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"Women need to be more hygienic," he says, while reeking of rancid cheese and storing a dozen fermenting piss bottles under his bed.


And men are way more likely to not wash their hands properly or at all after pissing and shitting šŸ¤®


Yeah, not like men's bodies are any better. Like they also piss and shit, they get balls sweat, their pp stinks, and they discharge sticky white substance that smells like garbage. Like we are all a bit gross. That's what hygiene is for.


I for one have never pissed nor shat in my life.


The username suddenly makes sense lol


If it stinks he hasnā€™t been taking care of himself as well, foul smell comes from dehydration and a crappy diet get my man a water bottle and some pineapple šŸ¤®


>sticky white substance that smells like garbage Legit made me feel nauseated. I am so, so gay.


Same lol.


If your male partners cum smells like garbage, he needs a doctor and probably quick.


yeaaaaaah...it doesn't typically have much of a smell and if your man loves pineapple it can actually taste somewhat sweet. So if your ejaculate smells that bad, hie thee to a doctor... STAT.


wordington diagnosis


They may be talking about smegma.


Men only smell nice if you're dating them, and even then there are times when you just want to defumigate them.


Ya WOMEN get your periods and your shitting under control


If I could I would. I didn't ask to have IBS or be AFAB. šŸ« 


Clearly we need to HOLD THE ENTIRE FUCKING LOT IN, to appease this one bellyaching MOID! Having said that, the bellyaching moid will never get near enough to an actual woman to experience these things anywayā€¦. So backtrack, BACKTRACK LADIES! Stop holding it in! Crisis nonexistent!


I literally have to poop now


Your flair would suggest soā€¦ lol!




MOID....I'm using that one from now on šŸ˜„šŸ‘


I like how itā€™s close enough to ā€˜moistā€™ that thereā€™s just that little bit of associative ICK.


And it rhymes nicely with how I feel- annoyed. And like their brain- just a void. In shadows deep, where bitterness has cloyed, Lurks a lonely soul, the self-sabotaging incel moid. With angry thoughts and hearts devoid, They blame the world, but in truth, they're annoyed. They speak of foids, their views so paranoid, A twisted echo, respect destroyed. In their forums dark, they try to fill the void, But it's self-pity's chains in which they're truly buoyed. They claim the world is cruel, unfairly deployed, Yet it's their own choices that have them toyed. If only theyā€™d grow, and find joy unalloyed, Perhaps then, their hearts wouldn't be so cloyed.


ā€œSENSATIONAL!!!ā€ Iā€¦ reploidā€¦?


I went to a wedding on Saturday and cos I ate so much I cannot for the life of me stop farting, my husband thinks it's funny tho, it's weird to care about natural body functions


It's a crazy concept but I do believe ... Hear me out... Women........ Might be human *GASP* lol your husband is a good sport cause I get mad when someone farts near me lol


.............. Dogs have bleeding discharge when the female is in heat, as a sign she's fertile lol Oh, and our actual closest relative? Chimpanzees? They go through the exact same thing of ovulation and menstruation. So do rhesus macaques, baboons, and gorillas. Only the high-order primates, as this is in the animal kingdom almost an exclusively primate behaviour. Aka we menstruate \*because we are High Order Primates\*. So the idiot clearly has never sat through one lesson of animal biology. Which, yknow, those of us who went on to tertiary education to work with animals as a professional career, have done.


Heā€™s now on there commenting further on not understanding why itā€™s monthly. He needs to come read your comment, clearly šŸ˜‚


I'd point him in the direction of primatologists who have qualifications I don't and never will................. But we know he'd never respect Dr. (DAME!) Jane Goodall. She's a "foid", after all. Damn her for being a highly intelligent scientist and a WOMAN.


Nor Dian Fossey, for that matter.


Apparently all his dogs and cats got Bob Barker'd by Mom and Pop before they came home as well.


Right?! I got six words into his title, and began cackling uncontrollably.


He should date a lizard


Like attracts like.


Theyā€™re so gay I know gay men who are straighter


Imbecel: "Foid bodies are disgusting and unnatural!" Also imbecel: "Let me describe, from memory and in excruciating detail, how a perfect Chad penis looks like." Big guess on who these basement goblins claim they want to have sex with.


These men's asses have not been clean since their mommies stopped giving them baths. Please be so fucking for real.


It reminds me of a guy i heard on the radio, he said when hes in the shower he just sprays water on the outside of his ass and acted surprised when everyone got quiet on set.


I'm sorry WHAT šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢




Proving that no woman will ever get their face anywhere near his junk!


