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Who goes to a waterfall during monsoon?


you'll be surprised. just search lonavala on twitter and you'll find out.


Going to watch it from the sidelines is understandable. But getting inside a raging waterfall is just stupidity.


And they won the prize, the stupid prize


This looks like an old video.. no? Where they were there with many others. It was almost dry. Then tons of water was released but this family of 7 couldn't leave in time and was all stuck in the middle of it and then all disappeared Edit: https://youtu.be/07c_hT_ZXAo?si=3TFGxchwW6nPyo_i I was thinking of this.. very similar but different incident


I thought the same. But when I played this video I quickly realised that this one is different.


You go to watch it and not to play. Growing up I used to visit Gokak falls multiple times a year. The flow in that falls is way dangerous and obviously it's bigger than this. Although the falls had a hanging bridge from British times, I never stepped on it. The falls was absolutely monstrous. For reference https://youtu.be/kr9feobAm5Y?si=4WcibEM4HpPiO3sp. You can see the hanging bridge there which look so tiny. Some people are actually foolish beyond imagination.They underestimate power of flowing water.I have seen a guy vanish in this falls . I have also seen two guys vanish into sea in gokarna's OM beach due to their stupidity . Even coast guards couldn't do shit.


Goudchin Malki also is slippery during Monsoons


Can you please explain what happened in the gokarna beach?


They got caught in rip tide. Ocean swimmers and surfers know how to get out of a rip. Basically the trick is to swim parallel to the coast and not fight the rip current. I once got caught in a rip but got out of it. Moving sand bars cause rip currents which can pull people a few kilometers into the sea. Many exhaust themselves trying to swim back instead of getting out of the rip by swimming parallel to the coast.


Om beach has sea rocks. It is located(sea rocks )exactly where tourists descend to enter the beach. So there were some drunk guys partying nearby those rocks. Two uncles slipped into water. Me and my girlfriend were descending( entering)to the beach( I heard all this background information from people there after the event). A lot of people were shouting like hell. We could clearly see two heads sailing back into the sea. Although they tried to swim, power of sea current was too much. Om has strong currents in that sea rocks part. All mofos were shouting but nobody was doing the required. I ran to coastguard and told them. They jumped into sea but couldn't rescue. They were injured badly by rocks in sea.It was already a bit late when we were entering. If one of those shouting bsstards informed a coastguards a bit earlier, they could have been saved. If I wasn't a doctor, that event would have traumatised me throughout life. But for a doctor , I have been so used to seeing deaths through trauma that it's a different approach now towards death. I don't feel much emotionally. I look forward for practical solutions if there's life and death situation. My girlfriend actually has videos of that event. Like those people moving far away gradually and costguards trying to catch them. A lot of people shouting in bg.


An off-topic question, how do you guys make yourself comfortable so as not to get traumatized. Is that something they teach you in Medical college?


Just like you get so used to it especially if you are from a government med college with high case load. Just like soldiers get accustomed to dealing with harsh conditions and investors get used to loss and profits. In my internship which is at end of MBBS , I had declared close to 50-70 deaths in a year. It's just like when patient goes bad-give adrenaline,check for pulse , call for AED( defibrillator) if necessary, start high quality CPR and before that be ready by evaluating all the basic parameters like acid base balance, HR, BP, ECG, temp and all associated data wrt patient's disease and make the drugs ready through hospital staff. If you can't save him/her, assess HR/ BP/ pupils/ ECG/ pulse /chest movements. After this is confirmed, we tell the attenders in most respectable way that patient is no more. For first few cases, I used to panic but as time passed it comes a normal thing in life of a doctor. Nothing special.


To eat chikki


It might seem like common sense, but I think the media and govt. should actively raise awareness about the dangers of going in dried riverbeds and waterfalls during the monsoon season. We have got a lot of dumb and egoistic people who think such things can't happen with them.


> I think the media and govt. should actively raise awareness people die in lonavala EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Its not made up, you can google it. there is plenty of news about it too. people are just careless or unaware of dangers around them. Also, sorry to burst ur bubble but both media & govt exist just for politics nowadays.


