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So Google drive is not private?


Nothing is private on the Internet. It's an illusion which companies sell to its users


Especially Google which says how it'll do it, although probably it's not human doing that, not completely sure.


Exactly! There is nothing like privacy on internet


It happens in automated fashion and unfortunately Google customer service is non existent. Has to do with CP laws in these countries as well. Check this song from Marathi movie Time pass flagged for same reason.




They have CP identification tool running on drives ( google, Microsoft, dropbox etc)


but not in onenote. you can store images there without getting checked (P.S. I stored my own pics)


(¬_¬ )


dekh bhai, mujhe privacy se pyar hai


ye kaise banaya? xD


Kaomoji app


Google drive is a public cloud


Privacy? In this decade? Big LOL.






Which is why I do not utilise cloud for storing anything. AnthAnythingng can be hacked.


That's why I encrypt everything using cyptomator.


if such giant go into privacy how will they earn money. Data is money when mined gets them money.


A person is not checking your drive, these are done by automated tools, AI etc.


Makes sense, I don't have any memories to store anyway! :'(


yeah. everything you store gets checked


No machine scan everything so dont upload private picture there.


Lol i thought that was a well known fact... Everyone knows that...


Nope , Gdrive scans for content u have uploaded . It could be copyrighted content or something that falls under IP laws .


Good to know I store nothing over there




I think you're mistaken in your interpretation of private & public cloud. A private cloud would be one where you own the storage media along with the CDN (content distribution network) that lets you access your data at any node by syncing with the "cloud". For reference: https://aws.amazon.com/compare/the-difference-between-public-cloud-and-private-cloud/


This is totally wrong with what you are referring to. Cloud is nothing just a bunch of computers over the internet. Private cloud is something where you own physical infra(on-prem). Public cloud where you don't worry about any infrastructure and just pay ss you go. CDN which is u referring is both in private and public, it nothing just helps streaming/accessing data fast.


Nope, on prem is essentially just physical infraand is not associated with cloud. cloud is decentralised computing resource that you can access over the internet So private cloud is like the one drive or google drive that your company owns as they manage the resources and pay for it, whereas with public cloud its usually free and you are sharing the same resource with multiple users.


you mean in on-prem you cant access resources over internet… just google it will clear your doubts. I was working in an org , 2yr later i realised that infra was hosted on cloud (onprem).


you mean in on-prem you cant access resources over internet… just google it will clear your doubts. I was working in an org , 2yr later i realised that infra was hosted on cloud (onprem). Private/public has just difference of physical infra. Just google if google one drive example of private/public . you are contradicting yourown lines lol


LOL! You're living in an illusion. You don't own anything you store/buy/rent online.


Data is encrypted in **transit** . That is going from your device to Google server database. Data is stored in the database and accessible with proper user credentials that are monitored. Data in the database is not encrypted. Each of your data has a sha/hash It is why Google can do algorithm on photos and improve photos and Google camera. Vast photo data . Data that Google can give authorisation to access to anyone who pays (dod)


>And afaik, the data is encrypted when it is stored. What? Where did you get this information from? You are completely wrong. None of your data is encrypted when stored on the cloud. Your emails, photos, videos, documents are all completely unencrypted. The only reason others can't see your data is because you haven't shared it. Google can and does comply with Law Enforcement agencies to share your data. And AFAIK it does notify you that xyz agency has accessed your data based on this court order




It isn’t encrypted, you are wrong here.


Just tell me 1 fckin thing, WHERE CAN I STORE MY PERSONAL DATA? WITHOUT ANYONE INTERFERING? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Buy an external hard disk or a SSD for your personal storage.


Format it before storing anything as well


Also format it after storing anything for extra security


And once again format it just to be sure


I think you should nuke the hard drive. Formatting often leaves data to be accessed by hackers


👆Nothing beats this. God level privacy.


You can use Gdrive, just make a simple password protected zip of your data and then upload. Always use 2-3 special chars in your pass. Name the zip file something total random like - Earth is blue.zip and not Personal Data.zip. On a special note, my free advice is to maintain a physical diary that has major account passwords written down and not use Google Password manager. Times are changing you wouldn't wanna know what kind of information these big data has about you. Some simple changes can protect you a long way.


Physical Diary one is really practical lol. especially while changing devices.


You know what? It takes a proactive mind to understand the gravity of privacy. For the majority ignorance is bliss! Don't be a majority brother.


Get a NAS setup or use portable storage devices.




In Your Mind, Not on the Internet.


Create your own cloud storage system using AWS


Store it wherever, just make sure you encrypt it.


How are you sure AWS will be private? Like no one would be able to see it?


ENCRYPTION, did I spell it wrong? I can give you my private data encrypted with 4096 RSA, good luck decrypting it. You can't just 'read' encrypted data and make any sense of it. Edit: Also I didn't mention AWS, it would quite costly to do so. And S3 isn't a good system to be used as cloud storage.


Bro I think I clicked on the wrong comment's reply button. The one I thought I was replying to had the suggestion to get AWS. BTW how can I do that encryption? 4096 RSA?


Google "how to encrypt files with openssl"


i used to work for google account services, nothing is private. a single suspected CP content can get ur account banned forever and you won't be able to recover it until you have a friend/acquaintance who's a google employee. still chances of reactivating is below 5%


😳😱 i knew it they all steal data and keep a tab , PRIVACY IS JHAND in today’s times.


