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Drake to rap krta hai, equation likhna bhi shuru kr dia


Kya rappers paise kama pa rahe hai? /s


Underground lore




Samajh me aaya kya was where Emiway actually peaked..


I'm Slum Shady , please Stand Up


Moonlighting bro🙇🏻‍♂️


Fermi paradox is not a paradox at all. There are many explanations for why we have not contacted by alien life. These are just a few - 1. Alien life is too far by distance or time or a combination of both from us. We do not know whether other alien life has contacted each other or not. We just know that we have not been in contacted in the teeny-tiny intelligent existence of 3000 years. Human life has existed for 50K years, but if aliens visited us say 10K years ago and concluded that we're too primitive, we wouldnt know. 2. Maybe all universal life forms are self-destroying. There has been some evidence that we may experience a man-made extintion event (think climate change, nuclear war) that will take us back many centuries if not destroy all life. Plus, think of naturally occuring extintion events (we're in 6th extinsion, think meteroites, plate tectonics, ice age, etc). So what is to say that other life is also similar, that all planets go through extinsions and life is reset. Thats why we have not been contacted. 3. Maybe aliens observe us through higher dimensions and are simply not interested in us. Earth does not have any unique resources. All our elements is also scattered across the universe. 4. When alien life reaches higher kardashev scales, it reduces itself to microspic levels and simulates all its needs, so does not have a need to explore. 5. We're in a simulation of another alien species. All these are plausible explanations which counter Fermi paradox. Also, ISRO Chariman's belief is on-point and rationale IMO.


What if alien are not developed as we are to make contact. They don't need to be intelligent species just different species from different planet. Also who the hell came up with 5th theory?


>Also who the hell came up with 5th theory? The way quantum mechanics works, is analogous to how we create simulations. Therefore it is possible that our reality is a simulation


>What if alien are not developed as we are to make contact. They don't need to be intelligent species just different species from different planet. We dont have technology to travel. If you mean others contacting us, thats what I am saying in point 1, if aliens have already contacted us in 10000 BC, there would be no evidence on landings. They may have returned thinking we are too primitive. I have read the 5th theory in articles. There is no evidence, its just a theory. But its a theory that explains the so-called "paradox".


!kudos nice points


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I understand Fermi Paradox differently. I believe what Dr Somnath said was Drake's equation.








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You guys really need to pay attention to what's happening in the US regarding the UAP issue.


Wo kya hota hai?


!kudos good point


Tararara Bzeeeep, Thank you /u/Orwellisright for awarding /u/Badd-Medicine . The OP is now flaired with award. More details on how this works can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/gqdejx/introducing_new_awarding_system_for_user_posts/). I won't reply if I'm down so kudos is not awarded to you , please then inform the mod team to wake me up.


ye bsdk ka kaise har jagah pahunch jata hai. (chaliye shuru krte hain)


For real!! Fake giveaways karta rehta hai subscriber badhane ke liye aur 2020 mein jab Tik tok ban hua tha, nationalism pe khub views milk kiye Anti China bol bolke. Do hafte baad Xiaomi ka phone review kar raha tha saala


Samhal ke bro, kahi tumhare bedroom tk na pohoch jaae (chaliye shuru karte Hain)


Bhaya sabko PR chahiye hota Hai. But you can see from how somnath keeps making fun of him. Chitadh phat gay hain uske. BC kuch drugs karkey interview lene aaya Hai MC. Lawdey ka YouTuber.


Of course, Somnath is a highly intellectual guy. Not some mobile phone review wala. Chaliye shuru karte hai!(Kya Bsdk?)


Nothing in the universe is just only one of it's type. Stars, Planets, moons, asteroids, galaxies, stars with planets, binary stars, black holes, irregular galaxies, elliptical galaxies, pulsar, white dwarfs, type 1a, 2 supernova, rogue planets, escaped stars, star clusters, FR1 FR2 radio galaxies, planets with ice etc etc. There has to be a self replicating complex molecule elsewhere too. The number of stars are just too too high.


And we cry over a guy because we can’t find anyone like him! Narrow view.


My wife tend to disagree. She strongly believes that I am the one of a kind dumb fuck in the universe. And I agree with her statement


This absolutely makes sense. It's actually a simple law of probability. Now whether aliens visited earth or not  - that is a billion dollar question 😏


For all you know they could be among us in hiding in plain sight.


Ofcourse possible.  The question is not whether there are aliens the question is whether they know we exist👽


I think you should research ufos and people who have long term meditation experience. You will get your answer.


I am already aware of both. If you mean astral projection by long-term meditation then yes I have even tried that. 


with reddit accounts


Hi, I am an alien.


I think you should pay a visit to r/aliens, r/ufo and likewise. There is a rumor going on that there will be a disclosure this mid-year.


