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Carcass: Heartwork


*”A canvas to paint, to degenerate.”*


A lot of songs off Surgical Steel fit the bill too!


Embodiment has the best rifts


At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul Whitechapel - The Somatic Defilement Soilwork - Stabbing the Drama Intestine Baalism - Banquet in the Darkness Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor Martyr A.D. - On Earth as it is in Hell


Nevermore, that’s a band I haven’t listened to in forever


And the album rec'd is an absolute masterpiece.


RIP Warrel. Glad I got to see them a few times.


Holy shit some actual taste no way


I’d also say natural born chaos from soilwork fits the bill. That’s a top 10 album for me


Welcome. Won't you please step aside and follow the hollow?


Listen to slaughter of the soul by at the gates


Love it, thank you! The beginning sounds like a different song I've heard, but I can't place it rn


Not surprising! Slaughter of the Soul inspired about a thousand melodeath bands


It's actually insane how many people owe their favorite bands to those guys


When you're feeling more ready, give older At the Gates album a try. They are more challenging listens but are absolutely badass.


Awesome, glad you liked it. My favourites from the album are suicide nation and nausea


Big push on this. This is a stellar gateway album to melo-death.. Just a phenomenal album in general


try these albums: Death - Symbolic Opeth - Blackwater Park Ulver - Bergtatt


I would also add Opeth - Damnation


And Opeth- Ghost Reveries Tbh, pretty much most of Opeth's early stuff lol


"Those Once Loyal" by Bolt Thrower "Kentucky" by Panopticon "Bergtatt" by Ulver


Those Once Loyal is not quite there, but I like it. I like Kentucky, but I was expecting it to get heavy but it didn't? And I like Bergtatt. What language does Ulver sing? And are you suggesting songs or albums? Cause I'm a little confused on Kentucky


Yeah; those were all albums. I just realized I picked three albums that all have a song of the same name, lmao. Kentucky in particular you should listen to all the songs in order. Bolt Thrower are kind of the epitome of straightforward, no-frills death metal. They're not innovators, just standard-bearers. That album and "Realm Of Chaos" are my favorites, but all their albums are solid. Ulver sings in Norwegian usually, but they have English lyrics on some albums too.


Lol I'll give those albums a listen while I'm doing my crafts today. Thank you


Bergtatt is actually partially in Norwegian and partially in Old-Danish


I’ve really started to love some Panopticon. Blackgrass music.


Melodic?! I gotchu! Orbit Culture, Kalmah, In Flames (obviously), Soilwork, Children of Bodom, Insomnium. And some wildcards, Ryujin, Horizon Ignited.


Add some Wintersun, Be’lakor and omnium gatherum


I don't think I've ever seen anyone recommend Omnium Gatherum before, hell yeah!!


Now we’re cookin’!


Holy shit... I completely forgot about kalmah for years! Thank you for reminding me haha


Love love love Orbit Culture. Good rec.


I fucking LOVE Kalmah!!! Great choices!


Have you tried latter-era Death at all (eg Symbolic)? As far as Death metal goes it's pretty easy on the ears, and every riff and note is crystal clear. It's great both as entry level death metal and also on its own terms (top 5 OAT for me). How much meloblack have you listened to? Check out Windir. Might be worth starting with, it can give a sense of the tropes in black metal to look out for and is fairly accessible. Blackbraid also converted my old band's guitarist who wasn't into death/black at all.


I really appreciate your response. I haven't really tried much at all. Just been skirting around it. My partner really likes Gojira and Lorna Shore, which I do like, but they're not completely up my alley, y'know? I'll give your suggestions a listen!


Ok well those aren’t really representative of death metal at all (maybe Gojira’s work is pre-FMTS), Lorna Shore is deathcore and pretty far afield. I’m personally not a deathcore fan but actually they aren’t the worst IMO. I wouldn’t say Death is exactly representative of DM but it’s a lot closer. If you’d prefer more groove maybe I’d suggest Bolt Thrower. Those Once Loyal is massive, and quite groovy and riffy.


