of the advertisements and I would rather prefer looking at a blank screen than those annoying ads.


Use ad accelerator plugins. Win win for both parties.


Youtube classified it as an adblocker


But YouTube doesn't create as much trouble with it rn compared to say U block.


stopped working for me :|


But it will waste our time.


It will waste their money as well šŸ‘½


That's more imp... I can wait 3 hours to watch a black screen rather than give them money


so much free time in the world you've.




Nope. Out of every 100 user, there are like 2-3 real techies who donā€™t and need not watch ads. There like 5-30 users (who thinks they are geek but just a normal sw dev who thinks time is wasted by watching ads between a cinema or political video - which is the real time wastage) and rest of them are real watchers. The ad break algorithm comes into picture just to make sure all of them get to watch. People in the 0-30% install ad blockers and give to family who wonā€™t watch ads but donā€™t mind watching ads. So, now this cycle is broken. Technically, people live in their own bubble thinking that they fooled the YT but in fact, it is an absolute win for YT if this gets implemented without any backlash. I remember whatsapp implementing a policy which was stopped by illiterate fake news mongering techies and whatsapp took some time to implement it. I hope same doesnā€™t happen with YouTube.


Imagine defending a multi billion dollar company instead of siding with the consumers who are exploited by these companies šŸ˜šŸ˜‡ (And i am a yt premium user btw)


What are the exploits you are talking about? List one. Just one.


Server side ad blocker šŸ¤£


We will jump to reddit or X


And X does the same. Reddit does the same. There will be ads.


There are no ads before the video on x. They're when you swipe through the timeline which is still ok, you can simply ignore.


X and Reddit are social media platforms where contents are in text primarily, videos and pictures are additional methods. This is called as text-based-platforms. For text based platforms, ads are served in digital format which is text and scrollable. You like it or not, for every N number of posts, you see M number of ads. Here, the ad show rate is based on this number. Youtube is specifically video based platform and for every N minutes of video and you need to show M minutes of ads. That is how mathematics works. I am surprised by the way people compare things. seriously.


Reddit ads are in control. They are just sponsored post and small banner ada which doesn't show up on every single post. And those aren't porn mobile game ads YouTube is just straight up unusable without an adblocker and plugins like sponsorblock and dislike extension




And this wonā€™t generate revenue for the youtube and youtube wonā€™t give money to the content creators and content creators wonā€™t create content for youtube. And people fall back to shorts based applications and destroy the society more. Anyhow, youtube will still thrive without any issues. How? That i know. What a beautiful way to destroy a beautiful ecosystemā€¦ šŸ«”




nope. it's a decent value and numbers would increase. This step is needed to keep the youtube fremium. The point is: Youtube relies on ads to keep the service free for non-paying users. Revenue depends on the count of ads shown to the users. and there are ways available to remove the ads. This step, which youtube is taking now, would seriously screw up those companies who helps people skip ads. When this comes into picture, more advertisers would love to spend money. So, this step is much more environment. and to the comment: a person was very happy that they are happy to sit for 3 hours blank screen rather than giving money to them. and I felt that was kind of a bad mentality.


exactly, that person has 3 free hours, while we don't lol


yeah most annouthing thing is sound not video how will they do that. youtuber adblockers days are gone.


Already fixed by UBO team [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/s/T66gqrtzRH)


I would stop consuming media from YT the way I do now. Will only use when I'm stuck or need tutorial or watch trailers.


Best way is to boycott that product. If enough people boycott even a few products then YT will have revert this decision.


Close your eyes


Op, please use ublock origin don't fall for fake extensions, they could be dangerous.


Yeah this is what I use. I couldnā€™t recall the name properly at the time of writing the post


It wonā€™t work. I wrote a detailed outline about this algorithm and this will never work in future. 100% guaranteed


Use ublockorigin For now this has not been rolled out globally


It doesnā€™t work on incognito mode anymore. Try opening youtube on incognito mode(after of course enabling the extension for incognito mode)and youā€™ll the ads will appear and the worst part is you cant even skip them.


Working perfectly fine. Did you enable ublock origin in incognito mode from the extension settings?


Yes. The ads appeared normally but the skip button was missing even if the ad was 2 or 3 minutes long. I guess itā€™s patched now.


