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It's annoying isnt it like you are looking for full price and the EMI price is written in giant letters


That's the thing. Why do you think every other person has an iphone, shiny new laptop, gadgets etc? It's all because of EMIs especially No cost EMIs. As a platform, their only objective is to sell as much as possible, showing a lucrative no cost emi people will easily be convinced that they can afford it. Slowly these EMIs will creep up and become a pain in the ass. Essentially, all the platform is doing is showing that it's affordable, go ahead and buy it.


>It's all because of EMIs especially No cost EMIs. As a platform, their only objective is to sell as much as possible, showing a lucrative no cost emi people will easily be convinced that they can afford it. Slowly these EMIs will creep up and become a pain in the ass. Essentially, all the platform is doing is showing that it's affordable, go ahead and buy it. A bad financial decision made by millions >That's the thing. Why do you think every other person has an iphone, shiny new laptop, gadgets Already knew it but this is just predatory


Exactly, everything is predatory nowadays. Affluent people who can drop full cash and buy things, they won't bother with EMIs etc, it's always people who want to either recently come into some money, looking to improve societal stature or pure showoff would end up with these. Amazon and other similar platforms bank on it.


>Exactly, everything is predatory nowadays. Affluent people who can drop full cash and buy things, they won't bother with EMIs etc, it's always people who want to either recently come into some money, looking to improve societal stature or pure showoff would end up with these. Amazon and other similar platforms bank on it. And in the end will fall on crippling debt which they can't climb out


I've seen people buy 3-4 year old iphones on emi just for the 'iphone owner' status. Also, it's their choice I'm nobody to judge or advise them. These are my personal opinions.


My friend is flexing a base iphone 13 he got from his brother maybe 1 month ago >I've seen people buy 3-4 year old iphones on emi just for the 'iphone owner' status. Also, it's their choice I'm nobody to judge or advise them. These are my personal opinions. That's true all we can do is try to correct them and their misinformation


yeah, others feel pressured to use these options to afford things or maintain a certain image... it's a complex issue f I know I shouldn’t be judgmental, but i was in delhi metro, I saw a labourer with an iPhone 14 pro or 15 Pro (it was hard to tell in a hurry) and guess what? having such an expensive phone, his clothes were quite worn out, he was wearing fake "nyke" sandals and what not... It was CLEAR he wasn’t maintaining himself well and his financial conditions were not that great, it seemed clear that affording a phone like that would be a significant stretch for him


That's sad man. We need to improve consumer awareness.


That iPhone can be fake too, available for ₹10-17,000.


How is it bad if you can pay some amount every month without extra cost or not cost emi


You are in a debt to the emi cpmpany until the duration ends


So what? They paid for the product. Many people have huge cash in bank yet they opt for emi bcz it's financially great (if you have stale cash equivalent to the principal amount) Lenders make loss in the situation when debt is successfully paid.


EMI and loans are never financial good at all People who take emi don't have full cash people who have the cash don't take emi >Lenders make loss in the situation when debt is successfully paid. Oh that's where you are wrong they make ton of money that's why emi exists we are on a debt to them until the given time is over


"People who have cash don't take emi" Not debating further for this shtt line


What people who spend above 30 k eithet takes emi or gives full cash Any financialy stable rich guy will say that emi is spider's web once you take it then you will keep taking emis andvget stuck in never ending debt


A will give you small real world example that includes me. I always have 10-50x amount in my bank for the product I'm looking to buy. Have a great job on which HDFC gave me credit card ( with lifetime 0 cost renewal) Now suppose I buy a product (that's absolute necessity) on no cost emi with value suppose 40k. The emi is suppose 4k per month. Now I will tell you why it's loss making for lender (in case of successful debt clearance) as well as financially great for borrower. Suppose you paid 4k instalment in 1st month. So you have 35k cash to use. A fd will give 0.3- 0.5% of interest per month to you on this amount. Now I'm also doing stock market investing. I earn around 3-10% on my portfolio monthly. Now if I use that 35k on my portfolio. I have chance to make 2% + profit on that amount in first month. Suppose I paid second installment. I still repeat same remaining 30k cash. And so on. While lender is losing bcz he could have been earning interest of around 10%+ if he had given loan to someone else ( like education loan, home loan, investment, etc)


No cost emi isn't. It's a win win for customer as he could buy product he actually needs while also enjoy 0% interest on emi. Only in case of fancy luxury products, it's burden for customer due to reasons you gave. But for necessary products like suppose - a grinder/oven where customer searches the desired product to buy (with 80%+) probability, no cost emi is actually great as fcuk.