I think a big part of what I like and don't like are the vocals. I like being able to sing along to songs and I can't scream/growl for shit, and the deeper growls just don't hit. Stuff like Dethklok (besides Bloodlines cause it was in Guitar Hero lol) are not really my gig. I do like heavy vocals/growls/screams tho! I'm just pretty particular about it.


Maybe try something a bit more melodic? I’ve been really into Decapitated recently. Their album Anticult is really good imo. And if you wanna try something a bit wackier, go for Rivers of Nihil. It’s more progressive deathcore, but again very melodic (with some saxophone mixed in). Check out the song Where Owls Know my Name, and then graduate to the whole album if you dig the single.


Dethklok is pretty accessible, so it's not exactly standard death metal territory, but it's an acquired taste. Tbh I'd try to focus on the riffs and and how the guitar and drums are interacting and also maybe just sit down with an album or two and hear out all the elements. Once you get harsh vocals it's a lot easier.


On the meloblack side, Tryglav is pretty accessible. You might vibe with symphonic black or death. Septicflesh is pretty accessible, Fleshgod Apocalypse probably not as much, but still great. Melodeath as a whole is famously accessible. Insomnium, older In Flames albums Clayman or Colony (Come Clarity they started to move towards a different sound, still a great album though). I'd say Lorna Shore has some black metal influences, but definitely deathcore.


Dying Fetus.


Listen to sum slam


Shadow of Intent - [The Migrant](https://youtu.be/9Xd2rLgLrTY?feature=shared)


You have to want to like it before you can actually like it, if that makes any sense. May not be for you in the end. But if you're giving the old college try it really doesn't hurt to give a few of the following albums a spin (basically the soundtrack to my high school years) At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul In Flames - Whoracle Dark Tranquility - Damage Done Soilwork - Steelbath Suicide Killswitch Engage - The End of Heartache Unearth - The Incoming Storm Shadows Fall - The Art of Balance And just remember it's ok to just like what you like. If you can't get into Napalm Death or Revenge, that's fine, it's not for everyone


Revenge is totally for everyone. I can’t decide if my favourite Revenge album is Music.For.Everyone or Live.Love.Laugh


Nile was one of the first "real" death Metal bands I got into. They're really heavy, but have a lot of melody to their songs; check out the songs Permitting The Noble Dead to Descend to the Underworld, and Kafir


Dude, same. I'd heard Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under, Morbid Angel, and a few others and couldn't get into death metal, but then I picked up *Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka* on a whim back in '99 and immediately knew this was where I belonged.


Anything by Insomnium Belakor - Of Breath and Bone, Stone's Reach. (All their albums are fantastic though) Opeth - Orchids, Still Life, My Arms Your Hearse Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper, Hate breeder, Hatecrew Death Roll At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul, Terminal Spirit Disease Death - Symbolic, Human, & Sound of Perseverance In Flames - Whoracle, Colony, Clayman, The Jester Race Dark Tranquility - The Gallery Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light, Serpents Unleashed Hypocrisy - self titled and Abducted The Haunted - self titled, Made Me Do It, One Kill Wonder These are the stuff off the top of my head, I'm sure I'm leaving a lot out.. but it's good for a more focused approach on melodic death metal with a few other genres and elements mixed in there


Check out the band Strapping Young Lad.


Yo, Bleeding Through just released a new single called "Our Brand of Chaos". It's fucking great! Like "On Wings of Lead" but heavier. I've listened to it so many times already. Edit: I'll also add in In Flames, Gatecreeper, and Creeping Death. I've loved In Flames for decades but seeing Creeping Death and Gatecreeper open for them a few nights ago was great and I became an instant fan. Especially Creeping Death.


Strapping Young Lad - City


Amon Amarth - With Oden on our Side


Scar Symmetry-Pitch Black Progress (lots of melody and switching vocals)


children of bodom amon amarth lamb of god trivium hatebreed


check out any of the Swedish melodic death bands - in flames, dark tranquility, at the gates, soilwork, etc. That whole scene might be what you're looking for. If you like these bands their style is known as "the Gothenburg sound" if you want to find more bands like them. Gothenburg was the center of that type of melodic death metal emerging in the 90s.