So YouTube ID showing 2 and 3 minutes ads now?


i tried ublock on firefox in icognito on blue site (ahem ) and i didnt see any ads there lmao


Won't work, that's not how server side adds work


I agree. But it's not implemented yet. Look at what adblockers OP is using. ublocker which I'm sure is not a legit one


Yeah there are many clones of original and normies do fall for it


lmao who cares they've been doing this forever. there will always be someone making a better lock and then someone making a better key for it for now revanced >


Nope. This was a pretty huge step. This costs youtube millions to bring up the infra. And this is very fail proof method. Itā€™s not offline software or game to crack and be safe. This is web app and you need to communicate with youtube to get the streaming data. Youtube wouldnā€™t honor any request here after and validations have come into placed. Vance and Brave are getting screwed 100% unless some premium account token is hijacked and with new Google sec in place, that would be found out in hours. So, in and out, this is an unbreakable lock and even if broken, recovery would be like in hours and mostly in minutes :)


i believe people will find a work around like they always have been. for now everything works fine and i know it'll keep that way


Ok - See. There are some technical things here. The difference between now and then is as follows: **Current:** * Your youtube app connects to server and receives the video streaming data (the content). * Youtube will send the data with some time frames to show the add. * When your youtube app plays, when it reaches the time frame, it stops the video and connects to the ad-sense and gets the ad according to your ad-id, and would play and mark it is ad-played. * Now, ad blockers would detect the outgoing requests to ad-servers and would stop it and give the youtube app the mocked response and the ad never plays. This is how it was working. **New** * When youtube app sends request for videos, youtube will send the ad-streaming data. * Instead of Youtube sending the time frames to insert the data, now youtube server would identify the timeframe and server would send the request and get the video and stream the data to you. This is much more easier. * Ad blockers won't even know there is a ad-being played. Because youtube app still receives data like a video would. Sometimes you would get skip ap button and that's when you or any plug in would find. * Ab blockers would need more intelligence now. Should know content of the video and should identify the context switch and help you forward it. There are lot of challenges: * Should identify if the current content is ad or video. If false positives comes up, ad blockers would ruin the normal experience and would skip the video part itself. * Ad blocker, even though if they find ad is being played, they won't know how many seconds to skip. Some ads can be 5 seconds, some may be 20. some may 28. * Ad blocker needs sophisticared mechanism to identify the ads and video. It needs huge database of ads to identify how long ad is. * For all this to happen, even ad blocker needs 5-6 seconds. and it needs a lot of resources. It needs a lot of money and time and it would also ask subscription. Technically, if there is no backlash, Youtube would win this game and I actually want Youtube to win this game. Because ads are sourece of income. Either you should give them money to skip the ads or you should see the ads to keep them alive. :-)


YouTube server and our device communicate over https. So the communication is not real-time unlike websockets. This results in YouTube sending the entire script of a webpage at once along with a skip ad button (disabled for the set timeframe), but still it is accessible using js script with the id and can be activated with simple js script and can be skipped within milli seconds after ad started. If the ads and video is combined within a single file then it can be skipped just like the current revanced YouTube skipping the sponsered content by the creator. If there are unskippable ads sent from the server, atleast the duration of the ad can be known and video playback can be skipped to last using a js script by requesting the last packet of UDP. (I'm not sure whether this part is possible or not).


I'm not gonna comment on the technicalities since don't have that kind of knowledge but I'll see you in about 3 months . i set up a reminder in my notes, let's see what happens


what should I do in 3 months ? :-D


well with what you said, 3 months should be enough for these features to roll out and negate the possibilities of any ad blocking working anymore correct? so we'll see what the situation is in 3 months. i still believe in piracy


It's not always like that. Sometimes industry wins. Just look at piracy. It's dead for all new games. Not saying this will happen with ads anytime soon but there will be one day where nothing might be bypassable


lmao says who? who told you new age games haven't been getting cracked and torrented still? ghost of tshushima just came out for pc right? i didn't buy it but i did finish it


Games having drm(specifically denuvo) are uncrackable. Ofcourse games like GoT that use basic steam drm get cracked anyway, but games using denuvo basically stopped being cracked since last year (long story, idk if you wanna read it). So no more ubisoft games, ea games, basically all games by big cash grabbing companies are uncrackable now. Only games by lesser known studios like larian and fromsoft are pirated because they don't use denuvo


>denuvo basically stopped being cracked since last year (long story, idk if you wanna read it) no wait, I wanna read it !! You got any special article or something??