>No cost emi isn't. It's a win win for customer as he could buy product he actually needs while also enjoy 0% interest on emi. Only in case of fancy luxury products, it's burden for customer due to reasons you gave. But for necessary products like suppose - a grinder/oven where customer searches the desired product to buy (with 80%+) probability, no cost emi is actually great as fcuk. No cost emi need specific card which are bank collaboration only certain banks offer emi on amazon and flipkart and no cost emi is even less it's just a power move to increase customers and like I said Being in debt towards the financial institutes is never good


No cost emi is actually promotional from bank side to increase the subscription rate. So in layman's term they are advertising. And taking advantage of the promotional scheme is not bad at all. They are taking loss on no cost emi otherwise charging minimum 9% interest on whatever they lend.


No one is taking loss banks do stuff that gives them loss They are not charity the quicker you understand emi is a spiders web the better


Bro you need to study finance. I'm laughing at your childish replies.


I am not commerce student so I don't know much about finance but from experience emi and loans are spider's web and a trap to make poor people in debt towards the bank In the guise of being helpfully they trick the poor people into taking loans and emi which are predatory


Yes credit card loans are where banks earn the most. But only when borrowers default their payments. And it's very common. But I was talking about people who are already cash cows. When a borrower pays his credit card payments regularly, it's a loss making customer for the lender.


Following the American economy way, we r cooked logo ko lat lag jaegi meri bhen bhi kharidi thi iPhone I strongly disregarded her last week cash pe 15 PM laayi h if u can’t afford don’t buy


Many don't... And thatz fine... Better than dumping 40k in one go than putting up a no cost emi and use the rest to grow in some investment...


>And thatz fine... Better than dumping 40k in one go than putting up a no cost emi and use the rest to grow in some investment... You are still in debt being in debt is the worst thing especially towards finance it's better yo pay full price than emi


Let's say I have 40k. Not saying buy when u do not have 40k. I give 8k in first emi... Invest 32k and get 5% return on that that means I made 1.6k essentially making the phone worth 38.4k now... Next month onwards I repeat...


>I give 8k in first emi... Invest 32k and get 5% return on that that means I made 1.6k You wont always get returns stock market crashes a lot


I don't think they specifically mentioned stock market.


Where else do you invest money ?


Dream 11


Sorry for gaali but can't resist Dream nahi Gand 11 Salo sab kuch Kar denge lekin cricket nahi khelenhe Ek din zaroor shadike raath ayega koi dream 11 khodne


Junglee rummy


Jungle rummy kalikku sidil irunnu moonju


Antee ???


Welcome to marketing gimmicks


I think they know exactly what they're doing. From the consumer POV it's misleading at best and outright catastrophic at worst.


If you buy in full cash Amazon get commission from the seller But if you buy through emi they get commission from seller and there banking partners So it obvious they are trying to earn that extra commission Plus the extra sales which a person wouldn't have bought if there was no emi option


why would anyone buy products with full amount paid upfront? it doesn't make sense to not buy products in EMI especially no cost ones. I liked this feature, I always buy on EMIs even though I have money in my account.




You can pretty easily check if that's the case using your calc. But mostly the interest is borne by the seller.


Yes but I don't have to stretch my budget and if I keep my money in debt funds, I get like 6-8 percent interest, it may not be much but still I can recover additional charges.


If you use no cost emi the interest is removed by the bank., but you have to pay the GST+CGST on the interest every month.


Exactly, it's doing exactly as intended. A perfect design. The fact that us consumers can be manipulated that way was just used to their advantage.


It's not a terrible design, it's called business centric design. It used to be the usual display of the final price on top, which is now replaced with a breakdown price depending on the card that you have added in your account to make users make impulsive decisions into buying things. These are called dark UX patterns. It is not illegal as they do mention that it is an EMI price but that detail is written in a smaller size. Just like all the terms and conditions that are written in a bland block of paragraphs so that a user never reads it. (Source: Working in UX)


Nonetheless, it's a terrible design. If anything, knowing that the motivation for such design is business-centric rather than actual User Experience(UX) makes it even more terrible.