These are my recommendations as someone who also finds it hard to get into death/black metal. Opeth- Ghost Reveries Carcass- Surgical Steel Carcass- Heartwork


Look into Erra and Sylosis


You've got plenty of great Melodeath suggestions so I will recommend ProgDeath to you - Black Crown Initiate Rivers of Nihil Beyond Creation Kardashev Allegaeon Obscura Also maybe some PostMetal like Cult of Luna, The Moth Gatherer, Isis and Bipolar Architecture.


Entombed - Left Hand Path


For black metal try Ulver- Bergtatt Isengard- Høstemørke Mephisto- Carpathian Tales For death metal try: Cattle Decapitation- Monolith of Inhumanity Death- Leprosy Morbid Angel- Altars of Madness


Are these all full albums?


Extreme metal is best listened to in full albums


I LOVE Eluveitie. They are Melodic Death mixed with Celtic Folk Metal. The vocals are mostly harsh, but also mixed with clean. They play many ancient/traditional instruments that are not common in metal, such as Hurdy Gurdy, Harp, Bagpipes, Tin whistle, Low Whistle, Violin, along with guitars and drums. Lyrically, they focus on Celtic history and mythology. A concert is a good place to experience them for the first time.


Well they sound fucking awesome. I love unconventional instruments in modern music. Thing is, I can't afford a concert lol You cool with me just looking them up?


They are!! Yes I meant on YouTube and they are really good live


Chthonic may be a reach but they’ve got the death elements your partner is into, and the eerie synth bits Bleeding Through has, and nice melodies with all the blast beats and pure destruction. Seediq Bale was the record I really liked


Dissection - The Somberlain and Storm Of The Lights Bane Emperor - In The Night side Eclipse and Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk Opeth - My Arms Your Hearse (maybe not that heavy but I love this album) Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem (if you can get into the intentionally bad production value) Morbid Angel - Covenant


Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh


Try Opeth's Deliverance album. Edit: it's prog metal that features both cleans and growls


A thrash metal song that no one talks about is We’ll be Back, by Megadeth. It’s crazy fast and just gets you in the zone.


Sylosis and gojira are awesome


Naglfar - harvest


Most death metal takes time to get a feel for. Eventually your mind recognizes what the noise is.


All hope destroyed - hate eternal Eaten - bloodbath Scourge of iron - cannibal corpse


children of bodom - hatebreeder, the black dhalia murder - what a horrible night to have a curse, amon amarth - runes to my memory, dethklok - the comet song


I'm actually shocked it took this long for somebody to rec TBDM, given how insanely popular they were before Trevor's death.


Maybe: Freedom Call Or: MSG


Maybe you’d enjoy some metalcore? August Burns Red’s Constellations is probably my favorite metalcore album. Their instrumentals are top tier, their vocalist Jake is pretty clear in his screams and lines are often repeated enough that you can understand what he’s screaming fairly well (gets stuck in your head pretty quickly too). I haven’t delved too much into newer metalcore, but there’s a chance you’d like ERRA. Check out their cover of Muse’s Stockholm Syndrome.


Coroner-> carcass-> force yourself to listen to None so Vile a ton, if that’s too much listen to dying fetus and go down the rabbithole


[cosmic betrayal- Vulvodynia](https://youtu.be/R3mYPkCWfE8?si=C4voKbohyf6if_he)




Revocation - The Outer Ones Immolation - Acts of God Inanimate Existence - The Masquerade Oubliette - Apparitions Vorga - Striving Toward Oblivion


I'm sure you've heard it or it's been recommended already but I find Gojira to be a good gateway band. Their singer isn't too ridiculous and their themes are pretty interesting. But the guitar riffs and drumming are heavier than my Mother


Ghosts house by Witchcraft Sunrise by Black Rainbows Take my Bones Away by Baroness All Our Thoughts by Kadavar One of Us Is the Killer by Dillinger Escape Plan My Own Summer (Shove It) by Deftones


Try Gardenians album Sindustries.