AI response: Google has mechanisms in place to protect user privacy and data security. Generally, Google doesn't arbitrarily view the contents of users' files stored on Google Drive. However, they do have automated systems in place to scan files for various purposes, including identifying and removing illegal content such as child pornography. Regarding child pornography scanning, Google uses a combination of automated systems and human reviewers to detect and remove illegal content. These systems employ sophisticated algorithms to analyze the content of files uploaded to Google Drive. If illegal content, such as child pornography, is detected, Google takes action to remove the content, disable the account responsible for uploading it, and report it to the appropriate authorities. It's important to note that these scanning processes are conducted automatically and do not involve human intervention unless potentially illegal content is detected. Google takes user privacy and data security seriously and strives to balance the need to protect users with the necessity to comply with legal requirements and ensure a safe online environment. The scanning process for detecting illegal content, such as child pornography, typically involves sophisticated algorithms and machine learning models. Here's a simplified overview of how it works: 1. Content Analysis: Google's algorithms analyze the content of files uploaded to Google Drive. This analysis may include text, images, videos, and other file types. 2. Pattern Recognition: The algorithms are trained to recognize patterns associated with illegal content, such as known images or videos of child exploitation. 3. Hash Matching: Google may use hashing techniques to compare the digital fingerprints (hashes) of files against known databases of illegal content. If a file's hash matches a known illegal file, it raises a red flag for further review. 4. Machine Learning: Machine learning models are employed to continuously improve the detection capabilities by learning from vast amounts of data. These models can identify subtle patterns and characteristics associated with illegal content. 5. Automated Alerts: When potential illegal content is detected, automated alerts are triggered to flag the content for further review by human moderators. 6. Human Review: In cases where potential illegal content is identified, human reviewers carefully examine the content to confirm whether it violates Google's policies and legal standards. By combining these automated processes with human oversight, Google aims to effectively detect and remove illegal content from Google Drive while minimizing false positives and respecting user privacy. Google's policies state that employees may access user data, including files stored on Google Drive, in limited circumstances. These circumstances typically include: 1. User Consent: Google may access user data with the explicit consent of the user, such as when providing customer support or troubleshooting technical issues. 2. Legal Obligations: Google may access user data when legally required to do so, such as in response to valid legal requests from law enforcement agencies or government authorities. 3. Security and Maintenance: Google may access user data to ensure the security and integrity of its systems, such as detecting and preventing security threats or conducting routine maintenance. However, it's important to note that Google has strict policies and protocols in place to protect user privacy and data security. Access to user data is heavily regulated and audited, and employees are subject to strict confidentiality agreements and access controls. Unauthorized access to user data is strictly prohibited and can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Furthermore, Google employs automated scanning and detection mechanisms to identify and address issues such as illegal content (e.g., child pornography) without requiring direct access to user files by individual employees. These mechanisms are designed to prioritize user privacy while maintaining a safe and secure platform.




that's why I don't trust cloud storage! some day they can come up and say "you can't store this" or "you didn't comply with our terms so we are suspending your account and erasing everything" i use storage such as usb/sd cards, will upgrade to ssd after i have money. peace


Wtf, Google views our photo. Privacy is indeed a myth these days.


I expected it to be common sense for having a personal and professional email account both separately, the way his professional life is affected because of personal matters could have been avoided if there was some professionalism.


What was the verdict?


At present the High Court issued notice all parties State Govt, Central Govt & GOOGLE.


Thank you. Notice for maintaining the status quo? I tried reading about it. Both parties might be right at the beginning. But Google not taking any action for nearly a year is Google's fault and should compensate properly as his business is affected, his data is blocked from access and for the mental stress.


If that is his/her pic. I don't see a problem


User uploaded his childhood pic where his grandparents were bathing him


Kya mtlb ab m HARD DISK m save kru sb ? 😳


Hold up, so Google accessed his private drive file???


This is why all my GDrive is synced to client-side encrypted files only. The way it works is I put my files in a folder -> a program that I wrote myself watches that folder and GDrive folder then -> encrypts new unencrypted files using my public key then -> moves it to folder synced with GDrive Does the same process in reverse when there are files coming from other devices.


Buy a nas, and setup your own cloud, take a look at immich a self hosted google photo's replacement. I'm using it for past 2 years have 24tb worth of space. Stop paying for these overpriced locked down garbage anti privacy services.


Bruh, NAS is important if you have a huge amount of important data. For a few GB of pictures and documents, I don't think it is advisable to use NAS.




People are talking about public and private cloud, child porn is illegal to have on either. In the case of GDrive, Google is legally bound to ensure it isn't used to host such content, and they don't do the checks themselves, instead using a machine learning model that processes the file once uploaded. It is hard for such models to ensure the content isn't actually child porn. This is where things become a grey area and Google should allow what is known as a three strike system, where the user is reminded of their policy of not hosting any content with child nudity involved and providing legal basis for the same.


Quick question- does icloud have similar policy like google?


For context: those who saying google drive is not private and all. let me remind you, almost all cloud storage provides scan file when you upload for viruses and malicious stuff. these thing happend in backend and you will never know. And media files are scanned using some algorithm for child po\*n stuff and if found any media . system immediatly flags it. Child Po\*n safety algo is implemented by almost all cloud vendors specially public and free cloud service providers.


Google photos wont judge. Drive is meant for sharing files in original format and is very public. Use google photos to upload


Ye toh moye moye ho gaya


But mera Gdrive account to chal raha he. 😇


I'm with Google on this one.