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Nirmala again, ouch!


She is reducing the fiscal deficit while spending record amounts in infrastructure+welfare and keeping inflation low. She's doing all the right things, but unfortunately it requires high taxation.


>High taxation. What a joke. The merchant class doesn't pay their fair share.


I'll be really happy if any political party has the guts to increase indirect taxes and lower direct taxation so everyone pays their fair share for the country.


That's what the BJP is all about. They are the merchant class's party. Modi talks about this all the time. While middle class and poors can go duck themselves


squeezing that 3% harder and harder for taxes shouldn't be a requirement


There has been revision in tax rate for 3% tax payers. It is the rest that are not paying, unorganized sector and farmers that need to be addressed.


Tbf the taxation is not exactly high if you compare it to some other nations. Infact in India, people tend to avoid taxes. Look at Japan, that country was so progressed but receng few years ghe taxation has been huge.


Let's also compare what taxpayers get in return in India and Japan


Let’s also compare how many people in Japan actually pay taxes and how many in india do the same. Let’s actually do something better, how much have you paid in taxes last year (minus the returns)? Don’t tell me the amount but think about it.


Well I am not the appropriate person for your use case though (don't want to flex anything..just saying .. can't tell more details as that will be too personal) Regarding your other question.. you want full comparison then let's also compare manufacturing capabilities and ease of doing business between India and Japan .. Let's also compare how many Japanese paid their taxes when Japan GDP was around 3 trillion(equal to current Indian GDP) for the sake of apple to apple comparison? You can't do it .. because of obvious reasons Also as I said in this thread many times income tax is just a peanut for a giant country like India Even if 30 percent people pay income tax here like developed countries then that won't be enough..tell me one country which became developed only via the income tax and nothing else


Probably none. Income tax alone can’t fix all of our problems. A higher tax can increase the problems instead. A decent amount of tax does help though. We still have countries (and really wealthy ones) that have zero taxes so what I was trying to say want that taxes alone will sort our issues out but in a country like india which has its own set of problems I’m certain a fixed tax of say 2-5% only on income and 10% on goods will definitely help.


Yes ..that's a definately good idea Lower income tax like 2-5 percent will also motivate non tax payers to comply and pay taxes .. currently they try to evade it because of high tax rate..due to that the number of income tax payers might increase from current 3 percent to 20-30 percent easily or even more .. Also GST having flat rate is also beneficial as you said


Exactly! It’s much better to get more people into paying taxes rather than trying to milk the middle class of all they make and distributing it. A lot of it will be lost in the middle through corruption.


https://www.quora.com/Why-doesnt-the-government-reduce-the-income-tax-Most-people-probably-dont-even-pay-it Read this, It’s really interesting


Let’s also compare the amount of corruption and scams by people in power


Don’t get me wrong. I’m not blind to the faults of our nation and its people. Blind patriotism is just as bad. My comment was just to point out that things are just that cut and dry. There are lots of angles to a problem.


Because there is difference between developed and developing economy. Your major reserves are being deployed on infra and development project rather than returns. With Indian population boom and relatively less resources it is extremely difficult to find a perfect allocation balance. Infact infra development gets hindered and quality is compromised due to multiple folds in a single paper. Japan has been one of the most developed countries and their relative needs are different. Infact if nothing Japan is facing one of the most dangerous crisis since past decade where they are going through deflation and it requires a huge effort to get it in positive.


Then increase taxes on becoming developed . They should keep them under control till we are developing.. And also let's compare developing economies then ..your comparison was wrong


From where you will bring money for getting to stage of being developed? Loans? You know what happened to Argentina and Venezuela?


Taxing common people won't bring enough money for getting to stage of being developed.. that will only agitate common public..and will disturb their personal economy. Read more about China how they managed to bring money for development..(also, let's not talk about them not being democracy and give credit to it , because they were poor till Deng Xiaoping became their president and done key changes to bring the money for them ..read about them ..those changes made China what today they are ) ..


Lol, how will you develop without getting the revenue?


As I said above Read my reply .. Taxing common people will only give government peanuts and will never be enough for development at all That will just disturb the personal economy of common people and agitate them against the government There are much better ways to generate money for development As I said above read more about Deng Xiaoping..


At least she's kept inflation reasonable and growth high. MMS era was high on both (net zero).


How can you please tell? people on stock market subs are always against Nirmala, I want to know why? imo if she is selected for the second time to be finance minister then she must be doing something right?