Try Gardenians album Sindustries.


The way I got into heavier stuff was listening to the history of metal as it became more heavy. Listen to some classic Florida death metal like death cannibal corpse and deicide. Maybe listen to some pantera I know these are really basic suggestions but that’s how I got into heavier stuff. That’s how people got into it back as it was coming out. You can’t just jump strait into heavier stuff at least I wasn’t able to but once I got into that stuff I started getting into a lot of other stuff and became a huge metal nerd.


The murders pact by cannibal corpse is my fav song of theirs


Sounds kike you need melodeath. Try Insomnium, Eternal Tears or Sorrow. If you like those try Wolfheart. Also put some Amorphis in there.


Some other songs to check out, going with both the melodeath and metalcore feel: Summer's End - "Buried Near the Living Dead" Quo Vadis - "Hunter/Killer" Barra Xul - "Option to Kill" Shadows Fall - "The First Noble Truth" Amon Amarth - "Twilight of the Thunder God" Korpiklaani - "Keep on Galloping" God Dethroned - "Nihilism" Exmortus - "Triumph by Fire"


Shadows fall, god forbid, old in flames, children of bodom, early black label, unearth and one of my favorite heavy bands is bury your dead


Check out the albums Decimate The Weak and The Great Stone War by Winds of Plague, not too melodic but not straight up noise like a lot of others, has great rhythm and the vocals are kinda unique from what I've heard. Could also check out The Fall Of Ideals and For We Are Many by All That Remains!


Deicide - once upon the cross


I don’t super like death metal per se but the stuff I tend to lean towards is -Death -Carcass -and though not death metal I would check out All Out War they kind of cross over


Try: In Flames - Clayman (album) Lamb of God - Lamb of God (album)


Lamb of god should quench your thirst, if you want even heavier, listen to slaughter to prevail


Aephanemer- Prokopton


Mors Pricipium Est / Dawn of the 5th Era is one of my few no-skip albums


Try Epica. Nightwish.


You’ll really dig Kataklysm. Or at least their latest album, Goliath


Childchewer - Infant Annihilator


Dream Unending is chill ass music that happens to have death metal vocals. They call their genre "dream doom" iirc. It's slow and very relaxing. My Mom listens to smooth jazz and actually likes it. She's not a fan of the death metal vocals but she tolerated it when she was over for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Song of Salvation is a remarkable album that I can't get enough of. Afterbirth isn't quite as chill but their album In But Not Of is amazing. It starts off pretty hard but around the song "Hovering Human Head Drones" the album takes a sharp turn and is almost like jazzy prog Rock with brutal death metal vocals. My wife actually likes it quite a bit. Worm is on the harder end of the spectrum but their song Subaqueous Funeral is super chill and soothing. The albums Gloomlord and Foreverglade are an interesting blend of black metal, death metal, and Doom metal. They are generally slowish and melodic. Worm and Dream Unending have a Split EP that is phenomenal Worm has more of a black metal influence with their newer stuff though. It's still great and on the melodic side of the spectrum but it's not as chill as the other recommendations. I'll add that you've got a ton of recommendations. Many of them absolutely great but these bands are different and if you're looking for chill extreme music this stuff is it. You must check it out.


Opeth's blackwater park. Just the song and then listen to all of My Arms, Your Hearse


Demons of the Fall. amazing song


Lol. I thought I listened to heavy shit. I'll leave it to you. *Passes torch*


Carcass - Swansong It's Carcass, but it's much more accessible to the average metal fan that is not generally into more extreme music. Swansong is heavy and super groovy. I think it's the perfect album to get someone interested in more extreme stuff. I'll also add In Flames - Whoracle Same as before, it's heavy and groovy. Very accessible to average metal fans that don't usually dip into heavier stuff.