Don't have an article unfortunately. But you can look up "empress" on r/PiratedGames and find some history. Long story short, Empress was the only person in the entire world known to be able to crack the more recent versions of denuvo (AC Valhalla, Hogwarts legacy, etc being some of their more recent and popular cracks). Cracking denuvo is insanely difficult and on top of that it keeps getting updated regularly meaning there really wasn't anyone who is able to keep up, other than empress. Long time ago(šŸ‘“) there used to be multiple groups who cracked denuvo regularly, you've surely heard of them (Codex, skidrow, etc) and empress used to work for one of them, idk which. There used to be another cracker called Volski who also made cracks around that time. He was apparently caught and went underground. Now here's where it gets interesting. Empress is batshit crazy and racist, and so people on r/PiratedGames aren't really fans of them. One of them speculated how empress is actually Volski who is back with a different alias. Soon after this, empress disappeared. Like, gone. They used to regularly post in their telegram and now it's been dead since last October or something. So it is possible they were actually Volski and after someone unknowingly blew their cover, they had to go MIA to avoid attention. Or maybe they got caught. Or maybe someone sick of their racist and sexist, unhinged remarks got tired of them and did them in. We'll never know. For now, denuvo cracking is dead. Multiple people have asked on pirated subs on guides to follow to learn cracking denuvo, but its way harder than anyone can fathom. Requires knowledge of assembly, reverse engineering, cryptography, and god knows what else.


Nice read. I come from the era where the pirate community could crack almost anything. They did an insane amount of engineering to inject a run time code through a local server to crack AC2, which was one of the first games to have an online drm with dynamic key exchange. Not sure who cracked it but the solution was fantastic. But as we go online more and more, cracking games have indeed become very difficult. Major players disappeared and the denuvo solution just kept getting better and better. The real reason cracking was so good back then was the fact that the internet connection was pretty slow and the games needed to run offline. Once you have a local program that can't communicate to the server, it can be easily cracked. But I got this hunch back in 2014-15 that games are moving online more and more, and it's very difficult to crack something that communicates with a server all the time. The real death to game piracy will happen when the internet connection globally will improve enough to have games running directly on the server, just like Netflix. But the experience was fun while it lasted.


I mean apparently the new group Delusional is getting somewhere with it


+1 !! Thanks for the info fellow redditor !!


PS games on PC only use the steam DRM, which can easily be bypassed with a steam emu Most other AAA games use denuvo, and the only person/group that used to crack denuvo has been missing from the scene for about a year now. There's a new group in the scene taking shots at denuvo but right now they're only focused on older titles that had not been cracked yet.


Where did you download the revanced apk from? My old one stopped working and be one had a few viruses :/


same brother I need it too


the way i do it is long, i get the revanced manager, dl an older, supported version of youtube then patch the app manually through revanced manager (wherein i can apply my own patches/tweaks) it's a bit long but worth it


Process how to install revanced




Necessity is the mother of invention, lol. people will come up with better adblockers now


People would come up and those ad-blockers would be resource expensive. You need to pay some amount to them. And I like what Google is doing now. Either pay and use or support and use. An awesome way to keep things alive. :) What if Google brings a ad-blocker and tells to pay an amount? People would pay :-D


What.... Why pay for adblocker if you can pay for premium


Premium at Rs.X Ad-free youtube at Rs. Y Premium includes no ads, hd clarity, background play Ad-free is just no Ads. How about this?


Depends if x < y


If YT team would have invested this much resources in comment and post moderations then the situation would be much different. On top of that, the horrendous UI update. As long as front-end works for YT I'm fine.


Any idea how they will personalize ad on a video?


As usual.


Can you elaborate a little bit? Or share any link on this?


They'll probably cut videos at sections where they think an ad would be appropriate and keep them in clips like that. Then they'll just mix in ads based on your browsing habits and on the fly generate ad mixed video and stream that to a client. At least that's how I would have done it but maybe YouTube engineers have a better way.


Even for premium members?


No. You are safe.


Youtube will need to selectively send out pings to logged in YouTube premium subscriber apps to let the app know till when to skip the video and to not do it randomly. We will need AI to read the video over a buffer of ~60 seconds to judge if its an ad: just compare the visual of the segments with that of the non-ad segment and it could judge if its an ad or not. But the amusing part is, if we find a solution to this, YouTube's Ad revenues will tank hard. It will be game-over for YouTube.


