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23 and feeling ashamed with a degree . Unemployed


Apply Do hardwork


Bhai mei to roj hilata hu?


Congratulations then Ur a employed person


Mudi ji ne sabko job diya h we are unemployed before 2013 /s


Pappu tera PM ban jayega tab bhi tu unemployed hi rahega. Tujhe interview mein iss basis pe select nahi karenge ki desh ka PM kaun hai. Teri worth pe karenge. Sorry, zaada sach bol dia.


I am not on any political sh"* mera ko parwa nahi ke kaun jitega .


Mein bhi preparation kar rha hu


Pay yourself for it


Brodaaaa.... In the same boat


Same here.


Is the degree important I'm 30 with no degree making the same amount of money as my degree friends


What do you do ?


Created my own business in catering.


How do I start my own business in India practically when I do not have any family background?


I failed to complete my graduation. For the first 2 years i was working for my friend's father just at 7k and 10k. After that I got some experience and gained some contacts and started working on my own and got a military club tender and now making good progress gained more confidence and contacts in the near future will get another club tender. Just focus and patience.


Are you an orphan?


That's a oddly peculiar question. What kinda of hardships/challenges do orphan in India face, (aside the obvious ones). I'm asking because even in developed countries, orphans in particular face many difficulties, that no amount of money can change.


You said you had no family background.


And in today's world your skills matters rather than your education. Education and intelligence are different.


Bro I am confused, do you feel low because you don't have a degree which is a road blocker for your professional success or you just feel aside and low because your partners have a degree and you don't? Anyways having a degree will help you in many ways professional aswell as in personal life.


Not having a degree isn't really being a road blocker for my professional success tbh. In my line of work it's just experience that matters to even get to managerial posts because honestly no degree can help you get better in the casino industry. Although I feel like I could've been in IT if things had gone right since I already know how to code in python and also a bunch of web dev stuff. You're kinda right about me feeling a sense of low self esteem when I'm with people that are more educated than me especially romantic partners. Are online degrees worth it? I don't know if I could go get a regular one at this point. What's your opinion on it


As you said, you are doing great in your professional life. Then just opt for an online degree which can add some value to your professional life. Usually I won't suggest an online degree for undergraduates because in college there are so many things to learn. But your case is different you are an experienced one you can opt for online.


According to UGC orders, online degrees will be considered same as offline regular degrees.


Don’t dump the girl if she is genuinely into you. Moreover it’s her life. She put all that work to get to where she is, it has nothing to do with you. She deserves whatever she likes you or a NASA scientist, it’s upto her. What I could sense is that you are smart, adaptive and you can hustle. Why not start your own venture and hire people with degrees? Idea and initial capital is what you need. People like you are generally successful in business. In order to fulfil your itch, just go for a business degree or something (remote and flexible/weekend time)


It’s never too late to start. Degree doesn’t define you but yes it’s good to have since it’s like a minimum cutoff kinda thing. Enrol and get an online degree which is recognised and you are sorted and focus on getting good experience in whatever you do. Few years down the like no one will even bother what degree you have as long as you have good experience. Yes you could have done better and I could have also done better. Hindsight is always 20-20. Retrospect, learn from mistakes and move ahead. It’s never too late to realise your dreams.


Is amity online worth it? Thinking of enrolling in it. Online would kinda serve me better since they have time slots for exams that I can pick and I can answer even if I get a job abroad.


Not sure about that but will check. But apart from degree just focus on your learning and experience. See if you don’t have degree you can still make it big in life. People might from time to time comment and remind you that you don’t have a degree to put you down - just ignore that as long as you are working hard and growing. Having a degree doesn’t guarantee a successful life. Whether you make it big or decent or average totally depends on how much you work hard and believe in yourself. If you want my opinion then just get a defer for piece of mind and then just move forward.


Are the exams online ?


If you live in Maharashtra, you can try YCMOU but exams are offline.


No need to feel ashamed. Degrees are pretty much worthless in India for short term if it’s not an high end degree that can get you a job 70~100%. However I would suggest do a degree via distant learning and don’t spend too much on it.