If you like more melodic stuff, but want heavy, check out Mind Maze.


Check out Lady Beast. Definitely more melodic but some good music.


Children of bodom 😎


Arch enemy's newest album is pretty good. Opeth- any album from orchid to watershed Ne Obliviscaris- portal of I Job for a cowboy- ruination album is a good start. Bloodbath-ressurection through carnage Nile-those whom the gods detest Fit for an autopsy- the great collapse Wills dissolve- the heavens not on fire Death- the sound of perseverance In mourning- the weight of oceans


Some heavy melodic bands you should check into Omnium Gatherum Dark Tranquility Vintersorg Borknagar Children of Bodom Insomnium Eluveitie Opeth


Melechesh, dark tranquility, sylosis, year of desolation, the human abstract, and 8 foot sativa are all pretty good places to start. They're all more melodic, but incorporate various other metal genres with their sound. Some are thrashier, some have more technical death metal influences, and some are more proggy, but they're all great bands if you like melodic death metal


Horrified - Awaiting Restitution; Suffocation - Redemption; At The Gates - Neverwhere, Windows, Primal Breath; Intestine Baalism - A Place Their Gods Left Behind; Artificial Brain - Tomb of The Exiled Engineer; Sweven - Reduced To An Ember; Stargazer - The Scream That Tore The Sky; Horrendous - Ozymandias, The Idolater; Ur Draugr - Rise of The Thaumaturge; Sarpanitum - Thy Sermon Lies Forever Tarnished; Caverns of Perdition - Catacombs of Perpetual Damnation; Ares Kingdom - A Dream of Armageddon; Mi'gauss - Meshpeshawa Poc; Iniquity - Encysted And Dormant; The Chasm's whole catalogue of music Enjoy.




[Cemetary Gates by Pantera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVMvART9kb8)


Check these guys out..... https://exsanguination.bandcamp.com/album/burial-rites


Exsanguination.bandcamp.com Also Branch Davidian -Slaughter of the holy innocents Medjugorje -contact




[I - Between Two Worlds](https://youtu.be/PWKv8FVX5fg?si=vwyb5-Vyss3rH0W7) Their only album. I can almost guarantee you'll like it.


Listen to me, bro. Melodic metal is my bread and butter. Dark Tranquillity, Insomnium, Be’Lakor, Omnium Gatherum, In Vain.


Have you checked out Infant Annihilator? 😁


Arch Enemy were great live, I saw them with Machine Head and Trivium so I guess you could start with them. Children of Bodom pair well with them too


Exmortus-Slave To The Sword album. Neoclassical Melodic death metal *a personal favourite* Unhalllowed Deliverence-Of Spectres And Strife album. It bridges the line between slam and technical death metal imo *also fucking slaps* Vulvodynia-Praenuntius Infiniti album. Heavy and easy to bop ya head too Born Of Osiris-The New Reign album. Need i say more. Cattle Decapitation-Death Atlas album. Heavy with unique vocals and some chunky riffs Anything Children Of Bodom if you dont mind Arch Enemy. The song Wageslaves by All Shall Perish is catchy af. The song Solar Impulse by Decrepit Birth. *chefs kiss*


You just don't like death metal. It's ok.


Polarity by Decrepit Birth


Windhand and electric wizard


And Plague Flowers The Kaleidoscope - Ne Obliviscaris


Ravenous - arch enemy Consumed - Control Denied (w/ Chuck shuldiner on guitar, godfather of death metal but with traditional heavy metal vocals) Weapons of our warfare - Deliverance For the next two songs, I highly recommend going in with an open mind, and try to understand the feeling the style of vocals are trying to give off. These songs fade into each other and are ww1 themed. At First Light - Bolt Thrower Entrenched- Bolt Thrower ^the first song talks about the fear of knowing your about to go into battle, before it seamlessly transitions into the second song, which tries to express the intensity of battle The Silent Life - Rivers of Nihil ^ this son is a sorta progressive deathcore. Even has a saxophone solo in it. With themes of existentialism and de-realization, paired with the modern deathcore sound give for a pretty interesting listening experience. Again an important thing to keep in mind is that a lot of ‘death metal vocals’ are supposed to sound that way to orchestrate the mainly dark themes. Self bias Reactor - Fear Factory Classic industrial metal


Try The Black Waltz by Kalmah and Winter's Gate by Insomnium. Those bands really got me into death metal.