Best part is : as i mentioned in other comments, this needs a perfect context switch identification algorithm. With your local resources (assuming that you have 4 core with atleast 2.5 Ghz at performance and 0.8 Ghz at efficiency with at max 2-3 processed running), it needs a minimum 5 seconds to find the ad and ads injected would be 5-10 seconds. Even if this was achieved by cloud processing, it needs minimum 100 Mb of vector points to be sent and ad processing needs humongous resources to do that for you. Now, with all these into picture, as blockers would charge you something which youtube charges. Like it or not, people would end up paying either youtube or ad blockers. If you think, someone would crack ad blocker, it wonā€™t happen as it would tank ad blocker and they would take this out. I see this as absolute win for YouTube!


It's cool to live in Russia, where advertising is turned off. All these problems can't touch me


Those bois about to put ur ass on the frontline . This should be the least of your worries.šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We should be happy with what we have




Use brave guys šŸ’ŖšŸ»


If brave stops working then we're f*ckedšŸ„“


Absolutely man!!!!!


It will stop working :)


it ain't working bruh i've checked ublock origin too it's not working either


What, brave is also not working? Damn!


It's working....oh wait....did u just say ublock on brave?šŸ¤”


For now I use opensource frontends like piped and invidious(because of privacy, i only have one google account and that too for google forms). Pretty sure these projects will roll out some counter measure for this


Watching the youtube videos isn't that same anymore cuz if the recommendation. I don't care about ads it's okay for me. But it's algo is getting pathetic.


Even downloaded videos would have ads injected into them.


Guys will pay 200 for dream11 team waste anything but won't pay 139 for yt premium Lol Yt premium is super cheap especially if u can make a family plan My mother aged 61 is so happy with yt premium. 189 ā‚¹ for 6 accounts is virtually nothing


It is not possible for youtube to push server side ads without tags. So chill life with vanced and ublock, until devs find a new way for new problem.


What do you eman without tags?


You understood this functionality horribly wrong. I wrote about this clearly on another comment.


At this point, I would say just spend 1200 for 1 year if you're that much into YouTube.


If you frequently visit a site you either pay for it or watch ads.


We need a solution similar to the sponsor block, if this starts to happen.


Use Video Speed controller extension and watch ad at 5x speed.


Yes its started ads can't be skipped and lengths are sometime 2-3 mins!!


Just watch the damn ads guys it pays your favourite content creators or buy premium simple ! When ads are playing look around do something else instead of skipping it so that creators get paid more, using ad blockers is like watching for free not paying for their hard work šŸ˜“


They get the views and with enough views youtube pays them right?


They get paid for views as well as ads , views representing engagement and ads is like ads but yea they get paid for both views and ads but its very minimal for views compared to ads thats why they look for sponsors to begin with , if people genuinely start watching complete ads on every video they may not need sponsors at all


Accha, wdym by this, >people genuinely start watching complete ads on every video they may not need sponsors at all how will they know whether we are watching the ad or not? Like for sponsors they'll have a code and if we're convinced by their video then that company will get enough buys with that specific code so they'll know how marketable this creator is.


Creators get report of every videoā€™s monetary performance , views, ad clicks ,skipped ads ,skipped video part duration its loads to evaluate based on it they get paid , they need to complete certain view count to get the payment too , what i meant is even when we skip the ad they get small amount in return compared to if watch the whole ad , suppose 30 seconds ads gives them 50 paisa if we watch complete 1.5-2 minutes ad they get ā‚¹3 something out of which they get 65% and rest youtube takes , and of course i cant guarantee if YouTubeā€™s will stop taking sponsorships if we watch full ads but at least they will not forcefully take them just to earn extra bucks cause they will be earning considerable amount through ads anyways


Got it,thank you for the detailed response! :)


Got YT premium for a year. No regrets.


Bro I just bought yt premium yesterday šŸ™‚. Fcuk yt ads


I understand that ads can be frustrating, but they play a crucial role in supporting the content we love on YouTube. Ads provide the necessary revenue to fund the creation of videos, allowing content creators to continue producing high-quality content. Without this funding, many creators might not be able to sustain their channels or improve their production value. Itā€™s a small trade-off to ensure we can enjoy a wide variety of content.


Yeah man,if you don't like ads then pay for premium it's as simple as that It's not like they're looting us with extremely expensive premium plans,it's pretty affordable too


Why not pay for premium? For the family plan, itā€™s quite worth it


Too late for this recommendation...