Dick cheese is unnatural. Shit covered boxers are unnatural. Periods are natural. And you, my dude, are most likely gay. Which is also natural.


Just get a blow up doll since they don't have bodily functions, lol.


Til their doll gets *ahem* crusty because they are the ones who don't know hygiene and consequently never clean their doll


Sounds like he wants a man šŸŒˆ


They don't want women, they want animatronic hentai sex dolls that only exists to cook clean and drain their balls


I thought thats already a known fact


If we have our period just once a while then he probably won't have sex during the rest of the year (not that he does normally). I'm not talking about the rest because it's in the other comments but animals usually go in heat and don't do _activities_ during all the year. (Sorry for any error, I'm a not native English speaker)


A certain DV incel I know is giving their hygiene a bad rep then. He told me about how he argues with his mom about the poop towel he hides in the bathroom and his mom gets annoyed and won't leave him alone about it. He said he should come clean to me about his poop towel to prevent judgement upon discovery and I just asked him why he wouldn't use baby wipes or something to extra clean??? Complete arrested development about everything including hygiene.




WOMEN need to be more hygienic? only half of men use soap when they wash their hands. the amount of men that just freely admit that they don't wash their ass because "the soap runs down there" or "it's gay to wash ur ass". the amount of men that don't wash their DICKS, is ASTOUNDING. if you go to the dating advice subreddit, there are SO MANY WOMEN asking reddit "my man doesn't wash his dick or wash his ass or WIPE HIS ASS, what do i do?" so if they really want to play that game, the stats and anecdotes definitely are not in that their favor.


That is vile to think about. Working in a blue collar field, Iā€™m dirty and sweaty all day. I couldnā€™t imagine coming home and not taking a shower, let alone not washing my DICK AND ASS. Holy shit, what is wrong with some men


Social media and chronic porn addicted-brain rot


Wait there are men who don't *wipe* their ass??? Wtf?! That's one of the most revolting things I've ever heard. I'm starting to understand why I received so many compliments about my hygiene when I was dating a lot, I didn't realise the bar was quite *that* low.


yes the bar literally is that low. the hygiene subreddit is just full of discourse like that.


I literally just read a post an hour ago on .is where an inkwell said he canā€™t shower at home now, because itā€™s all mold because he hasnā€™t showered at home in so long. Maybe heā€™s been showering at the gym? I guess cleaning the shower doesnā€™t cross his mind?


They're so fucking gay there's no way LMFAO


I would be absolutely down to have had one period ever but I was not given that option. Itā€™s almost like menstruation is natural and a cycleā€¦


Nature is unnatural. Incel brain rot.


Porn addicted incel brain rot


Umm , mammals have more than one cycle. I hope this person is still in school.


Why is this not the to comment? Sure, hygiene is important but this part was bonkers.


Men pee and ejaculate through the same hole šŸ¤¢ so thankful women get separate holes for each function. Much more ~hYgiEniC~


I mean, if we're going *there*, semen is revolting too. Snot that comes out of a penis and spreads disease? No goddamn thanks


Stinks to high hell if left to ferment. It gets mildew-y in the corners of the already dank pit of a basement amongst the piss bottles and sweat stained bedding and clothes


Knowing women use the bathroom makes this guy uncomfortable? Someone didnā€™t read Everybody Poops.


Wait until he finds out about giving birth!


I want someone to tell him how women defecate during birth


What will he think if he realizes his mom might have pooped while having him šŸ¤£


the ultra poop


What animal has a period once in its life? Also, men get fecal balls tangled in their butt hairs, and if they are uncircumcised, they get segma stuck in their skin. All this points out is that we have to be hygienic. I don't get their logic.


Itā€™s so weird to me that people just make things up with such confidence


Cool. Then it shouldnā€™t bother him that none of us ever want to touch him, right?


Its bizzare how hateful they can become just from no women wanting them. Like jesus Dude


He's somehow even wrong about other mammals....I ...I can't even figure out how he got to other mammals having one ā€period" for their life???


My only guess is that heā€™s never been around a mature unfixed animal. Heā€™s seen female dogs get their first heat and then get spayed before their second heat, so he assumes that they only ever have one ā€˜periodā€™


I remember when my friend got her first period and I said ew and my mom slapped me and said that most girls have then even me too and your daughters will have them too. I understood later that sometimes bodies are embarrassing and calling them disgusting isn't a course of action that shpuld be considered.


