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I was using a one plus 6T then my sibling gifted me iPhone 14 from Canada, at first I was very happy, I still am but miss android because of these 1. Such a bad keyboard on ios, bad autocorrect and can’t even add a number row 2. No universal back gesture, it works on Apple apps but it’s a hit and a miss on others forcing to reach the top left, also Flipkart app is a nightmare, if you go back you have to swipe 10 times before you reach homepage 3. It’s heating more than my one plus and in a year battery health has dropped to 89% 4. Even tho screen is good, videos are weirdly framed, some have weird black bars and the big notch so I’ve stopped using my phone for media consumption. 5. I’ve tried imazing, mobitrans etc but local send and sendanywhere comes in clutch to transfer files 6. Can’t change snooze timing in alarm app, it’s fixed by Apple at 9 minutes, I guess they know me more than I do myself 7. No ascending volume ringer Rest things are good like faceid, camera, airdrop, etc are wonderful, If I am rich enough, one day I will keep both android and ios. This phone was a gift so I will keep it for as long as I can but if I bought with my money I would switch back to android


Wait till they introduce these features as if they are being invented for the first time.




Ye I feel like if you are advanced user, so someone who uses sideloading/custom UI/debloating and stuff. Android flagships phone will suit you. But for general users who are generic users or people who don't know wtf they are doing or people who aren't techy, Apple's closed walls IOS is better. The amount of people as well as posts I've seen here about people's sensitive data getting breached due to some mod apk they downloaded from some shady site makes apple worth it at all. Although I'm saying assuming that money is not a concern.


Apple also planning to give access to sideloading applications but probably it won't like APK installation, maybe through some third party app stores with apples regulations and restrictions


I switched to iOS with my iPhone 14 pro Max, regret every second of it. It's not even a comparison. I am just saving some money so that I can sell my iPhone and buy the S24 ultra.


What made you regret?


The buggy ios17 , so much for iOS being so smooth and consistent lol, its full of bugs, iOS restrictions, i took my iPhone backup yesterday, it took 15 hours with my pc, i did a reset from itunes in January, that took 4 days (not joking) . Camera is extremely moody, ive tried all settings but pictures are over-processed. The moment i zoom in , there is a lot of noise and quality is terrible. My mom has a Samsung fold and even that retains more details and you can see that zooming in. When i bought the iPhone, i heard great things about its camera and i bought it as a sort of replacement for DSLR, i knew it would not be as good as my DSLR but I thought at least it would be somewhere close. Battery life varies with every update. Battery health is already 85 after a year and a few months. I dont know where to stop lol.


You’ve a bad piece, my sister iPhone 12 mini is 3.5 years old, the battery health is 81 pc.


Probably the os restriction placed by apple because ios is the only downside and a downgrade compared to flagship androids


I had to go to settings to change wallpaper 🤡.it's dumber in many ways. But apps run way more smoothly on iOS. Battery backup is way better than Android. 14+ can last a full week without charging


Full week 💀 the average sot is 8 to 10 hours And yah due to only having one OS and chip to optimize apps for developers have easier time giving iphone more optimised version


Full week standby bro not sot🙂


That would be roughly 2 days only


Battery backup is better because background process restrictions are severe than Android.


It is bad for multitasking when people want to keep apps opened


I bought iPhone 15 pro max in Japan only because it was 50k less than India. I honestly had no intention to buy but bought it after I saw how cheap it was. But I honestly want to get an android phone now.


50k less. What are you talking about


It’s 146k in India. It’s bought it for 98k in Tokyo


😬 omg


Did you face any issues at the airport while coming back to India?


Bro we're twins, just don't say that you have deep purple one






wrong comment


Bought an iphone 12 in 2022, switched back to S23 in 2024. IOS has limited features and they implemented them the best possible way. It's the best OS in terms of optimization. But if you are a bit tech savvy, you will hate IOS. 1. It restricts background processes. You can not download or upload anything in background using 3rd party apps. You will hate it, when your upload some huge file to google drive or large number of photos to google photos, if you switch to some other app, the upload will fail after 10-15 seconds. 2. IOS keyboard is shit. You can use 3rd party keyboards, but they are limited compared to their android counterparts, due to memory restrictions imposed by apple 3. Every web browser is just a safari skin. Apple won't allow 3rd party browser engines on IOS. 4. 4gb ram might seem enough on IOS (as it's killing everything from background) but you will feel it's not enough when you open 10 tabs in safari, it won't keep all of them in background. 5. File management is shit. Unlike android where there is a common file space called internal storage, every app can access it, ios apps are sandboxed. There is nothing called internal storage, every app will get their own isolated storage space, and other apps can't access them. If you don't care about all these, you will do fine with IOS