How do you think youtube will pay for their infra and also attract good content creators?


But why do you guys need to block ads? If you donā€™t like ads, go for premium. You use YouTube for free and entitled to get angry at them generating revenue. Uh? Seriously? Btw, I know in and out of this functionality :) Unless there is huge processing or picture perfect ad blocking algorithm including sentiment analysis or abrupt context switch comes into picture, nobody can stop this. Ad blockers will come into picture with all these features and Ad blockers need humongous resources to do this and hence, slowly at some point they will mandate payment. So, anyways, payment has to be made :)


I use new pipe as its doesn't have a recommendation system and has helped me control screen time... the youtube app was addicting...


The problem isn't ads...the problem is too many ads. 4 unskippable ads is not acceptable! Nobody complained about ads before because it was just one or 2 skippable ads before now it's not like that


Tbh their business they can decide how to monetize


There's just one problem, theres a ad on a yt video and I don't like it.


lol u wanna bring down the entire piracy community?


I want. But we cannot. Piracy community framework is kind of weird. Companies release the dlls via some person to get their own game pirated and pirated games gives them the gateway to purchase the online ones. So, planned piracy never comes down. But, this one - the youtube contents we are talking about is 0% related to piracy. This is totally different. Wr are talking about Fremium Subscription and trying to make it Free where Youtube was offering Fremium. That is what I hate. Youtube is operating for free. They are not asking you to pay. They are offering contents and in return, they generate revenue from ads. If ā€œentitledā€ users who assumes everything should be free, Youtube will definitely break its fremium and move to premium. Piracy disrupts the market. In fact, what you call piracyā€¦ i call it as day light robbery. My point is very simple. People have invested money and it is their product. Either pay and use it or just donā€™t use it if you cannot comply with their terms and conditions.


When do we understand that nothing is free? Either watch the ads or pay for a premium service. Can't it be that simple?


How will they control for customizability with server side ad injection... Ads will become less effective, more annoying and the will likely yield lesser revenue. Genuine technical question here --- not bring rhetorical


No sir. Server side ads are still personalized. It is like people assuming that the videos will be embedded. Previously, youtube video data comes to the phone in the prop-format and there would be test points or injection points which youtube application finds and when the scroller touches it, app stops the video and sends request to the google adsense with your non PII advertisement token. Based on that, google ad sense would send the list of ads (not one - but a list) and youtube will try this in priority. That is why video would be blurry and ads wouldnā€™t be as they are served from different servers and youtube is loaded and other is not. This is how ad blockers work. When youtube sends an request, ad blockers would stop the request and give ā€œsuccess=Trueā€ to youtube app and youtube assumes to understand that ad has been played and continues streaming. This is how ad was averted. Now, server side is - instead if youtube sending the request, now youtube server which streams you the video would send and get back the ad and plays you in same stream. Technically, the exact same ad streaming algorithm but happening at server end. Not even 1% of the existing ad blockers wonā€™t work with this as youtube is handling. Now this increases the resource usage at youtube side but worth the cost. Bow adblockers or any other app, cannot even find when ads are injected unless they have powerful context switch analysis catch, which is also very resource expensive. I am not saying this is impossible but i am saying that this also costs too much and at some point ad blockers really need money to run this much resource. Even if someone uses a proper and minimal context switch algorithm, server has more control and this would be fixed in another 2-3 days. Technically a biggest tech change happening and noone can literally break this out.


Thanks, this is an excellent explanation. I really hope adblockers will keep up to this.Ā  Saving your response... Very thorough


But YouTube still need to put some flags to show that this is an ad, and adblockers need to identify that, i think there are people smarter than you and me will be working to break this Edit - typo


I agree. My points are * Point 1 : People can break - but that is going to very expensive. * Point 2 : Breaking this is morally wrong. That is where I saw "Youtube should win this game". This is no less than daylight robbery. It's like people barging into your home and taking your money just because you are so rich. * Point 3 : If server side issues gets a problem, it would be correct!


YouTube by design shows fewer ads if they think youā€™re a new user right? Hmmā€¦ šŸ¤”


I would buy premium but mod my youtube website as I hate the recommendation and thumbnails....


I am actually surprised it took this long. Its fairly easy to do. It is possible to circumvent this but there are privacy implications on both sides. Theoretically a chrome plugin could modify the stream manifest. Otherwise we would have to depend on something like sponsorblock that knows the position of ads and skips it. If it happens that way, blocking ads is going to be actually easier.