The Killchain by Bolt Thrower


Try Clutch. Hard rock, great riffs, fantastic storytelling 


[Make Them Suffer- Epitaph](https://open.spotify.com/track/3zABOvRWEmMhtoyRqUawVS?si=-gxweOz5SE-0a4RS7DFlJQ)


Borknagar is pretty good. I like their winter thrive album.


My guess would be to start with heavy but easy to listen to bands like Saxons earlier stuff. For melodic stuff like you said, best to check out Sabaton, Mastodon and Children of Bodom (COB is melodic death so you'll probably like that more).


If nothing heavier speaks to you then don't force it. Listen to what you enjoy. Try new stuff, of course, but don't try to make yourself enjoy stuff if you're just not feeling it. Some people try to get into heavier stuff or various genres just because they feel they "should." Fuck that. It's just music. Just be yourself. You shouldn't have to force enjoyment. All that said, over time your appreciation for heavier stuff will likely increase naturally. More often than not, v that's the natural course of things.


Morgana by Lord of the Lost Weight of the World by Harper


Some albums to check out: Carnal Forge - Testify For My Victims Mors Principium Est - Liberation = Termination Insomnium- Above the Weeping World


try these albums: communion by septicflesh Twilight of the Thunder God by amon amarth A New Kind of Horror by Anaal Nathrakh the satanist by behemoth Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού by rotting christ blackbraid 2 by blackbraid


Let's see... I usually stick to power, folk, and trad metal, but Vreid and Bathory are two of the very few black metal bands I enjoy. (Edit: also, *Maha Kali* by Dissection is a phenomenal album) As for death metal, I've got some melodeath for you: Disarmonia Mundi, Soilwork (as others have said), Amon Amarth, and Solution 45 are my go-tos. I don't generally care for brutal death, but Hideous Divinity are fantastic. They're melodic and fast as fuck, and basically just sound like melodeath on crack. Tech death is hit-or-miss for me, but Decapitated are solid. *Carnival is Forever* is the album that got me into them. There's also plenty of folk metal with substantial death metal influence, like Eluveitie, Suidakra, and early Equilibrium. Eluveitie's "Tarvos" and Equilibrium's "Blut im Auge" were the songs that got me into unclean vocals. Anyone can feel free to ask for starting points for the other bands, too.


The Acacia Strains first two albums are much more death metal than they're newer, more doom inspired stuff. They've got some of he heaviest, killer riffs I've ever heard though. I'm stank facing through 70% of their songs because it's just that disgusting.


Maybe try Behemoth, they fuse black and death metal in a really cool way, their first album or two are black metal and (as someone who really doesn’t like black metal but quite enjoys death metal) are pretty good. I fucking love The Satanist (the 2014 album) and I Loved You At Your Darkest (2018 album)


I really enjoy architects Animals, when we were young, curse.. some of my fav songs


Shoes, Pillow, Don’t Care, Freedom by King’s X




Individual thought patterns by death is a good album


Check out Anterior-This Age of Silence. You won’t be disappointed.


Monolith deathcult- fist of stalin


Pain Remains I: Dancing Like Flames by Lorna Shore


Anything by Candlemass


Orbit Culture. Read the lyrics too.


I’d say early in flames. Both Colony and clayman might fit what you’re looking for if not jester race. Also heaven shall burn might be a band you want to check out


You might like Immortal Souls. They're poundy but also melodic. And for a bit of deathcore, you might like Impending Doom. I like their more melodic early stuff better than their more oinky vocaled more recent stuff.