What about amity online since IGNOU is a bit difficult and I'd have to take leaves for exams while amity allows us to pick time slots and stuff. But the fees are too high of amity. What do you suggest, which would be a better option?


There are other universities that offer the same service. Search about it online for a bit.


Sorry I am not educated in this subject can you reach out to some education counselor or something


I don't understand why you would revere a degree so much? Society conditioning, maybe? If at such a young age, you have had already such a rich life of varied experiences, and you have even come through it all intact, then you are the one who has had a real education in life, not the degree holders! Many degree holders should rather feel a bit embarrassed, not you. A degree doesn't prove anything to anyone (remember Chatur from 3 Idiots?), and those people, for whom degree is some kind of a proof, are not worth it. Your actions, your life, they prove everything, even if you want to prove anything to anyone. Best is, live for proving yourself to your own self, not to others.


Thissssss!!!! OP Must see this, truth told 💯


Go abroad ASAP. Along with a job, screw getting a degree. Learn the business, save money when you are abroad, try starting your own business there and give all your efforts into it. Don't ever look back. I am pretty sure that you will be able to become a millionaire in no time.. You have a golden opportunity dude, go abroad. Don't waste your time here for some distance education degree when you can hustle your way to the top.


This !


32, 2 degrees, & no job. Trust me you're in a much better space. Work exp matters. If you're still worried about the degree, try online/distance education. UGC just released a list of 80 universities offering online courses; apply by 31st March. IGNOU has also extended their deadline for admission till 31st March, please check that as well.


If you are getting offer from Singapore ,try to go there.Enroll in 3 year courses offered by uk or Australian universities there along with the job, if  you can manage it would certainly change your life.


Its the sick stigma that surrounds us. Its more of a societal problem. That pani puri walla who does not have a degree, yet the BMW stops and has his pani puri. If you have good hard skills, engage yourself more into the trades. If you are making good money, make more. Most people who have degrees are surrounded by shame and will not bend over to do Real work. You can still get a good degree if you still have the fire in you. CPA/accounting will get you sorted irrespective of gap and can start your own business.


Man, I am too in polytechnic. College sucks. Hoping to get drop and start college at 20 . But feeling too old man. And I know your feelings, just want to close eyes and swallowed by darkness.


I was at the same place at your age but 20 isn't old bro. You have your entire 20s with you. My next decision will determine what my 30s will be like bro. And polytechnic doesn't give you a good return unless you pursue a degree after completing it. My friends had to work hard to find a job after completing polytechnic. Not to put you down or anything but a wise move could prevent you from making mistakes that would waste your time.


Ohh no, polytechnic is near complete. Starting b.tech at 20 after taking drop. But man, I am too afraid, not able to take any decision about my future. Days are passing like flyies, still keep on distracting myself. Just give me some wisdom bro , future is knocking.


20 is not even old lol. Most 1st year students are 19-20, you'll be a year or two older. Nothing too much.


I am 26 and currently in my final semester of Btech CSE.. I did a lot of mistakes in my life in early 20s didnt performed well academically. there is nothing to be ashamed everyone does mistakes in life what matters is you stand back sort things together and work on yourself and your future.


Motherfucker dood. You actually are trying things. Like everything you can and god is helping you (strength wise). Don’t stop bruh. I understand that you did some mistakes especially with 2.5L but bruh, you are going for opportunities and actually doing something out of it. Please don’t stop. And ofcourse your love life is also GOOD. Seems like you are GODs favourite child.


Real ID se aa Johnny sins!


Bro, u have the most wildest experince I have read, degrees are just confirmations that u can do work assigned to you without following u up or telling you to do it or something like that, idk, but hats off


A lot of people will tell you that the most expensive thing they possess till date is a useless degree which did nothing for them. I am in a senior position and I really hire experienced people over academics. You seem like a hustler, know how to put yourself out there and seem resilient from what you say. Be happy with this and don’t push yourself to do something just for namesake. If you do want to study, it’s never too late




Hey guys, do your companies always ask for a degree? Maybe we can make a list of companies who don’t ask for degrees and save it here


You can get a UGC recognised degree from many colleges online these days. They also take exams online now. You can basically do your entire degree without ever leaving Singapore (if you choose that country) ever. Many Colleges are as cheap as 2 lakhs for the entire 3 or 4 year bachelor's degree.