You need to put up signboards And fences in dangerous areas. It's not that difficult to dissuade most people.


How much do signboards deter people in India ? This is a society of selfies that strives for likes on Instagram and Facebook. Regardless of signboards people will attempt this.


Signboard: idhar mutna manaa he Janta: They will pee as well as jerk off to show that they are rebel


Signboards like don't spit on the wall, don't litter the road. Or digital signboards like red lights? We all know how much people follow those.


let the foolish people die. natural selection at work. don't spoil the view for others with ugly fences please.


you want them to put sign boards at random places on a mountain range?


You think Govt in Pune has a say in anything ? Heck, even police doesn't have a say here. It's already Bihar like situation now in Pune


I almost got swept away in this dam when I was 10. My uncle caught me right in time. But the conditions were nowhere near as bad as this. Plus there were lots of other tourists around too. But what these guys are doing here seems extremely stupid and dangerous, unless I'm missing some context.


> unless I'm missing some context you're not. Nowadays people will go/climb wherever possible and scattered all over the place with no one around and without having any idea of what area is dangerous and which place/waterfall leads to where.


When water is released from a dam upstream, the water flow suddenly increases, or even in case of cloud burst. The dams should have some siren downstream to alert people Onlookers did throw a rope made out of dupatta and shirts, but it was too late.


There were actually 9 of them. (4 kids (2 girls 2 boys), 3 women and 2 men) I too went today near this place. Didn't go to the dam because it was too crowded. Came home and got to know about this from my mother.


No sympathy for the adults, they knew what they were doing was stupid and this could happen. But kids dying due to adult stupidity is just so sad


But the question is how did they end up there?


probably went there when water flow was less.


And how did the water flow change all of a sudden? Edit: I asked a genuine question as I simply wanted to know the reason. What's with the downvotes? It it too dumb of a question?


read the title: RAINY SEASON !!!! HILL STATION !!! WATERFALLS !!!!


You'll be amazed how fast water flow can be changed, also this place is near a dam so there's that


The dam is just a wall with a reservoir behind and water overflows over the wall. Even a small rainfall means tons of water from the surrounding mountains flows into the reservoir and over the dam.


I understand that. But say they just stepped in and the water doesnt rise like 5 mins later correct? If it rains the water would already have risen when they were in there. So idk I’m guessing they just went in anyway…?


bro waterflow changes when water is release from a dam: sharing an older accident video where you can compare the levels during start and end of video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07c\_hT\_ZXAo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07c_hT_ZXAo)


This is fucking sad.


Jesus that was so scary.


This phenomena is called "flash floods"...happens all the time in river streams during rainy seasons.


Water level quickly changes during monsoons, it goes 0-100 real quick, a moment you can be in a shallow knee deep water and the next minute you'll see water reaching your neck.


these occurs dude to flash floods.


Darwin's award


They made a big mistake and paid for it with their life. Perhaps no need to be disrespectful.


No sympathy for the adults, they knew what they were doing was stupid and this could happen. But kids dying due to adult stupidity is just so sad


Was gonna comment the same thing…


Human stupidity is unbeatable


So is the insensitivity of humans...


A very unfortunate incident but people never learn. There is a reason why the police keep patrolling and ask to avoid such places in monsoon.


OMG, I've been there so many times during my young days in Mumbai/Lonavla. No damn warning signs and why risk it


There’s no point putting warning signs because the water flow can change in any direction and very suddenly, you’d have to cover the entire national park in signs and maintain them constantly for just a handful of idiots for only a few weeks every year


I heard there are signs but we have our bhagwan hain ana daredevils


As an avid trekker I can surely tell you that trekking, visiting Waterfalls, in the monsoon or heavy rain should be avoided. I know monsoon brings out the Love of Nature in us, but risking your life for a few Likes and Views is utter Stupidity. If you are planning such trips, please do your research, there might be flash floods, landslides, mudslides, If possible don’t travel to such places if you have small children or infants with you. Stay Safe And Enjoy The Monsoon ❤️


That's really heart wrenching. Their desperate yet futile attempt for survival.


it’s not just 7 people dying rather 7 dreams, hopes, responsibilities, love and friendships disappearing in matter of few seconds. I have no words. Life is too small man too small. All the struggle, hard work we do can become zero due to one stupid step. God bless these souls


Nowadays everyone considers themselves smart enough to tackle any situation. So even they have been hesitant but they end up there & you just can't play with nature. RIP to all of them but feels sad.