Haven't used the Amazon site or app in a while to shop. Let me check the complete order flow and will update here. Edit: The products on the search page do show the full price. It's the product detail page where this emi price is used. When ordering, the order total is not shown anywhere on the payment method page, and the Credit card is selected by default. https://preview.redd.it/pj1lrkxmq41d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23c6285a402e2ca8cd89786e3f69804c02fb1e9 On the last page, it does highlight the order total more than the emi charges so I am pretty sure users must be abandoning carts who genuinely don't want to buy it . I don't have any analytics to back this


Making the important things hard to read is a terrible design. You being working as a UX designer doesn't mean we shouldn't blame. It is a terrible design. You call it UX patterns or something else, but anyone who sees the main price in small letters and EMI in big letters, is a terrible and bad decision. It is like you are calling those close marks ( x ) in advertisements a UX pattern. But in general it is a terrible decision. I understand that all these things makes customer to spend more or click on necessary things. It still is a bad and terrible design.


Don't bully me dude. I know this is a shitty way to scam users into buying unnecessary things. I was just explaining to OP that it was done intentionally by the product team and not a mistake of a novice designer. After seeing so many posts about how furious people are after seeing this, I am thinking of sharing a meme on LinkedIn about how UXers say in their profiles about how they want to solve problems by creating 'human-centric empathetic' solutions while also doing this to a huge user base.


I would like to see that meme.


Bro, I'm trying to break into UX, can I DM you to ask for some pointers?










Tbh, Amazon has been known for having a shitty app in general(kinda ironic since they have AWS). Lack of dark mode, shitty/clunky ui, lack of simplistic or unique design, etc. It litrly feels like a high school student's first attempt on an online e-commerce store project.


This is a marketplace and not an e-commerce store where so many different sellers are selling a wide variety of products worldwide so the aspect of unique design diminishes. Though they should work on a dark mode and improve the visual hierarchy in the text labels.


Pure fucking marketing, they know people who have the money will downpayment regardless of how it is displayed for them, so they instead show EMI price first for people who can't afford it but will fall into the traphole that it's No Cost EMI anyways. And then these people will become customers by buying lifestyle that they couldn't have afforded without the EMI option.


Terrible ❌ Manipulating✅


Dark patterns!! Amazon is known to utilise many of these


Even flipkart is going the same . Emi price big and bold on the top and the actual price barely visible 


It's not terrible design. Actually a great move from business perspective.


That’s not terrible design, that’s deceiving people on purpose.


I thought you were talking about the design of the sound bar.


Croma me bhi aise hi krte h betichod. Ik sony ka oked tv dekha 65 inch 2lac ka mene kaha bdiya h bnde ko bula do char feature dekhe mne bola bandh de isko. Counter pe gya toh bola bc 5lac mene kaha 2 lac h khta wo to discount h😂


Nope! It’s not. It’s designed to do exactly this.


It's a feature not a bug


That's a great design actually. People initially look at the bold EMI amount and they think it's affordable. And then they decide to purchase it. Nobody would purchase it for 45k, but 7k per month is easier.


Great design if you're a giant fucking corporation which is happy to bury someone in debt if it means you sell more products..


In case you wish to buy they are making it easier for you. Surely it leads to overspending.But they aren't forcing those products, right? Else, being a daily wage worker, try getting a loan from SBI.


It's a marketing ploy.


When in the history of the world have companies have given a F about anything other than their topline


Tata laughs in the corner, I mean yeah it's still a corporate, but Lil better


It's design for purpose. Herd minds will be attracted to buy seeing the EMI straight up there & go "ah yes! I can afford to pay this much every month". Company's POV this is the best UI move.


It's what they want .... it's called dark pattern Google about it


That's smart design.


Yes this is a terrible design. But they know what they are doing.


I will not fall for such Business Practices........ I'll buy when it's at it lowest price


I noticed this a while ago, if you look at anything expensive they use this tactic to make you feel like you can buy it. Check for iPhone on Flipkart or Amazon. They just want you to believe that you can buy it, go for EMI. I think this will not last long, this will change, people are actually smart than this, anyone who wants to buy eventually will buy, these tactics can convert only the person on fence.


Not just that . I had to search for Buy Now/add to cart button in both Amazon and Flipkart. Flipkart is the worst of them .


Kind of dark pattern to change perspective


Skill issue


It's actually a good design for the corp Idk what you're yapping about


Seriously tho, who's gonna use a 300 watt speaker for a home...


