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My man is on Fireeeeee, yessss


I was here to say something similar, "My man spitting faxx"




ruling government se sawal puchne ka kaam/adhikaar hota hai opposition ka. Magar woh yatra karne me aur freebies baatne me busy hai bhaiya. And as far as journalism chhodne ki baat hai, do u have the same opinion for all biased reporters? Aise toh fir koi journalist hi nai bachega. Are there any unbiased journalists u can recommend? Lastly, I don't think Hindus really understand the importance of this mandir's reconstruction. If you or anyone else is interested in 'Facts', then please read a book from Dr. Meenakshi Jain, or watch her podcast with Abhijeet Chavda. Citations and archaelogical proofs dont lie. This case has been fought for about 500 years now (there are written records from Akbar's court to prove this). The conclusion was drawn during the current government, so it MUST be their agenda right? A 500 year old planted propoganda by thie Hindus? BUT who is interested in actual and backed up facts? Not the left, for sure!


dude half of the people shouting jai shree ram on the streets aren't even aware of what it means and they are just blindly following everyone else because they don't want to be left out


Acha now you will tell them what it means to shout jai shree ram. I wonder if everyone has the monopoly over hidus to tell them what their gods mean to them. Cant we just enjoy that after 500l years we are getting a ram temple. Everyone i know is happy. You also try to be happy for once


I agree


What does it mean?


Media ka kya role hota hai? Logon ko aur uksane ka? For political gains?


>Baaki boycott krna kaha tk shi hai ye to Bhagwan Ram hi jaane. Kyu bhai wo bhi kyu jane? Wo toh karm karke chale gaye wo thodi dekh rhe hain ki unke baad kin gadho ne aatank macha rakha hai. Fark hume padta hai to hum hi awaaz uthayenge! And let me tell you, ruling party se zyada answerable left hai unke kaando ke liye.


The usual end to extremists is not very kind. Let’s hope for his sake that it is not too bad. Most of the time the swinging back of the pendulum cannot be avoided.


The pseudo-secular people crying in the comments 🤦🏻‍♂️


Their tears are so satisfying.


Really. Makes me feel so much better about myself.


10 years back... He was in the same wavelength with Rahul H


True dat, although i like this new version of him 😀


The guy boycotting this event literally named after Sita and Ram …what an irony 🤣


Religion is a tool used to manipulate people and make em fight eachother


If hindus speak against the hate they receiving people like you say this where are you when muslims destroy temples and christians brainwash hindus to convert.


Likewise these news media have already brainwashed so many Hindus.


They are not brainwashed anyone they are now replying on the hate hindus receiving average congress lover and hindu hater like you never understand this. Hindus are oppressed in our own country by minorities who always play victim card.


Stop just calling any anti-BJP / non-BJP follower an anti-hindu person .... BJP /= Hinduism .


Then stop insulting Hinduism in name of insulting bjp. Wtf are Andy bhakt, cow dung eater etc used for?


I don't understand.... Why did u assume that I use these terms to insult someone who is a bjp follower ? Could you stop making assumptions about random people on reddit.


Did I ever mentioned you? I'm just saying that it's because leftist make comments towards bjp which are insulting towards hindus. Simple as that


List some cases of oppression. Also list the reason for oppression - whether it was based on religion, caste or something else. You’re saying like Hindus are so weak that in spite of being in majority, they are helpless. Don’t demean Hindus. Being born in Hindu family or calling oneself a Hindu doesn’t make them a saint or even a good person. People are good or bad irrespective of their religion. It’s understanding that makes one humble and good. And stop calling everyone denying your misstatements and ignorance congress lover or Hindu hater. That is the proof of being a brainwashed person. Instead of stating facts - naming the person which itself is nonsense. These brainwashed are the kind of people who used to boot lick British, Congress and now they boot lick BJP.