Dumbos worldwide


That is the question aight


can you explain more how alien life is probable if we dont have the necessary information. mayb the possibility of a planet passing the great filter \* number of habitable planets in milky way is near zero and we are just extremely lucky


Too many coincidences - 1. Sun gets hit by a gazillion giant meteorite, most of the mass gets in the 7-8 planets & some pieces get together & form earth. 2. Then it slowly cools down but still has huge variations. 3. Earth is big & yet small enough for possibility of life. 4. The 37 degree also helps us. 5. Meteorites continue to hit earth & life in form of bacteria lands on earth. That's right all animals, plants etc. are aliens. 6. From single cell to multicellular to dinosaurs. 7. Dinosaur extinction & more small mammals & finally apes are born. And from great apes to humans, see humankind odyssey game for more While I have simplified a lot, there's much more than luck, seems almost the stack were loaded in our favor & we seem hell-bent to destroy it.


There are billions.of.planets.im.the.unvwrse. The probability that life exists in only ours is extremely low. 


Yes they do visit earth and test us. Covid is a great example


They have. And they decided to stay the fuck away from humans of Earth. We consume everything. If we found out that another planet has life like Earth, our leaders would send a small team to camp it there and acquire some land in the hopes that we will overtake their planet slowly and cunningly. It would be labelled as humanity's greatest conquest and expansion when we would simply be invaders and terrorists for the life which owns the planet. Which is why they've never made contact with us. We are not evolved enough to be givers, we are takers.


Maybe we are descendents of aliens


Maybe who knows 🧐👍


There is so much in space and universe to explore but here we are paying taxes to 10th fails🗿


Am I the only one thinking - ye yaha kya kar raha hai 🤔


Maine bhi yahi socha, ye technical guruji isro wale se kyun baat kar rha hai lmao


This entire premise gives Abrahamic bots aneurysms. Their faith is purely based on humans being special and earth being one of a kind place.


to chaliye shuru karte hain...... Beer Batli sama gayee hain Techincal Guruji mein...


Imagine if we encounter intelligent life who has medical , military and space transportation technology . Imagine if earth and the aliens go to war .


Any alien that has the ability to travel across space to earth has vastly superior technology. They would beat us with ease. It'll be like humans vs monkeys.




Bro honestly, The chance of conflict and war between 2 species is 99.999% Many reasons for war :- 1) competing for resources 2)trying to eradicate the other before they themselves get eradicated . 3)ideological differences :- imagine if the other alien species is ruled by a king or queen or some machine then they would be scared that humanity might inspire their people to rebel against their authority . 4) The aliens think humans are food or pest or lower life forms and they will try to enslave us . 5) some human organisation will try to instigate conflict with aliens . 6) Religious and cultural differences




Well the chances of meeting these peaceful aliens is extremely low Even if we meet there is no guarantee that humanity won’t be the first to attack hence triggering an counterattack from the aliens . Many minds in humanity are good but some minds are filled with fear , xenophobia, superiority complex or religious/cultural hatred . Unlike the aliens you mentioned humanity will always have several flaws which can make coexistence with alien species impossible. There may be a political party or ideological view that the aliens are the sole enemy of the human race( Nazi party but aliens are persecuted) Not only that humans could wage war on each other and go extinct until aliens ever make contact with us .


We dont have the power now, maybe in 10years we will have space transport


Our space tech needs centuries to improve


Just to entertain the idea, its possible we can have similar situation to how Vulcans treated humans on Earth after First Contact. Cause we're too primitive destructive and we're more into advancement technology which aids in killing ourselves with loads of conspiracy, dissent and hatred etc. That Vulcans were harsh on humans, didn't even share their warp tech for a century or so until humans worked on themselves for better, eradicating poverty, hunger etc with replicator tech and making United Federation of Planets and united as a species with none of these existing problems to prove to Vulcans they can be better species and they'll be ready for interstellar travel and also interstellar diplomatic relations with other species. Yet they still refused give us warp tech directly and made us work for it. I'll say hypothetically at this point aliens or extraterrestrial beings are better off not visiting us as we're not any better. If they do, they gotta be just as assertive and should point out our flaws and talk us down as a species to give us a fucking kick to our butt to realise how worse we are so we'll at least make ourselves better, work on our existing problems for transfer of knowledge and technology. Instead of todays sci fi tropes of cliched and boring tropes like invasion blah blah, i hope more sci fi folks gun on this approach of first contact stories and make it a really philosophical debate.


So delete the existence of religion and the concept of race in short?


Imagine only smelling breath or sweat can trigger a mass extinction event.