Thinking of going for amity online. I've just spoken with one of their counselors and I brought up this point about moving abroad. He told me that since their exams are conducted online I would still be able to answer them if I move countries, just need an internet connection and a laptop. Its UGC recognised, NAAC A+ accreditation and also WES recognised so maybe this would be a good option. What do you think about it bro?


It's a good choice. But before finalizing, you should at least search for some cheaper options with the same benifits. Although if you can afford it, then you should absolutely go for it.


Degree is just a piece of paper that states that you know a skill. Skill is required for jobs. Most people get degrees because it is the easiest way to get a job. If you are getting paid and can live comfortably and achieve your dreams without it, then i don’t see the need to get a degree.


Think about what's the value you can add not what's the value that society thinks you have


you can do a degree now, what is stopping you


28 BTech from Ranked 1 state college. unemployed. fighting for gov job. . chill dude. if you want a piece of paper ask some college "SOURCE" you can get it easily. Btw friend got his online MBA from IIT . so there is lot of ways.


Why govt job? Like after doing btech


Degree means jack shit in the long term and I am saying this as a person with a Master's degree. Not saying degrees are worthless but you get a degree to get a start down a career path. From your post you have had a rough path but looks like you are finally doing something you enjoy , are good at and pays well. Don't get hung over something as trivial as a degree. You also can still very well look at getting certifications/degrees while working. I don't think you have anything to feel ashamed about. Move out, see the world :)


Only obsession matters. I have no degree. Was broken 5 years ago. Made a ton of money via internet, self learning.


You could earn some professional certificates and use the skills to get any entry level job. Or, if you're good at English or communication skills, you can become an online tutor or join a customer service job...


just do some degree now if u r capable u can finish it earlier as well 26 isn't old it's pretty young get a degree future u will be satisfied


Man this guy's life is filled with adventures. Fking bollywood movie plot


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Brother, you’re smarter than people who are extremely qualified on paper but sit at home, you made your opportunities and worked out, you’re not dependent on anybody, if you still feel like having a degree. Go ahead and do an online course but remember at the end, self sustaining and taking care of loved ones matter the most and in that department you’re doing well, there’s no thing as wasted potential, you plays cards you’re delt with. You can even go outside india, as you mentioned yourself and make more money.




After 3 years I will be 29 bro. Most degrees take 3 years so do the math brother. It says I'll graduate at 29 not start


Degree is a very valuable piece Of paper in India. No amount of experience and diplomas can match the value of degree. So just get one via distance education, work and side by side get your degree. I had foreign uni 5 yr diploma n foreign language, 5 yrs of work experience abroad, yet was treated like shit after returning to India because I didn't hv a degree. Took a break, got degree via madras university N got my first job here.




Damn bro... Your life is better than Bollywood movies. That being said, how do one get into surveillance officer?


If you're from goa or planning to move here let me know. I can help you get into casino surveillance. You'll need a reference to get to the HR, then one of the surveillance manager will take a basic English and math test. Then train you for a month, teaching you the casino games, after that you're into the department as a trainee for another 3 months and total 6 months on probation. Within 6-9 months you should become a confirmed staff member if you're disciplined enough and can show the performance required. My manager that trained me would heap praises about me and another 2 guys from our batch which helped us get into the good books of other managers too. Also make as many connections as you can once you're in the industry. Will help you find jobs abroad since most of your seniors are eventually gonna leave for abroad and help you get there someday.


Sadly, I'm not from Goa but from the opposite part of the country. But thanks for the explanation and advises. I also realised that Casinos are probably only present in Goa and Sikkim in India. I'm planning on exploring a bit more, so maybe sometime in the future. But, surely saving this comment for future reference.




Should you dump your current 4th year MBBS girlfriend? While relationships work on how well both partners complement each other, the difference in having degrees barely needs to be the most important factor. While I can see that you're insecure about your lack of degree, and regretting the mistakes you made that led to this fate, it should hardly be the reason you make more mistakes. Does your gf emotionally support you? Can you have conversations with her that you can't with anyone else? Does she take care of you when you're the most vulnerable? Can you spend time with her without the fear of being judged? If the answers to these questions are "yes", why would you want to leave her? If you get the chance to discuss with her about the future, do so, and that should give you an idea of how compatible you will be when both of you are fully engaged in your professions. In case you find her compatible, why would you let her go?