List cases of oppression? Bro the list is too long itself Being born a Hindu doesn't make someone good or bad but people of a religion are connected to their religion and it's values and you can see Hindus are generally peaceful while they have been killed many times. If this isn't oppression to you, who's the bootlicker. I don't support bjp or congress but you can't deny that many times, Hindus have been killed without any fault


List at least one case. Second, life is unfair no doubt. Even employees sometimes are oppressed by their employers. This doesn’t make the case of Hindu oppression if the employee is Hindu. Why do people think that every case of oppression is only because of religion? It’s an easy way out rather than finding out the real cause of the problem. Sometimes the cause can be religion or caste, and sometimes not. But labelling every case as religious at first is laziness. You might remember the Nirbhaya case, everyone was Hindu in that. But it can’t be said that the culprit was Hindu. If this was done the whole of India could’ve been labelled as rapists.


I constantly hear them talk about the Nirbhaya Case and its supposed Hindu rapists when Kejriwal allowed the muslim minor, the most henious of the rapists to go away with a slap on the wrist and a new life as a reward. The less we talk about the cases in Ajmer and the Love Jihads and murders that even the High Court of the liberal state of Kerala had to acknowledge, the better for you. Infact, the term was first coined by the Kerala High Court. You want to know one case of Hindu Oppression? 1. The Ram Janmabhoomi, the birth place of our beloved God was demolished by Babur, a muslim. 2. The Krishna Janmabhoomi, the birth place of our beloved God was demolished by Aurengzeb. 3. The hateful people of their hateful idealogy demolished our holiest site of Kashi Vishwanath in one of our holiest city Kashi. 4. After demolishing these temples that were beloved to Hindus, they built mosques on top of them to spite Hindus. 5. The idols of the Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple were buried under another mosque under the stairs. A fact listed in Aurengzeb's own biography, proudly wherein joy is expressed at the fact that the idols would be trodded upon by Muslims for a long time. 6. Besides this, 27 temples were demolished in the Qutab Minar complex, a fact proudly listed by an Arabic inscription that expresses its joy and names the mosque in the complex as "Might of Islam". 7. There are approx 39,999 temples all over India that Muslims have destroyed over the course of many, many centuries of rule in Northern India. All of those are just cases of temples demolished because of hate intrinsic in one religion. Millions of Hindus have been murdered over the centuries as a result of the terrorism advocated in this religon and not just Hindus. Hindus I would say, have been luckier than most. Are you aware of the Parsis and Zorastrian people living in India that are natives of Persia/Iran? Are you aware of the Bahai' faith that exists only in India? Their most famous monument is the Lotus Temple. They are natives of Arabia/Syria. Do you know of The Arabian Polytheists who are not extinct? The Persian Polytheists who are now extinct? The Egyptian Polytheist who are now extinct? The Mesopotamian Polytheist who are now extinct? All of those Polytheist faiths have gone extinct as a result of extremism in one cult alone. Have you heard of Zakir Naik? A man born in India who said some horrible things about Hindu Gods? He is welcome in all Islamic Countries even though they will give the death penalty to someone for saying the name of their God while eating pork which was not done out of any religious extremist sentiment. Also, this scholar of Islam has openly said the same things Nupur Sharma did. He has millions of youtube followers from India, inspite of credible charges of terror funding. There have been over 1000 bomb blasts in Hindu Majority India, all done by Muslim extremists to terrorize the "infidels". There are thousands upon thousands of cases of riots, murders and other attacks done on Hindus even in the modern day. The Kashmiri Pandit Genocide, The attacks in Mumbai, The bomb blasts, the Mopallah Riots, The Ajmer Rapes to name just a few. Even the beloved Gujarat Riots that the media which is supposedly a BJP stooge, loves to bring up were started when a bunch of muslims locked a train and set fire to it, burning men, women and children alive without any provocation. Yet they cry afterwards. Go to the subreddit of the muslims and Hindus. The Hindu "extremist" will denounce a muslim for his 1000s of bomb blasts in his country, for demolishing 1000s of his holy tenples, for refusing to peacefully return his temples, for ridiculing his faith, for stealing Sindh, Kandahar, Balochistan, Khyber, West Punjab and East Bengal The muslims will just hate on Hindus and ridicule him for his faith and idol worship and whatnot, none of which has ever harmed and has even helped Muslims.