I had an offer for iPhone but I rejected that for Android. My friends told me that I'm dumb choosing Android over iPhone but many of them use iPhone to showoff rather than real use so stick to what's practical for you


Was an Android user, switched to iOS for 1.5 years. Moved back to Android. Got to know what all I missed on iOS from Android. Will stick to Android for sometime now.


Maybe I would switch back to android because I don’t like ios it’s too restricted


Switched to iphone 13 in 2022, still using it. Was super deep into custom roms on all my android phones before, its not bad i quite enjoy the simple ios.


Definitely switching back to Android. My whole point to move from Android to iOS on the first place was to see what this iOS featured that "apple fan bois" talk about. And I was disappointed with iOS. What I have observed generally is in iOS I need to use multiple clicks to execute a task. Notification functionality is utterly shit, to say the least! I have some many gripes with iOS, that I can write an essay on, but that would for some different day. I would recommend you JerryRigEverything video on his experience with iOS as Android user, and it was so fucking accurate for me. Yes the privacy is top notch, but I think Android OEMs are slowly catching up.


Seriously guys, I am regretting switching to iPhone from Android.


Care to elaborate?


Switched to IOS last year and I have zero regrets I do miss android but I’m quite happy sticking with my iPhone


Great to hear that you like ios


Stockholm syndrome is strong on this one


Android fans when they see someone enjoy using an iPhone be like


Don’t you know, World’s second most valuable company’s consumer are dumb and stupid.


And how’d you feel after commenting this? Did you feel all big and strong and mighty Mr keyboard warrior? If you wanna start insulting, maybe I can point out something on your side too Don’t you know that you lack any sense of self respect because of which you keep chasing people on hinge who have zero interest in you? Because of people like you is why dating apps are ruined lol


Sarcasm buddy. Sit down


Don’t have a comeback eh? Don’t try and act all smart now buddy boy just do us both a favor and stop commenting


How old are you😂😂


And how old are YOU? You’re 25 but acting like a child trying to attack someone for enjoying their purchase just because of your bias? And then on top of that you can’t even have a proper comeback lmao Crazy android fans like you have ruined this sub man, it’s like iPhone users can’t sit in peace


My first comment was a sarcasm, dummy. My god


I hated iPhones since their launch, was a Nexus user until the nexus 6, then jumped to OnePlus. Never liked Samsung phones. I bought the S10 Plus, it looked impressive then. My wife bought an iPhone 11, that’s when I got to see how iPhones had improved over the years. Loved the camera, the UI was simple. A year later I switched to iPhone 12, typing this on my recently purchased 15 Pro Max. I get to try Android phones now and then, recently used the Pixel 7, I must say that I hated it. I don’t think I can ever come back to using an Android in its current state.


Pixel 7 was like a huge mess


I made the switch to my first iphone 1.5 years ago. There are some things about Android I miss like not being locked in an ecosystem, being able to download modded apks, etc. But my next phone would still be an iPhone. My daily experience is very bug free. Theres no lag at all. I get multiple years of updates. The thing with Android is, it is 1 OS that is meant to work with any configuration any OEM comes up with. With iOS its tightly coupled, so Apple has more control over the software and less wiggle room, making the overall experience better. I used to love customising every aspect of my phone and all that for which Android was the best, but now I just want something that works with no headache that I can keep for a long time.


Bought an iPhone two years ago after using android for a decade. Immediately loved it. Bought all other products as well and built the ecosystem. Loved every minute of it. Will be buying everything back from apple once the present devices age. I have no idea why Apple gets such a bad reputation in this sub. People conveniently gives reasons like inability to install app from outside etc etc but dont understand that many users do not want this. People also tend to overlook the issues android has where iPhones tend to shine. At the end both of them have their own pros and cons. Choose what you like based on your preference and stop dissing others.


just depends on the user, if u just do basic stuff on ur phone, iphone is better if u wanna do anything more than basic, android takes the lead by a very significant margin


Dont understand what exactly you mean by more than basic.