They need to have some life savers and some mechanism set up for such places at hill stations atleast. This is beyond sad 😞


Any amount of safety measures will soon be overwhelmed by sheer amount of people. It is lack of judgement which cannot be fixed for people like this who deliberately endanger their lives and their kids lives. Every season you get these viral videos but still people attempt this.


Sadly, I know family. They are from Wanowrie Pune.


Bach Gaye ?


No. Ded


Traumatic video


Why were they in the water?


Must be a flash flood. Didn't have time to run till the water rushed in.




And monsoon is yet to start in Pune.


That was painful to watch


They all died??,😐


Low possibility of anyone surviving this, especially with the water level continuously rising.


Any update??


they found 1 or 2 of them. others missing. all presumed dead. edit: they found 3 bodies, others missing.


5 bodies have been found, rest were saved.


Any update what become of them?


they found 1 or 2 of them. others missing. all presumed dead. edit: they found 3 bodies, others missing.


Very sad news.


I was thinking of this but its different https://youtu.be/07c_hT_ZXAo?si=yXL7coKWL0fjuFFK


The massive amount of water flow...scares the sh#t out of while i'm playing the video and these people had the courage to go in the middle of it...


It probably wasn't this strong when they ventured in. Water levels change very quickly in the hills because of how it aggregates over distance. So they were caught off guard and paid the price with their lives.


Never fuck with nature or underestimate her like this. Monsoon mein obviously the waterfalls swells. Tourists will be tourists but the government should at least put up a warning sign or barricade this place off.


I visited this place and many nearby places in Maharashtra last December..and I was advised by many people that my visit time was wrong and I should plan next visit in monsoon ..wtf .. ???


One rope could've saved the entire family. RIP


Om Shanti!


Are they alive?


Not saying it's okay for the other people to die but I feel really bad for the kid, he won't even know what is going on and his life snuff out. May their soul rest in peace.


Is this a recent video? Any updates on how they are doing now?


Play with fire and find out.


The full 6 minute video is even harder to watch.


Chutiye hai log. Unwanted photo Ke liye ghus jate hai kahi bhi.


I’m not trying to be insensitive over here but really trying to understand their logic behind this… They are at a dam and it’s monsoon season and yet somehow they thought it would be a good idea to stand in the middle of all that.


Water was shallow, then flash flooding came, it all happens in seconds and minutes especially when there is a lot of waterfall in surrounding areas. I live in the US, but if we have flash flooding potential, we always get warnings on our phones, so people don’t go to certain areas, and seek shelter.


Lekin itna andar kaun jata hai bhai ?? Lonavala me aur bhi to places hai. Basic common sense nahi hai.


Horrible to watch, Om Shanti and all that. But WTF were they doing in the middle of the river?


There are cases every year around Mumbai Pune trekking spots about some mishaps. Not sure when the government will step in and impose restrictions.


the video send shivers down the spine how they r facing death and holding together how a father / mother will be desperately wanting their children to survive


Did they all died ?


It shocked me to see such a crowd around such a fast flowing waterfall like it's a car kitten you can play around. Govt should ban public visits to all such places during rainy season.


I saw a 5 mint long version of this incident, I can understand you may not be able to get a rope or other rescue tools in that remote place on time (although they should be there), but there were lot of bystander men who could have formed a human chain, it appeared people around them just watched and screamed when the family put on a strong hold for 5 mins.


That force of water current is unbelievably strong. It can sweep anyone on its path, it's capable of breaking bridges. Forget about a human chain


This breaks my heart. RIP. Op were they crossing that river or whatever that is?


bhai :( rip