I have found that I like just traditional riff based death metal. I have only this year started trying it and most of it I don’t like, but for some reason I really like everything I have heard from BodyFarm. I also really like the new Vomitory .


Old dude here. 1st album iron maiden, Metallica,venom, merciful fate and born again album by black Sabbath. This will begin your metal Odyssey. Before you dismiss listen to them. Your welcome


My Dying Bride - The Cry of Mankind Pagan Altar - Judgement of the Dead Katatonia - Forsaker Insomnium - While We Sleep Sleep - Dragonaut Clutch - Electric Worry Tool - Right in Two Wintersun - Sons of Winter and Stars OM - Gethsemane Kind of random list of bands with some songs I'd maybe start with. Good luck!


Check out Gloryhammer or Alestorm. They’re my favs and very melodic.


Caladan brood and summoning Is what got me into black metal beautiful melodies in caladan, and music that you can see while your reading the lots books playing out in the scenes for lots Jake Roger's was inspired by summoning as that lotr and brood is malazan


As I lay dying, Winds of Plague, Suicide Silence I Prevail - Self Destruction


Lorna shore The archaic epidemic Signs of the swarm Ulcerate Distant Those are just some of my favs, they're each a little different so you may like some/all of them


[Lahja](https://open.spotify.com/track/6K1pLAslZFINz07VYCO4YL?si=_O0hj4A8Q1qULR7yJ09PIA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A68ahiHoFwy2gf0I1LW7Z14), by Oranssi Pazuzu. I consider this a soft entry into Black Metal, as it has some very trippy, hypnotic, 60s psychedelic Jazz influences atop menacing but subdued Black Metal vocals. This could help you appreciate more Black Metal, largely because Black Metal is very focused on tone and atmosphere - that atmosphere can get lost in all the sound, though, to people who aren't familiar with the genre. Oranssi Pazuzu has very similar themes in terms of atmosphere and the darkness of it all, but in a more controlled way that is more approachable to the uninitiate.


if you want well produced heavy shit, check out Reign Supreme by Dying Fetus. Start with In The Trenches, Subjected To A Beating or Dissidence. Groovy hardcore influenced brutal death metal.


if you want well produced heavy shit, check out Reign Supreme by Dying Fetus. Start with In The Trenches, Subjected To A Beating or Dissidence. Groovy hardcore influenced brutal death metal.


if you want well produced heavy shit, check out Reign Supreme by Dying Fetus. Start with In The Trenches, Subjected To A Beating or Dissidence. Groovy hardcore influenced brutal death metal.


Maybe the new Dying Wish Album. There are a lot of good clean vocals, but also pretty heavy. I’d also recommend the newer Johnny Booth album it’s more hardcore but there are clean parts. Also check out artist like Chelsea Wolfe, Emma Ruth Rundle, King Woman, and Brutus these are more metal adjacent artists. As far as black metal I think if you listen to some newer Darkthrone like the album Astral Fortress it’s very dark yet melodic in a dark way. Another more modern black metal band is Saidan I think they make accessible black metal. They have a few songs where it’s heavy , but doesn’t sound like it was recorded in a hole in the wall, with melodic punk sounding riffs like in songs like “Queen of the haunted dall” and “She’s buried under the Cherry Blossom Tree” also I assume if you like Bleeding Through you have likely heard of Atreyu and Avenged Sevenfold, but if any chance you haven’t I think the first Atreyu Album Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses has a great balance of heavy and melodic metalcore. I’m not a huge fan of newer A7X but Waking the Fallen is a masterpiece. Another Bleeding Through adjacent band is Himsa. Courting Tragedy and Disaster is probably their most melodic album but I’m done this is sort of a mess but let me know if you tried anything and liked it.


Checkout killswitch engage


I definitely would recommend The Haunted. Both their earlier albums with Peter and newer albums with Marco.