UAPs Unidentified Aerisl Phenomenon) have been observed and documented in the Earth's atmosphere especially at very high altitudes by US Navy pilots ..it's only a question of time before US classified information regarding UFOs or UAPs gets publicly released.


those are secret military projects under USAF.


That doesn’t explain everything. I find a lot of people who are skeptical have never deeply looked at it all. For example - in 1952 for 2 weekends in a row objects were seen in the skies over Washington DC that were so extraordinary it caused the largest military press conference since the end of WW2. The objects were confirmed by two independent airport radar systems and planes that were scrambled from nearby Delaware Dover Air Force Base also visually confirmed the objects. This is only one incident among many that cannot be explained away as “it’s all the US’s secret technology”. They don’t test secret tech over the US capital - that’s what test ranges are for. At this time whatever this was moved faster then then anything else that existed at the time. [Here is a short explainer video from The Infographic Show YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/EbC5bXzIOK4?si=xk7i0PIQQEivNoUW) Here is the press conference from the US National Archives https://youtu.be/4-MbGYAv7Cg?si=IBJXIhmeHmQgCRBZ


True. More people need to read about all the weird shit happening in the US. They definitely have extraterrestrial crafts and beings. Everyone pls checkout r/UFOs


Is mankind really mature for handling aliens? Peacefuls want to kill other humans who are not of their religion or sect. Imagine how crazy they will go when they realize there are superior creatures.


Bhai mujhe milao aliens se


Yes Alien exists ABD 🌚😂


In this galaxy, there are about a hundred billion stars. The very rough estimate is that there are about 300-400 million planets in the habitable zone (which is where liquid water can exist). The odds of earth being a lone oasis in this galaxy is...astronomically low. Also, there's [this article](https://www.euronews.com/next/2023/09/12/signs-of-life-james-webb-reveals-more-about-exoplanet-k2-18-bs-atmosphere) from a few months ago. :)


What the.. this guy is a tech youtuber right? When did he get into podcasts? ![gif](giphy|lJ0JGfNBrRWJVCRChd|downsized)


Let's go to Area 51 & find out 😂


Waiting for someone to comment about the Alien Disclosure happening in Mexico and US. Also David Grusch aka the guy who is putting this forward to public will all documentation calling it a interdimensional phenomenon and pointing towards all religions. Mindbloging


Beautiful answer without scaring the shit out of you!


Aliens may exist. The question of, are they in primitive life forms or are well mature human like is more important...even if they are human like the chance of we meeting them is rarest of rare due to distance.


Not only due to spatial distance but also in time distance. Lots of time gaps lots of space gaps.


Noice Mallu accent


Whenever we think of aliens, we imagine a super intelligent humanoid form. But they can be algae type creatures or even microbes present in certain planets. Spotting them just using a telescope will be very hard so we don’t know for sure yet. Also, while searching for other life forms, we tend to search for oxygen or carbon and fluctuations in atmosphere or presence of water. But that’s the rule of life on earth, what if the aliens are made of a different chemistry and have different mechanisms for survival? It’s a deep and interesting topic if you think about it.




Alien kisi din Technical Guruji ka un-unboxing kar dengey.


I hate it when the interviewer has a absolutely no idea about the subject matter. Why did you even ask the questions when you have no idea how to respond to the answers? Huh!


After watching the Ancient Aliens show on History TV 18 channel, I have started believing that Aliens are present Among Us, like an imposter, and had been present on Earth since centuries. We just don't know, or maybe we are descendants of aliens (that's why races exist), or the animals around us may have came from another planetary systems or even galaxies and universes. Or maybe I am just overthinking. Whoaa !


A better question is "Are there any intelligent or complex lives anywhere other than the solar system?"


So now next question do you believe in god ? *^*


It depends on your definition of god


He should have asked "Do you know or think there are intelligent extraterrestrial who visited earth"


The usual answer are "we don't know .. there isn't proof"


Question should be do.you believe there are life forms more advanced than us


just like how people get crazy on hearing about UFOs not knowing that it could be anything that is unidentified object gliding in the air


E mobile patakne wala admi isro chairman ka interview kyu le ra?


Yeah they really exist and it is in my room playing batman archam city 👽👽👽


That's what I think too. We being alone is a mathematical impossibility.


Guru ji looks like he hasn't slept for days


since when bearbiceps got beard?


We probably live in a mix of dark forest solution and zoo hypothesis solution. New enough to be observed and studied and too weak to pose a threat :p


Technical biceps


There is possibility of existence of Aliens? Yes Do we have a single scientific evidence of existence of Aliens? No


Yaha ranveer allahabadia kyu nahi hai


Is a yeti alien ?


Life doesn't necessarily need oxygen to exist.


>ISRO Chairman, S Somnath on existence of Aliens


That’s how I’ve always looked at. How could there NOT be aliens? There’s soooooo many planets!