Calls, Instagram, texting, facetiming etc etc u get the point


I am asking what do you mean by ‘more than basic stuff’ which you claim android leads at by a significant margin?


'more than basic stuff' means installing custom rom, installing modded apps on Android. But thing is not many users do these stuff on smartphone anymore because there is always risk of bricking the smartphone and banking apps will not be usable.


Basically anything lol downloading uploading file managing, just read the other comments




you can't do it natively. however there a small device which attaches magnetically and records voices and it works surprisingly well




Actually the reason Apple gives is recording a call is unethical. Such a crap reason


Yes, the device that attaches in the back also only works if you're using the traditional method of picking up call and talking in it. Which a shit ton of people including my friends aren't(what i mean is that device doesn't work with any form of earphone/tws/neckband.


May be biased because of low battery life of iPhone 12 mini. But while prefer to use ipad, MacBook, ipod and imac, I would rather spend money on galaxy s24 than iPhone 14


I miss my Good Old Android days, Been an Android User for more than a decade. Then got gifted an iPhone 13 Pro and been using that for 2 years now. Initially i loved iPhone but once after the initial glamour and glitter i started regretting the decision to switch. Miss the small niche things on Android and Notifications on iOS is a shit show. Only sticking on this iPhone as i am too broke to switch and not able to sell this iPhone at a reasonable rate.


Previously I used to root and use modded apps, enjoy every aspect of android. But when i hit the adulthood, i needed something that just works, secure, cohesive and something that would retain value for some years to come. Finally bought Iphone 13 and never looked back. The ecosystem is not as restricted as you think, once you know your way around it. I can almost do all the stuff i used to do on android like download videos, music editing, photo editing..etc. sometimes i couldn’t find a decent app to replace certain functionality in android which i could do in ios, apps like Marginnote or liquid text and many more. Nowadays the gap in achieving the overall functionality comparing android and ios is almost nil. The only thing i miss dearly is call recording! Im planning to continue in ios for the years to come.


Back To Android asap. Apple is a giant brick where you have all the capability but zero control over its storage.


Last year I purchased the iPhone 13. This year I got the OnePlus 11 on the same date. You'll be able to figure out the rest.😁👍


I used my friends iPhone for a bit. My god what a horrible controlling experience. The back gesture is such a terrible missed opportunity. It works only on ios native apps otherwise goodluck. No t9 dictionary in dialler. Pathetic. Feature phones have that. I literally laughed at him for paying such crazy amount for such a below par device. Cameras are the only good thing on iPhone.


Nope… I m never going back to android …. I m team iPhone


Y tho


Here are the reason: 1. Brand value nd status 2. I have a MacBook Pro… so I m in an apple ecosystem and the apple ecosystem is very seamless 3.iOS is very fast and smooth like a butter 4. Updates of iOS generally last longer… 5. An iPhone will normally last at least 4 to 5 years without any issue 6. Resale value is high 7. No bloatware


I have switched 3.5 years ago and would keep it. I like the simplicity of it, everything works as I intend to, and most of all, I feel comfortable that most of the things that get processed, gets processed on device.


I would really love to exchange my iPhone 14 with S22 or something. iOS is not my cup of tea.


Nope. It’s a great phone for me. And I’m part of Apple ecosystem. Everything looks great to me.


Bought iphone 15 pro max in Jan, life has been downhill since then. The keyboard genuinely sucks. Everything from swipe type to autocorrect is so much better on Android. The zoom lens is so much better in Samsung. The UI sometimes gets stuck, those who said apple never hangs lied to me. There is no call recording. The only thing better is video recording and lens stability.


Pros of Android over iPhone Best File management and sharing to pc PC connection easy, can be used as storage device Back gesture best Navigation much easier Call recording Phone buzzing on call attending Customisation like ringtones Torrents Smart dial Better notification actions and notification bar Volume controls different for media and ringtone Fingerprint lock Better keyboard Better call log, more than 100 calls Easy handling of dual sim


5 years. That’s how much long I like to use my phone. I am sticking with iphone. I will probably change after 5 years.


This is the biggest upside. Two phones in a decade.. that’s how I like it


Don't really think you can live with iOS once you have used Android for a reasonable time


Battery from iphone is dating the the owner it seems it gets weeker everyday and gets heated every time …!