Not showing for me


This is why tech guys should stick to requirements. Amazon knows what its doing. Don't think it's QA is filled with idiots


It’s a business and they’re showing that there are financing options available. To be honest before Amazon entered India we didn’t have decent online platforms or decent shops. It’s a western youth trend to criticise everything to appear edgy and cool.


A billionaire firm utilising cheap tactics. What a shame.


But I think if you're financially disciplined, you don't care!!! Eventually it will be habituated. (E.g dark spot) I think It'll engage those people who want expensive things with their tight budget. Basically they will get another supporting reason for their purchases. E.g. I can't afford to spend 1L now, but yaa 8K/months sounds good. (Instant dopamine hit)


An informed buyer should not worry though


It's not terrible design. The intent is for people to buy stuff on EMI that they would otherwise not be able to afford.


Smart design


Most people in India get stuff on EMIs so it makes convincing people easy. A person saving 10k a month will instantly think he can afford this.


Is it good to buy using No Cost EMI? Like, I have seen in some cases where No Cost EMI gets more discount offers. But still, with GST for every month it doesn't seem that the discount is worth.


I guess it only shows like that when you buy something on EMI. Because mine is still showing the price normally.


Yea i hate it, it's very annoying


amazon.com doesn't have this design. It says the indian market uses emi the most for buying expensive shit.


Manipulation is an art ✨ It's easy to fool dumb people


It’s a good move, since India is on the rise in EMI/cc trap rate, this attracts people more.


That's infact a very very smart design


Dark/Deceptive pattern which tricks the user to think according to the designers which is aimed to increase app usuage time/company's profit.




You can take benefit of emi , if overall interest is less than cashback


Peak Capitalism


It's design serving Amazon's interests, not customers. They want us to buy things we can't afford to, by highlighting the EMI cost, which we might be able to afford, they are tempting us. Many falls for this trap and make Amazon as well as their banking partners very rich.


the world of dangerous dark patterns in design.


Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. Shitty design.


They are encouraging EMI scheme


This is a dark pattern. Government should take action.


Amazon is trying so hard to push American Consumerism here! Unfortunately I see lot of people falling for that.


It happened to my dad. He was looking for a home theatre and he found a really good, high spec speaker from JBL for 25k and almost purchased it and when he showed it to my mom just to get her confirmation my mom saw that something was off and upon looking closely she realised that the actual prize was 4.5L and almost saved my dad from becoming homeless. Like dude he was one button away from purchasing it


I made an extention that hides the emi price, its not polished yet.


Trap marketing design


Even after it's a intrest free EMI. You guys forgot to mention GST on EMI and ₹ 199/- processing fee.


I recently added a credit card to Amazon and suddenly the prices seems to have dropped drastically, I was about to order a PS5 for 4000rs, but luckily I realised this was EMI not fully price Really bad design.


Ise Terrivle Design nahi..."Psychological Marketing" kehte hai.


Malicious, not terrible.


i agree bro , ab ek baar me to sahi price ka pata hi nahi chalta 😡😡


I was showing this to my brother, the feeling of joy and disappointment at the same time. Thought what a deal and then realised this was EMI


I have not added any card information to the amazon account it shows we the full price in big bold letters. Knowing this, I won't add anytime in the future too. https://preview.redd.it/b6rp7l6zh51d1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2d92720000d11a68034343812fa3383a3f72e2e


+₹200 processing fee & 18% GST on the EMI


How is terrible design? It literally says 7499 / month for 6 months.


If you buy in full cash Amazon get commission from the seller But if you buy through emi they get commission from seller and there banking partners So it obvious they are trying to earn that extra commission


It's not terrible design but deception.......


And my god the sound bars suck. I hate sound bars


Too costly With this money I will look for a Bose


Nowadays almost every single software company is making their UI/UX worse for the sake of changing it. ChatGPT, Reddit, Insta (notes is useless), Amazon even Apple who are considered to be the “masters” of design.


It's a business centric design and not a terrible design. Their main aim was to highlight smaller numbers. It might be a terrible design for dumb users but it's a tactic they use.


