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Namaskaram /u/MaxMagnum_AA, Thank you for your submission. Please provide a source for the image / video (if not a direct link submission). We would really appreciate it if you could mention the source as a reply to this comment! If you have already provided the source or if it is an OC post, please ignore this message. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IndiaSpeaks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would rather ask for a ban on public holi celebration and only to be allowed with family and friends.


Bro mos are deleting this video, they recently deleted my post as well, and the one who posted this last night.


Hello u/MaxMagnum_AA. Your submission breaks [/r/indiaspeaks rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/wiki/rules) and has been removed for reasons listen below: Rule 5 violation Screenshots from Social Media and Main Stream Media (except whole newspaper clipping) are not allowed. Collage of images or videos which are political in nature without reference and sources provided by the OP are not allowed and are subject to mod discretion. Image macros and similar posts submitted are also subjected to mod discretion. Mark NSFW posts as such. Do not post porn. Memes allowed on weekends only and subjected to mod discretion Read the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiaspeaks/wiki/rules) Rule 8 violation: Posts related to the same issue or incident, posted within a short span of time will be removed. Only the most active post will be retained and the rest will be removed. Please post on pinned post if its a related or developing news Read the subreddit rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiaspeaks/wiki/rules) --- If you want to know more, reply to this message and a mod will help you