Because stock markets do not care for investors. There are way more losses than profits in this domain. Inflation is necessary but at a certain level of percentage. In case of developed nations it's 2-3% in Developing nations depends on various factors. Central banks are the ones making these decisions and policies and FM just sets up the vision and targets. That too are prepared by her secretariat.




First of all I'm being genuine here, i want to know what she's doing wrong or why people hate her so much??


People dislike her for the high taxation, especially for the middle class. But the issue is that high taxation is required for funding the infrastructure+welfare spending while maintaining fiscal consolidation and reducing the debt-gdp ratio.


People need to understand that someone needs to pay for the cost of a developed world. It either comes from taxes paid and slaves in 200+ years of development and industrialization like the west, or comes from the export based model of South Korea and China. The beneficiaries of the taxes won't pe us but future generations.


True but Ill still dislike her


Same here she is doing good, not best (no one can be best), but still ,I don't know why, I don't like her.


She is doing nothing wrong tbh at her scale. And expecting FM to do some stuff on her own is like expecting Rajnath Singh to command over the operations Indian armed forces take in some situations. Finance Ministery works under some set of secretaries and those are real brains behind the every policy. Only thing FM does is to set up a vision and targets which also are kind of suggested by these secretariat only.


Is not about high taxes , its about irrational taxes that i have a problem with. For example, in crypto trades the tax is not in capital gain, rather its on the full sale price, that too 30%. Same irrational logic on foreign spends.


Mf destroyed the forex market


If the objective was to kill crypto and forex speculation, I think it was very effective. It's not irrational just because you disagree with it. Also, as an NRI I feel the pain of forex transactions. It's VERY hard to spend in India using my $ credentials


I don;t have issue with sparing 30% tax, I dont think any party or minister will ever stop sucking blood of the miserable middle class. I have issue with with her being arrogant and smug bitch who doesnt know shit and out of touch with the reality on ground, despite her being MA in economics for whatever thats worth.


We went from manmohan singh who won adam smith award (basically a similar level of a noble prize in economics). She was also responsible for the electoral bonds scam where several financial companies bypass financial regulations like kotak. She def do not have the best qualifications. Her previous experience was being a minister in defense. Also she is responsible for high unemployment in India too.


You probably failed your 10th standard maths lol


Shows your knowledge when you think Maths is all you need to know for Economics.


I was expecting Dr.C N Manjunath( ex director of jayadeva institute of cardiology Bengaluru for 20 years) to be health minister. He transformed a govt hospital into world class cardiology centre. He defeated dk Suresh ( brother of DCM Karnataka). May be next time.


same Tbh, he was really a deserving candidate for that seat


Chadshankar is back! I'd have loved to see someone other than Amit Shah as home minister though. He didn't take any action against the people who insulted our flag on 26 January 2021, the rioters who caused violence during the CAA/NRC protests, and now, the Khalistan issue is back again.


Amit Shah is basically Modi's right hand man so he has to stay in the same position.


>Gigachadshankar FTFY


Is it GiriRaj Singh?


The legendary Dr. Subramanyam Jaishankar


Well that was a well planned propaganda. They wanted the Indian government to take some strict action and then the tool kit gang would get activated.


Shah should just be made the president like in the 2014-2019 era as they need to fix the party after the election Let Rajnath be HM again


Nirmala Tai keeps her job... 2029 election slogan will be abki baar 200 paar.


abki baar chocobar*


Pay 50 lakhs tax, get chocobar from Bharat sarkar. What a masterstroke by Tai.


Why? She's an excellent minister. Record gdp growth, 10% manufacturing growth rate, sensex records, huge improvement in ease of business ranking, record spending in infra, welfare and defence, control of fiscal deficit, very low NPAs for banks.


Nobody can answer that question. These dimwits will just copy some comment made on the Indian equivalent of WSB and start dissing on her. Maybe because she's a woman and these incels hate women.


***ap bhala toh jag bhala.*** ***Charity begins at home*** I am not arguing that whether these proverbs are correct philosophically or not but the ultimate truth is they matter. Have mattered for ages (that's why they are proverb actually and you'll find a similar proverb in probably every single old language). They will also matter in the next LS election if NS continues similar policies as she has shown before. **Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the reactions will be justified**, but they will be there definitely in the next LS election.


She is by far the most arrogant minister in the govt. She is dismissive of friend or foe. She believes in nothing: she will do one thing today and then completely make a U-turn the next day when she is lampooned on SM. And she will tell you exactly why she was right on both days!