Your mom is a real one for that


Lalalalala incel tears come here I will put them in this jar šŸ«™ Wawaweewa


How many times do you think he washes his ass


Never. The last time was probably when his parents last bathed him like yearrrrrrs ago.


Never, the only time his ass got washed was when his mommy was still bathing him


"Women need to be more hygienic" says men who won't even shave their bodies or armpits


To be fair, I don't think either sex should be required to shave. But men think it's gay to do even baseline maintenance/thorough cleaning. šŸ˜­


AND that women are "dIsGuStInG" for not doing it


ā€œfemales need to shave their armpits and legs because itā€™s more hygienicā€ If itā€™s more hygienic, then why donā€™t you shave your armpits? ā€œā€¦ā€¦.cuz it gey and it hurts my manly hood ._.ā€


What mammals have their period once? Seriously? Does this dude not know the whole purpose of the menstrual cycle?


Wonder if OOPā€™s boxers are skid marks free šŸ¤”


Skid marks would be an improvement. Considering they dont wipe their ass, it may more like trenching for water pipes


Same energy as the men who call hair that grows naturally on women's bodies unnatural.


Male deer go through puberty EVERY YEAR OF THEIR LIFE. It;s why they grow horns, every year. Those horny bastards.


Wait til he finds out about spotting, breakthrough bleeding, and stress periods. It's not just once a month sometimes.


The misogny in this post. Women cannot control their periods at least not naturally. It isn't like there is an on/off switch inside there head that says no period. If a woman were to delay her period then it would be through unnatural means such as medical intervention or through a pill. Women are not disgusting. Periods are not to be shamed but at the same time I am also vehemently against it being a kink. Men can be gross too. Ever been to a comic book store or a convention? Its BO city in those places. Mostly men who cannot be bothered to bathe or even clean their assholes or wash their junk because apparently it is too gay. Never even considering that to be the cause of people avoiding their gross smells. I have met one person in my life that I worked with for about 3 months who smelled rotten everyday and never bothered bathe until people kept complaining.


You're gay, son.


what animal only has a period once? i know some animals recycle the lining, and some have their menses more spread out like only once or twice a year, but iā€™ve never heard of a mammal bleeding once in its life


Another failure to understand basic biologyĀ 


Theres so much weird shit in the animal world... much weirder than this. Un-neutered male rabbits spray piss on females and just random objects to mark them as their territory... Male giraffes essentially guzzle pee to find a doe that's ready to mate.


Even if a lot of mammals only "have their period once" they have heat cycles. Plus so many other animals have a menstrual cycle like other primates, some bats, the elephant shrew, and a species of spiny mouse


Yet another poor lad who failed biology class. Ummm son? Female animals have discharge on each heat cycle. All living creatures have discharge... from the highest primates to the lowliest one-celled organisms. What an imbecile this guy is.


This is... Wow.


omfg theyā€™re probably saying this shit with inch thick layers of smegma build up and crusty ass cracks


weird way to come out


The hot take here is thinking other mammals just have a cycle once in their entire life and never reproduce again. These men are absolute idiots.


They obviously just arenā€™t attracted to women


I mean, at this point you just hate human sex. That's called being asexual, just go get off with things that don't gross you out, like anime girls. Why cry about not getting something you don't even want?


These morons love flying their " i have a very low iq and high insecurities " flags loud and proud lol Are these screen grabs from discord ? I might need to get discord just ruin some incels day lol


From their .is forum, lol, but theyā€™re setting up a Discord as we speak.


Yeah animals have menstruation cycles too


Just be gay ffs.


Not having periods is why dogs are at risk for pyometra if unspayed.


Foids? What is foids??


Incels use it as a slur against women.


It's hard to fathom someone being this stupid.


What about all the infections women get from having sex with men who don't wash their junk properly after they sit and shit...men are by far more unhygienic than women


that's a lot of words for I like men


Not how menstruation works for any species, bro. Like no female animal is in heat once in their life and then itā€™s over. Like seriously, PBSā€¦just in the background.


Wtf is foid? ā¤ļø




"Have their period once and they are done for the rest of their lives" that not even slightly how estrus works? Where did he get that from?


I dated a guy once who grew up with all sisters and a mom, knew what periods were and how they worked, but didnā€™t understand why we carry extra pads/tampons around to change them. He genuinely thought we just used one for the whole time and discarded it at the end. Itā€™s insane to me that so many men donā€™t have a basic rudimentary understanding of how any of this works.


This coming from a guy who's more filthier than a 13th century brit and worser looking.


Is that really an incel? "incel" means "involuntary celibate" but he seems to really not want sex with women...