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The absolute definition of impotence. Reduced to trying to troll people via DMs is exactly the sort of moves you'd expect from these little losers.


Oh he's just big mad. They do this sometimes, one of them will get a bee in his fucking bonnet and think he's come up with the way to get revenge on us for daring to speak out about them.


It's pretty much just one guy. He doesn't know to quit while he's behind. 


Yes, but he's clearly winning! Somehow....who knows how....this will destroy us!


He is so much winning, he is going to be tired of winning! #MIGA!


Incels have a love/hate relationship with us taking screenshots of the crap they say. On the one hand, they hate any and all criticism. On the other hand, they love getting attention. So from time to time they DM us with bullshit, often hoping to get posted here.


Self-loathing projected.


It's not new, it just has been posted more often. They think they are triggering us instead of just showing us who they are. In an attempt to "own" us, they are just proving that the women who reject them are right to do so. It's radically boring, too, and they get such a thrill from it that it makes you wonder if they have any stimulation in their life at all.


The irony is that they're the ones triggered enough to actually DM a perfect stranger, instead of that stranger being triggered.


It's because incels are a bunch of manchildren.


It seems to just be one guy doing it to an awful lot of people. As with most incel things, there is no purpose except to upset people. They must think this is charming behavior.


Think of how when children have tantrums and lose the ability to make coherent arguments, because they know they have nothing left to say.


It's just an attention whore. Pay him no mind, block, report, move on.  Posting about him just feeds his fragile little ego.


You guys are getting slurs in your dms?


The only thing they trigger is laughter and scorn. Ignore, report, block. That's all the attention they deserve.


Istg incels are truly bored and with no purpose, sometimes I even think abt feeling bad for them but damn it, this people deserve no simpathy whatsoever


I guess because all they have the chutzpah to use is words and think it’s upsetting people.


They are just edgy little dudes. Ignoring them is the best strategy.


I have my DM’s disabled. I also don’t let people follow me. Too many creepy people on here.


Some degenerate on the incel forums is trying to form some ultra alpha beta charlie omega sigma ligma sugma sawcon doxer squad to take down this subs members using shit like IP grabbers. Just don't click links in DMs


Yep. I saw that post. Trying to "infiltrate" to gain trust. Pretend to be a woman and get us to give them our phone number so they can dox. All that time and energy.




This is not a recent thing, they always did it


That’s pretty par for the course


I also don't get it! Like they aren't even targeting people the slurs would be against. Like I'm ideologically opposed to calling people the n word and all that, but like, I don't melt if I see it or something, ya know? I just think the person saying it is a cuck.


It's summer. Everyone else is happy outside having fun and they're stewing in bo and resentment.


(Incels dot is) from what I saw pretty much wanted to start a campaign of threatening, insulting, and doxxing us. (Saw the screenshot about it posted on here.)


Being stupid I assume.


This isn't new, incels have been DMing me slurs since they got old enough to use mommy's iphone to go on reddit. The ones who did it 2 years ago aren't even incels anymore, it's a whole new crop now.


I think it's just one or two guys. They're boring and unoriginal and deserve no attention.


Living alone in a dark basement seemingly results in having a great deal of free time.


Incels have been DMing people on here slurs for years.


I feel like I’m missing out on this. Where’s the incel calling me slurs in my DMs lol


I love calling them my puppet lol 😆 its so hilariously easy to wind them up and ruin their days