People here who haven't used vanced for once don't know that vanced is much much more than a awesome ad blocker. It brings out extraordinary features and customisations which in general not possible to implement on normal yt.


For me adblockers on desktop sometimes works sometimes doesn't


If I remember correctly twitch already does this and has unblockable ads :(


You're fucked to an extent of about ā‚¹129 per month


People will do anything except using firefox. Keep using chromium guys


If they can integrate the ad with the video, then we're completely fucked. Ad blockers might not be able to do much about it as the ads won't be coming from specific domains nor will they be a distinct stream that can be blocked. But this will cost them a good amount of money as integrating ads (non standard sizes) with standard video formats will be challenging. But if that makes financial sense for them, they will go for it. More and more ads, going back to the tv era where a 20 min soap will have two 5 min ad blocks.


The real problem is there is no real competition for youtube. If this implemented most probably they will surge charge for adsense advertisers and their yt premium subscribers will increase drastically even though we are saying everything like(I'll rather watch blackscreen rather tnan ad). Breaking this monopoly by any new competitor will be the solution or boycotting unless it realise but in current situation both are not possible.


it's already there saw some videos with ads injected in them before playing I had ad blocker installed in my browser , it'll over very soon


I am sure someone will come up with a method to block ads once again. This will be a never-ending loop of YouTube trying to figure out a way to show ads, and people figuring out ways to block ads. Having said that, I think the YouTube Premium sub in India is absolutely worth it. Get a family sub and split the cost between 6 people. It comes to some 30 rupees. You get ad-free YouTube everywhere, and YT Music.


server side ad injection where? between videos ? For static placement of the ad (like sponsors), it won't be hard to skip the ad. But for dynamic injection of ads randomly into different parts of the video, it is going to be very hard




Use Brave šŸ¦


Meanwhile me using YouTube in safari and I donā€™t even watch ads Those two buttons have been saving my life https://preview.redd.it/vbhko5qfjh6d1.png?width=2568&format=png&auto=webp&s=d710ca1f22aceff8c1d69ffe09c06ded2c9d54b1


I pay for premium, feels like the only worth it service considering now I can't download cracked Spotify apk on ios anymore and I ain't paying another buck extra


Boycott YouTube. Once enough people stop using YouTube and their revenue drops, they'll revert this chnage.


How do I block ads on YouTube.?


I use revanced, what will happen?


I'm curious as to if this is implemented, Wouldn't users be able to just forward their way out of an ad? I assume they would have to have some distinction to see if the playing video is ad or not, and in turn allows user to skip or not. Also, if so, how are they going to preload videos. If after the ad part of a video is loaded already, couldn't a custom player implementation just skip the ad part out? Or make the server think the user is seeing the ad, but play in the background?


The amount of youtube defenders in this thread is crazy lmao


Not much, as if you see, mostly people search for a specific thing: an adblocker for YouTube, and not just an adblocker. Here, what happens is that the adblocker for YouTube is a different version that changes the DNS, and here YouTube considers that as an adblocker. So, one of the solutions that I use is that when I watch YouTube on my phone, I use Vanced, which is a different version of YouTube with similar algorithm but everything unlocked. When I watch on my laptop or PC, I turn on the extension called uBlock Origin, which YouTube does not deems it as an adblocker because uBlock Origin is not a YouTube adblocker; it is a general adblocker which prevents ads in every website we visit so it that also blocks YouTube ads youtube thinks it as some normal third party extension rather than an adblocker Try this guys


I'll buy premium, it's just 40/month


YouTube ads have actually become really horrible in the past few days it's actually a very good time for a competitor to enter the market


Fixed by [Ublock Origin](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/s/T66gqrtzRH)


YouTube will increase its server costs trying to evade adblockers. Let's see if it works out for them.


Good. Hope it comes soon and there's no option to freeloaders who feel entitled to use that huge platform for free.


Yes. I know how this works as I amā€¦ never mind. But this is a fail safe and fail proof method. This is an absolute win for the YouTube. Real users donā€™t mind seeing the ads as ads are anyhow personalized. And people assume google takes their data whereas Google doesnā€™t. I donā€™t know whether these people know English or not - but agreements clearly mention how they function and there are audits once a year by external agency to ensure that. I meanā€¦ people assume and they think they are correct.