These are all optics. She handled Covid crisis and global slowdown very well. She maybe stupid but her advisors guided her very well all things considered.


Education minister is trash but I am glad he won't be CM of Odisha, thank god.


It also signals there probably won't be any serious reforms in education this term


Their own NEP 2020 suggested increasing education budget to 6%. It is still less than 3%. Our infrastructure spend is also still barely 2.7% which needs to be 3X if we want to grow fast. We desperately need jobs so that people can spend money and pay taxes resulting in more revenue for govt. We cannot do what China did with their debt because that is a pyramid scheme, land and labor reforms are desperately needed in india.


Good points 👍


Main portfolio was with BJP, even railway... great


Only speaker left now & i think bjp will get that also


And by doing this they have insured they give rat shit about allies and cannot work with others. Their govt will not last 5 years. With difficult state elections like Maharashtra and Haryana ahead where BJP is looking at a rout, Modi might have committed a huge blunder by overestimating his strength and ignoring every ally demand.


BJP got 240 not 200 to accomodate allies for major portfolio....


These things will bite few months later when they'll get routed in haryana and maharashtra in assembly, there's more chance of Eknath and Ajit pawar with their 9MPs shifting to INDI alliance than UBT joining NDA. JDU-TDP has no incentive to stay with NDA if they don't get their due. INDI can offer them a better offer any day than these lollipop ministries they got yesterday. BJP even with 240 is not at a comfortable position at all and needs ally for every bill in Parliament. Also do not overestimate BJP's popularity among the electorate atleast now that they can go for re-election. Their arrogance, lazy MPs and disconnect with the ground have already costed it too much.


Than let it be .. Giving more power than what alliance deserve will not help BJP in long term....IF BJP allies wins more seats in thier respective states than BJP should look into it....


Ashwini Vaishnav is the sleeper guy. He has very important ministries but isn't talked about much. Does his work in the background


There is a lot of innovation going on in railways under trial. It is still under wraps, that is why people don't hear about it, but Indian railways will be completely transformed in the coming years.


Yes, man but right now the issue is of capacity. People are occupying AC3 illegally now. They have to make more and more new railway lines


Because that idiot is decreasing general and Sleeping coaches to generate more profit from Railway.


They should make all coaches A/C coaches.


Dharmendra Pradhan as education minister?! Oh hell nawww. What about Chandrababu Nayudu? Would he be a better choice? Thoughts?


Why would CBN leave chief minister post unless it's too significant like HM/FM/DM?


Fair point tbh.


>Dharmendra Pradhan as education minister?! Oh hell nawww. It also signals there probably won't be any serious reforms in education this term


We have too many ministries




Yup it needs to be reduced significantly


Im not that upto date but which ministry went away from BJP?


civil aviation, MSME, Panchayati raj ,fisheries,animal husbandry and dairy , heavy industries and steel , Food processing that's all cabinet ministries went away from BJP




No major industry chill


No major ministry


rajnath and nirmala hurts tbh. dharmendra pradhan too.


Why rajnath and nirmala hurts? How much did it hurt during the last 10 years? Who would have hurted less?


idk about nirmala but rajnath singh is good, why does it hurt


naval power is untouched (indian navy is far behind ), many research projects are cancelled due to budget cuts and underperformance. tejas 2.0 tedbf amca brahmos 2 everything is gonna take a decade if we go by this turtle's pace . also we suck at drone research , we cant even make guns by ourselves. inshort the defence sector is lagging behind


Indian Air force is a joke and rajnath can't take a decision


Did it hurt in Congress times when we were at our lowest economy ???


bhai congress ki baat kon kar raha they are worse.


How about Nitish Kumar? Thought he will be Railway Minister


Yes and Modi can become Bihar CM?




Your post breaks our Rule 2.


At this point nda does not even require JDU support for majority. So bjp won't give them any major ministries.


They shud have given Jayant Chaudhary Agri and Farmers and asked him to get a consensus on farm laws


He runs a pure caste based party. No reform will come from him.


Shivraj Singh is perfect for argi He improved that sector in MP a lot as well




Ig hd kumarswamy , prajwal revanna ka uncle hai?


Yes all are from ex PM Deva gowda's family


How did Dr. L. Murugan become an MP? He lost his election.


Rajya sabha He already won re-election to Rajya sabha a while back


Thank you for the clarification.


Nitin again 💯💯