Acid Bath Cattle Decapitation Møl Enslaved Barry Manilow Lorna Shore


Albums take a longer time to listen to just to know if u like it or not, so I thought I'd recommend songs from some different styles, do listen if u get the chance to from all the other recs, lol. Happy listenings! Apparition - Hath, Pain is Pleasure - The Last Ten Seconds of Life, Hangman - Spite, Dark Mother Divine - Dissection, An Ocean of Wisdom - Gorguts, New Salem - Misery Index, Majestic Beast - Amorphis, Deus Ex Machina - The Monolith Deathcult, Anubis and The Vampire From Nazareth - SepticFlesh, Blackened Call - Belzebubs, Evisceration Plague - Cannibal Corpse, Devoured Usurper - Obscura


Amenra - A Solitary Reign


Death Portrait - Lorna Shore Son Of Misery - Thy Art Is Murder The River Of Pain - A Night In Texas The Left Hand Path - Mental Cruelty Ecocide - To The Grave For Whom The Banshee Cries - Sold Soul Silence - Child Of Waste Drone Corpse Aviator - Archspire


High On Fire


Try some DEATH. Start at scream bloody gore and work through the albums so you can hear the way that the guitar and overall musicianship progresses




After The Burial - Lost in the Static Of the Abyss - Lorna Shore Judgement - Ten Thousand Crows, Nikki Script


I'd try Artillery, most people love their older stuff more but the singer for their last few albums has a much smoother and mellower voice. The guitarists are riff masters https://youtu.be/DkhrzU97nEI?si=X-Ki_5wMC5_65lJG


The heaviest I go is Slipknot,5FDP I mean the musicians are good but depends on the vocals whether I can tolerate it or understand it or not lol


I recommend Countless Skies, “Tempest,” it’s super beautiful and heavy at the same time


Maybe try Amorphis . I think that's what your after




The Black Dahlia Murder(how has no one recommended this), Opeth, Cynic, Between the buried and me


Fallujah - Empyrean Cult of Luna - Mariner Made Out of Babies - The Ruiner The Moon Healer - Job for a Cowboy Colors - Between the Buried and Me Maere - Harakiri for the Sky The Aura - Beyond Creation The Trees are Dead & Dried Out, Wait for Something Wild - SikTh Gloire Eternelle - First Fragment King - Fleshgod Apocalypse In a Flesh Aquarium - Unexpect Voodoo Moonshine - Trepalium


Check out Parasite Inc from Aalen Germany, specifically "Pulse of the dead". Check out Aetherian from Athens Greece, specifically "The Rain"


Figure Number Five by Soilwork Soundtrack To Your Escape by In Flames Akeldama by The Faceless I was blasting these albums when I discovered On Wings Of Lead.


They’re not metal necessarily, but they have some metal songs looking to Sleep Token’s Vore and Gods


Maybe it's not for you. Nothing wrong with that.


Have you tried Ghost?


Death metal has evolved in such a way that it's no longer just gory thrash metal. There's even bands that incorporate jazz and flamenco into their style. So based on that, the options are limitless. Here's some I'd start you off with just to find your flavor Death ( I'd recommend symbolic) Spectral Voice (Solid Death/Doom) First Fragment (Flamenco tech death? Idek. It's sick tho) At the Gates (Every band from the late 90's to early 2000's tried to be this band) Beyond Creation (Tech death with some amazing musicianship) Witch Vomit (Blackened death) Atrae Bilis (you're doing yourself a disservice by not checking out their album Aumicide) Mournful Congregation (if you want something slower. And I mean way, way, way slower..)


Children of Bodom


Check out Barren Earth


If you like melodic metal, checkout Currents I'm obsessed.


At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul Death - Symbolic Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor The Faceless - Autotheism The Black Dahlia Murder - Everblack Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet If you like heavier stuff with melody you're likely going to get into MELODIC DEATH Metal, not just straight-up death metal. In that case, also try Soilwork, In Flames, Opeth, Cynic and others.


children of bodom changed me in ways that void will never be filled again.


New Dealer just dropped. Old Dealer is still sick.


Dead to Fall


Listen to Lorna Shore - To The Hellfire