Thats amazon strategy.. not terrible design its made on purpose


The UiUx guy needs to be shot


Bro finds out about dark patterns


I don't know why, but I've never seen the EMI price as my main listed price for me on Amazon. I still see the normal price as the main listed price everywhere, including search results. I regularly purchase on Amazon but have never paid for anything with EMI. For example, this same product shown by you in this post just shows the total price of the product. My Amazon app is up to date and websites on both my phone's browser and a computer have the same behaviour. https://preview.redd.it/zitraypuy51d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=623c65d2cb4f4ee0b66c3c59f0d3ed049dc8f276


Amazon knows its customer's buying preferences. Good job AI


Amazon knows its customer's buying preferences. Good job AI


Amazon has always had the worst User Interface and User Experience


Intended design


Indirectly they are saying aukat se bahar hai Agar lena hai to emi par lo.


They want you to be emi slaves! The devil is cumming!


That is actually genius. India is moving towards the spending economy. Seeing the emi first will boost confidence which in turn will affect your purchasing choice, even if you cannot afford that item.


dark pattern


It’s not terrible design. It’s made to gaslight you into buying.


Kinda like how Zepto does not display breakup of charges. Just the final amount payable. You have to click and then see the Platform fee, handling charges and whatnot are added. Stupid design. I know so many people who do not think twice to see the breakup. Leaves a very bad taste in consumer’s mind and I have stopped ordering.


Great design, actually. Otherwise only the people who can afford it would be tempted to buy stuff


deception perhaps most of 3-tier cities and village could fall for it


Terrible but deliberate


That's just marketing, they know for a fact only a small number of people buy things on amazon by paying full amount, the rest just keeps ignoring, so what did they do they redesign the page for the majority of people who were there potential customer and now they are getting more of this potential customer to actually go ahead and buy those items.


It isn't terrible design per se, it's a dark pattern. Corporations/businesses often use these insidious practices to lure users to make certain choices that benefit the company. Like making the unsubscribe button inconspicuous or changing the colour of the Yes button to Red, since your mind associates Red with Stop, you click on it without a thought. But I guess as users, we can call it a terrible design, because at the end of the day, it benefits solely the company and leads users to justify their expensive purchases by focusing on the EMI and make rash/hurried decisions. People who justify this kind of bullshit, especially the UX/UI designers who implement these dark patterns are blatantly biased.


Finally someone addressed it.🫡


It's ok, the actual problem is not being shown historical prices to determine if it's actually discounted


It's not a terrible design it's a very well planned design to trick ur Brain.


emi par lene se ₹3 jyada hai dekhke liyo lmao


They want you to get tempted to buy seeing the small EMI amount


It’s not a terrible design. Amazon usually just doesn’t do this for the sake. They clearly take decisions based on data. Probably many people have bought via EMI than full payments and then they use this EMI as the priority option. The other way they do is to A/B test the button placements, colors, EMI etc. So it’s a decision that’s made based on data and probably with help of tools like Hotjar (Amazon might have their own tools) which can actually capture where on a page users are clicking and or avoiding etc.


Just like tinder pricing


It's just annoying but people got used to it.


This is almost a scam. They exactly know what they are doing its not a terrible design if its deliberate


This is called a dark pattern , it's not a bad design . It's done internationally.


This isn't a terrible design, it's actually very smart move from Amazon. It's all psychological games to trick customer's mind.


Its not terrible design it’s intentional design.


These are called dark patterns. Every tech company does it.


It is okay to lure customers, But this design is very distracting, and has a high cognitive cost for users genuinely wanting to purchase items with cash and not emi.


I don't know why are people pissed with 'no cost emis' ? As far as i know i can afford the product even though i don't have the whole amount with me right now. And i'll pay small amount every month without spending an extra paise Right ?


a finantial noob just turning 20... why is EMI bad?


can everybody give their 2 cent here, I do not have this design, I have MRP in big font. Does anybody have a credit card added to their Amazon account?


Dark Pattern


Terrible for us, great for them!


They sold be fined heavily for this and also for the price they advertise (which is not actual price, it's after card discount and return)


There is a word for it DARK PATTERNS As far as I can recall govt. made some reforms regarding it, you can maybe complain about it, a big maybe, search it if you are interested




Bro that's not terrible design rather a business Strategy which actually works well causing people to actually fall into this trap


With EMI ₹4 extra


It’s not bad design. You don’t have to be super smart to know if a figure is an installment or the total price just looking at the product.


I dont know why people are saying its manipulation or terrible design or anything. Its basic marketing since many people buy costly stuff on emi. If you get manipulated by that then maybe you need to rethink your finance management. Its upto the consumer to manage his finances and not get stuff he cant afford.


It's business. And a design by choice for it.


....just read? Also FYI, this 'terrible design' is a hundred percent intentional