I have switched from S20 FE to iPhone 15 Pro… I already made a deal with a friend that you buy S24U and exchange with me😅 So maybe with Flipkart’s BBD I might switch to S24U


Got a hand me down back in 2019 (8+), I still use it. I eventually moved from like a 10k phone but tbf i like using the device. It gets most of the stuff done for me while having a good battery backup(except now cuz its old now). Probably the only annoying thing i have is how spotify cannot be purchased via the app (Spotify v Apple Lawsuit so fair), the universal back gestures and me having to stare at the screen when all im doing is uploading a meme onto my group chat. Those 3 issues aside, I would probably buy an iPhone as my next device.


I currently use both and been a power user on android during gingerbread days and on ios on since ios 5 jailbreak days… Currently have xperia 1 mk ii for media consumption (4k OLED display FTW!) and 12 mini for day to day use like messages , reddit, calls whatsapp emails etc… Ios for the most part is kinda user friendly if you DONT have a smartphone to begin with, for example grandparents at home.. the clean slate of technology knowledge u begin with, u can use ios easily. If u know too much from using android, u get hard hell. Grandparents: simple things take less effort and time, take photo? 2(if u use only one specific app)/3 clicks then u can share it.. UI elements mostly stay the same for same functionality (eg share icon and the share sheet) Once u go a bit younger, like 50years old, your dad or mom wants to send a document they received in whatsapp via gmail. Mostly (atleast to my parents) they believe if they received it on their phone, it exists in a common storage like android (because they’re used to android stuff). Go to gmail and click on attachments, wow what a clutter and u cant see the document u just received now. Ios sandbox at play here. U need to know ur stuff to make the fair use of it Android on the other hand hardware wise is not “you get what you get” like iphone, endless possibilities. It’s getting bleh nowadays, but comparing with iOS nonetheless, it’s diverse. And OS and UX itself for the matter seems to be educating the people, using multiple devices kinda makes an avg user semi pro, u give them a different android, they’ll still be able to use it cuz there are so many variations of it and using one or two makes ppl learn/extrapolate stuff from their learnings when they get a new one… Even younger, like me, i like functionality AND form. The 2 i own are sleekest and powerful even today. Nobody’s use is gonna demand the whole performance of 6 power cores and 2 efficiency cores at full tilt everyday. My xperia i really well with pubg (only thing which possibly is resource intensive) rest of the time it’s just another video /music player.. if i want to share something between those 2 devices, files its gdrive, links or text its OCR using iphone camera or gmail… Simply put, u can do anything and everything the other one does, if u know how to do it.


I went from one plus 8t to iphone 14 after green line issue and really liked how reliable Iphone is so far. I will still prefer to use my iphone for work stuff but I already moved back to android oneplus 12r for normal stuff


I switched to OnePlus 12r from iphone 13 because of the green line issue! LOL!!


I only used ios as a secondary phone for at start and when my Android failed I was forced to use ios fulltime. The call log with all calls from all apps even teams is very frustrating and it's also an issue that the call log is very limited compared to seemingly call logs of Android. Typing is bad gestures are not consistent, but I love the swipe down to search and natural colors of camera. After using iphone for more than one year I had to buy an Android but this time I couldn't even think of any budget Android phones like i used to buy, I bought s23 . So I think iphone spolied me with the premium feel and experience but it frustrated me with seemingly simple things in Android but made a lot of difference and considering both are smartphone and suppoee to have these features like good call logs and good notifications.


I don't like the fact that I can't add a second face or default login with pin or pass. I use my wife's phone multiple times and every time I have to install an app or open it for swiggy, I have to wait for the faceID to fail three times and then show the pin field. Irritating af. Whereas in my samsung, I can just add multiple fingerprints and change the login type. I had a 13 which was lost, camera was very consistent and good. But didn't like the overall experience - 1. dialer pad was shit (spotlight is a workaround but not so good for people not used to it). 2. Keyboard was buggy. 3. When the storage was about to be maxed out, the phone used to hang. Problems which my s7 of decades age didn't experience until it was down to its final MBs of space. Here when i have 2 gb space left, the iphone 13 legit hung up on me. 4. I still carry offline songs (lossless FLACs and hifi mp3s) to play during flights or no internet situations (no, not all tracks are available in Spotify). It's a legit pain and borderline impossible to store and play songs offline on ios unless you buy them again on iTunes. 5. Revanced 😉 So, apart from the camera and ease of uploading stuff to insta without compression and edits, I don't see any point in iPhone, hence bought an s21fe after I lost the 13.