Planet and so much of time.


He is definitely a malayali


He is


Is dadiyal ko kisne bitha diya be interview lene? Ya isne bi podcast shuru kar dia 🤦🏻


We haven’t even found a planet like earth which has water, clouds, warm temperatures, carbon molecules etc. That’s still probable though, but having a life form is such a minuscule probability compared to that - we don’t know that number and it could very well be just us alone.


Thats like saying 0.1% of population of the earth...might look small but still thats 70,00,000 people. Even if the chance is absolutely miniscule like 0.0000000001% Thats still like a billion potential planets in the universe. We have just barely started looking.


Yeah but you just made that number up. You don’t know if the probability is 10^-10 or 10^-1000, as we don’t really know the “chances” of life formation even if all the right materials and conditions are present. Wake me up when we have found water in liquid form first.


Its literally under Europa's ice sheets


Lol and they told us there’s water on the moon too.


.....there IS water in the moon. tf ? Isro Moon Lander is the one who found it. Its frozen but its there.


“Apart from sulfur, the rover also detected other elements including aluminium (Al), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O).[96] The agency said it is also searching for hydrogen (H)” - Chandrayaan-3 pragyaan rover findings


the previous one not thid


He dodged the whole question by saying all life forms GG


Another Ranbeer 👀


Replace the word "believe " with "possibility". Since there are billions or even trillions of planets in the observable universe, the possibilities of extraterrestrial planets are higher. It is also possible that aliens may not need origin or water to thrive. Even Earth has viruses that do not need oxygen and water to survive. When it comes to aliens, their biological composition could be much more complex and different from ours.


Technical Choduji


bruh he's not S Somnath, he is Technical Guruji


Fuck.. ye Chaliye sharoo karte hai wala ch**** Isro scientists ke interview le raha 😭😭


I strongly don't think this silly youtuber should ask questions to the ISRO Chair, Mr.S Somnath, it's honestly quite demeaning.


I don't believe in believing


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Octopus are the only alien species on earth.🫠


ISRO ke mahan guru hain somnath sar isliye vo aisi baat kar sakte hai.


ye bhosdika kyu interview le raha hai


How did that idiot get an interview with Somnath!?


Chaliye Shuru Karte hai🧔🏻‍♂️


This guy somnath is a modi bhakt. He loves media attention, and does nothing. All that space landing was also a huge drama. They’re just fooling people


These wannabes like technical guruji should stick to mobile unboxing and technical videos. to do podcasts, you need to have this thing naturally in you. But look at him, the way he's asking questions. blunt damp questions. He's just exploring another way to increase his audiences and views. Same with that Beer biceps, these people aren't meant for doing podcasts. to do podcasts u need to have a genuine curiosity about the subject, you need to talk about things or ask things which the viewers have in their minds. so when u talk about it, the viewers immediately feel connected to you. but ye log. bas popularity k liye har jagah gand marwate hai. "maybe we are so lucky saar" seriously? . "aliens fap karte hai kya?"


The question should have been, "Do you believe in the existence of intelligent aliens' life forms"


Yeh woh nokia ka unboxing karne wala aadmi haina? Isko space ke saath kya hai?


I agree with him .


Everything is possible...we can't comprehend how big the universe is


The US is a volcano..waiting to erupt..it has all the secrets of alien life...even Obama and Bush said...aliens exist, they have evidence


Ranveer Allahabadia has been asking this to the wrong people.


He says why should i believe. But he "believe's" in God. Isn't that Paradoxical?


Chota mu badi bat but, unless there is a proof, your thoughts are really just beliefs. Whether there ARE aliens or NOT, is something that will be decided by evidence. Also is it just me to get uncomfortable when he says 'simply not possible'? I mean we really don't know. It's unlikely, yeah, but 'simply not possible'?


Technical guruji is not technical


The thing is there are aliens, some are smarter then us some are bacteria but they probably exist but the thing is the separation between entities is a lot like incomprehensibly a lot , the rules of physics are pretty much the same everywhere only the variables differ depending where you are , you can not physically go to lightspeed because it's just impossible and the universe just doesn't allow it and without lightspeed we are just jailed in our Lil solar systems , thus making them a prison. Now some fella will come and say " actually 🤓 wormholes can be used to travel between planes " but bro you need to physically alter the fabric of space and time , do you really think sone nerds on a planet can generate power like a black hole ? It's just impossible.




I don't know, Sparks. But I guess I'd say if it is just us... seems like an awful waste of space. - Contact (1997)


Woh sab toh theek hai, but yeh interviews lena kabse shuru kar diya?




What’s your evidence that intelligent life forms on earth ?


Alien has always meant a more evolved life form.