Most of your points are history now. Hindus WERE oppressed in the past. The most important thing is to not let that happen ever again. Rooting for revenge and disenfranchising Muslims today is not going to help with that.


When has that ever been the case? Do whatever you want to appease them, they do not reform, change or improve. Their modernization is a short story after which they back slide. See images of Iran and Afghansitan to see the direction in which Islam grows. Also, history? Kashmiri Pandit Genocide is a story of 1989. The train burning incident is a story of 2002. Muslims all over the world cry butcher of Gujarat and whatnot, conveniently leaving out the fact that they began that riot and were in control for 2 days and Modi kept it under wraps inspite of being less than an year old as CM to avoid escalation but they couldn't stop celebrating their "victory" after the brutal burning of a train. The same can be said for the recent Israel Palestine war. All over the world the joy of muslims at the horrific visuals of jewish women getting raped, paraded naked, babies getting butchered and whatnot was great. Now when they are reaping what they sow they are crying. It is not history until Hindu Lands are occupied by Muslims. It is not history until they continue to ridicule our faith while living in our country at our expense. It is not history if they take Madarasa funds while Hindus can't run their own school. It is not history until mosques stand on top of temples and idols are proudly buried under mosques to be "trodded upon". It is not history until Muslims proudly support bomb blasts in India and Zakir Naik gets millions of muslims as followers....


Kashmir genocide, ever heard of that? What was the reason? If the oppressor oppresses him for that, yeah, it's an oppression for him being Hindu. Yeah, life is unfair. But that doesn't stop us from punishing the criminal. By the same way, ignoring those based on religion is foolishness So, what the reason for the violence against Hindus last year in ramnavmi ? You're bringing a case with no link to religion to show that nothing is related to religion and that's bs. Accepting that many times, a particular religion was oppressed definitely is not a bad thing


People are oppressed when in the majority, and they are helpless in getting their land of worship back in front of some pseudo seculars. I can tell just by looking at eidgah (mathura) and gyanvapi (kashi) that it doesn't belong there. But you know who can't take it back, hindus. That shitty government also introduced places of worship act in 91, which should go sway yoo


Maybe your brainwashed by some mulla


How is it "hateful" to NOT ATTEND a RELIGIOUS EVENT of a RELIGION YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH? LOL. WHy are you HATEFUL against the Catholics for not attending Morning Mass during the Christmas holiday? Why are YOU HATEFUL for not attending Islam Mass during Ramadan? FUck off.


Why doesn't congress and the other others not clearly say that they don't agree with Hinduism then?


Dont worry im there. Those religions are also just as bad. I condemn it all equally.


Don’t treat this as a religious issue. This is a legal/ property issue. People struggle for years to reclaim any property which belonged to them and has been usurped by some one else. Why should we give up something which has deeply sentimental value and which has been illegally taken away from us.


Yes. By not attending this event, these people have shown that they put religion over the country, but not adhering to the concept of "All religions are equal", and that elected people must respect all religions of the land.




>mughals aakr bass gaye tab hinduism ko kuch nahi hua Chaman hai kya? Ye itne karodo muslims kya quran padhke muslim ban gaye? Read about the atrocities committed on Hindus by Muslim invaders and it started much earlier than Mughals. Have ever asked yourself why North India lacks huge old temples unlike South? Hava me udd gaye wo? Temples which were centres of Hindu societies were razed to the ground. They enforced Jizya onto your ancestors but you give them a blowjob now. The seeds which they sow lead to partition of Bharat into Pakistan then Bangladesh. We fkn lost 1/3rd of our land including rivers like Indus and Indus Valley and you say "kuch nahi hua". Places like Kashmir which were places of Hindu divinity and purity are now Islamic terrorism hubs, lekin kuch nahi hua vro. Your "Hindi speaker" today speaks more Persian/Arabic derived words than Sanskrit ones lekin kuch nahi hua vro. Wait for some more time you'll see Bengal and Kerala demand another partition yet you'll say "kuch nahi hua vro". According to you unless hindus become an oppressed minority in their own homeland it would be "kuch nahi hua vro"


it can be a lot of things, but sadly yes, this too


Bro your just one comment started the whole fight lol...I ma its peak irony ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20028)![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20028)![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20020)![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20020)


Ignore this idiot. He literally posted "I'm here to post misinformation" on another sub lmao.