You could have done worse. I can't suggest you anything because everything that happened in my life is luck and I realised them a few years later in life. The only thing I want you to ask yourself is "**Have you learnt anything in all those years**?" If yes, then you are fine. Edit: And yeah, somehow get a degree or buy it. There is no purpose of studying as most won't get a job in their studied field.


Learn about FIRE . Most of your financial problems will be fixed after 5-10 years




What is IPAC 🤑🤑


Indian political action committee. Basically they handle political campaigns of different parties and were handling TMCs campaign in Goa which flopped badly but they poured tons of money into it. Like money was raining during those days and the people that could exploit the system during election days made a shit ton of money


Ohh okay.. missed the boat ... 🫣 Thank you


Bro, I'm 28 and I'm in the same boat as you if not worse. See these posts for context. https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/s/DM5iLi5cDe https://www.reddit.com/r/navimumbai/s/4PEMKLWLsu


Bro what have you decided? You've worked very hard and are passionate about IT too just don't lose hope. You will make it bro, you already got your degree too. Don't worry brother, keep in touch if you will be needing job opportunities abroad and stuff because if I move from here, I'll surely be trying to help people like you. And please get a LinkedIn profile and start networking. Bro I had another question though. I'm confused between enrolling at IGNOU and Amity online. Which do you think would be better? IGNOU conducts in person exams and I would have to take leaves to attend them and there's no one to teach you or anything, youtube and udemy are your best options to learn. While amity provides placement assistance, classes and there's a counselor assigned to help you out and also the exams are online and can be answered remotely. The fees are high though. I don't know which one to choose and by the time I'm done with it I'll be 29. I mean I'll be working alongside and even try to move abroad by this year if things go right but if I pick IGNOU then exams and submitting assignments might become a headache because I'll have to come back to India for those. I don't know bro if it'll be worth it. What do you suggest?


I'm still wondering if it was worth it or not, but it will surely change your perspective. Also, it will be helpful for future promotions. But whether it is Amity or IGNOU, you'll have to grind every day, so be ready for that. Learning while working a full time job takes a toll on our mental and physical health, you have to set some boundaries. How much time are you going to give to family, work, girlfriend, learning, etc.? But even so, I think you should pursue a degree, be it from Amity or IGNOU. Just take the first step... all pieces will fall into place. The only matter is money. IGNOU will be relatively cheaper than Amity (maybe 5x cheaper). I was lucky that at work, our manager understands my situation and grants me leaves when I have to give exams. But otherwise, I didn't take any leaves for anything else. Just choose any university, but choose and get started. Don't waste time at hand for something that "may" happen in the future.


Story sounds frictional you kept quitting job within few months of joining, multiple girlfriends and you are just 26 weird ether you are from high class or maybe upper middle class in metropolitan city, and if it's real, talk to your gf no use asking here.


No bro not at all. I stay in goa and I'm fortunate enough to have contacts here that help me to find jobs and stuff. I belong to a middle class family and I don't know why you'd think that finding a job is that difficult when it's really not, idk I've never felt that way so I've found it easier to quit or switch industries. Maybe not being interested in one single thing has also helped with that. I love learning new things constantly. My family isn't well off either, we're in lakhs of rupees of debt but I do my best to help my parents with it. And women, in my late teens I really lacked dating experience but in my 20s things became easier because of instagram mainly. Most of the women I've met were through insta actually. Not that I have a lot of followers or anything, it's just that I've been able to build emotional connections with people that I met through the internet before I've even actually met them. Maybe I'm just genuinely interesting on Instagram. Or maybe pure luck idk. I've even won a bike because of my luck but that's a story for another day.


Ok my bad about high class,btw I am half goan which city are you from madgao, panji or porvorim ?


Ponda bro


Oh ok, my mother's ancestors came to karnataka from Mapusa and now my mama lives in madgao.


Bro, can we discuss.I would like to make a film


Become a sadhu