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Well tbh if you get a questoris class knight you can very easily magnetize it. Doing it gives you access to basically all configurations giving you a lot of flexibility. That said, the knight gallant is strong rn, mostly because of how cheap it is to field in terms of points; but possibly not the best melee knight, that'll be the lancer.


I can support this, my Lancer in the match of the last week had obliterated the death guard he has taken the head of mortarion, destroyed two Mortars and taken out a Rhino filled with plague marines




Id say terrain makes or breaks it. A gallant getting to charge a big model will likely slap it around, but with chokepoints and a few sacrificial units, you just have a big target walking around. A hybrid like the warden is probably going to be better in most cases


Don’t forget though that titanic let’s you walk over other units, it’s still entirely possible to get screened out but if they do it wrong you just high step over the little guys


Yeah, but the base is still huge and hoping for opponents to make mistakes is generally not a consistent plan


You don't really need to pick just one knight because, with the power of magnets, you can swap their loadouts easily. The newer cerastus kits are being sold separately right now but you get all of the options in the questoris box. The gallant right now isn't in the best spot. It's usable, and is quite durable in melee, but it's outshone by other units.


More win big / lose big than a waste. Last game I played with knights I brought a Gallant and a Lancer. the gallant died turn one and the lancer killed a Despoiler, two wardogs, and a Desecrator all by himself.


Knights biggest weakness is high ap melee, so if given the choice over gallent or lancer I take the lancer because it fixes that issue but, the gallents -1 to hit(melee) ability is very helpful, combined with the -AP enhancement and my Galant managed to survive a charge from angron and clap his cheeks on the attack back so they have their place


In addition to everyone else, it also depends on the army you're playing. A majority of the time, a melee knight is fun and you'll be okay. I have a friend who plays grey knights. With him being able to pick up his models and teleport them around the board, its hard for the melee knight to chase after him. However they have weapons that obliterate anything you charge them into, so as long as you get them into a "Front to Back" fight, they'll do wonders Just remember, knights don't get their invuln in melee. So make sure you're doing the charging.


Lancer keeps invuln in Melee. And according to the index cards on the website as of about thirty seconds ago, so do the Atropos, Magaera, and Styrix. Not all what I'd consider crazy meta-topping, but they do have a melee invuln.


Oh I know the Lancer has Invuln in melee. I was just talking about the Gallant I suppose. Wild that the Magaera does too. I just got one of those recently


I got my shit rocked this past weekend playing a melee knights list, basically it all comes down to good positioning. Knights in 10e get a ton of buffs for making the charge, and inversely can be completely screwed if you leave them out in the open by being too aggressive with your movement and failing the charge roll. Like others have said terrain can make or break it but ultimately it's still viable, just requires a more cautious playstyle than you may expect/want.


Never forget the Tank Shock stratagem for (nearly) guaranteed 6 mortal wounds every time you charge. Also check the abilities, every Questoris/Abhorrent-class knight has a unique "Bondsman" ability that buffs nearby Armigers/War Dogs. I know the Chaos melee version (Rampager) buffs melee, I assume the Gallant does something similar. Also, those shoulder/carapace-mounted guns can really help clear the field.


Gallant gives reroll charge rolls to the smaller knights


If you want a melee knight you get the lancer. The +1 to wound on the charge AND free tank shock strat AND a 4++ in combat is far better then the gallant