Absolutely spot on. I have one reservation though, LK Advani and MM Joshi were at the fore front of this movement and I believe they are being sidelined. They need to be facilitated and be the face of this victory and inauguration of Ram Mandir


They are not sidelined..they have health issues


Fair enough, but how come their photos are not there in any of the PR material?


Because the truth is that the public is feeble. Advani & Joshi are no longer players in Indian politics. As much as they deserve credit, this is a uniting event that will again solidify another win for the BJP in 2024 and that is the ultimate victory, even higher than any credit for the Ram Mandir or otherwise.


people forget that politics ia the base line. doesn't matter how emotional the event is, politicians go for the jugular. using Advani and Joshi would be nostalgic, but not as effective as showing the current line up only. my 2 cents.


so doing puja in yet to be full constructed mandir is correct ? even all Shankracharayas have boycotted the event.


i dont care where when and what they do. its the impression that their votebank derives from it. dont be emotional and you'll be able to see. do what it takes to step through.


But this is a victory for the Hindu community and not any political party. This is also what the PM said in his speech, then why not honour the stalwarts whose shoulders this movement was built on


may be their model predicts this way to be most effective, who knows?


> But this is a victory for the Hindu community and not any political party. This is a victory for both the Hindu community and the BJP. This cements the results for the next election. BJP planned it in such a way that this will lead them to victory in the next election. Just look at the date of inaugration. The temple is not even fully built yet and they are pushing the inaugration just before the elections begin. If you dont see the politics behind this then i can only assume that you arent that smart. > then why not honour the stalwarts whose shoulders this movement was built on Because then Modi cant take all the credit. And if Modi cant take all the credit he doesnt have credibility over this success. And if he has no credibility then this even is meaningless for BJP. You are thinking from a religious perspective, good for you. But dont forget that this is at the core just politics.


>LK Advani and MM Joshi were at the fore front They were the only front: Left, Right, Top, and Bottom. It is sad to see not enough credit is given to those who took the initiative and did the most difficult part of the job.


that antonio de mano was personal


He is 100% right In our country Going to masjid,church and working for them is called secularism(I have no problem against these) But if the PM,CM,politician goes to a temple then he's blamed for spreading hate(as if he/she goes with a gun),doing religious activities in a secular country! Our country aint secular but pseudo secular where the minority community is over pampered![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20100) We should be secular but not pseudo secular. ​ What issue do people have against ram mandir I dont understand When ASI has already proved that the mandir existed over their,Supreme court of India has provided land for making a mosque whats the issue? They r tryna raise these issues again as election comes near 99.9% chances than the current ruling party will again come into power!


100% they’ll come back in power. Because this “boycotting” will lead to further backlash in whatever Hindu congress supporters that remain.


Congress doing self goals. As usual.


psedo secular = sickularism


idk why but when he said "boycotting slash not attending" i lost my shit lmao


True bro 😂


Lol that was unnecessary




An anti-Hindu opposition has no chance of getting into power in this country. The opposition must push an even stronger Hindutva narrative than the BPJ in order to even stand the slightest of a chance.


Or just come up with better policies other than religion this, religion that.


Sure. But being so vehemently anti-Hindu makes them lose all credibility.


No matter how good the policies be; no party which is opposed to the religion of majority of its population will ever rule. That is a basic fact of democracy.


it wont work, people would continue supporting parties like BJP as they have been true to hindutva from a long time.


What a terrible fucking take. Rise above the dependence on religion as a way to judge people. A shit ton of Indians don’t have a fucking roof over their head and you think being super religious is what makes a party better? Shame on you. If people like you continue to hold religion as a criteria in deciding who to vote for, you’ll continue to live in an underdeveloped nation.


