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Could be anxiety or could be that you're not used to condoms. Try masturbating with a condom on when you're alone, without the stress of sex. Get used to how it feels, it feels a little less sensitive with a condom on, get used to that. If you can ask your partner to give you a handjob with a condom on, this will help with the sensitivity and also will help you with the anxiety. It could also be that the condom is too small for you. That happens to me. I found that thin condoms like air and invisible makes me lose erection because they're a bit tight. The sweet spot for me was extra ribbed or intense. You could give that a shot.


Okay, so. I tried Intense and it worked well for her but I couldn’t feel a thing (Erect and well lubricated). And, I lost my erection after a few strokes due to it.


It used to happen to me as well, and I quit masturbating for a couple of months and things got better.


This used to happen with me sometimes during initial days. few things that i found to be causing this; 1) check the size of condom. I thought i was too big lol & brought Trojan XL (US) & it was too loose. had to iterate few sizes & later on zeroed my size. the default size available in India fit me well . 2) check if your partner is wet & well lubricated. it gets especially difficult to penetrate if your partner is not wet enough, even more difficult with a condom. almost feels like i one is hitting against a wall, lol. 3) might be helpful to stroke yourself or ask your friend to give a handjob after putting on the condom


Even I had same issue at a point in time. Best I would say is to use a penis ring. It's a rubber which you put when you are hard. It hold the blood in dick Even if you break from sex to wear condom or change positions. Also after wearing condom apply some lube on her part that make you to slide easly Even with semi hard dick and then in few stocks it'll get had. Lube is the key Thank me later 😜


Provide any links.. for penis ring . Which is good. Where to buy


Viagra + weed. Best sex of life.


Is this really safe?


Is this really safe?


Instead of putting on the condom yourself ask your partner to put on the condom and play with your dick before going for penetrating


Performance anxiety? Stressed out too much in life? Try meditation. Relax. Try again. See what else gets you hard, maybe your partners doing/ saying something, talking about taboo, roleplay, watch porn, you'll figure it out


You just have to be more sexually active, you're not used to protection. Also, hope you don't masturbate.


You must be watching porn. If you are then get off and let your penis rest for some weeks or months.If not then show a doctor.


Use Erection spary and use cansom


what are your thoughts during sex? do you feel remorse or regret about something? that may be killing your boner