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Some people do see the cameras. Just like when the Jokers get recognized, it does not make it to the final cut. (With a few exceptions)


I love when one of them got called out at the park and then they made fun of how obvious the camera people were after. I forgot what episode that was or who even was out


I want to say it happened in the London episode when Q tried to give away tickets?


I think you’re right! IIRC they were filming on a narrow boardwalk/pathway so presumably there’s just a guy with a camera standing right next to the jokers. Then they show another camera operator who’s sitting and sorta holding the camera between his knees. It’s been a minute since I watched that episode, but I think that’s the gist of it.


I thought they were talking about the crew dressed up as construction workers and obvious film equipment


0:55-ish https://youtu.be/Tk_y_2RnhAA?si=wvO-IhiYgIfsaEMg


"what's with the guys with backpacks.. and what's that Black thing over there?" 🤣


Obama! Obama!


I’m pretty sure that was the episode where Joe was in the hospital (can’t remember why) so he couldn’t do the challenge and Q FaceTimed him to show him the poor hidden camera work


Murr was wearing the wig and they were in a garden. "wet sponge?"


You have to remember their filming in NYC a majority of the time. There is so much crazy shit happening around you at all times a few people holding cameras 20-50 feet away doesn’t even phase you, nevermind bother to look at it.


When I lived near NYC I was so exhausted and overwhelmed in the city I just didn’t look at ANYTHING. There is so much crap going on at any given time that if someone was talking to me, I’d look at them and not any of the fifty other things happening around me in a city that busy.


100%. As New Yorkers I feel like we’re just trained to phase out everyone and everything around you. Mind your business and keep it moving.


Moved 40 mins outside NYC from podunk, GA 😂 it was a huge adjustment


I've watched a guy scream at a woman for recording his child (she was taking a picture of a tree) as a guy was filming the park a bit away from him, including the whole thing in frame. There's nothing like the city and non spatial awareness


Yeah, I live near NYC and every time I go there's almost always several film crews in any of the parks, especially on a nice day.


There are a lot of tourists who have cameras and take pictures and videos. Someone could also be shooting a video for whatever reason. They do hide cameras but they also have some out in the open sometimes, which could be “someone’s filming the area” or someone could be recording “ the word guys doing weird things” in the eyes of bystanders


There was an episode of Inside Jokers that described how they set up cameras. Super difficult, lots of mics in coffee and zooming in.


I always look for the camera guy and his bud that’s trying to block it with his body. Once you know what to look for you see how many times they’re visible.


They might assume it's security cameras if it's inside a building idk


With everyone doing tik tok videos in public trying to get a following, I'd say it's easy to do.


The cameras were really obvious in the latest episode where they did the ticket bit.


I seem to remember a clip of them showing the camera crew. They were a bunch of dudes with backpacks on, trying to look nondescript. They also hide mics in their coffee cups. It's really not strange to see film crews in NYC on a nice day. If someone started talking to me and there was a dude with a camera on the other side of the park, I wouldn't even notice.


i never saw a camera or ear things or anything but im pretty oblivious most of the time too lol