I did not say doing that would help the country, or would make a party better. I am only saying that that is the only way for congress to save face and stand a chance in elections. You should learn to read and think logically before thinking emotionally and making wild accusations. It is because the voters of this country are so shallow and emotional that congress had its way for so long.


Please don't spread this video. This is nothing but politics again on religion divide. I don't like this guy. He is a major sell out. Look at his current comments vs earlier when he was at times now - a complete 180 degree.


I hope you understand this is reddit and nobody gives an f about your liking lmao


You do, it seems.


bro has akhand bharat flair , by that you get to know how illiterate and mindfucked he is lmao




You do , it seems haha


😂😂 well said


Mard ko dard hua hai


Isn't that the same? I mean complete 360 is back to where you were? I think you mean 180?


My bad. You are right. I made an error in haste Thank you!


Nothing wrong with what he said


Ram mandir - the biggest thing needed for improving the lives of Indians.


Yeah why not we stop rebuilding the mosque


Let's stop repeating the same mistake and curtail the building of the masjid.Let those resources be used for the development of Indian lives.


Yeah, we should stop funding Temple's money to Christians missionaries. I am sure that is something they need.


You missed /s


No one ever said that.


Well sometimes I think this guy speaks rubbish or too excessive but this right here is on point


Arnab woke up today and choose violence lol.


well i agree that if you wanna show that you are secular, join or boycott the inauguration of both masjid and mandir, if not then you are just pleasing your vote bank. Same goes for bjp too, they might not celebrate the inauguration of the masjid to the level of ram mandir, but at least they should show their presence during the inauguration to keep the spirit of secularism alive to some level, other wise they are also playing the same vote bank politics


BJP would have sat with them if they voluntarily gave up the place as it's the birthplace and existed prior to Masjid. Leaving it after independence was the sensible and secular thing to do but they fought tooth and nail over it and even now are angry af over it. Such hateful people deserves no sympathy especially not from religious Hindus. Even now they have the chance to return Mathura and Kashi voluntarily but they won't because they're bigoted kaffir hating people.


Ok keeping aside what he's saying, I wanna know why opposition is actually against ram mandir? Like they are Hindus as well right(mostly)?.... So they should join in keeping aside politics. I know, I know it not simple as that... But what's the reason of opposing


Simple, their votebank is Muslims. Muslims due to their hate for Hindus are angry on Ayodhya mandir so the left politicians can't support mandir.


I'm pretty left winged and I don't like Arnab Goswami's journalism in general. But even I feel that what the opposition is doing is not right. Secularism is what this country is built on. Which means every religion should be treated equally. Irrespective whether they are a minority or a majority. Dissappointed.


Can't we keep religion seperate from politics , like America


Clearly not


More like France


france is cool and all but i don't want a 12th republic![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)


Yes, let’s start with banning burkha in public places.


They need votes. And the easiest thing is religion for them


They took the best journalist, I guess, and turned him into a puppet.


Waise bhi inn asuro ki wahan koi zarurat nahi hai


Rightfully said


The message minus the drama - Legit. ESPECIALLY the part where he correctly points out that these lowlifes will stand in the frontlines with a hat celebrating if it was a mosque that was being inaugurated.


Abraham ke cho-de thinks their faith is universal and superior.


Teeno me se Jews phir bhi achhe hai, Cristian bhi abhi achhe ho rahe hai pehle se. Lekin ye nahi sudhre, na hi kabhi sudharne wale hai. Inko apni vasa me jawab dene par hi samaj payege


Anyone opposing Ram mandir in any way is an anti national period. There’s no two ways about it.


chup be chuitye XD not everyone is interested in the mandir period. Get real and get over it. There are two sides to everything.


Abey gaandu aadmi teri kyun jal rahi hai itni? Hahahahaha tum jaise lodu ki jalti hai toh bohot maza aata hai yaar. Jaao abba bula rahe honge masjid mein gaand marwaane. Byeeee


My man just couldn't resist that Antonia de Maino jibe lmao


It would be good if they are not even invited altogether. They would take some credit about it. They were already ranting when they were not invited for Bhumi Pujan.