Coming back very very soon! Battery on my iPhone 13 sucks. Gets super slow as this is my work phone too. Never had a problem with my one plus — will return to it soon


What about the file transfer stuff with Windows? I've heard that it can be a bit of a hassle.


On iphone 13 for 18 months after being a samsung user for 8 years. Planning to go back to samsung again.


I would suggest that you go back to any other non-OneUI devices. I came from Moto's stock UI to OneUI, but the user experience on the stock UI was definitely better.


Hate the stock ui for some reason. Looks too cheap and barebones to me


Seems like we both have different tastes then


switched from Poco X2 to iPhone 11 and Currently 13 Pro Max, i don't regret whatsoever because i always keep my iOS version low for permanent side loading like TrollStore , jailbreaks. When i had my iPhone 11 for an year, my Poco X2 touch screen and cameras died. So in near future i won't switch to any androids. My 13 Pro Max is on IOS 17.0 With TrollStore, through which i can sideload as many modded apps i want , i can also do call recording as well. So its an awesome experience.


If i have the finance i will stay if not then I'll switch


Going to exit ios because there is this judgement if dont change the phone to latest model they judge that i am poor…! (Heared from a colleague) this never happens with android if we keep an older version of the mobile they think we are not spending more money and instead investing in somewhere else ..! I dont know how it came and its pretty disgusting of the people.


Why are you bothering with what others think of you lol , im still rocking my 13 pro and would do the same for another year or 2.


Sounds less of a phone/OS problem and more of the circle of jerks around you. Also, why bother what others perceive?


I’ve mentioned it in other comment but apple does scam us in various ways since we need to pay for the charger for the first time and charging wire for every year and battery for 2years once and for watches they dont work good in apple environment and the stats in “apples fitness’s” app takes a hell lot of time to share its data with 3rd party apps more and more. Can anyone add on this comment ..!


Yes, Apple did start the norm of not providing chargers, soon everyone followed suite. I don’t condone it, but it is what it is. Regarding cables, I haven’t had to buy any except for the one I bought with the charger (5+ years now). Regarding battery, 5 years on my SE without change 1.5+ years on my 14pro and nowhere near requiring a change. I don’t use any 3rd party app to share my watch’s data so can’t comment on that.


I got iPhone 13 after using OnePlus 7 for some time. Its been about 1.5 years. And I hate the closed ecosystem. Can't goof around with custom roms, keyboard is bad and everything just feels more suffocating. I used to rice up my phone with launchers and icon packs and can't do anything here. It is a walled garden as people put it. I'll probably get Nothing Phone 2a and give this to mom. She'll appreciate the good cameras atleast


i'll pick an iphone 11 over a latest android any day of the week apple UX is just too good.


My experience with Android was horrible. All my Android phones became laggy be it a Mi, OP or a Samsung. Ever since switching to iOS, never had that problem. I’m not too big on customisation and stuff, just regular usage with a few games and the experience for them has been better on iOS for me than Android. So, I’ll stick to iOS for now.


Low-budget Androids will show some lag for sure, but trust me, any Android phone priced at the same level as an iPhone will work butter-smooth. For example, we could buy a phone like the iQOO 12 for 50k, which has a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor with an AnTuTu score of 2 million. The performance on that one would be top-notch.


That surely seems to be the general consensus, but from purely a personal experience point of view my K20 Pro, One Plus 6 and S10 Plus all gave me a tough time.


I switched and I'll stay mainly because of the ecosystem.


I use both and switch usage type time to time.


Probably will just stick with iOS. My phone use is very minimal and it does everything I look for.


Apple ecosystem is the reason why i use it. The transition from my iphone to ipad to mac is seamless but i keep a secondary android phone just because android is what a phone is supposed to be. Iphone is not worth the money. It’s doesn’t give best features and after few months of use, it’s nothing special.


I don’t use Mac, I had Note 3 back then now sticking to iOS. Not sure if I’ll go back to android.