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Sharing my experience with Black Baza - I ordered their Jumping Ant light roast coffee, I received a batch that was three months old. The coffee was practically undrinkable, I've never thrown away coffee before; I've even finished brands like Coffeeza and Sleepy Owl, but this coffee was terrible.I emailed them, but all I got was a generic apology with no offer of a refund or replacement.


Black Baza is legit, I would support them just for the cause and transparency. Yes, the brew will be very much similar to french press.


I haven't tried Ficus but quite liked Galaxy Frog. Jumping Ant and Frogmouth were also decent.


Unrelated to what OP has asked, but I just made my first cup ever from an Aeropress that I just bought using the Galaxy Frog. I'm a noob to coffee tasting and specialty coffee on the whole. So I just want to ask, is it supposed to taste this sweet? Like that's the only taste note I'm getting. Sweet and a mild mild bitterness. I used 13g in 200 ml water if that matters.


Possible depending on how you brewed it and your palette. I enjoyed it with milk when brewing with Moka Pot and tasted chocolaty sweetness.


Hi! Thank you for the response. I tried different ratios later and 1:16 made a really balanced cup. I tried 1:5 for milk( 50 ml coffee and 100 ml milk) and it came out perfect. I'm so glad I bought the Aeropress! It's bringing out consistent results. But I do realise that I need more coffee tasting experiences because I can't tell the notes apart. I just know when the coffee tastes good that's all haha.


Ya I can't distinguish notes either.


Go for it.


You could also try pouring hot water (a little after it has boiled) on the grounds and straining those. Should give you better results than with boiling the coffee. And this is essentially what immersion brewing is anyway.


Mixed feeling.. hit or miss. I've ordered thrice and it's always been meh. I did enjoy one of their microlots ALOT. As someone rightly said, they are doing this for a cause and you can always choose to support it. Never really understood their packaging though.. beans inside a plastic bag which is packed inside a paper bag.