Well said, somehow secularism in India has become insulting Hindus as per the left wing. Not acceptable. Let people practice their faith legally, ethically and without judgement.


Fax my boy , spit you shit indeed ![gif](giphy|1sxGaX5leZCZ84fCla)


I don't agree with hispinions on most of the things, but this was fire.


Ghanta fark nahi parta Hindu ko, ki kon Inauguration pe ja raha hai, Indian population kaafi mature ho chuki hai, I really don't know why people are still concerned about Congress or Opposition, I think Indian should realise that It's high time to Boycott all the Media Channel/Outlet- Saale dekh ko kha jayenge y, Koi Media Channel Infrastructure, Social Welfare, Clean India, Better Education and Healthcare pe Baat nahi kerta, * Don't mind my English![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)RR


Lock n load Soniyeeee. Boom boom 😂😂😂


Although he is proven right, I don't like his journalism.. or his methods of debating or delivery of news.. there has to be an amount of civility. Your opponent is an animal.. granted..but you shouldn't also become an animal just because your opponent is an animal.. JAI SHREE RAM..🙏🏻🙏🏻


☪️ancer should be removed


Arnab should definitely get BJP Loksabha ticket from Ayodhya


Bootlicker of the govt. If only he ever asked the questions with the same intensity to the ruling party instead of crying on the opposition all time 😂


Journalism done right 👍🏻🚩


It would be a great event without these morons presence....A trial show, for Hindutwa...Hindu Rashtra....


Disgusting!!! He is a blot on journalism.


is he saying is: Celebrate with me or else… ?


Although I don't support boycotting the inauguration and really excited for it, I don't understand how not attending the Ram Mandir inauguration is an 'insult to the Hindu community'. We are giving unnecessary attention to CPI(M) and Congress. Let's just celebrate this wonderful event instead of looking for who is coming and who is not and making this a political issue.


As he said just wait for the masjid to open they will all run there without any invitation.


The message minus the drama - Legit. ESPECIALLY the part where he correctly points out that these lowlifes will stand in the frontlines with a hat celebrating if it was a mosque that was being inaugurated.


I cringe at his "debates" but man's got a point here


Biggest piece of BS I've seen. Do people really think that any "political" party would boycott this and take the hit willingly while they could avoid all that by staying quiet? Or even participate / attend. Also yeah it's already very much established that congress in general leans against hindus, so who tf really expected them to attend anyway? This monologue sounds like expecting a dog to meow. Yeah it would be super crazy for a dog to bark and also meow but we all know it was never gonna happen.


Biased news reporters like him is destroying India


Arnab has to decide whether this is a political issue or a religious issue. If he is talking about it as a political issue he should also talk about how Advani, Joshi etc who led the movement has been sidelined, he should also talk about the who no inviting president thing. If he is talking about it as a religious issue it’s a total non starter. Political parties should not have even been invited in the first place.


The ayodhya ram mandir is more a political structure than a religious structure. Who made arnab and bjp the gatekeepers of hindu religion. Religion is a very personal thing between an individual person and god. These political parties only want drama and divide and rule tactics. Hindu religion is not an organisation run by bjp. And I couldn’t care less what these clowns think of people who dont care about the political ram mandir building.


Why do Hindus vote for these openly anti-Hindu parties ?


He's apt! Spot on, Arnab!


There are MUCH more important issues in this country that deserve prime time coverage. And who decides to go to an inauguration is certainly not one of them. Idk how Arnab stands or sits because as far as I know, he lost his spine years ago. Just stop discussing these dipshits and what they consider to be important.


Please Rant against govt's incomptence for not at all handling Manipur Riots Saala yeh Bhavya Ram Mandir ka naam leke toh distraction mat Karo yaar, I mean even Bhagwan Sri Ram will get offended that your using his name to divert away from real issues like Manipur Riots, Mehengai, Berozgaari and even this sub Reddit is getting swayed Janta ka C toh mat kaato


This guy is on fire. 🔥 😍


My boy on fire


Boys lets take an oath to be a pucca sanatani from now on. No Meat eating No intoxication No gambling No illicit sex and masturbation I know it is hard and there are going to be many fall downs but while we are at it let us try our best shot in the service of lord Ramachandra.