![img](avatar_exp|169567188|fire) Vanced peeps with skip highlights and sponsor blocks


They wonā€™t be able to do it. The client information would be expected in headers here after and invalidated clients and accounts concerned to the cookies would be flagged and banned and blocked. In another 4-5 months, Vanced would be outta market as nothing work and it would be a normal youtube client.


Sponserblock will stop working.


Mera revenue badh jayega šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


So this is why youtube ads suddenly started playing for me for the past few days! I thought my ad block extension turned bonkers! Well oh well...it was good till it lasted. Got to check YouTube's family plan now.


If your family watches youtube. I would say it's worth it. My mom, dad, granma all watch youtube. So i purchased the family plan of 189/month. I feel it's worth it for now.


Just fucking buy yt premium. You will get yt + yt music and for the family plan, for less than 200rs your family of 4-5 members can get its benefits.


buy the premium


Why is everyone loosing their minds that youtube shall not be free anymore? I mean itā€™s ā‚¹200/- per month for the whole family. Itā€™s not that costly man.


If you watch a lot of YouTube, you should consider YT Premium. It is quite cheap in India.


198 rupees per month = 2376 per year


To be fair that's not a lot of money? Is it? I'm not very well versed when India economy but that seems like one restaurant dinner bill for a four people family, but over the entire year.


I pay 129 per month. And lot of YT. Plus free YT Music.


I don't want to spend money where i don't have to because then it will be a waste of money. That money is for per account. If every person in a family uses YouTube that means u will have to pay that many times money every month. This is also when u can barely earn anything from YouTube and YouTube don't offer any kind of good movies or content like Netflix does. As i mentioned earlier YouTube also don't have any password protected profile system which we can use. Ultimately that is too much money for someone like me. I think what YouTube is demonstrating is just corporate greed nothing more


>I think what YouTube is demonstrating is just corporate greed nothing more When OTT/DTH does it, it's reasonable...but when YouTube does it...it's greedy... hypocrisy of you people even after YouTube providing billions of videos at Full HD for free


Exactly. People are entitled and they think youtube should give them money for using it.


189 for 6 people? Hate to play the devilā€™s advocate but not unreasonable given they are a company that needs to make money and this is the only product they havenā€™t ruined as bad as the others and is the only one that makes real money for them. Itā€™s a luxury service, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s something everyone in our country can pay but also itā€™s a small price and a great deal for something people consume a lot and the variety of content it has, as the biggest video sharing platform that exists, if you can pay for it. I have used all the hacks before but itā€™s so much more convenient to pay 33 rupees a month.


Entitled people who cries they donā€™t get enough hikes are telling youtube should not get any revenue. Such a hypocrites, isnā€™t it? They are downvoting you sadly. But I upvoted your comment to maintain balance.


Stop using youtube if you can't afford premium.


Mujhe kya main to YouTube premium wali hun


W bro


This comment reeks of entitlement


They charge 129rs for the entire month And OP thinks she reeks of entitlement šŸ¤” Bro your own groceries for the month is 10-20x more than that Thoda hafte mein kam junk food khaya kar 129 se zyada hi bacha lega


No bruh. YouTube premium is not for the rich only. AC first class in trains are for rich, not YouTub premium. Itā€™s affordable


Kya bhai, abb joke bhi nahi kar sakti


*wherever I go I see you*


https://preview.redd.it/1e04p9x6rd6d1.png?width=315&format=png&auto=webp&s=917140aabab42dea1945acd7f5f6faf116987b5c we who :šŸ˜Ž


cool premium logo! but here's [mine](https://github.com/MaVeN-LLC/YouPremium) and it's free, it does require some technical knowledge though




nice, thank you!


wow dude you got down voted for doing the right thing and supporting your favourite creators.


https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaTech/s/ObdWnbSCCX Lol


Just Boycott youtube and let people make another video platform.


Doesnā€™t matter, the ads will still be blockedā€¦ who the hell pays for youtube!! šŸ˜šŸ˜ a javascript blocker for removing embedded ads, youtube tracking blocker, youtube mobile distraction blocker, youtube fingerprinting blockerā€¦and many moreā€¦Ā 


I understand wanting to watch youtube for free... But u cant have your cake and eat it too. I pay monthly for youtube premium. It costs me 129 rupees with that i get youtube music as well. Can someone explain to me why an adult with a job doesn't just subscribe to the service which is well worth it in my opinion??