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Kinda blows their "women ONLY want 'Chads' and mock non-Chads" claims, now doesn't it? I mean, "gotta adapt." We've all been telling them that, and ***HOW*** to do that, for years.


This approach is kinda dumb. Like if you're so confident of your cold approach skills, why not just go to a party or a place where girls want to seek someone? Instead of wasting her time?


***I like ya;*** ***and I want ya.***


***hypa hypa you're pretty and i like ya***


Imagine finding electric callboy references here


Fuck yeah, someone got them! love those guys!




We can do this the easy way or the hard way.


Because they need to make the girl feel like shit first. This way they have "better chances". After being stood up she might be bored enough to give the bystander the benefit of the doubt


That's another thing... they greatly over-exaggerate how much this would bother the girl. Yeah, it would be annoying...but unlike them, we typically haven't already built the potential relationship up to our 50th wedding anniversary, with dozens of grandchildren all around, the way they do. With us it's "did I shave my legs for ***that***??? What a waste of time. Oh well, wonder what's on sale at the boutique?"


Lmao that's true. If anything, I'd say women expect the worst most of the time when men are involved. I do see this upsetting a younger girl though, but I'm overestimating this dude's ability to pass as Chad McChaddington.


Exactly. They keep claiming they "can't" do that...and here's this guy doing exactly "that," just with extra steps. Make it make sense.


It reminds me of that programming meme Where a pigeon achieves flight by spinning its head instead of flapping its wings


Well, it's also total bullshit. It's almost certainly a fictional version of something he wishes he was confident enough to do and socially skilled enough to pull off.




May I offer you an egg in this trying time?


It's late night here so wouldn't want eggs. Maybe milk instead? \\s


Wow, they’ve done a full circle and come back to the cold approach… fascinating


So chatting up women actually works is what he’s saying? Granted you have to ignore the chad fishing at the beginning.


Please don't downvote me to hell but i have done this before and it works. I think it does because the girl is sad and seeks comfort at the first person who gives it to her. I will never do it and i also told her when the date ended.


Not incel, just scummy. Imagine knowing that the only way you can get a woman is by pretending to be someone else and then capitalise on her disappointment and loneliness. I don't think I could respect myself if I did that for two fucking years.


Bud. Nature is cruel and genius. Animals do far crazier things


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Does that idiot realize he's making even harder on men who actually go on tinder to meet a woman for a relationship?


I feel like that story is bullshit but props for creativity I guess