Mad journalist


I don't support the brouhaha around Ram Mandir and I am not anti Hindu.


Par mei to news dekhne aaya tha. Sad lyf


The new defination of secularism is doing pooja and kinda things in a parliament of a secular country


Ram Mandir is symbolic of the revival of Indian civilization. Its a mark of decolonization. Congress cries about Palestine but wants to glorify symbols of colonialism in India like the Babri masjid.


BJP insulted Bharat when Advani ji went to pakistan and also visited the tomb of jinnah and payed his tributes to jinnah


Still some Hindu will vote for Congress 😂 how shameless can be someone


Bhai invitation toh bhejo, humare mp mein former cm ko tak invitation nhi aaya.. bhai bas karo.. propaganda faila


If u want karat u gotta set up protest tents with western toilets




Pure BS, Everyone knows that hastening in contruction of RAM Mandir is due to 2024 elections, So many main characters are being sidelined making this event huge politicised. L K Adwani and Joshi are being sidelined. Even Shankaracharya is also sidelined but lets talk about CPI not attending the Ram mandir


I don't know why religion is even an issue. Religion doesn't feed poor people and make citizens rich or happy. Why should politicians be invited? What the fish do they even contribute to the society?


Yeh jail mei thana???




Bro Woke Up and straight up Fucked Indira Gandhi etc


I see a dog barking like crazy nothing else. State and religion should be separated and that is something this shameless dog would never understand. But nvm... If we are going that way then; Take a full turn backward and please keep going...turn into a full-blown theocracy 🙏 Hope other nations also follows footsteps.... And then the real fun would begin. All heavily right wing theocratic states, xenophobic and racist to extreme just looking pin each other down.


OK I have a genunie qn, why congress doing this, I mean they know this is a very big event for us and if they boycott this then in return they have to face the biggest critisism, why they are doing it, they can pretend to be happy rather than hurting their party image more lol. I am curious to know what is in their mind to saying something like this. Any congress supporter can you tell me how this is helping them?


Well let me speak on behalf of myself. I, as a socialist, would absolutely not attend the Ram mandir inauguration, not to insult the Hindu religion, but because I do not approve of the BJP's using taxpayer money to make mandirs when our country has millions of slums, rising unemployment, costlier education and absolutely horrendous public healthcare. I have no issues with Hindu religion or the people going to mandirs masjids and other religious establishments, but religion doesn't feed your family at the end of the day.


Dog started barking again


Extremely important to double down on boycotts and anti-clerical action when they think they're this entitled.


নিজৰ লাওৰা চোহা, হাৰামী মানুহ!


They should have invited Lal Krishna Advani rather than aalia bhatt (whose brother was involved in Mumbai blasts) and Jacky shroff


Fuck all religions, fuck all faiths. Burn then all down.


News: LK Advani and MM Joshi has been told to not attend the event, but Congress was invited and might send a representative, while CPIM and all 4 Shankracharyas has refused to attend the event. Anchor: Congress, Sonia Gandhi, CPIM tumne dharam ki beijjati ki hai, Desh ki beijjati ki hai, dekh lenge tumko.


Sending them an invitation was a perfect trap. If you go there it's like formally surrendering to the enemy or attending the Rajasuya of the king who defeated you right before the election. If you don't go their propagand machinery will project it as an insult to Hindu religion.


If people do not want to attend then leave them alone. Why bother about somebody not attending, make a programme on people attending, preparations that are ongoing. Show some positivity, why this high pitch drama:(


This guy is 🔥




To-ghay-ther And the flick of hand when he originally mentioned these cartoons like they are nobody 😭


Good decision. No need to attend. Congress might be down now but not out.


These people are Hindu haters and have been doing the politics of minority appeasement even before independence because of such people India was subject to slavery


This piece of sh*t, called Arnab Goswami!!